Kiev’s Counteroffensive Brings Victories To Russia


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Kiev’s Counteroffensive Brings Victories To Russia

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Kiev’s Counteroffensive Brings Victories To Russia
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Kiev’s Counteroffensive Brings Victories To Russia

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The Ukrainian counteroffensive brings new victories, though for the Russian armed forces. While the Ukrainian military continues to burn NATO military equipment on the fronts of Zaporozhye and Donetsk People’s Republic, Russian forces are moving forward on the northern fronts of Donbass.

The Russian army is gradually advancing towards Kupyansk. Battles are ongoing in the area of Sinkovka, Olshany and Liman Pervyi.

After the village of Novoselovskoe came under the full Russian control, they paved their way for further attacks on Kupyansk not only from the northern and northeastern direction, but also from the east and southeast.

Russian assault detachments continue their offensive on a broad front, achieving new tactical successes.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, over the past day, the Russian military captured five strongpoints, four observation posts and defeated up to a platoon of infantry in the area of Olshana. At least 6 Ukrainian counterattacks were repelled in the area.

Amid the Russian offensive, Ukrainians are beginning to evacuate the local population, preparing for the battle for Kupyansk. The local authorities called on residents in the territories controlled by Ukraine to “make a decision on evacuation.” Preparations are underway for the mandatory removal of residents and the forced evacuation of children.

In his turn, the commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, was reportedly appointed to lead the defense of Kupyansk.

Retreating at the front, the Ukrainian military is intensifying the terror of the civilian population of Russia.

Massive shelling, including with cluster munitions, is intensifying in the Donetsk city agglomeration. Over the past day, the deaths of at least four civilians, including a four-year-old child, have been confirmed. On the morning of August 10, another man was killed after a Ukrainian shell hit his apartment.

Ukrainian drones continue to raid deep into the Russian rear. On August 10, two drones flying towards Moscow were destroyed by air defense forces in the sky over the Maloyaroslavsky district of the Kaluga region and over the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

Another 11 UAVs targeted the city of Sevastopol in Crimea. Two UAVs were shot down by Russian air defenses, nine more were suppressed by electronic warfare means.

On August 9, 2 UAVS were shot down on the outskirts of Moscow. On the same day, a Ukrainian strike UAV, which was heading for the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, was intercepted in the area of Energodar.

In response, Russian drones and missiles visited Ukraine. At night, an oil depot near Dubno was destroyed after a “massive drone attack” in the Rivne region. Ukrainian President Zelensky reported another missile strike in Zaporozhye.

Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilians, including in the regions that Kiev lost, mark the desperation of the Ukrainian military. The growing losses and the defeated counteroffensive will one day turn into Russian large-scaled attacks in all directions. Kupyansk has already become the first one.

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Pol Pot🫵🏻🤡

can western bots explain to me why ukraine is letting russia advance on kupyansk? 🤣 🤣 🤣


something something “tactical retreat” something something “counteroffensive”….


the shaping operation requires mountains of destroyed leopard tanks as vantage points for ukraine, and russia to take over lyman


lessons learned in destroying western equipment and nullifying us tactics should be taught to every country so they can bathe in the blood of their oppressors and colonisers


straightaway towards odessa

Gneaus stapo

straight to moscow, final solution of russian question is coming. trust me

Jean Paul France

i know many normal germans but there the losers, the self-conscious and the resentful call themselves nazis to compensate for their misery of life and their inferiority complex.

Gneaus stapo

no clue what ur talking about, it isnt logic at at all.

we germans dont bow down to brutal dictatorship,we dont invade our neighbours and we dont believe fake fantasy numbers presented by dicator flucer faggot aka igor konashenkov.

russia is faschist flatheads dream land, the nazis are rashniks and final solution for these subhumans is coming, trust me

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

i skip the fact that nazism was born in my country, as well as facism in spain and italy (friends and allies of hitler), because that is the habit of us, the ever-losing germans: to project our miseries onto others. so said my great-great-granduncle goebbels

Gneaus stapo

trust me, the final solution of russian question will be resolved in the brandenburg gate like 78 years ago, but this time berlin will be demolished


only in a hollywood movie.

Manfred Weber aus Stuttgart

at the beginning of the war, the imperial capitalist west said “we are making the war as expensive as possible for russia”

meanwhile, the exact opposite is the case. bankruptcies without end, rising rents, falling real incomes, priceless energy.

