Doom Hung Over Kiev. Rats Fight For Handouts And Prepare To Jump Ship


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Doom Hung Over Kiev. Rats Fight For Handouts And Prepare To Jump Ship

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Doom Hung Over Kiev. Rats Fight For Handouts And Prepare To Jump Ship
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Doom Hung Over Kiev. Rats Fight For Handouts And Prepare To Jump Ship

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The tide of the Ukrainian conflict is making a not really unexpected, but still unfortunate turn for Kyiv and globalist forces that made a bet on it. The recent series of failures made the regime a lame duck in the eyes of its puppeteers and sponsors. This situation worsened because of the further increasing levels of corruption, incompetence and a strengthening internal struggle for power within the top Ukrainian leadership.

This is happening amid the looming threat of the painful defeat in Avdeevka. A large heavily fortified Ukrainian stronghold on the outskirts of Donetsk is balancing on the edge of collapse. The Russian troops gnaw through Ukrainian defenses on the streets, taking the Ukrainian grouping into a cauldron. Russian warplanes are grinding Ukrainian positions with dozens of heavy bombs dropped every night.

On the northern Donbass frontlines, Russian troops entered the village of Belogorovka. As a result of heavy battles, they took control of the industrial zone and continue further assaults. In the Southern Donetsk direction, the Ukrainian military lost control of the eastern part of Novomikhailovka.

At the same time, the Russian air defense forces are quite successfully fighting NATO-supplied drones and missiles. On the night of February 9 alone, 19 Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted in five Russian regions.

Together with the failure of the “summer counter-offensive” that cost Kyiv hundreds of NATO-supplied armored vehicles and more than 100,000 personnel, it becomes hard for Ukrainian public leaders to put a brave face on a sorry business. They prefer to blame whipping boys for the obvious failures and struggle against each other for the remains of what power that they have.

After weeks of speculation, Zelensky finally fired the Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny, who was in charge for the “summer counter-offensive” and was hearlded by MSM all the previous year as the military leader that would allow Kyiv to capture Crimea. Thanks to this, Zaluzhny got a lot of media attention and political points, but lost a notable part of the remaining military potential under his command. Permanent NATO support and supplies helped to avoid a total collapse, but were not able to change the trend. Battlefield and diplomatic conditions have reached the point when even key Western sponsors are publicly slowing down the flow of military supplies and financial support.

Meanwhile, advocates of the Kyiv regime in Washington took a hard hit in its media war. Despite all the efforts of Western diplomats and MSM to put Moscow into an information blockade and ruin it with sanctions, today the whole world is listening to Putin. The White House called on Americans not to believe anything that the Russian President says in an interview with Tucker Carlson. Judging by the hysterical reaction of MSM and top Western officials, a single interview appeared to be enough to deliver a painful blow to Western propaganda. Attempts to create a fictional media reality around the ongoing developments put the construct of this reality at a disadvantage. In turn, seedlings of a new, honest and mutually-beneficial structure of international relations are pushing their way to life from the current crisis.

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i don’t think that world “elites” give a shit about ukraine leadership. zelensky, poroshenko, jacenuk & already caused irreparable damage to ukraine and now it is perfectly defaulted and depopulated state destroyed beyond repair so nobody wants to control it anymore. do you remember that china wanted to invest in ukraine right before maidan ? but now , who would like to invest in neonazi fallen country run by criminals and idiots accusing and killing each other.


it will take more then 3 generations to make ukraine a bit civilized country again instead of corrupted criminal hellhole. un should vote for resolution to stop meddling in ukraine, buy couple thousands of kilometers of razor wire and put it around ukraine and give all neonazi groups a chance to kill each other. this is only thing that ukraine deserves. win-win scenario for the whole world.

Last edited 8 months ago by hoho

i don’t think there will be a ukraine left after this. it was created under false pretenses and will go the way it came. most of the land will be incorporated into the russian federation. some other parts may become neutral buffer zones.


as i have commented before when this little local conflict is over, and the land grab begins, ukriane will go back to something like its 1654 borders, as hungary and romania will want their former land back, not to mention poland will also do a land grab.

jens holm

i buy the 3 genenations parts only.

the change in in phases. for polen the had a religion, and right wing and now have to a moderate in the middle only forgetting the poor parts of the country side.

hungary is almost in faze one. they still dont see its impossible to give them land back and others has semilar demands too.

jens holm

by that that i see open soft borders are doing well.

ypu are lied for. 2,15% nazis has even have seat in their pm. the leader is very sekular jew. they rest just dont like you are have you. here stalin and putin has erased vital facts and lied about the rest.

