From Texas To Israel, Here Is The Strange Alliance Between Zionist Christians And Rabbis To Unleash The Apocalypse

From Texas To Israel, Here Is The Strange Alliance Between Zionist Christians And Rabbis To Unleash The Apocalypse

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Written by Piero Messina

Texan Zionist Christians and Rabbis play with biblical prophecies to unleash the Apocalypse. While the conflict in the Middle East inflames and there is a risk of escalation on a regional scale, along the Texas-Israel route, a symbolic and religious “plan” has been organized for a rite that opens the doors to the Advent of the Antichrist, ‘Apocalypse.

At the center of everything there is a rite to be celebrated, five Red heifers to be burned alive on the Mount of the Uiivi, a necessary sacrifice to start the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. However, the proposed location for this temple, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City, is also home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine, two of the holiest sites in Islam. Obviously, the “plot” between Zionists and Texan evangelical Christians involves the destruction of two of the most important religious sites for Islam.

To accelerate the path towards the Apocalypse, Israel has imported cows from Texas, believed by some to hold the ‘key to fulfilling ancient biblical prophecy’. Reportedly, a massive altar is being prepared in Jerusalem for a ritual that dates back to the time of Moses (Musa). Steeped in religious significance, the events are capturing worldwide attention.

According to the Jewish texts, a Red Heifer is a cow that is entirely red in color, without any blemish or markings, and has never been used for work. This specific type of cow is required for a ritual purification process described in the Hebrew Bible.

After years of research, everything is now ready: the Zionist groups of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem have announced that the rite of the red heifer, one of their messianic rites for the end of time, will be carried out on April 22nd.

According to reports, an official request was submitted to the Israeli police to allow an altar and knives to be brought to the mosque grounds for slaughtering red-haired cows. The rite is part of the process of rebuilding the Jewish Temple, destroyed in 70 AD, whose reconstruction will lead to the appearance of the Messiah of the Jews, who many Christians consider the antichrist.

This rite belongs to the religious tradition of Orthodox Jews. The Jews believe that the rebuilt Temple will bring their Messiah and, from the Temple, the Jews will rule Christians and Muslims. Of course, to do this, the holiest place in Islam after Mecca and Medina, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, must be razed to the ground. The rite was shared by American fundamentalist evangelical Christians: in this way the second coming of Christ himself will be accelerated, which will arrive as predicted in the Book of Revelation after the seven years of tribulation – that is, a world conflict, the destruction of all the Jews who refuse to convert, the rapture (American fundamentalist idea of ​​a sudden “rapture” into heaven of part of the population during the apocalyptic war) and the end of the world.

Behind what appears to be eschatological “madness”, the plot of a precise and coordinated organization emerges: a network of entrepreneurs, university professors and foundations who have been trying for years to make this biblical prophecy come true.

The central character of this story is the Texan breeder and entrepreneur Byron Stinson. The rabbis turned to him to find the 5 Red Heifar to sacrifice. In a long interview given to an online TV channel on biblical prophecies, Stinson talks about the selection of the animals and the way in which they were transported to Israel by ship. Stinson calls himself a “Christian Zionist.” To get the cows to their destination, Stinson said he circumvented federal regulations on the transportation of live animals and the laws in force in Israel. Those beasts entered Israeli soil as “pets”.

Stinson belongs to the network of Zionists and Christians who aim for the Apocalypse. The Texan entrepreneur is a member of the “BonehIsrael” organizations and the “National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance” group.

Stinson explains in detail how he accomplished this mission: “I recently was asked by Jewish Rabbis and friends of mine to help find a pure, spotless Red Cow in Texas, and send it to Israel. These Fathers of the faith have been looking for this perfect cow for 40 years. They need it, to fulfill the following Biblical command of God”.

The operation started in December of 2021, when the Rabbis from Jerusalem inspected 21 Red Heifers found by the BonehIsrael team in Texas. All 21 are solid red perfect heifers. Alla fine ne sono state scelte cinque.

Stinson claims to fully agree with this apocalyptic plan:

“This is why my Jewish friends felt comfortable asking for my help. And why I feel comfortable asking for the help of any Christian in the world that is drawn by the spirit of the Lord to support Israel and to support building the 3rd Temple of God.

