International Military Review – Syria, April 22, 2016

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The pro-government forces are advancing in the province of Homs, Syria. On April 21, the clashes are observed near the Arak village and T3 Airport with no confirmation that the SAA was able to take these sites. Earlier, the Syrian forces took control of the Brigade 550 base and launched an opration towards the ‘Antar Mountains.

Russian experts have completed clearing Syria’s city of Palmyra of mines and explosives set by ISIS militants, the head of the Russian Army’s engineering unit, Yury Stavitsky, reported on Thursday. In total, 2991 explosive devices, including 432 makeshift bombs, have been defused. Since April 2, Russian engineers with the help of Uran-6 robots have cleared 234 hectares of land, 23 kilometers of roads and 10 architectural objects.

In the Latakia province, units of al-Nusra and allied militants took efforts to launch offensive on positions of the government troops near Ikko, Bsharfa, Nehshebba and Sandran.

Some 50 NDF fighters have been reportedly taken captive by Kurdish forces in the town of Qamishli iafter fighting between the NDF and the Kurdish militia, Asayish, entered a second day.

Separately, the Kurdish units seized Allya prison. In turn, NDF units captured the Abu Raghab and Kurayris checkpoint, Al-Salaam Hospital and the Municipal Stadium. The Syrian government and the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) are reportedly negotiating the terms of the ceasefire.

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