The Saga continues

why does zaluzhny pose with right sektor leaders, you idiot? why did they all support him?

the neo-nazi guns control the fake leaders, the leaders control nothing. neo-nazis are the real leaders.

why do you keep making the same stupid statements, jens. you sir, are a complete and total idiot for life. no salvation for you. the intellectual runt of the litter.


the senile moron nazi holmo jens desperate as she must accept russian victory

jens holm

i only buy glue to sniff–i am phase 3 of lizard species

jens holm

i never wrote that


ukraine is finished. their population will never recover. they have only themselves to blame. on feb 24 they had a choice. stay at home with their wives or die a meaningless death at the front. well they chose, and they chose poorly.

Gneaus stapo

lovely sunny, bunny honey i like ya. at least ur honest.

Geopolitics 101

you germans have got to be the dumbest nation on earth. it was all in your hands, an open invitation to expand your businesses, your economy via expanded trade relations with russia. instead, you let yourselves be slapped around by the us and the uk into neutering your economic growth just to please the two nations that have for centuries wanted at all costs to keep you down. what a nation of morons you are. enjoy your new life as geopolitical and economic eunuchs.

Gneaus stapo

sunny honey, care to explain why they did so?

whats the reason?

Gneaus stapo

by the way sunny bunny, how comes noone greeted the russians with bread 🍞and flowers 🌷🌹🌹 at the beginning of smo or ever since?

obergefreiter+ major stapo got exactly that welcome when they rolled eastwards killing the red plague. how comes every ukrainian flees westward and not eastwards? according to ur führer there are no ukraines, they are russians, natural direction would be east not west,if the fantasy was true.

whats the reason?

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo

yes, fully right ! you are asking the damn right questions – which no pro-putin communist scum-trooper here can answer without peeing his pants completely. because the moment they try, all their stinky red lies become visible to everybody !!

Last edited 8 months ago by BettyBoo
Gneaus stapo

of course they cant answer.

The Saga continues

how about non-communist normal people that hate nazi ideology, like stupo’s?

how about them, betty poop?

of course you can’t answer.

Last edited 8 months ago by The Saga continues
Horváth Zsolt

6.5 millió ukrán menekültből 2,3 millió menekült oroszországba. hoppá.

Horváth Zsolt

out of 6.5 million ukrainian refugees, 2.3 million fled to russia. oops.


li’l cosplay nafomo nazi sure is dumb.

The Saga continues

stupo’s happy as a lark because when ukraine collapses, 10 million of them will try to flood into germany and he can have his pick from the hard core neo-nazis to bolster his own neo-nazi core in germany.

sure, you’re a walking, talking advertisement for the nazi renaissance in germany, stupo. you ain’t hiding it from anyone.

The Saga continues

so, the german nazi admits then that the banderite ukrainians greeted the nazis with bread and flowers.

keep it up, stupo. you’re making russia’s arguments for it.

The Saga continues

hey, stupo…nice see see you again. how many companies went bankrupt last week in germnania, honeybun?


haven’t you watched tucker’s interview with putin? there is no u-kraine, it is artificial state. it belongs to russia, and some parts to hungary and romania …this is it.


by the way. where is ru military commander gerasimov ? wherasimov ? nowhere to be seen ? did he flee the country ? or was hit & liquidated in the ukraine rocket strikes ? any news or is sf and putin again hiding this topic from the audience here ?

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

the rest of the world dontr care. its not our fault russia has no menthal hospitals.

its an intern thing. get it.

stalin and krustov made it for ussr landgrabbing west.same thing about the bavis state, which has chocen a comedian jew as they leader.

same farce for elections, where its named as such even they can election between one person.

and belong should be for all parts of the game too its not you erasing and random calendser use.

you are forbidden

Jens Holm

danemurk has much hospitles for mentily sick. i even have intrenet here. free too.

