Pyongyang is hosting celebrations in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Korean People’s Army (KPA). At night, large military parade took place in the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
According to the Yonhap news agency, more than 22 thousand soldiers of the Korean People’s Army took part in the parade, which became the largest one in many years. For the fifth time since 2020, military parades in the DPRK are held at night.
The parade showcased new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The length of the missile was estimated at about 22-24 m. It is not the largest of those that the DPRK already has. However, the main advantage of the new missile is a solid-fuel engine. This makes the maintenance easier, allowing it to be kept in constant combat readiness for a long time, reducing the time required for its launch. Because of its range, the missile poses the threat to the United States.
At least ten launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles “Hwasong-17” passed at Kim Il Sung Square, as well as an ultra-large multiple launch rocket system and “invisible” unmanned aerial vehicles.
Some experts noted that the DPRK managed to establish the full production of its own towing units for heavy missiles. If earlier the DPRK military used the remolded Chinese models, on February 8, exclusively North Korean samples took part in the parade.
Thanks to the war in Ukraine which is to last for years, Iran won’t be able to be contained and they will have even more nukes than the poor, tiny, Hermit kingdom of North Korea.
we need to get rid of Erdogan fast
he loves Isis and the Zionists
Nah…it’ll all be over by summer or it will be all over Urupp aka the evil EUSSR aka Natostan.
Funny as ever the Western media say the North Korean army uses World War II equipment
we need to get rid of Erdogan fast
he loves Isis and the Zionists:)
North Korea is very well armed. They are organized and disciplined. They have mega firecrackers that scare the Americans. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
we need to get rid of Erdogan fast
he loves Isis and the Zionists
he is dangerous
Undoubtedly, after the attempted American coup against him in 2016, Erdogan has changed many ideas. For now, the fact that he’s in NATO and doesn’t obey them is a good thing.
Turkey and Iran are part of the Axis of Resistance, however, they should chill out.
Yes but soon enough, USA will give North Korea MTV and CNN.
I’d love to see one of those dildos up Biden’s ass.
please kick Erdogan out he love terrorist
Ha, ha, ha … dva v jednom. KĽDR nie len, že provokuje prehnitý západ vojenskou prehliadkou. KĽDR naviac provokuje v noci pri plnom osvetlení kedy na celom prehnitom západe pomaly na noc vypínajú svetlá, lebo tak až strašne musia šetriť elektrinou. Ten Kim je proste šoumen akého ešte svet nevidel. Takto sa predvádzať a k tomu ešte v noci? Ha, ha, ha …
North Korea is Korea. The South is an occupied puppet state. It will be liberated at some point, hopefully soon.
Yea, thats cool i guess…
Ah my favorite Korea…. Under sanctions by both Russia and China…. but never fear Kim is here! These little bastards get it done. If Russia had any sense they would PMC about 100k of these guys ….send them to Ukraine and end the war. In the end they will be lucky if they can buy some oil from Russia at twice the going rate… or sale coal to china at 25% its market value…love those sanctions. North Korea when your friends are like you enemies but worse. Stay strong my little norther comrades!
New ICBM is close to “Topol’-M” with missile inside the launch tube. It’s smaller than their previous ICBM without tube (“Hwasong-17”) , the chassis has 9 pairs of wheels instead 11. They are the third country in the world with technology of ground mobile ICBM.
Someone hates not beeing in the news as the worlds biggest villian. How dare Putin steal his spotlight. ;-)
DPRK strong have nukes sovereignty—us kraut must lick amerikan penis
inferior German live in green tepee w lgbt
“I love the smell of nuclear mushroom in the morning.”
Even though I dislike the US, I don’t like such a regime as the NK one.
Have your ever been in NK? I know you have not. Your punk ass is just looking for a fight.
The situation is horrible there