Dam War Supports Ukrainian Attempts To Counterattack


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Dam War Supports Ukrainian Attempts To Counterattack

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Dam War Supports Ukrainian Attempts To Counterattack
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Dam War Supports Ukrainian Attempts To Counterattack

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The first days of the Ukrainian counteroffensive did not lead to any victories for the Ukrainian Army. After two days of massive attacks on the fronts of the Zaporozhye region and the south of the DPR, Ukrainian units suffered heavy losses, but failed to take control of any of the settlements.

On June 5, Ukrainian forces managed to enter the village of Novodonetskoye, but did not gain a foothold there and retreated after prolonged battles. On the morning of June 6, the frontlines in the Donbass and southern regions remained unchanged.

The Ukrainian military paid a high price for the failed attempts to break through the Russian defense. The Russian Defense Ministry estimated the enemy’s losses at 1.5 thousand soldiers, as well as 28 tanks and 109 armored fighting vehicles.

Western main battle tanks did not help the advancing Ukrainians. The Russian Defense Ministry announced the destruction of at least 8 German Leopard tanks. NATO equipment is now burning out in the Ukrainian steppes, including MaxxPro MRAPS, French armored fighting vehicles  such as AMX-10RC etc.

The situation remains tense on the frontlines. Ukrainian attempts to open an auxiliary front are expected in the Kherson region.

On the night of June 6, Ukrainian forces struck at the Kakhovskaya HPP. According to preliminary data, the attack was carried out by Ukrainian Vilha MLRS.

As a result, several floodgates were destroyed. Up to 80 settlements can get into the flooding zone.

Kiev, as always, accused Russia for destroying infrastructure, despite the fact that the HPP is under the control of the Russian military; the flat and lower eastern bank of the Dnieper, where Russian positions are located, is under the greatest danger; and such a strike is not beneficial for Russian forces from a military point of view.

A few months ago, it became obvious that Kiev would try to use control over the dams along the Dnieper River during its counteroffensive. Back in April, water overflowed the banks of the Dnieper in the Kiev region, which the Ukrainian media explained with allegedly heavy precipitation. However, the rain this year was not unusually heavy in Ukraine.

In fact, the Kiev authorities deliberately accumulated water without opening the floodgates on the dams. Then, the Ukrainian dam in Dneprodzerzhinsk did not discharge water for more than two weeks, as a result the local villages were also flooded, and the population had to be evacuated.

All this was necessary for the ongoing counteroffensive. Having damaged the only dam under the control of Russian forces, Kiev can flood the Russian-controlled eastern bank in the Kherson region opening all the floodgates and drain the water upstream of the Dnieper. Kiev is clearly not concerned about the civilian settlements, which it is allegedly trying to liberate from the cruel Russians.

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threadly reminder that the sbu troll farm received a new directive to pretend like there is no offensive going on, but they will not address why there is suddenly hundreds of smoldering nato vehicles out in the fields. the cope has not been this strong since the ghost of kiev days


these areas are flooded for ukrainian counter offensive. attack aircraft will pop off any ukronazis and the will need support for on going offensive, which is going to happen on wet ground.


the only thing this has ended up doing is showing how failed us and nato really are.
this is likely another terrorist british opp.

V Molotov

3 days hohol offensive=. 3700 dead hohol, 71 russian…80 german french tanks destroyed…sawyer and holm return to taliban therapist

Gneaus stapo

and pigs can fly, santa claus is real and tomorrow u win the lottery.

V Molotov

gestapo humiliated by truth…lol


by destroying the dam, ukronazis played their last ace card and are apparently going all in on their attack, they are obviously desperate to achieve some victory but the harder they go in the more devastating their defeat will be! nato and ukraine are controlled by nazis, that means they have a heavy superiority complex and are very much underestimating the russians, this will backfire hard on them soon.


this attack on the dam isn’t sufficient to amount to anything. it ruins the ground for armour to advance. it also means they can’t use bridges to cross. if anything it’ll make the russians pull back a bit only to gradually return once the water recedes. the most it does is allows the uaf to move a large amount of forces away from the west bank of the river there to support their offensive further east.


“nato and ukraine are controlled by nazis,” no, natio and ukraine and the us, and western msm are all controlled by pretend jews, who hate russia because their plan to resurrect khazaria has come to nothing.


nazi.ukraine still have another card, nuclear power plans. usa-nato using nazi-fascists ukraines could blow up zaporizhzha nuclear power plants and blame russia for this event. it is necessary right away to get rid of the clown jew nazi-fascist of zelensky.

Gneaus stapo

wasnt it 450k?


1,500 soldiers and 28 tanks, wow it´s amazing


so who blew the dam?

the dam was blown to funnel any troops into a few crossing points, since the russians didn’t prevent the ukraine attack c on sunday and ukraine has been building up defenses in dneipro then it seems more likely ukraine blew the dam.

belgians opened the gates during ww1 but the battle for antwerp in ww2 is a closer fit where germans blew dykes to force the enemy to a few routes.


fm old men attacks the buttocks of zelensky! he counter attacks with his tongue vigorously thrusting at the soft points of his target for his victory of the colon proof he is world champion !

Dick Von D'Astard

probably a lot of factors why kyiv bolshevik-nazi hybrid junta destroyed the dam with u.s./uk planning. however the main reason i think is making the reunification of nikolaev and odessa with the russian federation more difficult for the russian army after the ukrop-nato counteroffensive gets totally annihilated.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dick Von D'Astard
Brad Simmons

i appreciate your analysis of the source of the dam failure. military analysis’s of seasoned veterans i trust have said the same thing. you have gained my trust.

V Molotov

defeated hohols provide distraction of shiny condom for fish brain hillbilly sawyer and his lgbt troll farm


youre jobb in sweden ….. your job in germany (1945)
