Is It Really “Revolutionary” Is Libya A Friend Of The Palestinians?

Is It Really “Revolutionary” Is Libya A Friend Of The Palestinians?

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Written by Damir Nazarov exclusively for SouthFront

Despite the gratitude of the Hamas to the Libyan government because of the letters position towards the Zionists, the relationship between the official Tripoli and the leadership of the Gaza Strip cannot be called satisfactory.

So, against the background of the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip, news came from Libya, where the local government of Tripoli released three Hamas representatives detained in 2016. In those years, the then government of the NTC (The National Transitional Council) motivated its anti-Palestinian actions by the fact that the allegedly detained Palestinians “violated the sovereignty of Libya and engaged in arms smuggling.” That is, the Palestinians were arrested for helping the blockaded Gaza Strip. It is important to point out here that local Ikhwans were present in the government of Fayez Sarraj. Historically, the Muslim Brotherhood network has positioned itself as “the first and main supporter of the Palestinian cause.” However, in this case, reality showed us a different picture, where the Libyan branch of the Brotherhood, while in government positions, in some way helped to prevent the Palestinians from equipping their resistance.

The idea of creating an arms corridor from Libya to Gaza is tactically quite good, because the more help there is to the Palestinian resistance, the faster the collapse of the Zionist colony will be. But not all Hamas representatives had just such a noble idea. For example, one non-authoritative story is attributed to the former head of the Hamas politburo, Khaled Mishaal. Allegedly, when he was at the helm of the organization, he proposed replacing the Iranian and Syrian arms supply channels for the al-Qassam Brigade with a Libyan “alternative”. This proposal was born against the background of the Syrian crisis between the pro-Syrian part of Hamas and the Axis of Resistance. However, such a proposal was immediately rejected by the majority of Hamas members from the Shura and the leadership of the military wing of the movement. As a result, the opponents of the “Libyan adventure” turned out to be one hundred percent right, it is terrible to imagine what would have happened to the Palestinian resistance today if the “fantastic plans” to find new channels of arms supplies to the Gaza Strip had come true. Nevertheless, Hamas did not abandon the Libyan transit, but only as additional assistance to the resistance, because it is impossible to compare the volume and quality of weapons between Iran and a fragmented Libya. Moreover, the arrest of members of the leading Palestinian movement showed that such “Libyans” cannot be trusted.

Separately, it is worth noting the behavior of Turkey and Qatar, which are considered curators of the Libyan government in Tripoli and “friends of Palestine.” The tacit approval of the arrest of Hamas members showed that Doha and Ankara are hostile to any form of assistance to the Palestinian resistance. Another goal of the “axis of conformity” is to please the Zionists, the Americans, the EU and lobby for the delusional idea of “two states”. Therefore, the so-called “revolutionary government” Libya, based in Tripoli, fearing to lose the support of the Turkey–Qatar tandem, is forced to comply with all the decrees of the curators, even if such actions have outright pro-Zionist activities. The logic of Doha and Ankara is to create a “Palestinian state within the framework of 1967,” where Hamas should be just a political nation, without an armed wing. Accordingly, any objections, especially from revolutionary-minded Hamas figures and the military structure of the al-Qassam Brigade, are met with hostility by the axis of conformity. Therefore, the arrest of Hamas members in Libya was a kind of message from Qatar to Muhammad Deif and Yahya Sinwar that the Emirate would not tolerate the expansion of the political influence of pro-Iranian leaders from Hamas and, moreover, would not allow the creation of an “arms corridor” to Gaza from the territory loyal to Qatar.

If we abstract from regional players and their influence in order to understand the logic of representatives of Islamic views, whether they are Ikhwans, moderate Salafists or supporters of political Sufism, each of whom was at least slightly associated with the “Government of National Unity” of those years, then we will hear an excuse for their passivity or even support for the actions of the government. Such behavior can be compared to the vile story involving the late Mohammad Morsi, who, as the legitimately elected president of Egypt and a representative of local Ikhwans, organized the flooding of the “tunnels of life” Gaza, which shocked the Palestinians and especially Hamas, who had high hopes for the Egyptian Brotherhood. Thus, Morsi wanted to “ingratiate himself” with the Zionists, and eventually received a military coup from local allies of Zionism and spent years in prison until his death. In the case of the arrest of Hamas representatives from the NTC and various Muslim fundamentalists associated with them in Western Libya, it was more likely not about a possible alliance between the parties, but rather about the development of economic ties (for example, the sale of Libyan oil to the Zionists).

During the years of its formation, the so-called “revolutionary government of Libya” has not shown much enthusiasm for the Palestinian cause, moreover, the Tripoli authorities even committed treason by arresting Hamas members. The most important conclusion of this story is the lack of “Islamic thinking” in almost all well-known local organizations of religious fundamentalists in Libya. Even if someone disagreed with the Government’s actions, why didn’t they condemn the detention of members of a leading Palestinian organization? It seems that the Libyan people will have to go through more than one stage of crisis and wars before there is at least something adequate resembling the “Islamic project”. Nevertheless, in a country split by civil war, there are still supporters of direct participation in the Palestinian jihad, which is certainly a success for the Libyan society. It is quite possible that the factions that have expressed a desire to help the Palestinians are “friends of the IRGC.” Time will show.


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No love for 1776!

gaddafi would’ve supported hamas battle against zionist idf, but was betrayed by a part of his people.

christian reinhard

its called libanon what houses tripoli. not “libya” as u spelled it around 50 times.

Huckelberry finn

feel free to look at a map before making buffoonish comments. tripoli is the capital of libya. there’s a tripoli in lebanon also, just like there’s a paris in texas. 🤡

Taliban superior to amerikan

libya now divided by moron amerikan and frog vassal


prophet words was true hypocrite muslim will be the cause of destruction is islam.. battle of khyaber reminds us today how some hypocrite muslim collobrated with zionist marhab to destroy islam and kill prophet. moracco. current libya .sudan senegal saudi bahrain tukey etc all so called sunni/whabhi nation has bettryed prophet and his words .

The Turning

morocco to pakistan, horn of africa to caucuses, isee-rael will unite agains her, a formidable force not seen since the last caliphate. always remember, isis are false muslims. they are proxies of the western zionist fascism complex. they failed to help palestinians, attacking iran instead. that’s all the proof you need.

Last edited 9 months ago by The Turning