A commander said, “this is not a training deployment, this is a combat deployment”
Written by Kyle Anzalone. Originally published on AntiWar
The White House has deployed thousands of American soldiers just miles from Ukraine to prepare for war, according to CBS News. Officers speaking with the outlet revealed they were there for combat against Russia.
Brigadier General John Lubas confirmed nearly 5,000 troops from the 101st Airborne recently joined the 100,000 American soldiers already deployed to Europe. Lubas described his troops as being on “full deployment,” and they are preparing to fight Russian soldiers in Ukraine. “This is not a training deployment, this is a combat deployment for us. We understand we need to be ready to fight tonight,” he said.
CBS Reporter Charlie D’Agata was embedded with the American forces as they conducted military drills – at a forward operating base – within four miles of Ukraine’s border. The 101st Airborne is engaged in joint exercises with Romanian forces, simulating Ukrainian soldiers’ combat against Russian troops.
Colonel Edwin Matthaidess said his forces have been “closely watching” the Russian soldiers, “building objectives to practice against” and conducting war games that “replicate exactly what’s going on” in Ukraine.
CBS News reported, “[Russia’s] goal is to cut off all Ukrainian access to the sea, leaving the country and its military forces landlocked.” CBS News did not provide a source for that assertion. The Kremlin has publicly said its war goal is limited to eastern Ukraine.
Lubas declared the division was “ready to defend every inch of NATO soil.” However, Moscow has never threatened to invade a NATO country. Ukraine is not a NATO member. When President Zelensky said Ukraine should be allowed into the North Atlantic alliance last month, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg rejected Kiev’s proposal.
The 101st Airborne is a light infantry division. It carries the nickname the “Screaming Eagles” as the Pentagon utilizes the 101st as a force that can deploy around the world within hours. Lubas described his division as bringing a “unique capability, from our air assault capability… We’re a light infantry force, but again, we bring that mobility with us, for our aircraft and air assaults.”
Romanian Major General Lulian Berdila told CBS News that the presence of American troops was reminiscent of WWII, “The real meaning for me, to have the American troops here, is like if you were to have allies in Normandy before any enemy was there.” The 101st has not deployed to Europe since the last world war.
Kyle Anzalone is the opinion editor of Antiwar.com, news editor of the Libertarian Institute, and co-host of Conflicts of Interest.
I see many dead Yankee scum!…
Haven’t you guys learned anything after the .gov that pays your meal ticket gave you a very unsuccessful career on heavy duty drugs and rampant suicide rates since you learned about who did this – https://www.ae911truth.org/ https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11?
Do keep in mind that when you die over there they won’t be sending you home through Dover in a casket given that your government never invoked war powers with an “up” and “down” vote that sent you there… but at least you’ll be making great top soil for future wheat crops in unmarked graves!
101st. Oh the world is so scared now. Scared lol
Are these guys for real?? They could not defeat the Taliban for 20 years with close to one trillion Dollars worth of arms they want to fight Russia ??
Someone is spreading cocaine and marijuana to the Western planners. Lol
What a joke !!!
It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.
These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:
” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.
Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.
The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.
It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.
We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.
“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.
Silly Joseph is a Jehovah’s Witness, although he doesn’t come right out and say it.
In other words, he is not a Christian, but an infidel.
Founder: Charles Taze Russell AMerican CULT
Founded: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Governance: Governing Body
What sort of mental gymnastics does one have to do to convince themselves Russia is located in the south?
If you see it from Arctic………………………..Russia is south :-O.
Russia is the only Christian country now.
Russia will not be affected.
Sorry, your interpretation is not 100%
What are these useless American blowhards projecting here? In the minds of dumbed down Americans who swallowed Hollywood propaganda. Ukraine is not in NATO, so “defending every inch of NATO” does not apply to Ukraine.
I just want to see those evils dare to cross the borderline to Ukraine and shoot at the Russians.
Me too.
You should know by now they will change the rules if they want,i hope they are annihilated if they step over the border.
They would have been ready to fight immediately, but a few of them have existing hair and nail appointments, so everybody has to wait for tonight.
Rather an appointment at the coronary doctor after swallowing one too many big macs and chili dogs.
It’s a brigade around 5000 men So it is limited to what it can do. The Russian military can deal with the US 101st easy The Russian military units have been fighting nato for the last 8 months the 101st have little or no actual combat experience and without proper ground support the Americans would take heavy causally numbers just as they did during the ardennes forest event in ww2 there will be a lot of body bags going home to D/C after this
Exactly, slay those yank mazafakas to the last one ukr. Let’s them join this pleasure.
They have a mix of French, Dutch, Spanish and other NATO armies with them, and Romania might be called to offer the bulk of the cannon fodder (which I found very unlikely).
Many Romanian command personal have been called to “studies” in the next days… Some of them have plans to.eat and drink and are looking for women around the study centers 😅😆
The soon-to-be 101st Screaming Chicken Division, full of over-fed, woke and broke Amerigoons whatever their race, ethnicity and religious affiliation may be. Cannon fodder for the vile Jew amd Anglòwie banker scum who are driving the US to the ground.
hahaha Il Sicario… The Screaming Eagles… when you grab a male soldier and take off their clothes and you discover he is she… or a female soldier could have a (secret weapon hidden or a WIFI antenna hidden between their legs) hahaha lol!!!
