Dozens Killed In Ukrainian Strike On Russian Rear Training Ground (18+)

Dozens Killed In Ukrainian Strike On Russian Rear Training Ground (18+)

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine recently launched a missile attack on the Russian military training ground in the village of Trudovskoye in the Volnovakha district in the DPR.

As a result of a missile strike on the formation of servicemen of the 4th, 5th and 6th companies of the 36th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, at least 65 Russian servicemen were killed. This is according to unofficial reports.

The AFU launched three HIMARS MLRS missiles, reportedly with cluster warheads.

After the strike, Ukrainian sources published photos from the area, which were reportedly intended exclusively for Russian internal use during the investigation:



Dozens Killed In Ukrainian Strike On Russian Rear Training Ground (18+)

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Dozens Killed In Ukrainian Strike On Russian Rear Training Ground (18+)

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A week ago, Russian Iskander missiles also dealt a devastating blow to the Ukrainian rear training ground in the town of Selidovo; but thanks to the prompt actions of the Ukrainian special services, which blocked the roads in the city, as well as the tightening of Ukrainian legislation, photos from the site of the Russian attack did not get online.

Unlike in Ukraine, there is still no criminal liability for publishing the footage of some consequences of enemy attacks and the results of fire damage in Russia.


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No love for 1776!

this won’t stop russia!


pathetic. russia has 150 mil population the u.s. 340 mil and eu 500 mil. russia lost 100.000 servicemen already and the u.s. and eu maybe 1000. with this ratio, russia will be on it’s knees in 10 years if not earlier. russia with demographics like that can’t afford losing 100x more soldiers then “collective west”.


its time to form the brics also like nato in a military alliance, than we have 2,5 billion population.


where are you getting your figures? the ukr forces have lost around 500k soldiers since the conflict began, not includong this injured. the ukrainian peoples have had enough of being used by the uk, france, germany and the us as proxies. this will very soon be over.

Icarus Tanović

since last juuunee! and tha wasn’t that so long ago at all.


bullshit ! ru forces lost around 390000 men so far while ukraine lost around 140000. that’s the current situation. russia has enough troops left, but they don th ave enough modern tanks to compensate for those already lost in battle. this ratio will change at best in 2-3 years when russia industry is up on producing effecient amounts of tanks to replace those lost. but men is not the problem russia has. menpower number is much more the problem of the afu.

Last edited 7 months ago by MotherTeresa

motherteresa, nato themselves admit ukraine losses are 500k. if it was only 140k they wouldn’t have a mapower shortage now would they?


your stupid brain has already lost halv its cells, every day you`r loosing thousand more cells, with this ratio you will be a crawling veggie in less than 10 years.

No love for 1776!

russia losing 100k soldiers…. 😂🤣😂
we all know that’s all bullshit fake ass made up number.. gosh just how long do “western experts” take to come up with such ridiculous statistics.

Icarus Tanović

what bull is that.


good huh luck…


the u.s demographic is made of obese people who are eating neurotoxic foods and have a high rate of dementia alzheimers heart disease and the u.s life expectancy dropped in the past 10 years and keeps going down. so you got some illegal 3rd world country bumpkins who are only here for the money. majority of people in the u.s couldn’t care less about americans are not patriotic once the money flow stops they will get going somewhere else.


hmmm, common core math? lol…
officially, the eu (nato) has no troops in oekienazistan while russia has issued formal numbers that almost 6.000 foreign troops were killed last year….
the oekienazis themselves have over 1.500.000 deaths to mourn, russia till now officially (by the west btw) about 40.000…
might wanna redo your ‘math’ boy


i understand why russian command sent those men to the front lines and told em all to stack up, they obviously don’t give a fuck about their own people.

what puzzles me is why you would agree to stack up like that pretty much on the front lines.


i’ve always supported the russian people but i think we’re at a point where the people should just tell the elites to go and fight their own wars. you know how fast there’s going to be jammers on every tank if the children of the elite are the ones on the front lines? and how fast they’re gunna build hangars for their airfields, and protect their ships? and how fast they’ll take down enemy comms and infrastructure?

