‘Treating Us Like Dogs’: Colombian Mercenaries Tried To Teach Ungrateful Ukrainians Good Manners


'Treating Us Like Dogs': Colombian Mercenaries Tried To Teach Ungrateful Ukrainians Good Manners

Illustrative Image: Colombian mercenaries in obsolete German helmets

Another scandal between the Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries has recently become public. Videos of the conflict between Colombian mercenaries who reportedly instructed servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and the Ukrainian military are gaining popularity on social networks.

Colombian militants shared three videos revealing the chronology of the conflict and accusing ungrateful Ukrainian servicemen of shameful treatment of foreigners “like dogs.”



In one video, a group of Columbian mercenaries, who are reportedly engaged in training of Ukrainian soldiers but also took part in hostilities, swear emotionally at Ukrainians who insulted them. It seems that the parties do not understand each other well, because the Colombian speaks Spanish, and has learned only a couple of Russian swear words, and the brave Ukrainian warrior speaks only Russian.

An angry Colombian claims that his compatriots are dying for the country of ungrateful Ukrainians. Of their group, 25 people were killed, he himself was wounded.

“Out of our group, 25 Colombians died in order for him to spray me with a can of gas in my eyes? The scoundrel! They treat us like fucking dogs. I received a shrapnel wound for your cursed country,” the Colombian mercenary says. “I was following orders, instructing people, and now this one… treats us like dogs!” – the Colombian does not calm down.

“Let’s call the police. This is too much, humiliation after humiliation. That’s why people leave, so much humiliation!” – another Colombian, who filmed the conflict, concluded.



Soon the second video of the scandal followed. According to the comments of the Columbian, officers of the General Intelligence Directorate came to calm down the foreigners.

“Here you can see how the GUR and the Ukrainian authorities are treating those who came to help them. How they treat Colombians. Masked men have just come in and beaten our guys,” says the author of the video.

The leader of nationalists from the Ukrainian diaspora in Spain, Ivan Vovk, who commands mercenaries from Colombia, is mentioned on the video. Ivan Vovk is an ultra—right activist who in recent years lived in Spain and led nationalist organizations from representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora. In March last year, Publico.es called him an activist with an extensive list of contacts in Ukraine and the creator of political organizations, including the political association “Volya” based in Madrid. In addition, Vovk trained a youth group of the nationalist Svoboda Party martial arts. He conducted field training with weapons long before the Russian special military operation began. Last year, Ivan Vovk gave an interview to the Spanish media, claiming that he was going to go to Ukraine to take part in hostilities.

'Treating Us Like Dogs': Colombian Mercenaries Tried To Teach Ungrateful Ukrainians Good Manners

Vovk in center

The following video reportedly shows the wounds of one of the mercenaries after the scandal:



While Ukrainians continue humiliating foreigners in the rear areas, mercenaries, including from Colombia, are dying on the frontlines:





Édisson Alberto Vinasco Giraldo from Riofrío, Colombia, reportedly died on Ukrainian frontlines on July 19:

'Treating Us Like Dogs': Colombian Mercenaries Tried To Teach Ungrateful Ukrainians Good Manners

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With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, President Zelensky launched a full-scale campaign to attract foreign military volunteers to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, the mercenaries, who survived the battles and shared their experience of serving with the Ukrainian military, heavily damaged the public image of the Kiev regime. It turned out that Russian strikes are not the only challenge to foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. Upon returning home, those of them who survived told about many other problems they faced in the war-torn country. You may read HERE.


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what the hell are columbians doing in ukraine?
if i didn’t know better i would say this was an onion story.


my only regret is that, that mongrel took a shrapnel wound to the elbow instead of his atrophied brain. there’s still time.

Miki Miric

neka ih ,dobro đubre zemlju zajedno sa svojim domaćinima


well, during the spanish war (1936-1939), more than 35,000 men and women from 53 different countries, grouped into the international brigades.

James Bond

zelenskyy will take anybody.
to fight the asians from russia.


hah, you must think nazi ideology is limited to ukrainians!

