US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

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Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo based investigative journalist, writer, author, geopolitical and military analyst

Zionist desperation

Israel is getting desperate.

What the Russians call the “World Majority” now see the “Zionist Entity” as a rogue state – and a threat.

Although the US continues to spend taxpayer dollars giving Israel financial aid and bombs and ammunition to kill children, the upcoming election has forced the Biden Neo-Zionist regime to abstain on Security Council resolutions against Israel in an effort to look vaguely human.

But since its founding, Israel has rejected international norms – counting on knee-jerk US support – which, at least up until now, it always got – even when it sunk the USS Liberty.

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

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But the war against Hamas is not going well.

Hezbollah is keeping the pressure on.

Israel has evacuated about 80,000 people from northern settlements and deployed 100,000 soldiers to the border. Hezbollah is progressing —and manufactures many of its own weapons, drawing on Iranian expertise and advice. In addition, it has been searching for and finding workarounds to penetrate Israel’s Iron Dome system.

Hezbollah benefits from Qds Force expertise, as do the Houthis who have successfully crippled sea traffic to Israel – although the Israelis have created a land bridge between Saudi Arabia and Israel via Jordan. It can’t really compensate logistically using trucks – of course, and it also opens up new opportunities for the Axis Of Resistance.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has prepared its equipment to equip the brothers, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Jordan, to meet the needs of 12,000 fighters with light and medium weapons, anti-armor launchers, tactical missiles, millions of ammunition, and tons of explosives. Security official of the Iraqi #Hezbollah Brigades, Hajj Abu Ali Al-Askari.

The Israeli economy is sinking fast along with ships in the Red Sea.

That has led to changes….

Everyday welfare spending (long generous in Israel, owing to its socialist foundations) will be slashed in order to fund the country’s armed forces. The military budget will almost double from 2023 to 2024. Israel’s unwritten social contract, which has for 70-odd years promised both a generous welfare state and a fearsome military, is under threat.

This, in one of the world’s most unequal economies!

One thing is clear: Israel’s much vaunted “legitimacy” depends upon Americans being willing to pay for its support. But it is time to circle the wagons. Maybe the cavalry isn’t coming.

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

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To the North, Syria. To the West, Lebanon. To the South, Palestine—and an increasingly unstable Egypt. To the East., Jordan –also unstable.

Gotcha surrounded.

Looks like the Zionist dream of the greater Zion, encompassing half the Middle East, may have to wait.

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

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Stupid and stupider

The US is not evil— it is stupid.

Israel is not evil either – just me-too stupid.

Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One

may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented

by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own

subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of

unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the

use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts

that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed—in

such moments the stupid person even becomes critical—and when

facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as

incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious

one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes

dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is

called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious

one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with

reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

Dietrich Boenhoffer

US support for Israel is idiotic. And, in its way, worse than evil.

Israeli genocide on the Palestinians and its attacks on Lebanon and Syria and Iran are both evil and stupid.

With both the US and Israel, generations of mistakes are having consequences. If these countries disappear from the maps— hoorah!

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

US & Israel: Stupid & Stupider. Attack on Iranian Embassy, WCK

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Wishful thinking of course …

Losers double down on dumb

In the case of Israel, it is clearly losing in all areas – so what does it do?

It attacks an embassy – in a foreign country —violating international law. It kills some Iranian generals, as well as innocent civilians – which doesn’t help its cause, militarily, diplomatically, or morally. Kind of like peeing in the middle of the street during rush hour. Worse because no one dies when you pee.

And Israel adds insult to injury by murdering 7 World Center Kitchen (aka WCK) workers – Polish, British, and Australian. That generated huge outrage in the West —since 1 Pole, or Brit or Aussi=a couple of hundred Palestinian children.

As Larry Johnson points out, this particular atrocity is just what the Israeli military does. He calls it “unprofessional” – I call it dumb, too.

That said, it is in some sense predictable when you have the entire culture built on victim-hood, exceptionalism, and correlative dehumanization of others.

The attack on the aid workers was an ad hoc action by a military out-of-control and with no moral or ethical sense. Simple bloody mindedness. And, sadly shared by a majority of Israelis.

The attack on the embassy in Syria was a strategic provocation – alienating both the US and Israel globally. Strategically speaking – incredibly stupid.

The US claimed it didn’t know about the attack. It knows about ISIS K attacks but not Israeli ones! This is stupid too. Does anyone believe what the US says anymore? US Intelligence claims to know everything but somehow missed out on this plan? And, of course, the US tried to imply that it was all Iran’s fault!

Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood denied that his country was involved. He said,

“One thing is clear: Iran and its proxy and partner groups need to avoid escalating tensions in the region.”

Wood also accused Iran and Syria of backing groups that have plotted attacks on US and Israeli personnel and facilities.

Building your own funeral pyre

The Iranians of course will take revenge.

The attack on the embassy will have no effect on their support for the Syrians or Hezbollah or Hamas or the Houthis. Rather, ….

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i have to disagree. you can be both. you can be evil & stupid. you can be all three, simultaneously, in fact: evil, stupid, & crazy.

