NATO Sends More ‘Military Advisers’ Amid Heavy Losses On Ukrainian Frontlines

NATO Sends More 'Military Advisers' Amid Heavy Losses On Ukrainian Frontlines

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Do not forget that ‘there are no NATO troops on Ukrainian battlefields’. While thousands of ‘volunteers’, ‘humanitarian workers’, ‘military advisers’ etc, are dying on Ukrainian frontlines, NATO member states are trying to hide the losses. While the Alliance ‘does not intend to engage in the direct war against Russia,’ some of its members are sending more and more ‘military advisers’ to Kiev.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared that, following the United States, several NATO members decided to increase the number of military advisers in Ukraine, while ‘the Alliance has no plans to deploy its troops in the war-torn country’. According to Stoltenberg, the advisers will coordinate the actions of the Ukrainian army with advises, but they will not participate in the fighting.

‘There are no plans for a NATO presence in a combat role, but of course some NATO allies there have men and women in uniform in embassies who give advice and so on,’ — the Secretary General said, but did not go into details.

The day before, Washington declared that it had decided to significantly expand the number of military advisers in Ukraine amid Ukrainian defeats. About 60 more ‘advisers’ will reportedly travel to the Ukrainian capital. They will not only ‘give advice to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, but also track US weapons supplied to Kiev. The Pentagon also assured the public that military advisers would not participate in the fighting.

Thus, in the near future, a large number of fresh NATO troops will go to Kiev. The foreign officers do not only give advice, they coordinate the operations of the Ukrainian military, provide the necessary military reconnaissance, operate the foreign military systems deployed with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A lot of NATO servicemen are taking part in the battles. The reason of the deployment of additional NATO forces are the high losses on the frontlines which include the citizens of the US, as well as other NATO member states.

Numerous videos show adventures of Americans on Ukrainian frontlines:



At the same time, President of Ukraine Zelensky is still trying his best to assure the public that their support to Ukraine is the best way to fight the ‘cruel Russians’. This is the suicidal policy of the Ukrainian leader.

“The US army now does not need to fight defending NATO countries. Ukrainians are doing this. And the civilized world only provides ammunition, and I think this is a good solution,” Zelensky said in an interview with NBC News

Despite the public claims of Zelensky, Americans and their NATO friends are suffering heavy losses in Ukraine, while Zelensky publicly admits that Western citizens are superior to the Ukrainians. Deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are not a high price for the Kiev regime to pay for money from Europe and the US.


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dead hand system is ready

nato’s goal is to destroy russia. but the day they achieve this goal will be the very day when the rf will press the red button (as stated in the constitution). and this means their immediate end (because there is absolutely no way for defense) atomic destruction of all nato countries. i would do the same: if a killer kills me but i have the chance to kill him too, i would, ofc, no need for thinking. so in their places i mb would reconsider the goal. it is impossible to defeat russia by force.


what day? when the chickens would get teeth?


what a stupid comment. of course, that day will not come. the west is leaking money and equipment, and can only survive in propaganda. brics is more powerful in all fields, billions of people, bigger gdp, more powerful armed forces, natural wealth. western leaders have driven their countries into decadence.

dead hand system is ready

we all hope this day will not come. but russia is prepared for all cases scenarios

Last edited 5 months ago by dead hand system is ready
Massa John

since the 1960’s


that’s why your momma, wife and daughters are out looking for russian cocks?


not one of these nato countries would get involved in the ukrainen conflict if the us was not there to back them up! look at all the western european countries not one of them is capable of fighting a major land war with russia china or north korea and most of their fighting aged population want nothing to do with foreign wars


hahaha dumb europeons getting killed for the mighty dollar!

guillable clowns!

jens holm

we have own money.

