Kiev Regime Kills Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Areas Seeking Russian Protection (Photos)

Kiev Regime Kills Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Areas Seeking Russian Protection (Photos)

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The Kiev regime committed another terrorist attack against civilians on the territories it lost.

On the morning of September 30, Ukrainian nationalists struck a column of civilian vehicles that was moving to the territory controlled by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The attack took place near the city of Energodar in the Zaporozhie region and resulted in deaths of at least 24 civilians. 36 other people were injured, including one child.

Kiev Regime Kills Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Areas Seeking Russian Protection (Photos)

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Kiev Regime Kills Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Areas Seeking Russian Protection (Photos)

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Kiev Regime Kills Refugees Who Flee War-Torn Areas Seeking Russian Protection (Photos)

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On September 29, Ukrainian militants committed a similar crime in the area of Svatovo in the LPR. A convoy of refugees from Kupyansk was tracked down by Ukrainian drones and hit with the US-made HIMARS MLRS. At least 30 people were killed, including children.

For several weeks, civilians have been evacuated from Kupyansk and nearby settlements. People left the area by buses and private cars, they were secured by the Russian military. While Kupyansk was under the control of the Russian military, the evacuation route that ran along the railway was safe enough.

On September 25, the AFU entered the town. On the same day, a convoy with other refugees came under Ukrainian fire in a village on the town outskirts. As a result, at least 20 civilians were killed.

Ukrainian militants continue to purposefully kill the disloyal population of the Kiev terrorist regime. These terrorist attacks again proved the real attitude of the Kiev regime to civilians. As usually, the MSM decided to ignore the crimes of the Ukrainian authorities.


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“Ukraine” must be destroyed.

No nazis, no crimes!

What I don’t like about my Russian brothers and sisters is the same as in my Serbs and that is:
We are too slow to react! We always react too late when something hit us in the back of the head!
We are too good for our own good!
We have to learn that “when someone slaps you turn the other cheek” that it means ONLY ONCE (just to assess the situation and then bye bye slapper)!!!


No, you hit them with everything as soon as you perceive a threat. Like a bear with a cub. Also, the heart of the beast is in Palestine. When you cut the beating heart out, its over. As long as the heart is beating, it will never be over.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


Amen. Artificial political project of ethnocide and genocide has no right to live, it was obvious to me even before 2014. First suspicion about nature of ukrainity — 2004, orange coup of Yuschenko. 2012 — full confidence that the war is highly possible, because nazification is growing. 2014 — no doubts in coming war.


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Last edited 2 years ago by JenelleEggen
Southfront resident nigha

That happened long time ago. Back in 1600s. Every single xoxol you meet (without exceptions) are pure genicodal parazytes. That happened because of bringing Inca and Aztec slavery model after the discovery of Americas. This parazytzm-slavery model is called опри́чнина is Russian. It is called serfdom in English.

While the current shit happened back in 1970s when groomers/hippies/boomers fully took over of all positions of power in USSR. Everything what was not nailed down or welded has been stolen many times in the last 50 years in Ukropizdan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


There were no ukrainized people in 1600, ukrainization has started in the end of 19th century in Galichina (Galizien), Austria. Blue and yellow flag originated from the ribbon embroidered by hands of emperor’s spouse and gifted to regiment of SS (Sitschower Schützen) as addition to the regiment’s banner. Hohol is just hillbilly, there is no other negative connotation. Serfdom has nothing common with опричнина, serfdom is крепостное право. Please, read more before writing, not in “Wikipedia”.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


Best it be made to suffer first, to deter any other psychopathic sadists lurking out there in NATOland

Simple Truths

US = State Sponsor of Terrorism.


American Sparkly Eyes programming at work again. Make examples of a few people so that the rest
“get their minds right”. The Americans should rework Mount Rushmore into a display of the faces of Ed Lansdale, Frank Kitson, David Galula and Meyer Lansky.

Southfront resident nigha

Year right, nigger. Xoxols are never at fault. They are doing the genocide with their hands fully unaware of it for the last dozen years.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


There is clearly a significant identitarian psychosis problem among the “Ukrainians”, and they are clearly not without responsibility for this disaster. The OUA kooks were too crazy inititally for the Americans when they were looking for lunatic Nazis to turn loose on the Russians in the late forties, but when the Ukrotards proved to be enthusiastic kamikazes, the CIA warmed to their kooky ways.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


Sick lies by SF.
RU did not want people to leave.


Shut up you Nazi grub.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


You’re the sick lying scum. You never show any evident for your claims. I’ve seen videos on telegram and I know who killed these people.

Without providing a shred of evident for your accusation, who the fk you’re working for? What are you trying to accomplish? You evil fk.


Your day will come soon. They’ll come for you no matter where you hide you fking cockroach.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


Ok, everyday the nazis are killing civilians somewhere in Ukraine. We already got it. But, What WE STILL DONT GET IS THE FACT THAT THE CLOWN IS STILL ALIVE AND WELL.

Last edited 2 years ago by NazisMustDie

The clown is just the puppet. The evil one who’s been causing atrocities around the whole world is the us. Russia need to face this evil soon.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.



