Ukraine Invites Further Scrutiny Of Its Own Connections To Terror And Extremism

Ukraine Invites Further Scrutiny Of Its Own Connections To Terror And Extremism

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Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

On Friday, gunmen carried out the worst terror attack on Russian soil in decades, killing at least 137 people and injuring over 180 at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, Moscow region. Four suspected attackers, all Tajikistani nationals, have been detained. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in turn described the terrorists yesterday as “radical Islamists”, “whose ideology the Islamic world has been fighting.” He added that it was still unclear “why the terrorists after committing their crime tried to flee to Ukraine and who was waiting for them there.” While most of the world, the West included, mourned the victims and showed solidarity with Russia, Ukrainian intelligence authorities have accused Moscow of being behind the deaths.

ISKP terror group has claimed responsibility for the attack. ISIL’s Afghan branch, also known as the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K) was formed in late 2014, made up, as it was, by local fundamentalist fighters. They in fact are currently a challenge to Taliban in Afghanistan even. In September 2022, the branch claimed responsibility for a murderous suicide bombing at the Russian Embassy in Kabul – last year, Iran blamed them for terrorist attacks in southern ShirazAccording to the Institute for Economics and Peace, they were the world’s fourth-deadliest terror group in 2019.

According to Amira Jadoon, co-author of “The Islamic State in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strategic Alliances and Rivalries” and assistant professor at Clemson University in South Carolina, Russia is “a key adversary for ISIS/ISIS-K”, due to its “engagement in the global fight against ISIS and its affiliates, especially through its military operations in Syria.”

ISIS’s structure could be more loosely articulately than previously thought. In what ways ISIS-K is connected to ISIS in the Levant (or whether there is a direct chain of command) remains unclear. What we call ISIS and its supposed “branches” is largely a kind of a terror network spread globally. The West notably played a role in funding and aiding part of it, as seen in Syria – but such groups are often highly unpredictable and have their own agendas.

Moscow has its history of dealing with terrorism, including of a fundamentalist Islamic persuasion – the 2004 Beslan school attack (carried out by a Chechen terror group) being perhaps the most infamous. There is however another reason Russia is hated today by many terror groups. Whether one likes or not Bashar al-Assad, the truth is that, by its cooperation with Assad’s Syria, Moscow has, by Syrian invitation, played a large role in combating terrorism in the region, particularly by neutralizing Daesh terror bases there – infamous for their atrocities. By doing so, the Russian Federation has contributed to promoting stability and peace in the region.

Since 2011, amid its civil war, Syria has relied on military aid from its allies Russia and Iran. In fact, on the ground, the latter’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as the (Tehran-backed) Lebanese Hezbollah plus Russian troops for years have been the main anti-terrorist players in the Levant. These very forces are largely responsible for wiping out most ISIS terrorists and thus guaranteeing the safety of local Christians and other minorities in a region where the Wahhabi extremists were beheading them, kidnapping them, and selling and abusing women as sexual slaves, as reports Nina Shea, a senior fellow and director of the Center for Religious Freedom at Hudson Institute.

According to Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Washington-based Wilson Center, “Russian foreign policy has been one big red flag for ISIS” for many reasons: “the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Russian actions in Chechnya, Moscow’s close relationships with the Syrian and Iranian governments, and especially the military campaigns that Russia has waged against ISIS fighters in Syria and — through Wagner Group mercenaries – in parts of Africa.”

Terrorism is a global phenomenon and it makes sense fundamentalist Islamists would target Russia, as they have done in the past. The authorship of the attack is still to be fully established and confirmed. By conducting a successful bloody attack on Russian soil, a group such as ISIS-K (or similar ones) could gain a lot of support among radicals, boosting its morale and reputation, and intensifying its propaganda. By making outlandish allegations without evidence and by accusing Moscow itself of being behind the murderous Crocus City Hall, Ukrainian authorities undermine their country’s credibility. Kyiv already has a reputation of being prone to promptly accuse Moscow of just about anything. For instance, earlier this year, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is the United Nation’s top court, rejected Ukraine’s “terrorism financing” case against the Russian Federation. Ukraine has been accusing Moscow of being a “terrorist state” behind the  Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 incident and demanding compensation. Such claims have been tossed out in court.

By waging its narrative war and accusing Russia, Ukraine invites further scrutiny of its own connections to terror and extremism in general – not to mention the West ones. Already in 2014, Newsweek, citing Amnesty International’s reports, described Ukrainian nationalist volunteers as committing “ISIS-style war crimes”, including abductions and beheadings. In some cases, it might go beyond similarities: in February last year, the Associated Press (AP) published footage of a Ukrainian unit commander wearing an ISIS patch, and Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline have also been spotted wearing such insignia (not to mention the occasional Nazi symbols).