Last edited 7 months ago by Sunny

this is sovereign nations vs western globalist hegemony nations. it’s not about some individual elites. you are always wrong in every assumption you make on here.


when the iskander missile struck the afu/nato formations, they lost hundreds of troops too.


those running the us today are not americans they are globalists who have taken control of the us since at least 1913. rothschild and wealthy jews who brought two world wars to the world and the rest. the us is breaking apart and the american empire is in its death throws . only the american people can change this

CEO of Yapping

i mean it is war, your enemy can hit back when they have full support of the us and nato (good for propaganda but that is about it – also russia going to send a few 100 of them underground soon).

on other news, the nuclear missile test that was supposed to occur in the atlantic by the british navy has failed, the missile misfired and just sank to the ocean without achieving anything.


the problem is that russian are pussies. they are talking about nukes but nobody believes them. when poroshenko bombed donetsk-luhansk with bombers ? i will refresh your memory. it was in 2014, right after his election. and when putin bombed kiev as a revenge ? never. medvedev-moron speaks about nukes a lot but russia is so weak that they can’t revenge even normal bombing


huh, seriously though. do you have an iq level into double digits?


what the heck are you taking? 2014 ukraine attacked the people’s republics of donetsk and luhansk, which had declared independence. because ethnic ukrainian-russians could no longer endure ethnic persecution due to descent. they weren’t russian yet.
– but bombed every day for 2 years now


why would the russians have bombed the capital of the ukrainian state as a “revenge” for an attack by the ukrainian state apparatus on ukrainian citizens in 2014? thanks for derping.

Jean Paul France

you are absolutely right and in addition to being queers they are completely homosexual.


no, the russians aren’t pussies. they are fighting this war. the real pussies are the americans and europeans who hide behind the skirts of the ukrainians. if they were real men, they would step up to plate and fight russia themselves!

CEO of Yapping

compare to whom? american? that were crying when iran hit their bases in iraq – one even become a muslim during that time yelling “allah, allah”. or zionists that hide and shot ghosts?

it is the us and western countries that are crying about nuclear weapons and it was the us that used nuclear weapons against japan military… i’m joking they use it against civilians.

about events in 2014 people said it all – also dmitry is a zionist, good thing putin is in power.

Last edited 7 months ago by CEO of Yapping

it is sad because they are heroes. 500 ukro nazis will be under ground vefore the end of the day anyway. the loses ratio is still 1 to 10. they wanna be extinged. that’s what they will find…

john mason

looks like ukrainians soldiers; boots worn are not russian issues.


and how did the ukies get footage on the ground behind rf lines?

Malcolm Z

no one in thse photos have burned or stained suit wear……


no holes in clothing.
no blood.
no deformed or missing body parts.

where did this story originate from?
seems like a psyop.


there is blood, but there are no traces of an impact in the environment. the bodies don’t look at all battered like in airstrikes. the number of bodies and the angles remind me of the staging of a butska…..

AM Hants

ukraine have a habit of posting the wrong photos and also claiming they have success, just after russian successes. ghost of kiev, writing articles for nafo/77th/ii.

john mason

well hello to you am, good to see that you are still around. take care.


both armies need to restrict large gatherings of troops near the front and when they do gather institute some kind of twenty foot rule, like the 6 foot rule during covid.


ukr uav flying overhead detected russia training ground with russia soldiers.
uav sent coordinate to ukr himars operators and the rest is history.

while we admire russia military, this is some careless school boy errors by the russian army command.

firstly russians have developed uav alert device that can alert audible sound when detected uav approaching. why didn’t russia use this device in this instance?

White Gandalf

it was something much bigger and faster than an uav in this case.


hey! as long as putin and the elites are ok. screw these people who died for them. they are just cannon fodder anyway.

stupid people dying for their corrupt governments on both sides.

Princess of Klaxosaurs

two yolks of a turd.

Shock and Awe

same thing when us military goes to fight in syria, yemen, iraq, afghanistan so long as joe biden, hillary clinton, obamas, and the mega billionaires are ok and safe in their bunkers!!! us military are just cannon fodder anyway, trailer trash, dying for peanuts, and when they come back to america they are homeless, addicted to fentanyl, and those veterans who don’t overdose, blow their own brains out!!! for what, clinton foundation, mic, soros, trump, bilionaires and trillionaires???

Last edited 7 months ago by Shock and Awe

exactly! they are all the same.


that’s exactly the truth. putin likes his power inside russia too much to solve some real problems like a war in ukraine. he even don’t call it a war. it is a “special operation”. it is laughable. putin is a criminal but the sad truth is, that it is still better pick then that idiot medvedev or anybody else.


how about them ukrainians and their us ownership? any comment?

Just me

being just 7 kilometers from the contact line is always dangerous. you can also be shot at by mortars at this distance. i’m no expert but i think it’s bad to have a training area so close to the front. when people train, they instinctively feel safe and therefore they don’t pay attention to things like… that it’s only 7 kilometers to the contact line.

Adam Kafei

1/2 i had a similar thought but then not everyone deployed near the contact line is necessarily assigned to it at any given time, there is a necessity to keep such people both in practice and close to the combat line in case they’re actually needed on it, thus you have this situation.

