No Lies Save Kiev From Defeat


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No Lies Save Kiev From Defeat

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No Lies Save Kiev From Defeat
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No Lies Save Kiev From Defeat

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Kiev welcomes the continuous flow of Western leaders, who are coming to the Ukrainian capital to eat pizza and play guitar in a bar; but for some reason they refuse to travel the country and visit the eastern cities like Kharkiv.

While Kiev is playing diplomacy, Russian precision strikes are pounding the Ukrainian military throughout the country and Russian troops are advancing on all frontlines.

On the night of May 21, a new wave of Russian strikes targeted different Ukrainian regions. The Command of the Ukrainian Air Force proudly declared that the air raids in the five rear regions were repelled by the all-mighty Ukrainian air defense forces. According to the official data, 28 out of 29 Russian UAVs were allegedly destroyed.

It seems that one Russian drone missed by the Ukrainian air defenses managed to inflict heavy damage across the country.

The southern city of Odessa came under attack the third night in a row. Local sources confirmed strikes on the outskirts of the city as well as damage to the port infrastructure in Ilyichevsk.

More successful Russian drone strikes were reported in the city of Cherkassy in the central part of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian military accumulated in the city of Kharkiv and the surrounding regions are pounded by Russian strikes all day long. Last night, large fires broke out in the city, where the points of accommodation of military reserves came under attack.

The precision strikes in the rear support the ongoing Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region. Both Russian and Ukrainian military sources acknowledge Russian advances in the town of Volchansk. Footage from the settlement confirms Russian control of one Ukrainian stronghold after another. The Russian military pushed Ukrainian forces across the river to the southern part of the town, completing the mop up operation in the center. Heavy battles are ongoing on the flanks in the settlements nearby. The Ukrainian command sends reinforcements with NATO vehicles and heavy military equipment to the area, but Russian forces maintain the initiative. Ukrainian forces are trying their best to prevent the advancing Russians from taking fire control of their main supply road to Volchansk. In the case of Russian success, the Ukrainian garrison in the town will find itself in an operational encirclement.

Russian assault groups are expanding their zone of control in and around Liptsy, while the Ukrainian grouping in the town is ground down by heavy bombs and artillery.

The pace of the Russian offensive in the region slowed down after the fighting reached settlements that had been turned into Ukrainian strongholds; but the number of surrendering Ukrainian servicemen remains high at this front. Alongside numerous Ukrainian men, who were recently captured on the streets and thrown into battles without the necessary training, Ukrainian POWs include professional servicemen of the Main Intelligence Directorate and experienced militants from the Nazi battalions.


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we lie, we steal, we cheat!


russians are indeed pathological liars.


that’s not how you spell winning


i am american, and that quote is from the then cia head fat fuck. but you eurotards are to stupid to understand.


Last edited 4 months ago by _TomSawyer_
In the tenth round

mikey pompeo to be exact. he thinks he’s a messenger sent by god to spout messianic mumbo jumbo. god save america from the mumbo jumbers.

Last edited 4 months ago by In the tenth round
Janne Kankaanpää

only pathological liars i have seen are the zionist israelis. americans are good no 2. france and germany get honorary mentions. russians are not even in the top 10.

jens holm

source is what?

In the tenth round

anyone’s common sense and open eyes, you fruit stand.

Icarus Tanović

son, sources are places, sites where you got information, you see.


hey dumbscum that quote above was from fatty pompous, the former ussan al ciaduh terrorist honcho. get a brain already.

In the tenth round

three strikes and you’re out. back to the dugout, penny.

In the tenth round

and you kill civilians with impunity.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

no retreat no surrender—bring it you filthy orc bastads!!!



i think it’s pretty obvious that the armed forces of the failed ukrainian cia project have done a good deal of retreating, and mariupol, melitopol, avdeevka, artemovsk, etc. involved a lot of ukrainian surrendering, too. maybe adjust your rabbit ears for better reception, as you don’t quite seem to be getting the picture.


little benjamin here still living in a fantasy world, hillarious!

In the tenth round

spoken like the last of the khokhlikans.

why did you ukrop numbnuts overthrow your democracy in 2014, begin murdering protesters and spark secessions? weren’t you an independent state for 23 years already? granted ukraine was a corrupt mafia shithole for those years but that didn’t change in 2014, just got worse. way to go, shlomo. live and learn, or die and don’t.

Last edited 4 months ago by In the tenth round
Icarus Tanović

did you said “no retard, no surrender”?


“merikunts have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries. daniel boorstin


“amerikan are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter thompson

jens holm

and russia has elected a president between one.

the fear was they got two. none there are able to count votes.

jens holm

i am moron amerikuntizized –worship $$$ now senile retired potato farmer


“the cult of friendliness-amerikans are only friendly when they want something”. christopher lasch

Yuri Bagarin

i fag, and you?


“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty…the men amerikans most extravagantly admire tell them the most daring lies; the men they most violently detest try to tell them the truth”. hl menkhen


“the cult of sincerity–amerikans are not sincere–it is a performance”. david riesman


“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon


i only quote others, becuse my belorussian brain is insufficient.


“amerika is the ultimate tricksters paradise”. sacvan bercovitch

In the tenth round

shaman, you crack me up. keep ’em coming.


“play fair with russian or do not play”. otto von bismarck

jens holm

i see no lies about it. maybee the russian cencurship has erased that too.

here we have many vidoes and detailed maps about it. zelinsky has been there for the morale as well.


of course you don’t. you consume, and then regurgitate, nothing but infantile propaganda.

jens holm

dumb holmo jens only sees gay anuz


jawoll! and ze adolf also helped with ze morals, ja!

guillable nazi clown

In the tenth round

“triumph of the will got five emmy awards for truthfulness”….stephan spielbucket

In the tenth round

yeah, i’ve seen some of your ‘detailed maps’. azov was half way to moscow in one of them. lol

“a picture lie is worth a thousand word lie.”….mitchell pompadour

Last edited 4 months ago by In the tenth round
In the tenth round

i remember the detailed maps in the nyt of the locations of all of iraq’s mobile biowarfare labs mounted on truck chassis with fancy engineering drawings of how they worked.

when troops got there, there was still some frozen ice cream in them.

yeah, we americanos know all about ‘your maps’, ducky.

Last edited 4 months ago by In the tenth round
in the tenth round

jens lives by the motto: fool me once, shame on you but there’s no shame in fooling me forever ….so please do.

jens holm

i see no differense, good and no. censursheeps deleated it is yours now. kurshchov give, he things he goos, maybee right.

Joseph Day

the experienced nazi battalions are ther to show the new recruits how to surrender, since they have had the most experience doing just that

In the tenth round

they just follow the intranational rules-based order. “we can refuse orders but you conscripts can’t. we say it’s legal to shoot you if you do and that’s our order.”

Last edited 4 months ago by In the tenth round

russians rarely cheat each other; russians do not need written contracts or agreements”. alexandr herzen