Manfred Weber aus Stuttgart

in the future, russia may no longer engage in a horse-trading with the usa and its henchmen, simply let the war go on until the bitter end of kiev, even if it causes russia high costs, the west pays and loses disproportionately more, endlessly more.

this war will change the world order in the long term, even if the big winner will be china, the usa and its clique will lose in the long run!!!

Gneaus stapo

u are right, this war is super important and the outcome will defy the future of 21st century. western/ civilized world is at stake.

if peaceniks/ hippies/ afd traitor nazis and dumb trumpsters backstap war effort, it will be dolchstoss 2.0 .


lol “imperialist capitalist” russia was imperialist, and the soviet union after it, to the point of forbidding anyone from leaving. in every european nation they invaded they forbade people from living, everyone had to work for the small communist clique that owned everything. they supported mass murderers across the world – no majority ever voted for communist control.


russia today is a market economy, “capitalist,” a far freer economy with lower taxes than most of the west. russia has no “affirmative action” for non-whites. putin has condemned mass immigration of the socialist parties’ voters in the west, which he says is destroying europe. russia opposes the feminism and homosexuality that socialists use to divide people. russia is a nationalist, conservative country with a market economy.


you are incorrect russia is multi -ethnic country with over 100 different nationalities. “affirmative action” was/is a feeble attempt to address the the internal contradictions of racialist polices of the united states the irony is that the group that benefited the most from this policy was white women

Jean Paul France

how oligophrenic and manipulative you are. the communist civilization, the ussr and china, has nothing to do with the left soros, lgtbiq and miscegenation. we are patriots, we want a strong state and a mixed economy.


i have to admit that capitalism supported mass murderers across the world too, i’m dumb, you already know that


sozialmärkte mit schimmeligem. brot und faulem obst ist die antwort des westen, samt inflation und horrende lebensmittelpreise


orcs kicking ass, nato is running scared. ukrops crying and shitting pants. haaahaa…..

Uncle Ho

another propaganda believing stooge…go get another booster from your eugenics masters. russia can detect your location anywhere on earth with the nanotechnology inside each fake medical procedure. mac address. your owners have tagged you like the slave you are. 😁

Gneaus stapo

lol russias gdp is same like nyc, rashniks cant build cars or planes, but hell yeah russia is winning


german leopards burning like matches, and yes russia winning….haaahaaa

Gneaus stapo

russia is winning only in ur and bunker grandpa dreams


ok but they can build the lancets which scrap your beloved leo2s , that’s enough for the moment


i’ve forgotten: your economy is dying , in a year you will not be able to build toilet cisterns if the deindustrialization follows at this rate

Gneaus stapo

sure flathead, by the way what is flathead obsession with toilettes all about? million youtube videos of flathead subhuman assclown soldestka horde looting 🚽

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

sorry guys, i have to go to collect some newspapers, you know, for next winter, i’m broke and i can’t pay for the heating of the shithole where i live.

Gneaus stapo

lol and pigs can fly.

Gneaus stapo

they can’t build cars or planes but luna-25, you all know i’m retarded. (btw i forgot that nyc is full of faggots and undocumented immigrants)

Uncle Ho

ukraine neonazis have been shelling civilians for 9 years now, a full eight years before russia took action against them. what sort of criminal army shells civilians year after year. hopefully they will cease to exist and russian speaking people will be free from this racism permanently.

Gneaus stapo

yada yada putin’s flathead subhuman assclown scum propaganda


here comes the hammer

Gneaus stapo

and pigs can fly…speaking about , rashniks stole 500 western airplanes,some of em now fly without proper breaks and i am still waiting for record production numbers of rashnik aircrafts to replace airbus/ boeing.

Gneaus stapo

no clue what ur talking about, but anyway ur the beast sex expert. tell us more.,when has ur pig obsession started? is it family/ genetics related?

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
G-anus strapon

i clarify, his obsession began when he saw a picture of sebastian vettel for the first time, he thinks that all germans are like pigs, he is obviouslywrong, germans are worse


the ethnic russian population in kupyansk is probably being moved somewhere to be killed since you know the ukrainian azov regiment and other ukrainian government paramilitary organizations kill and torture people just for speaking russian or being a ethnic russian.


god will punish the slaves and puppet masters of this war, who are the masterminds running propaganda, disinfo and fake manipulation tactics. god will erase them, but before that an eternal hell punishment and torture for those evil, who stood against russia. russians and russia will prevail!

G-anus strapon

very bad move, london will be nuked soon


what some ignore, but, it must be said as it is: nato is losing the war with their ukrainian recruits and sacrificial ukrainian units.


photo-confirmed losses tell different story.
