The Russian media have recently released an exclusive footage of the ongoing battles for the strategic height near Klescheevka located to the south of Bakhmut. The video shows the extreme incompetence of Ukrainian servicemen, who fail to launch grenades, and their commander, who do not coordinate their units. As a result, Ukrainian soldiers were confused and began fighting alongside the Russians, shooting their comrades.
After Russian assault troops rapidly captured Ukrainian positions, the Ukrainian command sent reinforcements to the area but did not explain their servicemen where are enemy forces. Thus, Ukrainian fighters got lost.
One of Ukrainian soldiers jumped into a dugout that was already captured by Russians and got shot. Another Ukrainian soldier was confused and helped a Russian fighter defend the position by throwing grenades and firing his own unit. He even helped the Russians to take a prisoner.
Ukrainian servicemen are complaining that their military commanders are hiding far from the front lines in the rear areas, according to the NATO instructions. As a result, soldiers are disoriented on the battlefields and losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are sharply growing.
presumably the ukro soldiers are also just bad actors, just like their president
unlike zelenska, you can at least laugh at these
no nato is president of ukraine
it’s not incompetence, da orc boys were just having a little scrap to settle who is da biggest orc hehehe
why do you bother ? usa is the evil that supports all this murder and deciet. satan runs the usa
ha, ha, ha … tak toto je ozaj dobré. o tom by mohli časom natočiť film.
what a complete cluster f*** i feel bad for soldiers from both sides. these ukrainians were born to fight nato on the western front not their own russian brothers. beside the nazi scumbags, i know most ukrainian were forced into fighting this war, but fk this is too unbearable to watch whenever i see more ukrainian died for nato. russian themselves dont like this war but had no choice.
thats why usa and gb were invited in.
most things now has complete new strutures added wordenr weapons and communitaion.
impressing all the nazis has talen a jew as their eader. hard times for hitler.
2,15% are nazis in ukraine. 80% are not.
same here, very sad to see that they are still engaged in this unwinnable war against their own kin. women gone sold to prostitution rings, kids snatched to be trafficked and men die in the front by the thousands while zelensky is buying a multi million dollar mansion in egypt.
wouldn’t surprise me if those 2 ukraine soldiers took the opportunity to switch sides and surrender while they had the chance don’t forget there are certified reports that ukraine units are embedded with nazis who kill their own if they try and surrender or retreat. so maybe those 2 ukraine soldiers took the chance to surrender without being shot by their own side. =z=
russian funny version by own brainwasking from birth. they has not likes you since 1917
. why now?
what a load of gibberish cannot make heads or tails what your trying to say lol. =z=
thats known for the rest of the world.
russians has no history. stalin and putin has erased it
this video is a clear demonstration that ukrainians were so confused and exhausted that they didn’t know who was friend or foe anymore. surrender to stop this madness was the only sensible thing to do… i hope that the rest of the ukrainian army comes to its senses too and realize that they are fighting the wrong enemy.
battle fatigue
the lines are correct.
nato officer delegate out and we very good results by that reation to option. they react and dont has to ask.
russians also has more generals. they command smaller units and decides less
what happened to the lost ukrainian soldier?
think he surrendered
he’s still alice then, the war is over for him.
”uhm actualy “☝️🤓
“wait! you guys aren’t ukrainian?”
“nope. we’re russian.”