Last edited 2 years ago by War
North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

No need to ‘go there’. Just drop a Satan II on the Nazis. Problem solved.

Sr. Menotti

The Liman front, 17:45 CET. The combined Allied Forces are holding the defense along ALL the borders of the city. Physically, the road to Torskaya, towards Kremennaya, has not yet been cut. However, as a matter of fact, it is under the artillery control of the Nazi Forces of Ukraine. So, considering this argument, the Allied Forces have to be very careful there.

Out in the fields, “flying squads” were seen in lightly armored off-road vehicles. They attacked with the first wave in the Balakliya direction. Here their efforts were compensated by the heroic dedication of the defending Syrian volunteers, the Cossacks and the 20th Army. Plus, when the night fall, it will be more favorable to deploy snipers and spetsnaz – so targeting the invaders by the flanks.

The attack aircrafts of the RF are flying at ultra-low altitudes in order to avoid enemy fire. The Allied artillery is still operational from Liman direction. Tanks and other armored vehicles are being brought up to unblock the garrison. Reinforcement is coming from Northeast. The morning of the 1st of October will decide if the Allied Forces managed to win the battle for Liman. A victory would be great and a HUGE image advantage for the Kreml considering the fact that tomorrow a BIG PARTY is planned on the red square to commemorate the 4 new republics of the Russian Federation. So it would be great to start the Saturday with good news.
Let’s all pray for the good guys.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


and as always in france tv = russia kill 30 civils


Sons of Goebbels.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC

The fact that the Propagandaminister of the EU is also a “Josep”. It’s not a coincidence. Not at all.


In France i have seen maybe the dumbest propaganda you could imagine about the nordstream pipeline attack.
” Saying it could be the US is just conspirationism. Putin did it to show the entire world he’s unpredictible.”

They really say that on french TV. It’s not a joke. It s so dumb so absurd that I’m not sure it’s still propaganda. It’s look like ritual humiliation of the french people by the elite. A kind of massive IQ/bravery test.


The MSM is so far beyond good and evil that it does not even make sense to criticise them.
It is horrible that their so obviously stupid lies are convincing too many people. This is the tragedy of our time.

The enemy is the personified evil, be it Putin, Assad, Ghaddaffi, you name it. It is ALWAYS one single supervillain. The good is always referred to as a collective, as we. It is NEVER Biden, etc, etc.
The reader should feel included in the forces of the good and hate the evil villain who lets him pay a huge price for gas, wants to starve him ….

Hollywood has done the Brainwashing to perfection.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


But now they are accusing whole Russia and all its citizens, even those traitors who serves them. I mean all this scandal with visas, robbing property of loyal (to western regimes) people, crap in sports started after Olympic games in Sochi, excluding classic composers from concerts and even cats/dogs from exhibitions, because cats can be russian too. That was real surprise to me, russophobes jumped over their head and gained new level of stupidity.

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


The French idolized Jerry Lewis. That explains it all


The dumbest and bulk propaganda is in England/USA. This is not even propaganda, but almost pure misinformation, construction of never existed events in “The matrix” style, i.e. lies. 2nd place — Germany. German MSM accused Russia (“Bild”) and listed the numbers of military units which highly likely did it. It’s like that story about 500 Putin’s agents trained in german karate clubs. MSM of France are sharing 3rd place in the list of blatant liars with Italy and Spain. Almighty Putin threatens even Spain! We have never attacked Spain, but they have sent their troops to attack us, sending armaments to nazis and writing ridiculous crap in newspapers. Need to fulfill their wish and attack them at last.) That’s why I wish Catalonia and Basque state to be independent, Scotland too (“Freeedooom!”).

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Uk to


Link please


Add this proof to the pile of previous 1000+ cases of Ukronazi terrorism I guess.
We don’t need any more proof, we stopped needing proof years ago! We just need NATO mercenaries eradicated!


Stop trying to prove everything is a good start in the right direction.
What do you do when someone frames you for the crime you know that they did it themselves? You would smash their face in right? Who cares what others think. Your immediate response to their false accusation is a must.

**Russia should take notes**


But hiding such news is not the option too.

Vlad from Romania

Nuke them, use termobaric bombs on them, just destroy the Ukropistan scum!

I'm too from Romania

STOP that damn approach SF !
We already know nazi kill innocent peoples !
We already know they killed more than 14.000 civilians in 8 years of non-stop bombardement.
We all know they burned alive 42 peaceful demonstrator in 2014 Odessa Trade Union house !
We all know……
We all know….Ukraine is a FAKE state composed of different foreign territories stolen from neighboring countries.
Romania WANTS BACK south Moldova BUGEAC region and North Bucovine CERNAUTI region !
Also we want BACK Snake Island and ALL DANUBE DELTA. They were ours for more than 2000 years.
Death to all nazi !
Death to all banderists !


Anyone who is against the Kieve regime in Ukraine is a target. Especially a collaborator who works for Russia.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC

so u are Armenian? Oh the azeris are beating the shit out of you. No, I am not pro Azeri either. You both Kanaken, but truth being said… they are winning against you Armenistanis.