As early as 2015, Andrew E. Kramer, the New York Times Kyiv bureau chief reported the existence of a Islamic volunteer battalion, “stocked with Chechens”, aiding Ukraine in the disputed border areas and in Mariupol and collaborating with the Ukrainian far-right militias: “the Ukrainians welcome backing even from Islamic militants from Chechnya”, says the report. He adds that “the city [Mariupol] has come to rely on an assortment of right-wing and Islamic militias for its defense… The Chechen commands the Sheikh Mansur group, named for an 18th-century Chechen resistance figure. It is subordinate to the nationalist Right Sector, a Ukrainian militia.”

It is interesting to note, by the way, that the New York Times back then reported that “the Azov group is “openly neo-Nazi, using the ‘Wolf’s Hook’ symbol associated with the SS” and added that “[the Chechen] said he got along well with the nationalists because, like him, they love their homeland and hate the Russians.” Nowadays, such a report would be denounced as “Russian propaganda”, regardless of its verity or accuracy, whereas any accusation against Moscow is immediately deemed as credible. This is clearly a bias.

Time will tell who might have collaborated with Friday’s horrific terrorist acts or with networks connected directly or indirectly to it. One can only hope the narrative war amid the West’s proxy attrition war against Russia in Ukraine does not get in the way of balanced journalism and proper investigations.


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i’m tired of that fuckhead putin. if you go to tass, they already stated thet us, uk and ukraine are behind crocus, that’s the same that 99 percent of people on disscussions are saying. globally. including normal, not brainwashed u.s. citizens. but no. all media (including sf) are repeating that stupid mantra about isis. holly shit. isis = cia. no muslims are terrorizing during ramadan. just give it up and admit putin is an idiot.


why the minuses ? you don’t have any valid arguments, is it. ok, putin is a fuckhead and he screwed everything he touched the last 12 years. and i probably have and explanation. he spent too much time with his “partners” like holland, merkel, macron, obama and these mongrels. so he is basically friend of west puppets and out of touch with ordinary russian people. he lives in the kremlin bubble, he has stalin’s disease and tzar nicholas’s ii disease.

Last edited 6 months ago by hlohlo

and this disease will worsen to that point, that somebody capable will get rid of him. i was a big fan of prigozhin, who was real patriot, but he was not ceasar and didn’t understand what “alea iacta est” means. he was dumb, but still capable to address real russian needs as he was a normal man from the street without that “kremlin” mental disease. lavrov has that disease as well. peskov is another example. and don’t forget lapdog shoigu, always eager to please putin.

Last edited 6 months ago by hlohlo

cia, mi6 and mossad are the same khazarian demons and terrorists. jews are the cancer of this planet.


even lukashenko disagrees with putin regarding “ukraine’s involvement” in the events at crocus hall. he assures that the tajiks wanted to go to belarus, but could not, because the border was quickly blocked by his order.

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

interesting men in blue sweaters (fsb? omon?) inside the crocus hall, are calling to „close the door“ by the time when people are escaping the hall. video part at 00:54 . at least one of those “men in blue” was later seen being part of the ru security service arresting the “terrorists”, see:

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

proves see:
* and and

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa

so at least it proves that ru government linked forces (eighter fsb, omon or rusich etc.) were inside the crocus city hall (hidden as civilians), while the “attack of the terrorists” happened. but instead of stopping it, they ordered “the doors to be closed”(let alone that metal detectors were switched off at the entrance, already before the concert started.

Last edited 6 months ago by MotherTeresa
de poster van der heeuis

if the cia is behind this terror act, then they should be punished, destroued. fucking nazi collaborateurs


and who will destroy them ? normal u.s. citizens who are fucked up by their own government? for example that boeing whistleblower who addressed zero quality control and dei and multiculti and was fired and then assassinated, officially it was a suicide? or assange, who is rotting in custody for a decade ? kennedy tried to destroy them and they killed him in front of tv screens.

Florian Geyer

the western leaders have been using proxy terrorists for decades now. it worked in countries without the power to fight back, eg, libya.

russia however has all the resources to fight back and win.

Florian Geyer

i am sure that russia us going to publish a dossier with irrefutable proof that the usa,uk,france and israel are complicite in global terrorism.

_Tom Sawyer_

i love my nazis!
and the best part is, its all from our cia bois! and nobody of our american citizens has the balls to stop them! thats also why im transitioning. i dont have balls anyways!

usa usa usa

Saxon american tampon

me too–all nazi welcome anal-ist sodomize me