Psionists slaves of America

and lgbtqia2s+ on top of that.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the sand-nighers…heheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

CEO of Yapping

please clown list your “allies” ahahahah 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the sand-nighers…heheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 6 months ago by Crocus Shooting Gallery
CEO of Yapping

please clown list your “allies” and why are you calling jews sand-nighers? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 he thinks zionists are jews lmfao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Psionists slaves of America

for their own safety, me thinks the non stupid people from all over the world should stay as far away as possible from diplomatic compounds, businesses, places of worship. delicatessens, specially the glatt kosher ones for when the really stupid get what they have coming.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are always kicking the asses of the sand-nighers…heheheh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

CEO of Yapping

i mean it is not a secret that “israel” lobby (aipac) bought yanquis leaders.

“israel” jews = ego and greed.

jens holm

thats right. its well know. the whole usa is driven lobbies for anything and that too.

ny that they are not extreme not normal producere. so its about they level

Conan M

now when will the russian federation officially separate itself from the yoke that is the un and announce it’s departure post-maidan that should have been announced 10 years ago?…


julian macfarlane has ignored the obvious they are both stupid and evil and a lot more but they are idiot savants at control and propaganda or at least have been until now.


as a stupid american, gay and in transition, i approve of this statement that we are indeed stupid!

us=🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

in wonder how homos are in this.


fiction – ‘the us is not evil— it is stupid. isrl is not evil either – just me-too stupid.’

fact – murika and isrl are far from being stupid or evil (‘evil’ sounds like something arch-preacher ge*rge gullible mp would shout at the microphone).

sf writers aren’t ‘stupid’ either, they’re 100% signed up pr*pagandists along with the majority of the wholly complicit ‘alt-media’. there’s is nothing going on at present that isn’t 100% planned and scripted.


each move scripted carefully, meticulously and wholly devoid of humanitarian, moral or ethical considerations. the only goal being a ‘red in tooth and claw’ pursuit of total power and control.

and while sf was pumping out yet another bs article, uk’s defence minister was announcing the uk is on a “pre-war footing”. yet another puppet doing its job…

and while gr*nt sh*pps may well be personally lacking in the grey matter, his string pullers certainly aren’t.

macron bibi=biden

macron(stupid)+bibi(evil)=biden(the devil)

jens holm

well written if it is with your tail


there’s more to it than pure stupidity, at the very top. don’t forget these are the people who brought out the death jabs knowing how deadly they were to test animals, lied like usual about that, and are in the middle of trying to destroy agriculture and dim the sun, which all plants need. the whaa whaa boohoo about israel being decimated will be a part of the dogmatic dunces in religion — who study the words of people they admire and not the book itself — being brought into the nwo.


their modus operandi has changed drastically and shows a new phase in their plans being executed.

jens holm

thats right. since 1973 they for own good reasons has not cared at all.

that was the lesson. 1967 was not enough.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

iranian generals go “boom-boom, bye-bye”!

Crocus Shooting Gallery


Smart Person

time is ticking for the kippah wearers.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the allies are kicking some a-rabb azz again!

Crocus Shooting Gallery



you mean our jiddish nazi partners?

we are the axis nowadays, not the allies, as we support nazism, even i a stupid american, knows this!

usa/isr=🤡 😆😆😆


it’s worth noting that this iranian general was fighting isis. and israel kills him. it’s like they dont even try to hide the fact that they are the biggest sponsors of terror and instability. you would really have to be stupid or an immoral p.o.s.


we americans support the israelis defend our islamic nazi isis fighters!

we are 🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

nothing is hidden. your version is very lmited and far out.


“us” and “israel” are extremely evil. you can read in the old testament or “mein kampf” how evil they are.
they want to do the same towards the world as was done towards the native americans, and they have by mass murder in the hospitals attack one of the closest thing to god we know, the genetic code.
they are evil, stupid and crazy, as adolf hitler rothschild. mass murderers, colonialists.

jens holm

dificult to hit those children. most of them are rather small.

i add the carlin version for arabistan. the dream is only is only there, when you sleep.

and again. usa is not live and decide like you. not at all. the taxipayers has elected their coverment and the money use. by that they dont take money own made money from the poor.


stupid danish nazi jens holm lives in his little fantasyland again after he insertet his microwiener into my pooper.

honey, you need some sleep, or less drugs!

us=🤡 😆😆😆

jens holm

2) they dont have a cigarbox economy as yours. you and other systemativl are ignorant a simple fact the rest of the world. fx most people observe biden dont want a full scale wall to mexico and trump want it want it.

biden has no extra money for ukraine by that.

Huckelberry finn

hahaha israel disabled gps over the whole country in fear of iranian retaliation. shows how confident they are in their iron dome. 🤡

Smart Person

the judleins still have their hasbara terrorists to bark in hebrew on the web.


all these little hitlers got together and made a collective big hitler, even their own people don’t like them much either.


the greater israel map looks like babylon with a different name written on it.

Joos are overrated

i hope its now clear, the joos are overrated in the intelligence department. they milked victimhood wh0ring and identity politics too much. that game is now over. also notice, joos are not builders of civilized societies

Last edited 6 months ago by Joos are overrated
Joos are overrated

look at all these hasbarat downvotes hahaha..take it as a badge of honor. the settler colony’s economy is based on uncle sam giving free bl0wj0bs to israel forever

Carl Kappel

the liberty was not sunk, just ruthlessly attacked.