Jens Holm

he didn’t say that

The Saga continues

again? when was it ever civilized?

jens holm

the point is they have the right decide themselved with borders made by ussr no matter which kind of quamire the has.

its their own – and not – its infected ussr habiits – which ussr down all the way to west of berlin.

by that – fx eu and others – cant conntect well. that wel have demands for reforms. ukraine has been a big tradepartner and also by the tzars als well as by the ussr.

jens holm

they and we want to regain that in a mordens version, which will their living standards too. effektive production and effective makes make to share.

ussr didnt do that. you can that several ways. they should has hired gorbatov or jelsin 20 years they did. they also also ignored all advices fra any in the west even parts of them were usefull in many small steps.

jens holm

aerosol kan broken. many parts in rektum.

jens holm

i dint wrote the last one

jens holm

i tried to wrote but hands too buzy wif kan.

life boat

first rats are already leaving the ship. nazi adventure is over.


“the white house called on americans not to believe anything that the russian president says”

also known as peddling extreme paranoia amongst the masses. do not think for yourselves, big government wlll think for you…

jens holm

thats a understatmet. almost all the rest of the world are in that too.

the some 141 countries has asked putin to retreat. china and india were neutral voters.

his fan club i´opart of belarus, assad i syrian,north korea og 3-4 more.

The Grim Reaper

his fan club is the people of donbass who he finally saved from having their god given right to self-determination and even right to life stolen by neo-nazis from the west, you piece of feces.

that’s what counts, you little punk. now watch and enjoy as ukraine crumbles.

jens holm

i know about rus. dey cam from danmerkia but leaf me beehind to tend to turnip farm, say i too much runt to go. only gud for to grow turnips and cleen outhaus

Massa John

that cabal of ukro-scum should be hung on their balls for a week to start with.

jens holm

thats why we send them grenades.

Edgar Zetar

i already told you, ukraine was dead since russia’s special operations beginning, the pentagon ordered c. i.a to take over the ukraine goverment to fight russia, and they put it mister zelensky. after everything failed, the c.i.a are going to clean their mess. usa will fight till the last ukrainian, everybody knows this. what the brainiacs in the pentagon didn’t imagine was that russia finally decided to stop usa empire military provocations. russia will fight from now on in the other side.

jens holm

a western the your erased and biased facts well . denikin included.

there were now problem with them under the tzars. they just grow food, the tzars bought it and most of it were sold mainly to western europe.

they were poor but their own.

Gneaus stapo

some russian shithead beat me up in a bar the other day, just because i had an ss tattoo on my neck. i told him ‘hey, i’m azov, man. don’t fuck with me’. next thing i knew i was laying in the gutter.

i get my revenge here. ha ha


lol, the white house has to tell its citizens to not believe anything from the putin interview. got to love how the jusa establishment, ruling class has to treat its subjects like little children.

jens holm

thats no white hoiuse thing at all. the rest of the world is like that as well.

and of there is oppositions in fx usa as well. thats a right and allowed here. freee speech make changes. we dont have elections beteeeb person as well.

and who is the ruling class. as minimum they are both reds and blues,

i can agree in your last live. the usa system make too many loosers. they should learn from systems, which is not.

jens holm

senility doom in my nursing home

jens holm

i never wrote that…

Doctor Who

how can you tell if you’re senile? you wrote it and just forgot.

Gneaus stapo

putin’s own reign of terror,lies, breaking every single treaty signed, endless wars of aggression, no rule of law and so on are enough. it is the real truth/ story

no matter how much make up the elitist, facist assclown tucker tries to put on putin, he is what he is.

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

my mom calls me gneaus stupido btw thats my nickname and a very accurate self description.

stapo rat

my mom died 1979 suicide at age 33

Doctor Who

i thought she named you raus because you were such an ugly little booger and so moma chased you into the street hoping you’d be run over but then the lady drunkard neighbor next door took you in out of pity and to play with her mongrel dogs. but the dogs ran away. they barked “you too ugly to play with!”

poor raus the gneaus. even a mouse wouldn’t want you for a spouse.

Last edited 8 months ago by Doctor Who
Gneaus stapo

how you know so much about mama? russian spy…..i kick ur ass too, just not too soon cause being thrown into gutter from bar with some fight with flathead made my neck fracture. ss tattoo still ok though, so i win. ha ha. .