This may actually be true since it doesn’t say who they ready to fight against !! It could very well be Serbia again since USA sees them as little Russians !! USA and NATO cannot fight a formidable army such as Russian or Chinese without taking a worse beating then Ukraine is taking it now !!
Stallone alone took out about 1000 men. You have no idea of America’s capacity. We can do it if we can dream it.
Stallone killed the entire Russian army in Afghanistan! Chinese and North Koreans are just snacks for him!
Eu is becoming one? EU has been a shithole since its inception.
He took all 1000 of them from behind. So, Russians should be scared as Sodomy 101 is ready to fuc…I mean fight real war. Now, let’s involve some math, 101st sodomite brigade, 5000 “men”x1000 equals 5 million Russian soldiers sodomized Stallone style. However, we should put into calculation that most of these 101st LGBT screaming beagles would be dead even before they see first Russian soldier.
There is real war in Ukraine.
I actually have an idea. As Americans love (just as their Israeli overlords) inclusion of women in their military ranks so they can hypocritically claim that women and men in their society are equal (which has never been true and still isn’t), when Russians start to fight them and they capture these “female military personell” they should give them an ultimatum: they will be offered to be shot at the spot or they can play an instrument. A dozen of Russian soldiers will be set inline by the size of their dicks and US “female military personel” would be given a chance to play “El condor pasa” on such a lively “instrument” with their mouth. If they hit the correct tune, they will be sent to Siberia and in some 20-30 years can even return to US, which will not exist anymore by that time. But they will still be alive to see what they brought to US – annihilation.
” Lubas described his division as bringing a “unique capability, from our air assault capability…” Yah yah super-rambo!
Dear southfront reader, If you feel useless, remember that it took 4 presidents, 20 years and 400 trillion dollars to replace the Taliban with the Taliban!
I think those american bastards are placed there more likely to prevent the Moldovian government from being changed. For any engagement in Ukraine would be an akt of attack on the Russian forces without any justification and would bring the chinese allies of Russia on the plan which would be the beginning of a new world war.
Who the hell would change the Moldavian or Romanian government?! 😅
This means that army is going to be deployed in ukraine, could happening right now.
101st SS division is on the job
The 101st is being set up for destruction. How else will the juice destroying the world be successful if they can’t convince the average uninformed, Media Slave American that Russia is the BAD GUY?
101st?! Where are the other 100? We know of 82nd but how about 12th, 27th, 43rd, 95th etc?
the truth is, Ukrainian troops will attack Transnistria soon.
It will be used as blackmail to get Russia out of the cities it has occupied.
These USA soldiers have been deployed to the Romania to able to help Ukranian troops of the operation (Transnistria).
providing intelligence and providing soldiers
We are in the Endgame now….
Yeah, ok. Ready to fight bare foot goat herders, and even then they ran with their tails between their legs from Afghanistan.
Now, ready to fight Kh-47M2 Kinzhal hypersonic missiles??? I think not…lol
They are light infantry and are in effect only a trip wire.
They are replay of Charge of the light brigade. It didn’t end well for the Brits then. It won’t end well for these Brits from the other side of Atlantic either. He who doesn’t learn from history is forced to repeat it at his own detriment.
This report is from CBS. They are an infamous fake news source. Does anyone have independent confirmation of this US deployment to Ukraine’s borders?
Time to watch if the US Eagles can catch to the Russian Bear…. dont think USA will enter first enter on a War in Ukraine, just bluffing… in WW1 WW2 and Korea War they entered when fight was about to end, and troops were weak… Always pick your fights, the weakest your enemy the Greatest Fame you adquire (USA Military Dialect) Lets see them fight… Russia should take em off without difficulty because they are in the mouth of the Bear, could not miss the bite Bear… the world also wanted to see some USA Military Mighty blood in the land …. then people of the World will remember that USA Military can bleed also, they are not different from us, just have better training.
The 101st Airborne will find that entering Ukie land without complete dominance of the skies would be suicide and if HATO directly enters the fray the Nukes will eventually fly.
This being the case, the Screaming Eagles will be screaming, ‘ Get me outa here, the Ruskies are shooting back’.
Slava Rossiya.
The US Military will cave, Weak, LGBTQ’s in battle.. more fodder
The lightness with which an argument on alleged threat to Russia by this tiny force is made amazes me.
Gonzalo Lira has speculated this way as well. Come on, John Lubas and screaming eagles, bring it on! Let see the density of dough you have been made of.
You heard that boys, the 101st division have there high heels on with there favorite lip stick ready for tonight!
US army cannot fight a strong army other wise US should have invaded North korea and Iran long before. US is good on using others to fight thier war to weaken the opponent and then enter later to take credit. But russia and iran armed force is different. they will show this US israeli zionist scum a dust
Russia needs to capture ALL of NAZI ukraine!
Capture the entire agricultural region!
Capture EVERY city!
DENAZIFY the whole place!
And give each Russian soldier 20 hectares of prime farm land!
Capture EVERY Ukranian city
And give each Russian soldier 30 hectares of prime farm land
If you support Nazis, that’s aiding and abetting . Means you will liquidated just like a Nazi bastard.
More noise from a bunch of losers, we’re here to fight NATO bureaucracy says the screaming pigeons commander.
They really scared the Koreans and Vietnamese these losers. World champions, for mouthing off. When was the last battle they won?
Look at a map dipshit. You are not defending America.