I do understand and hear from many, about fears. Fears that the Antichrist is prophesied in many books of the Bible. That he will come and claim to be the Messiah in this 3rd Temple. And yes, the antichrist will come”.

Stinson developed the project together with Rabbi Yitshak Mamo, Uvne Yerusalim professor, a group that preserves Israel’s history and works to educate future generations. Mamo – also affiliated with the “National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance” – purchased the land on the Mount of Olives where the rite will be celebrated. According to the rabbi, the ceremony “It had to be exactly at the front of the place that the priest that made this ceremony can see the Holy of the Holy Place”.

Last year, Rabbi Mamo declared, “We hope that in a year and a half from today, we can make here in this area the ceremony of the red heifer that actually will be the first step to the Temple.” Now everything is ready for the ceremony on April 22nd. Waiting for the Antichrist and the end of the World.


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south park – season 17, ep. 6 – vaca pelirroja


yes, south parks shows a lot of things. funny because nowadays news (likely once meant to inform people), are just lies & nonsense, but the allegely comic series for kids and fictional sci-fi & nonsense movies – they have the true political information & news. by the way above article not wrong but doesnt mention that the main apocaplyptic force connecting psychopathic jews & christians is jewish chabad lubavitch endtime sect (incl. trump, putin, solovjov, jehuda teichtal etc.)

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

it seems the romans knew how to deal with the jewish temple. jews by definition are anti-christ. this is just zionist propaganda to project zionism into christianity and islam to corrupt and subjugate it.


the jews are and always have been the great deceivers the synagogue of satan


religions seem to encourage dropping babies on their head!?

Saxon is a homo

these people are full blown morons.


the novel belief system attributed to “fundamentalist christians “ is the strange theology called dispensationalism, which places “israel “ even above christ!!! it is incoherent and certainly not biblical, yet is embraced widely in the us.


most people go through life espousing the beliefs they think others want them to have and do their absolute best to avoid thinking about it but only reacting like a mouse at the lever for more meth.


can you recal anything, just anything good that arrived from the usa? it’s populated by a lowest intellects this world would know, by people who react just like golden fish in an fish tank when you knock on the tank wall. the lowest of the materialists kind, all sudra level types and some very dark and vile upper echelons of the worst of the secret societies.


mark twain was very smart and hyronic. i guess his books are prohibited now not because he’s using a word “negro”, but because he’s depicting many dirty deeds of his country and people, so unsuitable even now. but low level of education system has not so big connection with this theme.


the problem is the protestants are not christians, catholics too, if to judge by the christian dogmas came from the the ancient ecumenical councils (before the great schism and catholicism) and bible, i.e. from christ personally. it’s even more obvious now, because actual pope of rome de-facto recognized sodomic marriage and blessed transfaggot prostitutes, so vatican is new sodom now as well as washington, berlin, london and especially paris where two prime-ministers at row are sodomites.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон
The Fall Of Ukropistan

us senator rubio called for the enslavement and death of goyim on his twitter


when someone doesn’t actually follow any of the teachings of the bible or ever read it for themselves, they aren’t actually christians but hipster liars.


naah, they are simply a calvinist/protestant idiots, coopted by a crypto jews presenting themselves as christians, but followers of the evil jewish good jahweh.


typical destructive sect/cult. all cultists wish to kill as more people as possible, as any satanic cult, because devil wish the same.

Janne Kankaanpää

there are jewish zionists, christian zionists, nazies and neocons who mainly support israel the most. le pen, true finns, nazi parties in holland and austria support israel 100%. the fourth group are republican neocons, like finnish president alexander stubb and kokoomus are strong israel supporters because they believe in stealing from the poor and giving for the rich. their party name should be true apartheid jews.

Last edited 6 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
Janne Kankaanpää

also neocons in europe, like finnish president stubb and kokoomus buy billions worth of weapons and bombs for ukraine and the same time they cut services for the sick, poor and elderly.


so it’s true that pension funds in finland will be cut down, because finnish liberal fascists (atlantist puppets actually) wish to by more weapon? guns instead butter. too bad if finland will be nuked, i personally sympathize to finns. liberal-fascists didn’t hold the referendum about join to the atlantic pact, people’s opinion means nothing to them.