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
life boat

said somebody who calls himself gestapo and is proud of all german nazi crimes and atrocities in ww2 (even those against polish, jewish and , truth being said, ukranian civilians)


jews are destroying mankind. fighting these pest of the earth is an holy obligation of every true godfearing human !!! 2nd: ss liberated ukraine and stopped the stalinist red army from deporting mio of ukrainians which where already on the railroad stations and even train to the gulags when german division overran the sowjet red army terror troops.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

3rd poland was highjacked by jews – its president was ignacy moscicki &in senat his jewish friend moses schorr who was just a marionette of rothchild. so germany liberated ukraine – and fought the jews & those collaborating with jews. and because idiots like you still don t get it, and not realize that usa,eu,uk, ukraine, ru & china are all jewish controlled eighter pro-zionist or pro-communist jewish slave-colonies – the world is in the catastrophic shape it is today.

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
Gneaus stapo

you my buddy. come to bar at 88 reichstrasse in münchen and we have good german beer together, sing old reich und banderite songs and play darts with putin dartboard. just ask for stapo with neck brace.

Gneaus stapo

so much bs in such short post, almost incedible. first my name is gneaus stapo not gestapo and unlike 99% of the pro smo folks here, i am not obsessed about kikes nor do i ever said i am a nazi and proud of their acts.

on the other side i am a proud german indeed, deeply honour our military/ comrades from the past and wont ever feel pitty for the flatheads / red plague our forfathers liquidated.

Gneaus stapo

i’m the king of bs and fake thumbs up for pro ukro whores and fake thumbs down for people with common sense. this will definitely help ukraine on the battlefield🤪

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

who gives a fuck about thumbs up?

ein schütze steht am wolgastrand
und leise summt er mit
wir pfeifen auf unten und oben
und uns kann die ganze welt
verfluchen oder auch loben
grad wie es ihr wohl gefällt

wo wir sind, da geht’s immer vorwärts
und der teufel, der lacht nur dazu: „ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!“

horrido johoo dran drauf drüber sieg

Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

i live in my mother’s basement, which makes it easy for my uncle to have access to me, when he gets his urges. we like to sing the horst wessel lied when he’s finished with me.

stephan williams

why do you imbeciles always have to prove yourselves to be evil wastes of food by taking over the identities of those a whole lot more intelligent and knowledgeable than you sexually perverted hasbarabots are?

who ever you are, you’re nothing more than a grease spot on a page of history.

stephan williams


you’re intellectually incapable of dealing honestly and forthrightly with people who correctly challenge your bs so what are you left with other than making up crap about people who are a lot smarter than you are.

you’re nothing more than a brain-dead masterbator – ejaculating shite prepared for you by people even less intelligent than you are, mystery man.

Gneaus stapo

ur right. i’m challenged. that’s what i keep telling these idiots.

nice to have another challenged friend like u.

Doctor Who

gneaus supports a bunch of brain dead banderites that still think its 1944, were hell bent on ethnically cleansing the donbass and have caused the death and maiming of half a million ukrainians and counting and will lose half their country because they’re beyond the stage of being idiots. then you come up with some lame excuses that russia wants to conquer all of europe. do you realize how stupid you sound?

Doctor Who

what don’t you understand about a bunch of jewish neocons plotting to overthrow a duly elected government in 2014 using braindead banderite fascists and couldn’t care less how many ukrainians die to achieve their goals. what did you think that ‘fuck the eu’ business was all about? hmm?

and you, the idiot, want to call gneaus the stupo smart? bwahahahahaha

crawl back in your hole while you still can.

Doctor Who

did you not know that the neocon founders were originally trotskyites? look it up. and just like trotsky, they wanted to expand beyond all national borders. did you never read the project for the new american century and its reference to ‘full spectrum dominance’?

Doctor Who

the neocon cabal wanted crimea strictly for nato and to turn the black sea into a nato lake, that was their motivation for the 2014 coup. they knew russia would never stand for that but did it anyway. had the eus plan that yanukovych agreed to, to hold early elections happened, no war would ever have happened, but the neocons wouldn’t have it. fuck the eu, nuland the hutt told them. they had to fuck with russia, well………..

Doctor Who

play stupid games, win stupid prizes. you people are grade a morons.

Gneaus stapo

you tell ’em. my teacher told me long ago that i’m extra special and so could repeat fifth grade another few times. i know third grade math now like the back of my hand. i also know what happened in 1488 cause that’s on the back of my hand too.

Doctor Who

who’s intelligent, you? if you’re intelligent then i’m a genius with a 200 iq.
unfortunately, mine’s only 150, so that makes you a moron, stevey. ;-)

Gneaus stapo

i made that all up because that flathead that throw me in the gutter is still looking for me to give me another toss. i shouldn’t have told him my name.