Pro Russian Axis of Resistance

The Anglo Saxon way of war, cowards!

my patient need another injection

god bless them all and punish those devils

I'm too from Romania

Just now romanian state TV channel announce a convoy of workers and families on the trip were hit by russian missile S-300 on leaving Zaporodjie town….. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whahahaaa aa ! Whaaahahhhahhhaaaaa ! ! it’s fucking grotesque on what level of prostitution entire states done sucking Soros JUSA propaganda dick ! Just surreal !

Last edited 2 years ago by I'm too from Romania
Joseph similia

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

mike l hutchings

the US should be proud, they are working on their next million dead


The western media is as expected saying the Russian’s did it.


kiev jewish whores, jews are the worst nazis the world has ever seen, no one can trust them



La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


More deliberate attacks on civilians by the Kiev regime and their nato agents The BBC in London again reporting that Russia was responsible for this attack of course facts are not important were the BBC are concerned the narrative is all important to them I know well how the Western press operate having worked on a program with the BBC flagship series Panorama some years ago in the words of a former British MP “The BBC could make mother Teresa look like Cruella Deville and this is true. The facts twisted to suit the story they want to run and the British public told that day is night and night is day. The attack on the convoy by Kiev military personnel was sanctioned at the highest levels within the Kiev junta the victims were as always No threat whatsoever to the Ukrainian military or their foreign mercenaries. This is deliberate targeting of civilians terror bombing there can be No excuse in international law for attacks of this nature. Those involved deserve the strongest penalties of punishment possible and in time they will themselves be on the receiving end of the justice denied to the victims of this callous attack and other similar atrocities committed by the Kiev regime and their nato accomplices their hour will come sooner than they think

La Coca Loca

Many Ukris puppets mercenaries and troops are being turned into druggies zombies by their satanic British, German and American zio-oligarchy masters. The only way the Ukris druggies puppets can blindly obey and be turned into brainless and soulless demonic killing machines.


On UK news the reporters claim it was the Russians who murdered these poor people. He claimed these cars traveling into the area were people going to work or visiting family with essential supplies. Of course there was one female survivor who miraculously had already stepped out of her car and was spared execution. Where she was at the exact time of these explosions was not clearly stated. However, she must have nerves of steel as her face and demeanor showed no signs of witnessing such a horror show. He asked her if she thought she was lucky and she beamed and repeated his words. I cannot beleive how much our news is propaganda and lies but many will think this woman they interviewed is genuine. I wish the killings to stop but they won’t until the whole of Europe collapses due to their own sanctions hitting them much more than Russia. Now even worse with gas sabotaged by the west. I wonder what the protocols are when NATO attacks another NATO country or resources?


The Anglo reporter on CGTN blamed the Russians as well, with no evidence other than Ukrainian allegations.


When sadistic master (the US) slaps a servant (EU), it’s servant’s fault. If Germany was independent, they have asked US troops to withdraw long time ago after that scandal with spying on Merkel’s phone, because all terms of presence are expired. Since 1945, US troops, as well as english and french, have the right to be in Germany until 2010-2020 (slightly different terms in every case). French and England moved their troops out from Germany. France has no foreign military bases, England too. Germany and Italy still occupied as well as their MSM.

I'm too from Romania

Exactly now the romanian state TV channel state that aprox. 30 cars with workers and peoples visiting theirs relatives were hit by russian S-300 missile when leaving Zaporodjie city.
I don’t believe what level of political prostitution colony countries are doing for the sake of the JUSA terrorist agenda. It’s effectively unbelievable.


They say about S-300, because their own S-300 did hit civilian buildings many times due failures and bad training. Why to use S-300, when you have “Iskander” with ballistic and cruise missiles in its arsenal and many other types of missiles with heavier payload than S-300 – ~150 kg warhead, against ~500 kg in ballistic missile of “Iskander” which is cheaper, because ballistic/cruise missiles have no radar or optic sensors.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Tommy Jensen

Next time they do it Russia will hit a little command centre in Ukraine, if they do it again.


amerika isolated from world–a pariah failed state populated by robots—obese ugly immoral…now incompetent unable to compete feudal society owned by oligarchs w senile hair sniffer prez wet diapers when North Korea send missile into sea of Japan


The politicians and the newshounds know that they are telling lies and helping murderers, but no remorse, no conscience. The talking heads are the walking dead.

Southfront resident nigha

Yup. Almost all population of this shithole Earth are dead parazytic zombies. It has been that way since Jesus times. Now, they are just on the last legs. It is the extinction event for them. Like ones you read about dinosaurs in Biology textbooks in schools.

No remorse and no conscience is because they have learnt how to do disassociation with Morality. But if you do that, the Demon inside of you who is responsible for punishment for moral transgression is also off the hook to limit himself for punishing the zombies. With Morality, zombies were tied together with the Moral Demon. But if you break free of the Moral Demon, Moral Demon is also free to do what she sees it right. Disassociation with Morality does not kill the Moral Demon, it just makes her free. So you can do it at your own peril 😆😆😆😆😆

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
Remember Bucha!

Orcs are not human…these animals butchered Bucha…revenge is here!
