American Militants Already Lying Dead On Russian Territory (Videos 18+)

American Militants Already Lying Dead On Russian Territory (Videos 18+)

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On April 6, Russian military sources shared videos, which confirmed that American militants took part in Ukrainian attacks on the Russian Belgorod region in March. Moreover, US citizens died on the Russian border.

Russian services continue investigation in the border areas, where Kiev’s forces launched attacks in early March in an attempt to thwart the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. Ukrainian attacks ended in heavy losses and no territorial gains. Even the main goal of the bloody border battles, which was a PR media campaign, completely failed.

The Kiev regime attempted to assure the public in Ukraine and abroad that the attacks on the Russian territory are launched by Russian citizens, who joined the Ukrainian struggle against Putin. In fact, the attacks are planned and fully coordinated by the Ukrainian special services; while militants of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate and foreign mercenaries from different countries, but almost no Russian citizens, are the main manpower of these attacks.

New videos discovered on the GoPro cameras of destroyed American militants confirmed their involvement in the attacks on the Russian region. The mercenaries participated in an attempt to break into Russian territory near the village of Kozinka.



The Ukrainian militants confirmed that the Russian sniper killed an American with a shot in his head. Moreover, judging by the conversations, American militants commanded at least one group in the area.



Here is the stuff the Nazi-lovers from Ukraine and all around the world brought to the Russian territory:


American Militants Already Lying Dead On Russian Territory (Videos 18+)

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American Militants Already Lying Dead On Russian Territory (Videos 18+)

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American Militants Already Lying Dead On Russian Territory (Videos 18+)

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Russian media sources shared the videos of the American mercenaries with the following comment:

The allusions of the overseas guest to paintball and strikeball (wildly popular in the USA) indicate that the comrade did not clearly understand what kind of deep sh*t he got to. Probably, his entire combat experience was limited to guarding oil rigs in Iraq or Syria. And he had only seen close-range shooting on a playing field somewhere in Nevada.

But no paintball could prepare him for artillery, FABs and snipers who shoot 12.7 mm bullets instead of plastic balls. The American “gamer” realized this too late.

The Kiev regime tried its best to pass off their attack on Belgorod region as the independent operations of the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps”. In fact, foreign mercenaries – Americans, French and Romanians, as well as militants of the special forces of the Ukrainian military intelligence – took part in the attacks.

Earlier, Romanian militants were so proud of their operations in Ukraine that they openly declared their involvement in the attacks on the Russian territory. LINK Later, a group of Polish militants openly declared their participation in attacks on Russian territory.



Even the foreign mercenaries do not bother to support the lies of the Kiev’s officials. Kiev suffered defeat in another media battle, while no foreign fighters helped Ukrainians achieve any goals on the battlefield. Meanwhile, the bodies of citizens of NATO member states are already rotting on Russian soil.


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the best part was when these little traitors got blown to hell.


eww get these filthy nato rotting corpses off of russian rich black soil 🤢🤮


western terrorists and their slaves are being obliterated by the russian army! glory to russia! as nazis of old were destroyed, so shall these new nazis follow suit! that amer vermin was super cringe to listen to, wtf are these inbred monkeys even thinking coming to fight against russia?!?! i guess they were hoping for a profitable adventure but only russian soil “profited” from their rotting corpses!

Allahists are Nazis

they’re eating hollywood zionazi propaganda their whole life. they believe in that exceptionalism, happy ends, the american dream… as a donkey believes in the 🥕. as an ex-legionaire quoted: there are no better us soldiers than the ones in hollywood 😂


and yet, the whole truth is basically out on the internet for anyone who wants to know it, and plenty of instances of the lies being exposed in the public spaces for being the blatant lies that they are. feel good bullshit, and the pursuit of one’s happiness always above others’ has this way of coming back at one. truly, humanity doesn’t deserve an intervention, it deserves itself. in the end, prolonging something evil ends worse, like a bad marriage.

The US Empire Of Misery

imagine if russians did this on the us border with some cartel guys attacking us towns on the border that would be a declaration of war.


i wonder why people here call the guys ‘mercenaries’ ? someone here really think there are us men going to ukraine war for the “salary” ?? come on ? you can t be that stupid ? these men are idealists, ok you may call them stupids, terrorists, ukro-supporters, nationalists or else – but mercenaries ? no mercenaries their definitely not, that’s for sure !!! they even have to buy their own military gear, helmets, guns & ammo – so please !

