Epidemy Of Shell Starvation On Ukrainian Frontlines


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Epidemy Of Shell Starvation On Ukrainian Frontlines

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Epidemy Of Shell Starvation On Ukrainian Frontlines
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Epidemy Of Shell Starvation On Ukrainian Frontlines

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The enthusiasm of Kiev’s partners in the West to continue the war seems to have dropped significantly. After the failed counteroffensive, which showed the complete inability of the Ukrainian army to resist Russia, the West was faced with a choice. More and more leaders and their respective populations do not want to continue the war, which requires a large increase in funding for an incapacitated Ukraine, and in the worst case, direct military confrontation with Russia.

More and more pessimistic reports are being published even by the MSM. They are pouring out details of problems in the Ukrainian army, from shell shortages and corruption to a shortage of recruits and low morale of the mobilized soldiers.

For example, statistics published in The Wall Street Journal have recently made a splash. According to the paper, Russian artillery is now firing up to 10,000 shells per day, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine can only waste up to 2,000, which 5 times less.

The situation at the front has changed dramatically compared to the summer of 2023, when, on the contrary, the Russian army experienced its own shell shortages. The artillery potential of the Ukrainian army has reportedly decreased by 3.5 times in the last 6 months.

There is no mass production of ammunition in Ukraine. The only ammo factory in Luhansk was lost after Kiev launched a war against the population of Donbass. Since then Kiev has not been able to organize the construction of either large cartridge or shell enterprises.

Both foreign and Ukrainian media are now crying about the shell starvation in the Ukrainian Army.

In their interviews, Ukrainian commanders complain that due to the lack of artillery shells, they are forced to increasingly use unmanned aerial vehicles armed with explosives. However, they admit that drones cannot replace artillery. They cannot fly as far or as fast and cannot carry as much explosives as artillery can to hit the same large targets.

Moreover, there is still no mass production of the necessary UAVs in Ukraine and the Russian army is qualitatively and quantitatively superior to the Ukrainian side in both their production and use in combat.

In its turn, the Russian military does not admit a massive shortage of shells in the Ukrainian army. Ukrainians are still using NATO ammunition and remnants of Soviet reserves en masse, while experiencing various problems in different directions. Indeed Kiev’s army is experiencing systematic problems that reduce its combat capability, but the ongoing large media campaign promoted by controlled MSM is mainly aimed to encourage the doubting elites in NATO countries to continue the war rather than to admit Ukrainian defeat. The numerous reports may also be aimed to mislead the Russian leadership and affect the planning of Russian military operations.

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kiev pigs have always represented a massive vacuum for western supplied munitions.

sad idiots from ukronaziland cannot stop lying and imagining reasons for more support, always free of “charge”, groveling pigs, zelensky should od asap…


build pig seeking ai on glide bombs to scare the eu leaders .

El Miguelodon

ucrania esta completamente perdida.

the pawnbroker

joe should check the lost and found. he might get lucky.


with luck he’d get lost at the lost and found and never be found again.

the pawnbroker

isn’t zelensky charging troops now for each shell? can’t they do a gofundme like zelensky did.

Last edited 9 months ago by the pawnbroker

it’s the old game again, jews controlling both sides of the war. artillery shells are cheap – but if despuite these facts they are not pumped into ukraine – then the reason is : somebody does not want them to. with the will to bring them in in appropriate numbers large artillery shell factories could easily be established in poland, romania or turkey with cheap money, but obviously someone says : no . that’s “the nato partners” of ukraine.

Last edited 9 months ago by MotherTeresa

therefore, as long es eu and ukraine are run by jews – both will inevitably go down. with jews – you lose. it’s that simple !!

Last edited 9 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

my fart wind make energy in nursing home


the scenario is simple. ukraine didn’t started production because it is too much work. instead, they are importing anything and reselling on the black market. nato equipment for ukraine is now used by mexico drug cartels. corruption starts with mic lobbyist, taking bribes from u.s. mic, secondly western politicians and media, taking bribes from lobbyists, then puppet government in ukraine, taking bribes from western politicians, then afu, smuggling equipment to black market.

jens holm

parts of that are correct. its a ussr tradition but not invented by them.


the only part of you that’s ever correct was lost at the maternity ward.


one billion $ worth of us arms went into ukraine’s front door and right out the back door, whereabouts unknown.

who’s the dumbest of them all i wonder, the yanks, the limeys or the huns?

John Kesich

i’m sure russia will deliver some soon.


i am secret cia jew hillbilly in akron name poko molo starve for attention and burger

concerned citizen

i don’t trust the shell shortage. there are attempts to increase the production in the west. and every dirty trick is tried to get more ammo from other sources. ukraine could be saving ammo for one final attempt at a breakthrough. better keep looking for depots and blow them up before they reach the desired reserves.

jens holm

no. after ussr collapsed we reduced many factories for war. we got piecedividend instead – wellfare.

what we use of are stored and low prodution.

ussr has kept their museum factories and has a lot of people for doing nothing. they produce not.

we 40 supperters for ukraine must build factories and educate the crew.

jens holm

as you write: you could be tricked.


one final attempt at a breakthrough? pass the laughing gas.