Poland Wants To Join NATO’s Nuclear Weapons Sharing Program

Poland Wants To Join NATO’s Nuclear Weapons Sharing Program

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Poland continues to escalate tensions against Russia and Belarus. In a recent speech, the country’s prime minister expressed a desire to join NATO’s nuclear program, which would allow Warsaw to have American weapons on its territory. The project comes amid attempts by Poland to “deter” Russia, which in practice could lead to a catastrophe.

Mateusz Morawiecki’s words on this topic were spoken during the press conference after the EU summit in Brussels on the 30th of June. He emphasized that although the final decision on the matter depends on his Western partners, in his opinion it would be wrong not to respond to Russia and Belarus’ initiative to share nuclear weapons. According to Morawiecki, the deployment of weapons on Belarusian territory is a “Putin’s provocation”, which needs to be answered with an equivalent measure: the deployment of American weapons on Polish soil.

“Because Russia intends to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, we address the entire NATO to take part in the Nuclear Sharing program (…) The final decision will depend on our American and NATO partners. We declare our will to act quickly in this matter (…) We do not want to sit idly by while [Russian President Vladimir] Putin escalates all sorts of threats”, he said.

In fact, this is not the first time that Polish authorities have shown interest in receiving Western nuclear weapons on their territory. Last year, some months after Minsk announced its intention to host Russian weapons, Andrzej Duda said he had contacted his American partners to discuss the possibility of responding to the Belarusian-Russian move with the arrival of NATO’s weapons in Poland.

“There is always a potential opportunity to participate in the nuclear sharing program (…) We have spoken with American leaders about whether the United States is considering such a possibility. The issue is open”, Duda announced in October.

At the time, advancing the project, Poland was allowed to participate in NATO’s nuclear deterrence exercise “Steadfast Noon“, an annual program which “helps ensure that the Alliance’s nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure, and effective”. The drills included training to put the plans of the alliance’s nuclear sharing program’s members into action, but Warsaw was not included in this category of countries, participating in the operations only as a support force.

Currently, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Holland and Turkey have US nuclear weapons on their territories. It is estimated that there are more than two hundred American atomic bombs abroad, with the program being focused on the use of the B61 air-dropped weapons, whose launch depends on the work of the so-called Dual Capable Aircraft (DCA). With the possible entry of Poland into the program, the aggressive posture of the US in Europe would be strongly boosted, creating possibly irreversible tensions.

In fact, Poland uses very weak rhetoric when justifying its request for nuclear weapons on the supposed “threat” posed by the joint strategy of Russia and Belarus. Minsk is receiving Russian weapons for two main reasons: the first is that there is a need to increase its deterrence power in the face of provocations made by NATO and Kiev neo-Nazi regime and the second reason is that this is a legal maneuver for the country, since Belarus maintains a military integration and collective defense deal with Russia within the scope of the Union State.

Belarus has been the target of several attacks carried out by Ukrainian and Belarusian dissident terrorists, many of whom cross the border precisely from Poland – a country that openly trains troops of the neo-Nazi anti-Lukashenko militia “Bypol“. By speaking of “threats” in what concerns the Belarusian-Russian strategy, Warsaw is inverting the rhetoric: it is Minsk, not Poland, that is threatened and repeatedly attacked.

By receiving American weapons, Poland would only be increasing this provocation against Belarus even more and thus legitimizing even stronger response actions. In this scenario, Russia could send even more nuclear weapons to the partner country, in addition to helping to promote a more intense militarization of the borders. With Moscow and Minsk committed to mutual defense and Russia having a much stronger military power than Poland and other neighboring countries, the plan to “deter Russia” with American nuclear weapons sounds ridiculous from a strategic perspective. The deployment of these bombs would only irresponsibly raise tensions without any real deterrent effect on Russia.

It remains to be seen whether the Atlantic alliance will handle the matter with due caution. In order to prevent current tensions from escalating to the level of a nuclear world war, it is necessary for NATO to guarantee minimum conditions of coexistence, not only renouncing expansionism but also avoiding the nuclearization of the Russian strategic environment – which includes Poland.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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stupid pollaks digging their own grave


to rząd polski, a nie polacy chcą wojny z rosją. polacy całym sercem to słowianie. jesteśmy za rosją!


the russians might make the first move toward true friendship by “sharing” some nuclear weapons with the us puppet in warsaw. they could expedite the delivery via kinzahl, wrapped with a beautiful bow.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

menos polacos existindo no mundo graças a deus. polska puta.