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

no prisoners with this filth shoot them on the spot.


all those dead yankee rambo wannabes who found out war is not a game. 👍

Psionists slaves of America

imbeciles play stupid games and die like stupid losers.

jens holm

cuz i worship money scrub toilet i submissive to all dead fascist amerikan

jens holm

not be me at all.

jens holm

i go to money church pray to dollar

puff diddy

amerikan hillbilly robots no individuality all dead money worshippers


in amerika we transgender worship money–immoral nazi nation like our colony denmark


well it’s good that at least 1 russian sniper is(or was?) defending belgorod. were it not for him then those savages would have faced no resistance at all. hopefully when we enter the 4th year of this conflict, russia will be able to spare a 2nd sniper to defend the border cities.


fourth year of the conflict?


i see some people have an issue understanding the word “when”.


i see some people have an issue understanding a calendar and the word “conflict”.


yes sunny, it is obvious that the glorious ukrainian counter-offensive is sweeping the russians back to the swamps from which they came. obvious only to myopic retards! reality is such a a bitch, lol!


we’re into the third year and there’s still americans killing, raping and beheading russian civilians within their own borders. does that sound like a success tale to you? reality really is a bitch, on that i will agree with you.

but i guess it’s not your hometown being destroyed by raiders, and relatives being killed, so why should you care right? out of sight, out of mind?

Last edited 6 months ago by Sunny
Edgar Zetar

western world is a jungle were everyone at the top abused the weaker in the western ruled base order disguised sanctity. why they wanted to expand the lands near russia? why they send their lackeys and madmen to attack russia and all their scum without future they send to provoke russia. if the western civilization was a force of good they should do the opossite of what the skull and bones anglo zionist and neoliberal radicals democracies are projecting worldwide to destroy their own people.

Last edited 6 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

please send tom sawyer and jens holms to attack russia


i attack taliban peniz with my mouth


they would be too interested in sharing each other’s browneyes!

jens holm

those are not russia. they are collapsed theft thefts all the way to west of berlin.
and your kind never has better. we liver longer and much better.

you just want you talk us down to your estremly low level, which you support very well. we ones was there and will never go back to that kind of dark all over.

jens holm

and didnt expand. your kind had oall oppertunies to improve. food, oil and other minerals as weel as space and many more millions of people then now and 2 second time in 100 years collapsed from txar to bizar.

of course we have joined them as parts of eu and nato. they now get chancers for lives.

and most of you are lied for and kept away for how we are doing. you are digged deep and only see his behind and brownes.

jens holm

as told before the russian version of version if denmark dont exist. i live here and has windows, doors and ears and eayes added to by brain.

you are talking to rt only.

jens holm

not me–my brain is transplant from unknown experiment


i talk nunsense what nobuddy unerstands but stil i keeep on posting my drivell and rt never try to stopp me! he-he!

jens holm

my level is 45 years retired toilet scrubber w no education…i trained in liturgy ofamerikan money religion—i worship dollar


yet another call of duty gamer. game over, just like that.

Last edited 6 months ago by Tona

sent to die so they could stir up war. “we send you propaganda gift, yuri. heheh.” death is what happens to you on earth when you don’t care enough to find out who the liar is.

puff diddy

all amerikunt worship money—my dead sleazy mercenary broths now all in money hell where lots of money but nothing to buy

jens holm

i worship dollar–my religion is amereikunt orthodox money church—lead by pope jeff bezos…i shine his shoes and confess that i lick peniz for money—

jens holm

mrs and miss 0 id

hillbilly diddy

jens holm is a devout member of my religion—the amerikan church of money worship

jens holm

jicfjtyvwx kbjvtc monkey. kjkvn slurp cumdrop. kb, m g bjvhgd me moron tranny


i jibber monkey inferior burger species

hillbilly saxon

we worship money–only amerikan god—these are dead money worshippers–die for dollar


shallow, quippy language with “f-ing this”, “f-ing” that every other word, joking treatment of warfare as if it were a game of intramural basketball or touch football i.e. “we’re shirts, you’re skins!”.

Zelensky is Satan's chosen

tier 1 operators, lol.


the way they talked they sound kinda young and stupid. war is not a game.


shallow like psychos.

jens holm

i recovering from another stroke senility is bliss

jens holm

in my church—we worship money—i happy to be prostitute for money …money is my god


dead $lumville mercs are now feeding maggots in mother russia’s garden. love it!


mattew 26:52 “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.


acho que esse é o segredo da fertilidade do solo nessa parte do mundo, antes por corpos franceses, alemães e agora corpos multinacionais.
