No Way Back For Europe


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No Way Back For Europe

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No Way Back For Europe

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On the night of September 26, significant gas leaks took place in the Nord Stream–2 gas pipeline and on both lines of the Nord Stream–1.

Damage to three pipelines at the same time is supposed to be the result of a sabotage attack. On September 28, the Swedish Foreign Ministry confirmed that the damage was caused by explosions.

It is reasonably suspected that the pipeline was blown up by the special services of the United States in order to finally stop the gas supplies to Germany from Russia.

On September 27, a detachment of warships led by the US amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge reported on the completion of their tasks in the area of the alleged sabotage in the Baltic Sea and headed for the North Sea.

Since the beginning of September, suspicious activity by anti-submarine helicopters of the US Navy has been observed in the area. In the last few days, reconnaissance activities of NATO aircraft have significantly intensified in the Baltic Sea area. In particular, a US Boeing E-3 Sentry reconnaissance aircraft was on constant patrol over the Baltic States, and a US Joint STARS was spotted over Germany and Poland.

The valves of Russian gas pipelines are being tightened one by one, exacerbating the crisis in Europe. Despite the fact that neither Nord Stream nor Nord Stream-2 were supplying gas to Europe, November gas futures have already jumped by 9%.

Earlier, Poland imposed sanctions and closed the Yamal—Europe gas pipeline. Justifying the decision for political reasons, Warsaw attempted to gain economic benefits. Poland bought Russian gas from Germany at a slightly cheaper price.

Transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is also under threat.

On September 27, Gazprom threatened the Ukrainian state gas campaign Naftogaz with sanctions in response to the attempts to put forward legal claims against Gazprom. The imposition of sanctions may halt gas transit through Ukraine.

Immediately after the explosions rocked the Northern Stream pipelines, a symbolic ceremony of launching the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline took place in Poland. The pipeline connects fields on the Norwegian shelf in the North Sea with Poland via Denmark. The valve was turned by Polish and Danish authorities, with loud claims that the era of Russian dominance in the gas industry is coming to an end.

From 2023, the throughput capacity of the Baltic Pipe should be 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year. For comparison, the actual capacity of Nord Stream-1 alone was more than 58 billion cubic meters per year.

The terrorist attack on the Nord Stream may be the first direct use of the US and British armed forces against the Russian infrastructure. The obvious purpose of the sabotage is the internationalization of the military conflict. The main beneficiary is the United States. The attack on Russian gas pipelines binds the EU to American LNG supplies. Europe remains the main victim.

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It shows how neutered the German people are now.

If Germany was a people they would immediately break all bonds with the U.S because such an act -as what the U.S has allegedly done- is an act of war.

What the U.S is saying is “Germany your our whore and nobody else will have you if not us!”


The Germans have been subjected to ninety years of intensive Psychological-warfare operations, first under the Nazi Klown Klub, and then the US/Jewish Supremacist kookery. They posed a significant threat to the Anglsophere bankers at the end of the nineteenth century, and they continue to pose a threat today. No rival to the Five Eyes Empire can be permitted to develop on the Eurasian land-mass.


On top of that, we are formally still at war and not a sovereign nation at all, and have some 37.000 US troops on our soil, scattered over about 100 bases, and along with all ABC weaponry you can imagine. Oh, and with legal immunity, too. Our weapons frequently don’t work, if the US don’t give us codes, either, and every now and then, someone threatens to nuke us with impunity. Also, all our higher level politicians and all of our media is subject to allied (read: US) pre-screening before they can run for office, or publish a story. The US also has a tap on everything we do, exfiltrating data directly at DE-CIX and surveilling paper mail, too.That makes a perfect foundation for being, or becoming, independent and strong. NOT!


Make no mistake, Germany is still under military occupation to this day.


I do hope this happens if it’s found they are involved in this act, and are unwilling to pay the repair bill.


And damages for our loss of gas, too. I know, I’m dreaming.

Gerry Bell

This should be a red line to Russia. From now on let U.S. military satellites start ‘disappearing’. Let the U.S. accept that as just more provocative ‘false flags’.


For sure, Russia will give a proper answer to USA-UK-NATO mafia.