Tommy Lee

lmao you think marine le pen is a nazi. listen, i’ve met a lot of real nazis in my life, and not one of them actually supported israel. at best, they saw it as a dumping ground for the jews, but most of them would rather it be eradicated wholesale

Janne Kankaanpää

all of those parties have nazi past and all nazis in those countries vote for these parties. if i gave finnish nazies israeli flag ln 6.12. demonstrations, they would be happy to carry it. israel is like second homeland for all nazies in europe.


don’t argue about different kinds of shit, it’s all shit after all. all persons and groups who supports systematic terrorism as political instrument, superiority by birth, genocide and hate crimes which lead to deaths, glorifying nazis, ruining monuments to anti-fascists and so on are shit to me.

Last edited 6 months ago by Антон

blackmailed pedophiles are also frequently installed and then simply given talking points to regurgitate. nobody is as loyal as a coward who doesn’t want his child raping exposed or supply of children to rape removed.

End The Zionist Occupation

the citizens of those countries do not support israel it is the governments who are doing this and most of them are controlled by zionists and have yearly guilt trips where they pretend ww2 only affected people of jewish origin to make sure a portion of society continues their support for the zionist occupation and by proxy the genocide of palestinians.


zionism was established by a protestants and a calvinists, all being crypto jewish and finland is in protestant camp. rulers of the sweden, the wallenbergs, are crypto jewish protestants, permanent members of the bilderberg control board and wef. same goes for netherlands, denmark, norway. protestanism and calvinism is christian heresy which just love to hide themselves behind noble christian ideas, confronting corrupted catholic clergy, however its corruption is a way more bad than catholic.


the funniest thing is liberals are supportin zionism too, because they are all fascists.


pre millennial dispensationlism. got to love it.


vaci mov, vaci rosii, oi negre … vedeți sa nu sape deja sub moschee. nu m ar mira sa scufunde moscheea. munca de ani de zile

Conan M

agreed. but it sure doesn’t help that the russian government continues doing business with it’s energy and banks to the terrori$ts that are allowed to come and go as they please while starting war(s) on it’s shoals and committing acts of random terror like the crocus hall massacre?!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

we can start by burning the heffer in the picture with goatie and the baseball cup.

Zionism = Satanism

these people need an end times to feel great about themselves. cockroach mentality


jews thumb their nose and literally spit ar christians. zionist christians are nothing but useful idiots for the jew. and now that they want to war against iran — it’s time to call their useful idiots back. this is also why you see articles left and right about american christians. the jews need their useful idiots now

Mark Dankof

it would be easier to support the building of the 3rd temple in jerusalem if instead of burning 5 red heifers alive on the mount of the uiivi, john hagee got his fat ass roasted alive with netanyahu, zelensky, the clintons, and the bidens for openers. 🤠🤠🤠

theresa transgender

we all worship money in amerikuntistan and are envious of the superior jew cuz they are loved and we all are inferior burger flippers


apocalypse is just revelation in greek. let’s say it straight – they want not the revelation, but the end of our world, thinking they are the most saint people in the universe who will occupy all vacant places in new world promised by jesus christ to chosen ones (i.e. righteous christians). in reality they are the beast’s (devil’s) servants and not christians at all.


these so called christian preachers are not real christians! they side with the same jews who murdered our lord saviour jesus christ. as the jewish rabbi’s read and promote the talmud that mocks jesus and his mother. these jew lover preachers are no different they betray the christian religion

Baran ats

jews might changed a lot in recent century; now i won’t mention gaza here as i always oppose hate and chaos. apart from that, according to historical accounts they fought with dozens of people from egyptians to germans. they do know how to communicate, i mean how to speak without being heard by unfriendly people from their matter how far a jew from another one. that’s their profession, secrecy. it’s millennias of experience for sure.

Baran ats

in layers of underground there’s a shrine and in that shrine there’s a testament, in that testament there’s another testament hides. he carries primitive/stone symbols but has greatest wisdom ever. but in recent decades jews came to a change as they decided to have different approach towards; their arab neighbors, popular culture etc. they rather became open society over time. but i must state that nothing should be used to justify harming innocent for sure.

dog soup

zionists are not innocent they are the reason 100,000,000’s of innocents where tortured and murdered. they can all get slaughtered for all i care.

Baran ats

‘didn’t said anything that oppose your sentiment.

Conan M now is in the business of removing posts and/or modifying them…

needless to say… won’t be commenting on this site anymore.


kjv revelations 2:9
