UK Entering ‘War Footing’ Economy

UK Entering ‘War Footing’ Economy

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Western countries continue to “prepare for a war” against the Russian Federation. In a recent speech, the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, stated that the UK is ready to put its industry into war mode, even exceeding the defense spending requirements established by NATO. It appears that London is being deceived by its own propaganda about an “inevitable” war in the future, launching a military preparedness regime that will be disastrous for the country’s economy.

According to Sunak, the British industrial system will from now on focus on the production of weapons and defense equipment. He claims that the country’s defense industry is achieving its “biggest strength in a generation”, with plans to increase military spending to £87 bn by 2030. The prime minister has also promised to spend 2.5% of the country’s entire GDP with the defense industry – which is more than the amount required by NATO.

The British leader emphasized that special funding will be allocated for the production of ammunitions. According to him, the Ukrainian conflict showed that London urgently needs to increase its arsenal and its long-term combat capability. His words were said at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during an official trip to Poland.

At several points in his speech, Sunak endorsed the Western narrative that Russia plans to “go further” in the conflict. It is said by NATO propaganda that, if it wins in Ukraine, Moscow will launch a series of military actions against other European countries, invading and annexing territories of NATO member countries. This has been used as an excuse by the alliance for its members to engage in a policy of militarization, significantly worsening the atmosphere of hostility in Russia-West relations.

Recently, London announced its “largest-ever” aid package for Kiev. The assistance includes ammunition, 400 armored vehicles, 60 combat boats and an undisclosed number of long-range Storm Shadow missiles – which have been constantly used to target civilian and demilitarized areas of Russian territory, killing innocent people. London is convinced that it is necessary to “stop Russia”, which is why it is boosting military aid. However, to prevent its defense industry from collapsing in the face of so much Ukrainian demand, it is necessary to expand investment in the military sector – which explains the measures announced by Sunak.

“We will put the UK’s own defense industry on a war footing. One of the central lessons of the war in Ukraine is that we need deeper stockpiles of munitions and for industry to be able to replenish them more quickly (…) Today is a turning point for European security and a landmark moment in the defense of the United Kingdom. It is a generational investment in British security and British prosperity, which makes us safer at home and stronger abroad (…) [This plan is the ] biggest strengthening of our national defense in a generation (…) “Defending Ukraine against Russia’s brutal ambitions is vital for our security and for all of Europe (…) If [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is allowed to succeed in this war of aggression, he will not stop at the Polish border,” he said.

The British measures, in fact, show the point of paranoia the West has reached. The UK is going through a time of serious economic difficulties, with a high rate of inflation and an economic crisis that will not be so easily overcome. Even though investments in the military sector can bring some economic benefits, such as industrialization and employment, obviously, social priorities are much more urgent than – unreal – “military threats”, which is why the country’s investment should be in the industry of goods and services that directly benefit the population.

Sunak appears to be being misled by NATO’s own propaganda. The narrative about a “Russian threat” was invented by the US to encourage European states to excessively militarize and create a hostile environment for Russia on the continent. Traditionally, the US and UK act together in NATO’s decision-making process, being the “coordinators” of the alliance, which is why they should be less susceptible to being tricked by fallacious narratives like these. But irrationality and a lack of strategic sense seem to be central aspects of current Western politics, with heads of state being deceived by their own lies.

Amid the current crisis affecting the UK, militarization measures without direct benefits for the population will hardly receive any support from ordinary citizens, which is why the Sunak government tends to become even more unpopular.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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Crocus Shooting Gallery

russia can barely move against ukraine…usa-uk-nato allies are going to sack and burn moscow…heheheh


*us-uk-nato axis. please stick to the facts. we are the nazis, not them.


iq of about 9 on a good day huh?

captain hohol

ukraine has run out of men to fight, russia has been ostensibly fighting nato for years now and nato has accomplished nothing.

when i see posts like this it makes me wonder, idiotic leftist, or moronic nafo.

it’s really hard to tell, both are incredibly stupid for different reasons and engage in galactic quantities of cope about nato for the sake of their personal agenda.

the united states doesn’t have a million trigger pullers, and russia has killed 5-600k uaf soldiers.

UK veteran

war economy ? hmm, why ? are we at war? and against whom? i have nothing against russia or russians, i am a british citizen and i am not at war with russia. i protest my tax pounds going to a war that is not ours. you dont have the approval to do it

Last edited 5 months ago by UK veteran

time to put london tower back to its intended purpose.

cosmic dwarf

your f***ing capital is weekly occupied by immigrants hostile towards your own native population and main middle eastern ally. and you’re worried about russia?

western governments are so bizarrely out of touch that their fall is a necessity for the survival of the nations they rule over.


quite right.


while the infrastructure in many british towns is crumbling with some areas looking like a third world slum this stooge of the jewish supremacist banking parasites is wasting the taxes stolen from the british people on weapons meant to enrich the ziomafia weapons merchants.


sunak is an oreo cookie


bojo is a muddle-headed mop

Thucydides' trope

scholz spends his weekend nights on his knees with a bit in his mouth at s&m clubs.

Thucydides' trope

he suffers from stockholm syndrome and pretends he’s churchill and the russians are hindus he’s starving by the millions.


the british elite only wish they had another empire and more morons to pay for it with blood and money . bombs and immigration will only further enslave their people to a self defeating government.

Florian Geyer

this uk boon doggle is the result of playing too many childs video games and pissing billions of uk pounds on fake pandemics, narratives for the media morons and supporting yidrael.

the cost of coveting russian lands will be disaster on the battlefield or nuclear oblivion.


heeft het vk nog niet genoeg leed gehad in de 2e wereld oorlog? zij hebben het er nog steeds over hoe erg het was en nu staan zij voor op??? zij leren het ook nooit maar nu winnen zij niet dat is zeker


if the russians are not stopped on the banks of the dnieper they will be at 10 downing street in a month. black watch to the rescue.


as an american, i would appreciate the russians helping us defeat the british empire remnants so that we can take over completely. just like the russians helped us back against those british navy ships.

usa! usa! usa!


i was hoping the russians could help the confederacy this time around.


will the british manage to get some of this “war footing” into repairing their crumbling navy and that one broken down carrier, or will they get beaten by the russians again just like in the past?

as our axis partners, they should better do a banger of a job before even trying!


ironically, the english were reenacting the charge of the light brigade in london today. military horses running amok in streets.


looking at the photograph of the british soldiers in the background might want to get the army fit and trim before they consider a war footing?

Last edited 5 months ago by Cavery

that’s a quarter of their army right there. maybe they should try selling it by weight.


ooh, that’s scary. they have a mighty 70,000 man/woman/hybrid army.


funny thing is, that’s a quarter of the british army in that photo.

Icarus Tanović

yeah gypsy pig, go screw your self. you’re too late. nobody in uk is willing to fight in a war that isblost and moreover to get crippled or die.
so get lost.

Thucydides' trope

they have to show they’re still the latest and the greatest and nobody can deny them their god given right right to overthrow whatever governments they choose and whenever they choose to do so, especially those democracies they find ‘inconvenient’ to their interests.

captain hohol

europe will bankrupt themselves and draw the ire of their people to their governments if they try fighting russia.

Thucydides' trope

bankruptcy will be the least of their problems when choosing a direct path of escalation to nuclear war.

Last edited 5 months ago by Thucydides' trope
Thucydides' trope

that’s a nice pic of the three stooges. which one is moe though?