Adam Kafei

2/2 ultimately, while every military should do everything reasonable to ensure the safety of it’s troops, death and/or serious injury are occupational hazards of being a soldier that should be accepted when one signs the contract.

Princess of Klaxosaurs

i kept on telling you, no need for such cruelty, humans. no desideratum to be this belligerent. 😔


have you always been an imbecile, or did the condition develop over time?


where are the deadly wounds? or torn uniforms from them? at least they bothered to put ‘blood’ around the mouths or something on some. no crater. what’s the point, just training people for propaganda? well, they’re better than the zionists.


agreed. this is a photo op. why is southfront reporting this ‘event’ as true?


it wouldn’t be the first fake shooting or killing reported as true here or elsewhere. all of the photos i have seen, which are many, from oct 7 were all fake deaths (maybe the israelis actually killed some of their own, or hamas, but those pictures i haven’t seen). maybe south front is another intel cutout. to get the whole truth, you usually have to look at a bunch of different sources. the ‘shootings’ in israel were of an even lesser hoax quality (complacent/lazy).

AM Hants

do you remember the larry diamond videos, back in 2014 and ukraine girl? then the white helmets used the same crowd for the syrian videos. they also turned up in ukraine, and do believe same crowd went into production, when it all kicked off. now looks as though they are still running with the same old script and always forget to change the narrative.


yes, i have pictures of the ‘victims’ walking around after the photo shoot. truly, some people will do anything and have lots of practice not caring about their actions or how they affect anybody else.


well, if putin didn’t have a soft spot for his enemies (or maybe partners) and sweet spot for killing his own people, maidan could have been prevented without firing a single shot, just by sending tanks and imprisoning foreign “agents”. but you know, they told him… and he believed them, and then again and again and again. so he got the war, the sanctions, a pile of broken promises and he lost the western markets .

Last edited 7 months ago by huh

the sad truth is that we told putin thousand times. these are not your friends these are your fking enemies. but putin – lavrov – deaf and dumb. these 64 murdered russians all died because of putin – lavrov ignorance. yet russians think putin is a first class strategist. it is laughable.

Last edited 7 months ago by huh

when was the last time you spoke to vladimir putin?

AM Hants

somebody is spending a lot of money on nato/77th/integrity bots or perhaps they are trying to reach their monthly bonus target.


the russian state could have sent tanks to the maidan in 2014? never stop derping.

Christian J Chuba

one missile did all that?

Terrorist Hunter

wow. not a single drop of blood spilled. must be a gas attack.


looks like fake


fake and gay.


active frontline and you have a “training ground” out in the open ???

and ukraine gets access to the photos of the attack too

we know one thing the us/nato would never allow that to happen


well russia has everything out in the open so why not their people too? if they have 0 interest in protecting 50+ million dollar jets and ships, you think they give a fuck about some grunts?


a traning ground only 7km from the front line in an open ground?
the responsibles for that should be shot on the spot.
still a long way to go for the smo, but the final result will be the same, russian victory.


both sides consider their people dogshit or dust. had 6 million died in this attack it would have been just fine with both sides.


are you sure these aren’t fake? there is no blood, no graphic images, and allegedely this was the result of an himars attack


no crater either… also no clear direction or center of impact discernable. if this isn’t fake, then… what the heck did they hit them with??!!


fake news.

Peter Jennings

one word comes to mind….repercussions. president putin will have zelenky’s head on a stick. there will nowhere to run. the world is a small place for a super power.

Clown Z

group training 7km from the front line seems a bit crazy


nothing that hinders the russian invaders and criminals, tomorrow those republics will go away from moscow and bring another 100k by force, the families and offspring of the elite in moscow continue to live in the degraded west, london paris n.york berlin, rome and the rest that’s it, then i’ll watch netflix and amazon

No love for 1776!

go back to playing call of duty.
how bout that?


strange the immediate vicinity remains unaffected, the primary damage of the explosion is normally due to the pressure wave of the blast an explosive damage would also have caused a large radius of up to 1-2km, scorched, burned, including destroyed everything, trees, grass in its vicinity…


although the cluster munition is an illegal weapon according the united nations.
it is still used by the west with explicit approval from the president of the usa biden.
former president trump is in a legal battle and probably loosing his immunity for his time as president.
what about president biden, he approved the use of cluster munition, no immunity means he must be prosecuted and jailed for the res of his life.

Dick Von D'Astard

interesting pictures.

No love for 1776!

little lgbt transvestite soldier boy


there need to be mandatory iq tests for russian generals .. their iq should be about 140 at bare minimum .. but whats the reality ? how many of them would not make it to 100 iq? .. this is putins responsibility
