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- On April 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours
- On April 18, unknown gunmen killed a civilian and injured another in Tel Shihab west of Daraa
- On April 17, clashes between HTS and the SAA were reported near the village of Bsartun. HTS reportedly killed three SAA servicemen
- On April 17, ISIS ambushed an SAA vehicle on the Palmyra-Sukhnah highway and captured three SAA officers
What is going to happen with HTS? Perhaps they could be oxygenated.
Seriously, where do HTS originate from, where can they be sent to, what does Turkey propose to do with HTS? We know where the US terrorists are from, ISIS, they are the Libyan so called ‘rebels’ and Takfiris from many nations, the Kurds are the FSA, the wandering tribesmen who use to herd animals who settled into many nations and were granted citizenship, which they abused.
Asad won and is now being Iegitimized and weIcomed back by the Arab and MusIim world.
The welfare funded banana repubIic of lsrael and its treasonous lsrael-first AIPAC sIaves in the government, in the inteI and in the military must be having a nervous breakdown.
Their illegal war on lraq based on deIiberate lies about WMDs opened the Iranian land bridge into Iraq through Syria and into Lebanon, their plot to oust Asad, break up Syria and block the Persian Iand bridge utterly failed, cost tens of $trillions, thousands US soldiers KIA and the US moral standing in the world.
No evil deed ever goes unpunished. Karma is a beech. Now Iran is ascendant, Putin will get his way in Ukraine and China will eventually take Taiwan. US politicians should be ashamed, they have wasted so much US blood and treasure just to aid and abet the psionist regime and its illegal orthodox settler leeches’ occupation of the internationally recognized West Bank.. Remember the USS LIberty.
as retired janitor my 40 years cleaning toilet makes me expert in physics political economy and Julius ebola