Israel Says ‘Iron Fist’ Active Protection System Completed Successful Test (Video)

Israel Says 'Iron Fist' Active Protection System Completed Successful Test (Video)

The first serial produced Eitan APC in a handout photo published June 14, 2022. (the Israeli Ministry of Defense)

On December 12, the Israeli Ministry of Defense announced that the Iron Fist active protection system (APS), developed by Elbit Systems, had completed a successful test.

During the test, the hard-kill APS was fitted on the new Eitan 8×8 armored personnel carrier (APC). The ministry said that the successful test involved launching several  anti-tank projectiles at the APC “in various challenging scenarios.”

The Iron Fist detects incoming missiles and rockets using a radar and an optical detection system and calculate their trajectory. The system then fires a small interceptor round in the direction of the incoming projectile, causing it to detonate away from the vehicle.

The system can also pinpoints the source of fire, enabling the vehicle or nearby troops to respond to the threat in a timely manner.

According to the Israeli MoD, the Iron Fist would be deployed to Eitan APCs as well as to the military’s armored Caterpillar D9 bulldozers once the development is complete.

The chief of the IDF Ground Forces, Brig. Gen. Aviram Sela, hailed the successful test of the Iron Fist APS, saying it would “enhance protection measures for forces on the battlefield.”

It’s worth noting that the similar Trophy hard-kill APS, which was developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is already in service with the Israeli military. The system is deployed on Mark IV battle tanks and Namer APCs. It has already proven to be effective to some degree.



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Karate, which means Empty-Hand, is the ability to overcome the filthy jews or filthy commies regardless of size or power of their weapons or weapons systems.


For example, even the mention of the filthy jewish grandmother, is powerful enough to impart change Worldwide.

A few days or weeks ago satanyahu abandoned The Law Of Return, and nullified the filthy jewish grandmother.


The next step is to take a kosher knife and stick it through the belly of the filthy jewish grandmother, and leave the cunt on the street for all the People to see how filthy they are.

(Classical Karate is the ability to take the weapon of the filthy jew and use it against them, in this case the filthy jewish grandmother and her filthy knife which is kosher to use against her).


Once the filthy jewish grandmother weapon is removed the filthy jew boy is disarmed, having no means to defend his filthy jewish existence, a costly opportunity cost since the start of World Solar Time.

Chris Gr

Karate has nothing to do with your Khawarij bullshit.

Chris Gr

Netanyahu is on the good side, Gantz is with globalists.


Israfil – NKOTB – Step by Step

1. kurds
2. assheadists
3. jews

(globohomo is jew and jens holmo)

Ghost of Moscow

Mike is Right


Netanyahu is on the good side, you are fucking moron if you believe that corrupt war criminal is on the side of good. All Israelis are the same Zionist globalist’s supporting trash, fuck off idiot.

Chris Gr

You are incorrect on that one

Ghost of Moscow

No he’s Not, Netanyahu was like the Hilary Clinton of America but maybe even Worse he definitely was on the side of Evil and not Good!

Chris Gr

Hillarys and Billys wanted Gantz to win.

Ghost of Moscow

The Globalist War-mongering Netanyahu was on the good side huh, do me a Favor or you ready? Slap yourself for me and I mean really hard!

Chris Gr

Netanyahu likes war but he is no globalist, he is conservative and patriot.

Chris Gr

You do a mistake, Assad is not Sufyani but Ashab. Sufyani is black flag aka SSNP, which is a far-left group with racist overtones. Ashab has red flag (Assad), Abqa has green flag (FSA).


Sheik Osama is AlYamaniZaman, end of story.


We cant have a convo if you keep deleting my messages (or love filthy jew grandmothers).

Chris Gr

Send me your email

JHK but theres no way you can convince me an iota of filthy jewishness.

At the end of the day all nonIslamists are filthy jews, and I only include Kamikaze and Nazis as Honorary.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Israfil – Smashing Pumpkins – Disarm


Another technique important to Karate, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Water, and Sun Tsu, is called the extended hand (Never extend the hand to allow the filthy jew to grab it).

For example, the reason why putin lost his Blackbelt was because he extended his hand both in Syria and Ukraine.

1. asshead ran to mother jew krushia and extended his hand to a son of a whore jew grandmother, a mistake worse than covid, and a mark of the beast. Anyone henceforth caught shaking assheads hand is likewise severely infected, which is why we see the crumbling of the shia crescent. satanyahus whore of a filthy jew grandmother is the origin of this filthy disease, which is the disease of apostacy, like fredo or jewda.


2. satanyahus toilet not only extended his red telephone hand to satanyahu, but also in Ukraina stated that his goal was to deNazify Ukraina, with the hopes he could lick satanyahus balls with it. And Pavlovs lavrov (the gungan in sea attire) demonstrated how much the commies lick filthy jew testicles and how much filthy jews love it.

Once the filthy commie-jew extends his hand, it can be grabbed like with a claw-sword and permanently crippled, chopped off, ground, or tossed into the garbage bin of history, like a lost mojo that was never there to begin with, a ghost arm, or in this case, a ghost dick for dickless phaggots.


What’s the big deal? SF did you know all military assets/gear MUST complete tests before being used?

The US B-2 Spirit, “US nuclear bomber catches fire after emergency landing”.

THE REAL TEST IS WHEN those get used on real battleground, not set up test… again remember an old S-200 missile from Syria landed into Israel near their nuclear site and none of their air defence system worked at all.. those also passed their tests and Zionists called them best air defence system in the world.

These “tests” are fuking set-up and they know everything it is BS and they lie their ass off. People say China is stealing IP yet Zionists getting all that for free… but you can’t call these stealing rat what they real are…


Israeli people need protection from aay boor la who is trying to depopulate them. Anything else is absurd theater.

Ghost of Moscow

Israel needs to send it to Russia, then maybe so many innocent Russian Civilians won’t die, because Russian Air-defenses are nothing like what Putin claimed them be! In fact the entire Russian Military is not what Putin claimed it to be, the current war in Ukraine was a eye opening experience I think for all of us, seeing the Piss Poor Performance of Russian Troops in Ukraine was shocking!

Chris Gr

The performance of the Russian/DPR/LPR were not that poor actually because Ukraine is a big state and has support from most of NATO countries.