The U.S uses a lot of assets in “third party” countries to communicate and project its power around the world.

If these assets were used to allegedly attack NordStream 1 and 2, can’t those attacked declare war on these third party players.

Its like allowing your territory to train and equip an enemy.

What does international law say?


International law, as practiced, says that whoever has the most firepower, is in the right. See the international court of justice in The Haague and the US laws related to that.


IKR. This guy, talking about “inTeRnaTionAl LAw” are people STILL THAT dumb?


so long I live I have never expected such state terrorism of our “friends” the USA

Florian Geyer

I expected US terrorism a few decades ago, but I have always enjoyed current affairs and history.

The US and UK military + MI6 and M15, are too lazy to be creative and the only other reason can be stupidity based on their self perceived

The childish Scripal fiasco of 2018 being one example.

Slava Rossiya.


Scripal affair was pure musical hall cheap-o British comedy.

AM Hants

Poland wanted to get rid of the Russia to Germany pipelines, owing to her envy of Russia. What I find ironic, if Poland, with the help of the US and UK, were responsible, is that Poland was the largest debtor nation in the EU and it was the German tax payer who funded the infrastructure and loans of the EU largest debtor nation. As soon as Poland was expected to pay back the loans, she cosied upto the US and how much has she received from the US tax payer, via ‘international aid’ NGOs?

The other thing, the ex-Foregin Minister of Poland, who was thanking the US for taking out the NS1 and NS2, married to Anne Applebaum and isn’t she part of Integrity Initiative as well as every club going that is anti-Russia? The same person who was a witness on 21 February 2014, when Yanukovic stood down, promised to bring the elections, due later in the year forward and revert back to the 2004 Constitution. All he wanted in return was a peaceful transition. A few hours later Russia was saving the lives of him and his family, from an assassination attempt. Polish Foreign Minister, French Foreign Minister and the German Foreign Minister (now German President) were all witnesses to the signing and completely ignored the agreement, just hours later.

Westminster Bridge, false flag, the same Polish Member of Parliament just happened to be in the area, happily giving interviews, to all and sundry.

He is always around when a false flag is going down, or is it just a coincidence?

Florian Geyer

Your research is , as always, impeccable, AM.


Fukin yankees always starting wars


No shit. They destroyed the South and turned us into a colony in 1861-65. Now they are doing it to the whole world.


Well, 1.5B dollars per month going to repairs to undo this damage rather than going into Ukraine’s meat grinder operations should be able to undo EU predicament this winter.

If the remaining pipeline going through Ukropistan gets turned off (likely in my opinion) this isn’t going well for EU, to put it mildly.

Snap snap get to work fixing this pronto, bill the responsible party later.

Prime suspects is Ukropistani junta with assistance from supporters, followed by countries who have supported Ukrapistan and have the means and motive to do this, or the combination of conspirators of these two groups.

Last edited 2 years ago by Well

Russia is supine. Little aggression on the battlefield. Unwilling or unable to stop Ukraine around Lyman. It does not matter if Ukraine is suffering large losses as long as they continue to achieve goals.

Russia may feel they can do nothing about the pipeline without risking further American involvement. If that is the case, the Russians need to rethink the assumption that time is on their side.


I think large Ukrop losses would factor into the calculation. One of the main objectives of the operation is the demilitarization of regime forces. If the Ukrops are doing an efficient job of demilitarizing themselves, then that would be balanced against factors like borders shifting backwards.

In the case of Lyman, I think they will want to push back soon so that and efficient front along most of the Oskol line can be quickly restored. Primary focus at first though will be ensuring that an efficient retreat can be made so that the UAFs main objective doesn’t succeed. The UAF’s goal (besides some territorial advances) is encirclement of a significant number of Russian troops, so that these can be captured and used in psychological operations against Russia (eg, parading them down the streets of Kharkiv or Kiev, etc). That the primary goal of the UAF here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Well
Ed Theman

Those cables are obsolete with satellites now.


Initial investigation into the situation has revealed that by chance, over the last few days the UNITED STATES of AMERICA’s = USS KEARSARGE (LHD-3) incl. Fleet was traveling in the very area where the Nord stream pipeline sabotage is now.

