NATO Summit Begins Without Victories On Ukrainian Front


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NATO Summit Begins Without Victories On Ukrainian Front

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NATO Summit Begins Without Victories On Ukrainian Front
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NATO Summit Begins Without Victories On Ukrainian Front

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The Ukrainian military has been suffering the heaviest losses on the southern frontlines, however in spite of this, Kiev forced them to launch new wave of large-scale assaults.

After constant attacks by small infantry groups, called by Russians the “mosquito offensive”, which brought no results on the Zaporozhie front lines, Ukrainian forces finally launched new large-scale ground operations with NATO tanks and armored vehicles in an attempt to break through Russian defenses on the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Two days before, Ukrainian forces managed to break through up to 500 meters into Russian defenses north-east of the town of Rabotino. However, they are still securing their stronghold in the area, unable to develop any further success under the heavy shelling of Russian artillery.

Ukrainian columns with Western vehicles were finally deployed in the attacks, which however resulted in no gains but growing losses.

According to preliminary reports from the front, the Ukrainian Army lost at least three German Leopard tanks and up to a dozen foreign armored vehicles in operations near Orekhov over the past day.

On the night and morning of July 11, the Ukrainian military resumed assault operations using foreign heavy equipment. They targeted Russian positions near Rabotino located between the areas of responsibility of Russian 291th and 70th regiments. The Ukrainian command likely bets on the lack of coordination between Russian units; but the Russian military continues hitting Ukrainian and NATO tanks, holding control of their stronghold in the area.

To the west, Ukrainian assault groups replenish the graveyards of NATO tanks in the area of Pyatikhatki. Footage from the spot confirms that Ukrainian military columns fail to pass through the minefields before they can reach Russian positions in the area. More and more Western vehicles are turning into metal scrap by the unprofessional operating proceedures of the Ukrainian military.

During the ‘meat assaults’ of Kiev’s infantry, Ukrainian servicemen are also stopped by mines. Russian forces were seen using their mined trenches as traps for the attacking enemy soldiers, who are often heavily drugged and unable to clearly assess the situation. As a result, dozens of Ukrainians are killed in a moment, ‘demining’ Russian traps.

So far, Ukrainian forces achieved no victories near Pyatikhatki, while the positional battles continue in the area of Velikaya Novoselka and the front lines remain unchanged. The main battlefield is now at Grushovaya balka. This is a small dry river bed located north of Priyutnoe where Ukrainian forces are attempting to gain a stronghold.

Heavy battles are ongoing along all the front lines, where the Ukrainian military attempts to gain at least some victories to justify the multibillion-dollar aid paid by NATO countries. The NATO summit begins but Zelensky has nothing to boast of to his patrons.

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is there any detailed information on current ukranian stocks of heavy equipment tanks,artillery systems and manpower. i would like to see what their assumed current numbers are and how they change over time including foreign aid.


that is classified information, nobody here would know the numbers.

Otto Skorzeny

nato’s summit of corrupt gay men begins without any major nazi victory 🤣🤣👍


the nazis anglo-saxons who are power-mongers are losing day by day. the east and those who embraced the truth will prevail. west doesn’t understand others, while others understand them, this is the main reason why the west cannot maintain control or influence in arabian peninsula, say.

Franz Köhler

are russians in trouble?

Joseph Day

no, they are not


no but nato is, nato is in deep deep trouble.


because of “mosquito offensives”?

Erik Nielsen

off course they are, but they cant admit it toward the russian population.
they cant admit it to nato, and they cant admit it for themselves, because the central commie committee with chairman putinsky would come after them.
that is the true situation of today’s situation.


in your mother ass.


you do realize that russia is capitalist

Marcelo Rodriguez

este es el momento perfecto que rusia tiene que utilizar, la cumbre de la otan dónde los países occidentales decidieron considerar de enemigos estrategicos a rusia y china juntos. es por ello que de ahora en adelante la cooperación entre rusia y china debe ser ampliada lo máximo posible, china debe proveer de misiles y drones de todo tipo, municiones, y si es necesario fabricar bajo licencia en china aviones de guerra rusos y misiles de crucero.


china es muy capaz de producir sus propios aviones de guerra y misiles de crucero.

Marcelo Rodriguez

solo la cooperación estratégica en el sector de defensa e industrial garantizará que ambos países rusia y china salgan victoriosos de la expansión desmedida de la otan a sus fronteras. de hecho rusia y china deberían instalar en forma conjunta bases militares en cuba, nicaragua y venezuela, desde donde podrían desplegar misiles de crucero e hipersonicos.

Marcelo Rodriguez

el despliegue conjunto de bases e infraestructura militar de rusia y china con misiles de crucero e hipersonicos en cuba, nicaragua y venezuela garantizará de manera directa que no haya un conflicto nuclear de gran escala entre estos países y la otan. ya que ee.uu lo pensaría varias veces antes de iniciar un conflicto nuclear teniendo una amenaza tan cercana a sus fronteras.


ghouls meeting. europe has been destroyed from within twice (two world wars that were started in europe and started by the europeans themselves), now is the time for a third world war. i hope this time the europeans will be able to finally kill themselves, since all common sense was lost back in the trenches of verdun. good luck.

Erik Nielsen

ukraine can celebrate the victory that it succeed to shelling donbass in 500 days without any russian progress. e
very day new civilians and small kids in donbass die for freedom, and russia cant do a shit about it with their “wonder weapons”.


that’s because the nazis have emboldened themselves with the support of the biggest jerks in the european union. so they can continue killing innocent people as they have been doing since 2014


‘more and more western vehicles are turning into metal scrap by the unprofessional operating procedures of the ukrainian military.’

yes, well.

what can they expect if they have half – trained baboons operating the machines?
and their commanders are…


unless they will to take the small victories a highlight them as if they are major successes on the front lines.


nato monkeys are fucked up.


let see some new footage so that we can learn how fried ukrainian is prepared


cutting off the heads , will cripple the body , but the heads grow back to tactics are most important , and every second counts , love and peace to the hero’s and their families.
