In Video 18+: Mass Graves Are Growing On Ukrainian Positions

In Video 18+: Mass Graves Are Growing On Ukrainian Positions

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Ukrainians are often surprised at how rapidly the cemeteries across the country are growing, complaining that the price of the ongoing war is too high to pay. Unfortunately, they hardly realize the real scale of the tragedy the population of their country is facing.

Tens of thousands of bodies of dead Ukrainian soldiers are decomposing in pits in frontline areas and destroyed villages. Officially, most of these servicemen are considered missing.

Ukrainian sources shared a video of another “funeral ceremony” near the front line. The soldiers managed to find a tractor to dig a hole in the forest where no one could find the mass grave; but they did not bother to take the body of their dead comrades to the rear to bury them with proper honors. No one even prays for their peace, because Kiev has destroyed the faith of these people.


The reason is most likely the huge losses of the Ukrainian army. Their numbers are growing too fast, and there are no means and funds to bury all the dead. However, there is also no political will, which another reason that explains the decision of the Ukrainian command to burry the dead at the front.

The bodies of the dead Ukrainian soldiers are being hidden to save money for the Kiev regime and fill the wallets of the military officers. Ukrainian servicemen have already complained en masse that their commanders steal salaries of killed soldiers, hiding their deaths.

Tens of hundreds of dead Ukrainians are officially considered missing or deserters. This plays into the hands of the bankrupt Kiev regime, which does not pay any social benefits to families who have lost breadwinners. Thus, the official figure of losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also lower than it actually is.

Kiev earns money from the dead. Numerous cases were recorded during the prisoner exchange. After the Russian side provided Kiev with lists of Ukrainian servicemen whom they were ready to exchange, the Ukrainian authorities refused to admit that they were alive, saying that they allegedly had no information about some of the listed servicemen, and refused to take they back.

In fact, the servicemen buried in some mass graves in the forests were more lucky than many of their comrades abandoned on the front line. In the settlements that Kiev lost, thousands of bodies were thrown into garbage pits. Ukrainian soldiers mixed their dead brothers-in-arms with shit and fled the ruins. On the other hand, Russian servicemen were often seen engaged in honorably burying their enemies. LINK.


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a za takýchto bastardov banderovských fašistických kladú svoje biedne životy? to oni nevidia, ako s nimi jednajú? dnes je to tamten, zajtra to budeš ty!!! a čo tvoja rodina? a čo rodiny tých ktorých stihol takýto osud? ak by to boli všetko fašistické svine tak nech. ale boli? čo ak to boli nasilu odvedený? svetu mier!!!

Coon Lloyd Austin

i am dead. now resting in badera hell

New Zion

the globalist and their puppets have little respect for the living or the dead. they only understand their own ambition. russia must gain political control of ukraine so this does not happen to the few who survive


true nz, sadly ukrainians cannot rid themselves of foreign parasites running their affairs.

as is known, the internal war was lost over a decade ago…


don’t blame ukraines actions on others.


ukraines actions are blamed on all it’s citizenry, from it’s political class of fake/mixed slavic origin, to the ukronazi pigs, to ordinary citizens who prefer a life of peace, with the east and west.

let us not forget the oligarchs who are largely foreign backed pigs exploiting the masses.

think before u comment, two cent whore…

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj

why respect a dead person?


evan the tractor is freezing it’s mechanical a$$ off. ukronazis were warned…


burials are for the living.

the dead don’t give a crap. they are dead

carlos der schakal

ukraine is now paying the price for it’s participation in the war of aggression, war crimes that killed up to a million iraqis who were just defending their country against an illegal invasion based on deliberate lies about weapons of mass destruction. karma is a biach.


u fixed ur shit carlito jackass, try not to go diaperhead again…

tom slum sawyer

lick all dead peniz


they died to give their bankster masters a few months more monopoly time with the iou fiat filth ex saudi mercan toilet paper dollah and its gimp basturd €urodollah.
life doesn’t give a rat’s a$$ who lives it or who chucks it away. and neither do the anglozionazi pedovore demons. yaaaaaaaaaawn
slava kartoschka etc. etc…


when you are stupid enough to imagine “america” (sic) is your “friend” you will die for the rabid beast slithering in the washing town sewer and the pedovore filth in the evil eussr. fill the hole already!