Max Schmidt

if you are latino serving the nazis, then you deserve what is coming to you hijo de una puta. no pity and no mercy with you porcos

Miki Miric

sve plaćenike na licu mjesta likvidacija


these colombian maricónes joining the fight on the ukronazis side are so stupid that they left me dumbfounded!


what is really going on in ukraine?
are they fighting over some kind of alien artifact or hellgate?
why is half of the planet dedicated to the ukranian cause?


people who have more brawn than brains like taking unnecessary risks. it’s in their dna. a perhaps once in a lifetime chance to take a shot at russian armed forces appeals to these types. reality says they will all be disappointed, as in dead.


it is still strange how the usa are able to mobilise so many people in every conflict.
allways people they see as lesser beeings but still manage to persuade to die for their cause.
be is arabs, ukrainians or south americans or even asians if the manage to get taiwan to sacrifcie itself it is really strange.


sadly there is no shortage of stupid on planet earth.

Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

things have really gotten bad for ukraine when colombian mafiosos have come to teach ukrainians some manners and have failed in humiliation.
ukraine will always be a failed state, needing a big brother to preserve civilization among themselves?


i think this ship has sailed. the ukrainians and russians will never be brothers again.
it will be like with croats and serbs living peacefull next to each other until one side
see’s another chance to attack.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic
Zelenskii's Flaring Nostrils

i don’t know. if you watch the testimonies of ukrainian “soldiers” captured by russians recently, they seem ready to return to more historically “normal” times of peace on the steppes. if russia can achieve it’s goal of denazification and demilitarization everyone can get back to the business of living…


i wish you were right but what numbers do we have 50.000 – 200.000 deaths?
all those people have family and friends who will hate those who killed them and hopefully those who send them into the killing fields as well.


dog is a kind word for these hired killers of russians ,give them some dog biscuits and send them to the front.


all the same cannon fodder at the end of the day.


they are treated in such a way because ukrainians are the most racist people in europe…by far. people have to learn the hard way as the media will never tell the world the truth about ukraine.


so we have columbian fascist insulted by ukrainian nazis lol!! well cry me a fucking river.


what a laugh truly. columbians fighting for the wannebe nazis, now i am confused. one is slav but is so deluded they’re in this fake germanic mindset pumped up by the west to confuse them to become cannon fodder. the other is brown. both of them should look at their dna!


serves you right! suckers !!!!


“alberto” estupida “rinse and repeat” for all the other chum heads from the eu, f-ukus and i$rael that choose to play gi joe to their end!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

oh poor little nazi columbians are the big bad ukrainian nazis treating you bad oh poor babies, war not all it is cracked up to be is it maybe you should have thought of that before going over there and joining your nazi brothers. =z=

Fried Chicken

where ever you find cocaine, you find coke heads, and coke heads don’t play nice with other coke heads…just look how dysfunctional the uk or eu parliaments are… case in point.

mighty orc

nonsense—few colombians consume coke–it is produced for the moron immoral soulless amerikans

mighty orc

coward amerikan pay colombian–they funded right wing death squads in colombia and have funded their govt 1 billion $ per year to obtain cocaine for their psychologically impoverished immoral population


bastardi bojujú za banderovských fašistov? treba ich kántriť tak isto a bez milosti. nebrať do zajatia, nemali ísť vraždiť ruské ženy, deti a starých ľudí.


and well…
fuck these colombian sepoy-narco-terrorists-…: “he pays badly to those who serve the devil…” says the saying… surely they thought they were going to fight the russian army with counter-insurgency techniques learned from their us commanders–terrorists at fort gulick (panama)…
“eat the dick now..! ” : …that they serve as fertilizer or bitches of the ukro-nazis…!
latin-america aligned with the russian federation…! until the final victory always..!!!

Braj Jher

they get what they deserve in fact they should be gang assfucked by the nazi ukranian bastards


lol, brownies helping wannabe nazi’s. slavs who think they’re of germanic blood and hispanics should check there dna even full spanish have moroccan in them! although the nazi’s germans helped both the spanish and japanese in ww2

Last edited 1 year ago by Whitman
Low Hanging Testicle

what else do you expect from these wetback spics??

they are only in ukraine for the free cocaine, killing and raping of white new born babies

Uncle Ozzwald

you talk such any day.

Last edited 1 year ago by Uncle Ozzwald
James Bond

sometimes you get, exactly what you ask for.


those colombians lives like dogs and die like the dogs they are.
good riddance in hell.