Gneaus stapo

so what? if i ever get out of this neck brace, i kick your ass too.

jens holm

why are you such a mewling, flip-flopping bitch, nafomo? whining about fascists after babbling about major stapo and obergefreiter getting bread and flowers. you’re a sad, sad l’il cosplay urina-puck muncher.

Gneaus stapo

lol u are really an amazing sob. ur kind get nothing and have no clue at all thats for sure. obergefreiter und major were greeted with breed and flowers due to the utter terror bolshiviks brought up on folks. if anything putler says was right about nazi ukraine 🇺🇦, russian soldiers would be greeted the same way. but they are not

Doctor Who

play stupid games, win stupid prizes. have a nice life.

Doctor Who

the su disappeared 33 years ago, deadhead. your merkel destroyed ukraine with her phony minsk ii and will end up destroying germany too. how many german companies went bankrupt in the last month….hmmm? do tell, don’t be afraid.

a man owns up to his mistakes. you’re not a man, gneaus. you’re a mouse, just like scholz.

Sir Lance a Lot

who broke every treaty signed? you mean the us? that’s what i know.

what treaties are you taking about, gestapo?

all i know is russia stepped in to to stop the slaughter of civilians in the donbass, just like clinton bombed belgrade, except the serbian army didn’t kill civilians on purpose unlike the banderite scum that still do and the kla did. even butchered them for their organs. clinton was fighting for their demonocracy, i guess.



the morons in amerika germland etc insecure defeated impotent exposed by carlsen’s interview—if you pathetic idiots were not so weak he would have been entirely ignored


putin is worthy of being honored with a comedy in hollywood, however, for 2 years they have been trying to destroy a country that they invaded just like hitler did in the past, but the nazis are the others, the crime in chernobyl didn’t happen; use it laughing on the sofa


exactly ! when germans where persuaded, hunted down & murdered by the jewish-led polish mob in poland, hitler stayed calm, tried to negotiate. but poland – driven by its then jewish president ignacy moscicki & the jewish rabbi in the polish senate moses schorr where keen on starting war & force poland into it.


so they refused all peaceful solutions &continued to incite the poles to rape& massacre more german civilians, shoot them, bomb, them burn them – alone 1938 more then 100.000 germans had to flee because of this.then when hitler in 1939 invaded & kicked ass – these jews (of course) fled the country ! and the poles where fucked !!!

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

but jewish owned wordmedia twisted the facts & invested massively in the us & sowjet war machines in order to destroy heroic ns-germany. so in the end conclusion is – it was the wrong move by germany to invade & sent regular state army into poland. and now putin made exactly the same mistake with ukraine which hitler did by invading poland !

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa

(with the difference that german wehrmacht was a much better & fierce army than todays putin-scum, thus wrestling down poland in just 18 days !!)

Last edited 8 months ago by MotherTeresa
Gneaus stapo

exactly, us germans are soldiers by genetics, it is in our blood, we cant fight it, it is in our culture, history.

best in the world at what we do, horrido johoo dran drauf drüber sieg

Gneaus stapo

and that’s why ww1 ended in a railcar with the germans celebrating victory by signing the treaty of versailles in 1919. that coudn’t hold a candle to the great german military triumph in 1945 with the hammer and sickle flying from the reichstag. what a marvelous culture of martial dominance! winning.

Gneaus stapo

mini me, i never said we won those wars, but second thought 🤔, we always won the peace afterwards. result of ww1: french demographie broken, no more capable arch enemie in the west+ beaten the russians and with sending lenin as german gift killing the russian empire+ soviet/ later stalin terror millions up on millions of flatheads


Last edited 8 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Doctor Who

and what is it that you do? make gears and widgets? too bad, the chinese do it better and cheaper and they’re just getting warmed up. how’s basf doing, btw. good thing they moved half their production to china. maybe they can survive another few years. how about pharmaceuticals? india not duplicated everything yet? give it another few years, oh..and those leopards. where’d they go? germany’s living on borrowed time.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes, fellow. enjoy yours.

Last edited 8 months ago by Doctor Who
Doctor Who

germany dug its own grave. thank merkel & scholz for that. they still have stone masons over there, to carve you a nice headstone at least?

Doctor Who

the prussians were soldiers and germans destroyed their language and culture and russia took away their konigsberg. germans, good for oom pah pah, beer chugging and making kübelwagens for 50 years. lol

Sir Lance a Lot

so how come your leopard tanks can’t take a hit from a little bitty drone?