Here is ship data:
The last location reports from Marinetraffic shows the KEARSAGE and its fleet JUST north of Bornholm before it TURNED OFF its AIS TRACKING SYSTEM IN THAT EXACT SPOT.
According to some press reports from a few days ago, the ship was also east and south of Bornholm (where the pipeline runs) and SWITCHED OFF IT’S AIS tracking system THERE in that EXACT AREA.

The fact that the Nordstream pipe ruptures are in Danish territorial waters is of course no coincidence. The Russians, in order to check and repair this, would again need a permit from the Danes, as was already the case with the construction.

What was the USS KEARSAGE doing in that area when it shut off its AIS tracking? Planting time-delayed explosives without a doubt, this is an act of war NOT ONLY against Russia but against Germany and the EU itself BY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. =Z=


This looks like the most reasonable hypothesis. Watch for the yanks to ‘find’ remains of russian explosive devices and scream that the Russians did it. That is, show grainy photos of some unspecified sea-bed with bits of something or other…………

Tommy Jensen

Next time US do it, we will hit a command centre in Ukraine, if US do it one more time again.


Im still surpized the amount of support the Western countries specially those in Europe have. Its actually insane.

How can we change this peoples mind?

Uncircumcised Jew

So Russia wins again and the Zionists in the eu lose


There’s no doubt Germany knew about the sabotage. Russia has only one option right now . Cut the gas, let Europe freeze and destroy themselves on behalf of the US since the EU technocrats are cowards and see how far the Europeans will rise up and fight the establishment. Why should Russia make a countermove on the sabotage of those pipelines ? They should not ! Let the Europeans reap what they have sown for the last 10 years to the Russians. Let the show begin !


The Americans are so so dirty.

Jimmu Tenno

Ummm ahí estuvo el barco de asalto anfibio USS kearsarge, es todo lo que quería saber, ahora bien este ataque contra las tuberías Nord stream 1 y 2 es de obra de los norteamericanos y británicos, en esta guerra el que tenga amplia superioridad tecnológica será la que gane y Russia en Ucrania está demostrando que no tiene ninguna ventaja sobre los anglos norteamericanos y británicos ¿ Si había una amenaza directa de biden porque no tomaron medidas de respuesta? Putin está dando vergüenza ajena al no poder contener la avalancha de provocaciones descaradas norteamericanos contra los intereses rusos ¿tendrá el valor de responder haciendo explotar el USS kearsarge que impunemente está navegando hacia alguna base naval británica o no tiene la tecnología más avanzada para hacer pagar el precio de la provocación? Veremos


A US gas pipeline should get similar treatment.


Europe Victim? How? Buying gas from US is benefiting Western World. Russian gas was benefitting one county in Europe – Germany. Now it is all gone for Germans – they are actively looking for new suppliers. Europe will be fully independent from gas very soon – so cutting Russian gas will only speed up green revolution.

Vlad from Romania

USA can hit Europe anywhere, anytime. Europe cannot hit back and cannot defend itself since it is ruled (and populated) by total imbeciles, sheeple eager to work for masters.

Kev not Kiev

I suppose Ramstien airbase is now locked in the GPS of a dozen Kinsal hypersonic pocket nukes…

Vlad from Romania

In EU countries the establishment is already promoting the fairytale of occupying Russia in a month with conventional war. From Romania to UK, the media that promoted mARN vaccines and covid hysteria are promoting this little movie for retarded children by retarded children:
and a series of articles as if it is already done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Romania
jens holm

we are corrupt sleazy submissive—when amerikan says fart I lick hillbilly penis and amerikan pay me 3 rubles

Vlad from Romania

Romania must leave UE and NATO right now. UE boat is takin water from countless holes… NATO is going to make things worse. Neutrality is the key.


Hey, inbred faggot kebab. How will you live without grifting then?

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya
Buford T Justice

Russia should blow holes in the new Baltic pipeline . Maybe the puppet master and his sorry ass puppets would think twice before upping the ante , which , up until now , they seem hell bent on doing ..


I wonder what quality of evidence will be given for Russia doing the sabotage. So far the only evidence is some Neocon serial liars who openly wanted to blow it up the day before, saying it was Russia.