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

so you’re getting killed for your own money then.
don’t you think you deserve at least a little bit of the dollars zelensky and crew skim off the top? i’ve heard it’s 20-30% at least.

jens holm

i have no lack of money and we are 800 millions against 140 millions alcoholics

Massa John

you are the one living in that bottle and the other ones are 4 billon, with a grow rate of a billion every 5 years, happy bithday!

jens holm

i worship money–dollar is my god—dumb dane consume more alcohol than all nations except australia—we ony happy when drunk


800 weak stupified chihuahua no match 150 russian wolves—your inferior senility iiisouthfront village idiot

jens holm

my stupidity comes from my inferior genetics

jens holm

0 id did that


“the mighty dollah” oh dear…check out who own$ us “treasury” filth and learn how the garbage iou fiat toilet paper no longer gets “great” $atan#s $phincter clean. the anglozionazi global jihad on credit is a bust.


ukraine has long ran out of money and weapons. russia is at war with 20+ countries who are continuing the destruction of the ukrainian state and it’s people along with russians. i think 2025 will be the year that russian elite will finally wake up to this fact maybe a little sooner and adapt the so-called smo to a declaration of war.


i think they know too well, but time is on russia’s side. the west is burning through money and weapons destroying economies, the ukrainians are burning through manpower while the russian arms production, conscripts/volunteers and economy are rising.

ist’s a waiting game. for russia it’s the defeat of ukraine and the political and military west in one go.
unfortunately it requires many lives to be sacrificed on both fronts

Massa John

russia and china have understood, that the enemy is the wrc, the hippos of america have been abusing this dollar since ww2 + brics was founded to take care of it + that’s exactly, what’s going to happen.

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

the day the us decided to weaponize the dollar is the day it sealed its fate to go up in smoke.

weapons need professional training after all. amateurs like us and ukraine need not apply.

btw: read today that a fifth to a third of all money going to ukraine is pilfered.


weaponizing the dollar allowed the us to build the largest system of foreign military bases of any empire in history. all empires go into decline. the us is no different.

AM Hants

they had the largest military and most expensive, but, are not as powerful as the russian military. when you compare how much russia spends on defence, compared to the us, are all those military bases worth it?

Shistkin Clyde

i love talliban dicks up my ass. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face.. 💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shistkin Clyde

your comment shows that you are writing in a country where western propaganda has brainwashed people. russia is doing quite well, and nobody “wakes up” there. russia’s economy is currently the world’s number one and its growth rate is the world’s fastest. more oil and natural resources are sold to brics countries than ever before. the eu, on the other hand, is in trouble.

AM Hants

russia is doing fine at the moment. they are not like hato, who get kicks out carpet bombing nations and targeting funeral parties. at the end of the day, when it eventually ends, there will be no hato. just a lot of celebrations.

Massa John

we are at war and it’s number is the third

Bobby Stones

whom does nato think they’re deceiving? it’s their from day one, sacrificing ukrainian lives. their military advisers will and are already meeting the same fate as their sacrificial lambs.


themselves, like usual. just like the trade embargos, sanctions, oil price cap. none of it is working and most, if not all gestures the west makes towards russia in terms of ‘punishment’ have backfired and increased cost of living for normal everyday civilians. but even that makes them shift the blame to the russians.


otan trench trannies wasted a few hundred billion shekel dollars to be losing to a country under sanctions and runnng out of ammo? hahahahahahah aahahahhahahahahahaha

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr

“-i am a student of the persian culture, not a practitioner, but a student.”

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

biden’s favorite is persimmon ice cream. that’s persian culture for him. he’s a very cultured person.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

how can any fresh enlistee/trainee still believe they’re fighting for “freedom and democracy” when signing up for uncle sams military.the biggest lie ever in the history of mankind.

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

ever checked the average iq of a fresh enlistee/trainee?


all western systems are operated by nato and yankee soldiers !!! yankees would never let ooperate the expensif toys by stangers. nato and yankee satelites, spy-drones and ewax are legitim target for russia because there envolvment in the war !!! shoot them down, collision whit uncontrolled drones…..kaboom…bey bey yankee !!!

jens holm

you just confirm you are kept away simple know and understand.

you are not even russia but spendables kept in a dark but not by us.

well you could be a small child or senile as well. if so you are excused.

jens holm

if you have spendables i will be a small child for you in a dark. for twenty-five øre coin no condom is excused

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

keep it up. you still have 300 non sequitur words you can build into nonsense.

it’s a tricky concept. just to help you along: “a non sequitur is a conversational literary device, often used for comedic purposes. it is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing.”

so, you’re a comedian and didn’t even realize it, like zelensky’s head of state act. lol


nato sends more targets for russian shooting exercises to ukraine 😆 😆 😆

jens holm

i fine illusion. russian dont reach heaven or hell because putin has disconnected them too.

thats why spendables only are limbo dead and is a kind of dancing queen mode waiting for progadanda to collapse.


are you drunk again?