Gneaus stapo

that’s true. we wrestled polish cavalry to the ground and won. that was tougher than it sounds though because we had to be extra careful not to get kicked in the head by their hooves.

jens holm

i have nor rights only to choose which mulatto sodomize me when i pay

stapo rat

our mulatto crime family decide not dementia jens


the situation in ukraine reminds me of the situation in germany towards the end of ww2. i wonder when their will be a bomb plot on zelensky like their was on adolf?


it’s a tough very stupid situation for both people. ukrainian and russian. problem is that both people seem to not realize that their governments are cheating them and are not of their kind resp. are not christian. see for example proves for russia here:

Last edited 8 months ago by BettyBoo

joo’s like the irish are good at telling fairy tales, this *might* be true … or not. as for ukraine it is fucked, russia will prevail and win, and then the map will have to be redrawn, as ukrain will be sliced up like a cake. and the pretend joo’s wet dream of a re-established khazaria will be over.

Sir Lance a Lot

zaluzhny’s right sektor goons will throw him into his very own meat grinder soon enough.


i love the stench of burning anglozionazi filth in the morning! as the bankrupt empire of garbage sputters on in the rump ukrapper dumpster fire and the diabolical psychopath nitay, milecokski aka nut’nyahoo thrashes in the blood of children in apartheid occupied palestine, we are indeed witnessing the “birth pangs of democracy”, as the half-breed anaconda rice put it during israhell’s another bout of genocide. onward to the end of natostan and the evil €u$$r! z and more z!

stapo rat

we prove that we are stupid and need more effective totalitarian fascist dictatorship in europe—we elect desperate morons that ruin our economies and incompetently fund zelensky new caribbean nation—our leaders are senile humiliated by competence from russia china india etc

gestapo mcmoron

my excuse is mental illness and lifetime sniff glue in germland


there are european elections on 6 jun – 9 jun 2024, lets see if the voters in europe are as naive, bovine and as stupid as their governments see them as.

Last edited 8 months ago by Christopher
Sir Lance a Lot

no sense in waiting. they are.

Sir Lance a Lot

oh, go back to reading books about how great your 1000 year third reich was but still were defeated by a bunch of flatheads.

life boat

be careful guys, the nerdy incel from finland is again manipulating the likes


i wonder who the idiots are that are down voting all the comments. -6 all of them….bot?

Fake-kraine is gonzo

it’s the same troll or group of trolls from several devices. think it will make fake-kraine win on the battle field 🤣

Sir Lance a Lot

can you imagine? a bunch of ukra-fascists fighting for territory that lenin took from russia and gave them. talk about lack of honor.

Last edited 8 months ago by Sir Lance a Lot

probably our resident danish idiot jh.


the tucker carlson interview with putin is outstanding . i suggest anyone with a brain watch it at

Gneaus stapo

lol u are braindead and tucker is an elitist facist assclown. nothing amazing.

Sir Lance a Lot

he’s a facist but you’re a fascist. the s makes all the difference. hell, make it two, i’m happy to make you happy, fasscist.

Last edited 8 months ago by Sir Lance a Lot

zelensky needs to surrender, like, 8 weeks ago.

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish

gestapo mcmoron

stapo rat humiliated in amerikan germ colony

Sir Lance a Lot

why? i get a kick out of seeing him running around the west like a beggar and seeing all the doors slammed in his face.

no beggars or solicitors need apply! well, pelosi loves him anyway.

Last edited 8 months ago by Sir Lance a Lot
gestapo mcmoron

uncle olaf sodomized me when i was 9—now senile at 83 i inferior virus in germland

gneus stapo

doom in my germ gay bar

The Saga continues


there goes the last plank on my ship. swabbie, quick, bring that bucket of tar.

and where should i put the feathers, captain zelensky?

on me, you dolt. the tar on me, then the feathers, you dimwit!

how can you walk the plank with all that tar and feathers, captain?

how do i know? i can’t plan a trip to the market, let alone a war. what a doofus. with shanghaied conscripts like you, no wonder we lost.

jens holm

like all rat i writ plopgayda lgbt phantasy for cia cheese

Bob In Portland

now is the time for someone to get sting back in the kiev subways.


jens holm could replace zaluzhny cuz homo jens is nazi—but we do not like trannies so homo jens can only command rubber duck in bathtub