More Pizza anyone?

no one (in all the history of homo sapien sapiens), has ever accused pickles of being intelligent.
but guaranteed, pickles make ukrostanis look like finger licking shit eaters(not hard to do).
it’s something in the water, deutronium i hope.

More Pizza anyone?

muslims in france were shocked when freeing caged animals from a zoo, they came across a ukrainian family complaining about welfare payments and asking for free stuff, while being housed in the primate section reserved for chimps and baboon’s with big red asses.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

many nato hardware have been captured intact. the trophies are now being evaluated for reverse engineering

Last edited 1 year ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies
More Pizza anyone?

and if we ever need useless crap that fails on firing we might even make it.

Polska Kurwa

pooland urgently needs nukes – directly on their empty heads 💥

Chris Gr

hitler and stalin would agree with you. but not the sane part of humanity.


golden shower child, when are you going to figure out that hitler has been dead for seventy-eight years, and stalin for seventy? the only people who ever dropped nuclear weapons on anyone were the americans, the current imperial masters of the ridiculous poles.

Chris Gr

of the ridiculous poles lol. maybe you should try the song “the holodomor never happened”. next song will be “the killing fields never happened”. the last song of the disc will be like “the bunkers of albania were the epitome of human communistic equality”.

More Pizza anyone?

poland needs a stalin tipped nuclear enema


polsko języczny rząd, boi się rosji , bo rosja zrobi porządek w polsce i wywali oszukańców! polacy są za rosją. prawdziwi polacy to słowianie i zawsze będziemy bronić wartości prawdy piękna i dobra. bracia rosjanie balszoj spasiba druzja!!


is that true that african mass immigration is starting in poland ? 400 000 per years according to newspapers. can someone confirm ?

Chris Gr

both poland and belarus are provoking each other though.


poland probably also has a plan to evacuate all the collaborators, traitors and american occupiers from its territory once the world’s most stupid and cowardly regime starts to lose troops there.

Tom Sawyer takes it in the ASS!

the next group of cannon fodder for this zio project.
these people are truly stupid.


stupid is an understatement the poolaks seem to share their neighbours genepool that’s why they will be next sacrificed for america


putin lost the right to complain about nukes on neighboring ground with his belarus nuke deal. poland should get them as should finland and norway. good fences make good neighbors. nothing beats a well built nuclear fence.


absolutely. the russians should send nuclear weapons to finland, poland, and norway as soon as possible. is the stationing of american nuclear weapons thousands of miles from us soil comparable to the russians stationing nuclear weapons on neighbouring territory as a response to the us provocation? do you get to decide which nations have a right to do anything, hasbarat?


we have a 75 year old alliance created for one purpose: to protect our european allies from the russian bear. and it has worked perfectly; so well in fact that as soon as a former warsaw pact nation escapes the grip of the cheka they apply for membership. they know it guarantees they will not be invaded. and thats why ukraine wants and needs membership.


israel has a 75-year-old alliance with european allies to protect them from russia? isn’t it funny that so many of these european allies, now so very fearful of russia, particpated in the genocidal assault on russia in 1941-45? germany, italy, romania, hungary, croatia, slovakia, not to mention the ss divisions recruited from most of the rest of the nato states. project much, hasbarat?

Last edited 1 year ago by Clyde

clyde you know i was speaking of nato.

btw i see i am no longer persona non gratis on this site. my comments today have been published. i think maybe there was a shakeup at sf after the prigozhin affair. and clyde, where were you in that equation? sf went dead for 24 hours before the “revolt”. are you immune or suspect?

Chris Gr

clydie is in the gutter. at least after 1991.


delusions of grandeur, hasbarat?

