Ukrainian Unit ‘Awarded’ With Russian Missile Strike In Zaporozhie Region – Report (18+)

Ukrainian Unit 'Awarded' With Russian Missile Strike In Zaporozhie Region - Report (18+)

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Servicemen of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including officers, were hit by Russian strike during the awards ceremony near the frontlines in the Zaporozhie region.

Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that Ukrainian officers gathered the military personnel in private houses near the frontlines for their “solemn awarding”. On November 3, Ukrainian gunners celebrated a professional holiday.

However, the Ukrainian servicemen were awarded not with medals, but with a Russian missile. According to some sources, the strike was carried out by the Iskander-M missile system, according to others, the unit was hit by the X-59 aviation missile. Yesterday, the local Ukrainian council reported Russian strikes in the village of Zarechnoye in the Zaporozhye region. Probably, this was the settlement, where the ‘awarding’ took place.

According to some reports, at least 22 Ukrainian servicemen were killed, most of them were officers. Dozens others were wounded.

Ukrainian Unit 'Awarded' With Russian Missile Strike In Zaporozhie Region - Report (18+)

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Ukrainian Unit 'Awarded' With Russian Missile Strike In Zaporozhie Region - Report (18+)

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stupid ukronazi pigs, dark comedy anyone?


well, im laughing .one of my favorite jokes. but i wish the russians would tell it more often

Klaus Fuchs

well, we laugh here too, – but because we like it!

this zelenska nonsense costs us germans billions of euros, in addition to our stupid, greedy politicians and devoured lazy poles.

there comes such a fun as called.


what awards? how delusional can you be when over 500k of your soldiers are kia and a ton more are maimed and disabled for life.


it shows how stupid and gutless they are, anyone with balls would have fragged the hell out of the fascist officers.


true n. only in ukronazi land.


let’s award ourselves for selling out our country to western interests…..

“wait i hear something”, idiot nazi trash..

jens holm

your kind coppast your selv fra west of berlin to vladivostok your selv.

i shit happens happens – and for you too.

no diveded europe. russis in not europe.


speak spanglish clown.

jens holm

thats mo comment.

facts are your kind divided your selv from the rest insisting in forced isolation and non devellopmen grom you people.

you not even took care of your own ruusian protetars. were communisme not meant for that. i think so.

most of them counties were grabbed and were not even your own.

thare are and were no sale. there we theft and even before hitler i seat. thats a non leaner from ww1 too.

now they are there own again. thats no theft.

jens holm

some 36 mio in ukraine has a right to a state. that goes for belarus too, where they elected old bad days to a try for something else.

thats not west.thats we -beæarus and ukraine – look around anything is better then permements kaput. it there right. our systems do produce, the prolas work and there get something to share.

and you not even let them try.

Icarus Tanović

“i shit” you said. well you do all the time fucking sui generis imbecilic psycho.

jens holm

ussr did collapse by own choise. they blocked all opportunies by themself and stiill do today.

its very visible in export and import.

there were a lot of land, a lot of food and mineral oil and gas included. hos they for good – known known – reasons didnt use it.

jens holm

bad trade. export cheep and import expensive.

and there are no learners. bad schools even learning putin/stalin lessen.

there hardly are single structure for increated prodution. our trick is very simple. we has deciders in every level. they know exactly whats going in all level no matters if its office or a floor job. .

jens holm

and you are strictly forbdiden even to comment schools or bad og non proctions.

we are. by that we change things. most times its to better, but sometimes shit happens here too.

Low Hung Testicle

ussr was communist shthole created by the evil bolshevik jews.

the corrupt 2 face jew uses he capitalism wealth and power to distribute his socialism and communism in the world to control people.

why you think the dirty jew now used covid and the vaccines to kill off all white peopple in rich capital nations?

because now it is time to bring socialism and communism back. all to be slave

ukraines sik of americuntz

that does not exonerate lgbtq capitalist syndrome of todays zio punk!


dostali hneď aj dividendy.


dati le din greu. pistorius spd vrea romania in razboi.


those nazis thought they were going to get a new medal called ‘missile’ awarded to them to pin on their chests … but … oh wait never mind russia pinned the real missile on their nazis chest for them, long live russia =z=

jens holm

2,15% are/were nazis.

jens holm

not me i have 2,15 live brain cells—others transplanted from lgbt pig—died 38 years ago

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
tom sawyer

hillbilly laugh when humiliated by taliban


🔥🔥🔥 we accept your offering 🔥🔥🔥

jens holm

very unclever with kinds of gatherings like that – if true.

you has to spread almost any things out too. they certainly got decorated

jens holm

not me my illiterate jibber less coherent

jens holm

no me al all

Massa John

what did they think the russians would do after finding out about that little sing and dance?


keep feeding the nazi pigs with plenty of such rewards. well done russia.

jens holm

2.5% my brain nazi—98% dead pig cells



jens holm

i didnt write that mr and mr dstroj

jens holm

ok fine i did write it because it’s true.


love it. more please. stick your tears where the sun don’t shine, poor little coping ukrofaggot trollscum.

ukraines sik of americuntz

in this region,never without russias permission =z=
