Russian attack helicopters continue to target Ukrainian military positions across the frontline in the special military operation zone with the advanced Lightweight Multifunction Missile (LMUR), also known as the Izdeliye 305.
On February 8, a video documenting a recent strike with LMUR missile on a position near the settlement of Kam’yans’ke in the Zaporozhye region surfaced online. The missile hit the position, a large hangar, with pinpoint accuracy.
The LMUR, which was developed by the Kolomna Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering, is equipped with an GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system, an optical thermal imaging homing seeker and a two-way secured data-link. The maximum range of the missile is said to be around 15 kilometers. It is armed with a high-explosive warhead weighing 25 kg.
The missile can be launched from upgraded Mi-28NM and Ka-52M attack helicopters as well as Mi-8MNP-2 special forces helicopters.
The LMUR has a fire-and-forget function which allows it to track its target on its own without any interference from the operator after launch, as well as a man-in-the-loop function that enables the operator to lock on the target after launch and steer the missile towards it.
The Russian military has been attacking Ukrainian military positions, pontoon bridges and vehicles with LMUR missiles since the start of the special operation around a year ago with much success. However, it is unclear yet if Russia increased the production of the missile, or if it is planning to do so in the near future.
Fantastic weapon! Hit and destroy, deratized! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
LMUR : Leopard M2 hUnteR…
Very well! Strong!
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To by šlo. A stále je čo zlepšovať. Napríklad ten dolet natiahnuť aspoň na 20 km a hmotnosť zvýšiť aspoň na 30 kg. Keď už ich chcú používať na ničenie skladov a pontónov.
Vzdy je co zlepsovat, ale za me dobry.
Russia better wake up and launch a full attack upon the criminal cabal because they are coming to bring destruction. Strike first. Do not wait or hesitate. Time is against the one who launches second.
They have declared their evil intentions. Let them enjoy their misery.
The bible says they will cower in fear praying for death in their hiding places…but they will not be allowed to die, they must suffer for their evil deeds.
👍🤣 Excellent!
Th Rusticans alwaysmake inflation by uing pecial operation. Many here hope next of theirs will be in their own brains or leftovers second class.
Optimists hope to buy some of them for organtransplantation, because they might never have been used.
How many tomatoes was it :)
In the upcoming offensive Russia should take no prisoners.
Russia is a Christian Nation. A strong and moral nation unified in purpose need not resort to barbarism. Leave acts of evil to the Nazi’s and the zionists. Onward to victory, Z.
A opet si i tu u pravu
Indoctus es stupri amentis. Redire ad comedere kebabs et stupri hircos.
Sve pobiti ukre
Their fishing gear might not be enough.
Now that we all know that US and UK destroyed NS1 and NS2, it’s time for the RF to apply vengeance (Wie Du Mir So Ich Dir), which means the RF has to destroy the underwater communication cable between US and UK under the Atlantic Ocean. Prove to the free world that you have balls, Russia, otherwise you will lose respect among Herrenländer (respectful nations).
Revenge is a dish best served cold. Z.
Hunted Leos will be salted, peppered and smoked as aperitiv
Not at all. They will go into the Russian market by the soldier robbers. The vehicles are made by Porche and Cadilac.
Putin cant find even a single T14 Armata. Since it was upgraded with a samovar all 4 has been stolen.
Now that we all know that US and UK did NS1-NS2. It’s time for the RF to apply vengeance (Wie Du Mir So Ich Dir), which means the RF has to destroy the underwater communication cable between US and UK. Prove to the free world that you have balls, Russia, otherwise you will lose respect among Herrenländer. And you know what , YOU KNOW WHAT? Nazi/Terrorists can do nothing to stop it – Russia has more nukes the USA and the UK have, combined.
Me too I wait for a PROPER russian response. Not necessarily on the comm cables but anyway in a very pungent mode for the satanic atlantic terror organization. The world is large.
Wrong. Why should Russia fight for other peoples problems? Let the people of the EU find out how their ‘allies’ USA and UK destroyed and used them, and let them kick out USA and UK.
Russia is focusing on defending its people and borders in the Ukraine.
Demilitarization of the nazi’s is going according to plan. Off course coupled with an increase rhythm of bandera denazification. Kupiansk and Backmut meat-grinder working at full load…
It’s pretty clear if Russia increased the production of the missile, or if it is planning to do so in the near future. The answer is that the collapsed Russian economy can’t even produce its own bullets.