Chris Gr

the monarchists of germany, italy, romania and yugoslavia were opposing the nazi regimes but you won’t listen to that because it doesn’t serve your commie interests. after all, the ss are dead for 78 years. now are they alive or are they alive when you want?


try to follow the bouncing ball, golden shower child. the hasbarat justified the expansion of the us-owned nato military bloc allegedly as a response to historical russian aggression, and i pointed out that, historically, the many nato states attacked russia in a genocidal war of conquest. see how easy that was?


the monarchists like hindenburg? victor emmanuel? the nazis were engaged in street fights with communists, not monarchists. i realize that you love hereditary dominance hierarchies rooted in magical thinking, but you can’t change historical facts, golden shower child.

Chris Gr

the world is not black and white between imperialists and non imperialists but it is more nuanced. after all, all of them are imperialists and capitalists now. even the maduro regime. but the gutter is having side effects on your brain but you cannot see the reality or maybe you don’t want to see the reality because it doesn’t serve you.


clearly you are quite happy to form sentiments in the total absence of facts, as you don’t have the foggiest notion of what i do or don’t see. you’ll never get past your silly beliefs about stalin, with whom you appear to be quite obsessed, beliefs likewise rooted entirely in sentiment.


poľsko chce mať na svojom území jz? tak potom rf by mala jz umiestniť priamo v kaleningrade!!! potom ešte následne na kube, venezuele, nikarague. aby vznikla reciprocita, keďže usa rozmiestňujú svoje jz po svete!!!


a handful of poles, all the ones i know, they have to a greater or lesser degree been unhinged and this includes their progeny. the land ruled by greedy hyenas needs to look at this following scenario. they get nukes and so russia sends a kinzhal to blow up their nukes and they get raidation contamination in their own nation like an own goal. getting nukes will backfire. when one is fiesty and threatening, this can make one far more liable to get harmed that just being peaceful.


the real vultures of our world, the warmongering parasites, the only thing to do with them is to destroy them, not the nations but the powerful, the military industrial complex. russia is peaceful but it is constantly putting out fires started by the vultures.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

polonish nazist: de nada servem armas nucleares, você vai desaparecer do mapa polska nazista! varsova vai arder em fogo antes que polska puta e nazista consiga lançar um míssil. polska volte a ser puta nos prostibulos de varsova, o que é melhor pra você.
lembre polska: 665 soldados ucraínos mortos em 03 de julho de 2023!


translation nuke me or dont protced jesusu benjamin kunser von isreal — massad kiuller team seem to week to kill me


which also means poland also shares the risk of being nuked ..directly.


good propaganda for the ruskis. they are good. polaks are stupid. so simple. even morons on this side can understand. fu village idiots. write more of the this shit.


poland has the lowest gdp in the eu and gets over 50% of the eu budget. so they want nuclear war?

polak lgbt

only 6 danes need to change light bulb—we do with 5

More Pizza anyone?

one to hold the bulb and 4 to shovel in the coal…..


looks like the us shipped a crate of cocaine to polands political “elite” and now they think they’re gonna take on the whole world. side note: after 1921 the poles thought the same. next came 1939 and the west abandoned them. no big power is your friend and the other side will drop you the very moment you’ve served your purpose. look to ukraine and learn the lesson, dumb fucks.


washington thinks is is safe and untouchable, until they get a reminder they are not they will continue with their delusion.


and thanks to washington’s constant warmongering the chinese are now upgunning their rocket air defenses to the max. once those us aircraft carriers become useless projecting power worldwide is over. hopefully.


poland want’s just into space they have misunderstood military with space rockets.

British Trench Trannies

poland is a rabid dog of a country. they attacked germans before ww2 – egged on by british weasels. now they are attacking russians b4 ww3 – egged on by british and american weasels. some countries never learn to get over their painful existence

Chris Gr

poland attacked nazis and soviets by not surrendering. thanks for the clarification.


poland was a right-wing military dictatorship that was quite happy to steal disputed territory from czechoslovakia while the anglo-french empires egged them on, and they ended up with russian troops on their land in 1939 because they refused to treat with the russians to make common cause against the imperialist aspirations of the nazis.


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James Connolly

sometimes i wonder who’s got the lowest iq the poles or the ukronazis? they both seem to be in a race to the bottom with the lithuanian and latvian nazis. are they competing for the darwin award for national hara-kiri to see who will be the first to be wiped out by the russians

Chris Gr

things are not that simplistic.