Spokesman of Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, released a new report, claiming that they will release most or all foreign hostages from captivity in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian militants ‘do not want to keep them hostage’. In his briefing, the spokesman also denied that Israel was able to free any hostage. Some of them were released thanks to other actors.
Reporting on the ongoing hostilities, the spokesman of al-Qassam Brigades claimed that their fighters have so far attacked 22 Israeli vehicles with anti-tank rockets and IEDs that were used for the first time by Hamas militants. Their Navy launched a number of attacks on naval targets off the coast of Gaza using the remotely piloted “Al-Asif” torpedo, which we revealed for the first time.
In their appeal, Al-Qassam Brigades declared that ‘the Israeli army and Israel will go on their knees’, and this campaign will end Netanyahu’s political career. They also called on their entire nation to engage in the battle against the Israeli army.
way to go palestine
and there it is: who is human and who is inhuman? judge yourselves. the west’s messaging has reached utter ‘cognitive dissonance’
torpédo vyrobené na kolene? hm … ešte by bolo dobré sa dozvedieť akú má účinnosť. ak je lacné a bude zamestnávať nepriateľa a bude ho pripravovať o drahé obranné prostriedky tak to bude ešte dosť zaujímavé. mohlo by to pomôcť iránskym torpédam pri preťažení obrany. svetu mier!!!
isn’t the purpose of a torpedo to run and hit under water?
that thing is just a semi submerged drone.
i doubt it’s harder to hit than the above water drones.
also it seems quite small.
and that snorkel like thing on top looks like it’s lust antenna and camera.
they missed the chance to use the disadvantage of being semi submerged, to run a engine with oxygen from the air, to extend the endurance time.
israel is there to stay to matter how hard you cry.
seig heil israel! you learned well from your nazi masters.
this reminds me of how the vietcong improvised weapons from whatever was at hand to defeat the mighty us military in vietnam. thinks like punji sticks and bouncing betty mines.