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

it’s a game he plays called “see if you can find the hidden meaning’. if you can, then bellevue has a bed reserved just for you.

either that or he’s one of those early ai bot experiments that ended up walking over a cliff because he thought the sun was a traffic light.

Last edited 5 months ago by Ukraine is a Kleptocracy
jens holm

for twenty-five øre coin i go to a kind of dancing queen mode. i take all spendables until rektum collapse

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

us congress likes to send spendables to ukraine’s expendables and get more bang for the buck.


who genuinely believes anything that comes from the western media and political spheres anymore? their excuses are just laughable at this point.

jens holm

we know. stalin and putin was inspired more from potemkin and pavlov then from karl and harpo marx.


are you again drunk?

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

one of these days he’s going to write something intelligible to humans and the forum will go into anaphylactic shock.

Last edited 5 months ago by Ukraine is a Kleptocracy
jens holm

i suffer multiple sodomies from gay priest

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

at this point? where’ve you been for the past 25 years?

jens holm

very tired —senile priests sodomized me yesterday at bank church where i worship money—only true god is money

jens holm

0 id wrote that. his or hers servicedog is at menthal hospital here.


definetly drunk again.

jens holm

i sniff glue w gay mulatto homies


much like vietnam, russian and chinese ‘advisors.’ well, we killed a lot of those back then, so tit for tat is fair exchange, it seems.

jens holm

not at all. almost all ukras support them to never more to be part of russia.

better using afghanistan. usa took a lost a lost french colonial war in indochina.


50% of the ukrainian population voted for yanukovich in 2004, which resulted in an american colour revolution. 50% voted for yanukovich again in 2010, which resulted in a full-blown american coup in kiev in 2014. those ukras just kept supporting the wrong politician.

Shistkin Clyde

i love taliban dicks up my ass. their spеrm rejuvenates my wrinkled pig face. 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Last edited 5 months ago by Shistkin Clyde
Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

they weren’t part of russia since 1917 and then the ussr since 1991 and used the opportunity to turn their country into a laughing stock kleptocracy and then a banderite fascist state and serial killer of their own citizens, so what’s your point? (that you can express in human terms, that is.)

Last edited 5 months ago by Ukraine is a Kleptocracy
jens holm

0 id…i worship amerikunt dollar and accept all nazi semen in my mouth


al ciaduh extraction team moving in to take out their idiot zelensky (in one piece) before dick ta tor day kicks in when his “pre$idency” ends in a bang.


the idiot macho $lumvillain mercenary clown got shot in the dick and whines like a transgender retard.


looks like there will be 60 more mountain hike accidents in the us soon.
or tragic helicopter accidents during training excercises.


mohli ho bastarda lepšie trafiť. nuž čo tento krát mal šťastie, ha, ha, ha …


you must be dumber than dogshit to go to bleed and die for the corrupt ziotransatlantic bandera moron regime.
so the west should be thankfull to russia for theyr help to clean up these morons.


lying sacks of shits completely and saw english speaking soldiers in videos all all avdyvka when nato was on the run there.
lavrov was right, more nato terrorism will equal nukes.

Ukraine is a Kleptocracy

military advisors? those are special ops to guard zelensky from a coup d’etat. his goose is cooked anyway.


now if they have a real enemy…they thought they were going to ukraine to fight, defeat the russians and receive decorations…mistake…the nato and us troops are returning in coffins…

AM Hants

that special ingredient in the beyer-monsanto fertilizer. all for the ego and pride of those ex-peace protesters that lead hato.


the zelensky extraction team or hit team is now being put in place depending on how the maggot reacts in the coming collapse. it’s all over now except for the fat “lady”, aka cookie dispensing piggy mon$ter nuland howling and screeching as the rump ukrapper dumpster fire burns out. z.


the united snakes of aipac, usa gay fairies are meeting real soldiers…. russian soldiers…men


the moron nazi holm senility worsens


nato is weak useless—can never challenge russia–lost in vietnam syria now russia replacing dumb gringo in africa–obese lgbt amerikan talibanned military -pathetic lizard slithering like snake