Outcome Of Ukrainian Missile Strikes On Drilling Platforms Near Crimea

Outcome Of Ukrainian Missile Strikes On Drilling Platforms Near Crimea

Drilling platforms in Crimea

On June 20, 109 people were working on Russian drilling rigs in the Black Sea. Quite unexpectedly, these rigs were struck from the territory of Ukraine. There were three rigs in total. An emergency evacuation was carried out at the time. As of late June 20, 94 people were successfully evacuated. Others remain missing. The rescue operation is still ongoing.

The strikes were distributed among the three towers. The first tower received the most massive blows. There were 12 people on the platform, 5 people were injured, and it is not known where the rest of the people are.

It should be noted that these strikes did not affect the gas supply in Crimea. Even in the absence of towers, there is a gas pipeline from the mainland to Crimea, which is capable of supplying about 4 billion cubic meters of gas.

Olga Kovitidi, a member of the Federation Council from Crimea, commented on the situation: “At 08:37 the first strike was made on the first platform. There are 12 working people there, five were evacuated. The gas from the pipes was dumped. Production is temporarily suspended. There were no catastrophic consequences, which could have been,” she said.

Kovitidi specified that the blow hit the platforms, located on the Odesskoye field, 71 kilometers from Odessa. Platform BK-1 suffered the greatest damage, platforms BK-2 and BK-3 suffered no damage – only the tops of the rigs were “cut off”.

Earlier, Crimean MP Mikhail Sheremet said that the strike on the Chornomornaftogaz platforms by Ukraine should be regarded as a terrorist act. Sheremet suggested that it could have been Western missiles imported to Ukraine.

The other two platforms were damaged, but there were no human casualties. All workers were evacuated from the two towers. These platforms belong to Chernomorneftegaz. The company produces hydrocarbons on the shelf of the Black Sea and the Azov Sea and partially on the peninsula itself, is engaged in exploration and development of oil and gas fields, and provides production, transportation, and storage of natural gas and oil products. Company officials said that the situation will be stabilized soon.

The head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov noted that at the moment 15 military personnel are patrolling the operating drilling platforms. Also, the information about the number of wounded was corrected. Three people were wounded, not five – one had shrapnel wounds, two more had burned. Seven people are missing. However, the search for people will continue until rescuers gather detailed information about the incident.

Russia’s Investigative Committee has already opened a criminal case over the attack by Ukrainian troops on the oil drilling platforms of Chernomorneftegaz of the Odesa field, located in the Black Sea. Authorities will find out information about the Ukrainian military who carried out the strikes, and investigators will also establish the manufacturer of the missiles.


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Soon Kiev forces will by firing on civilian targets only, this is what happens when corrupt regimes start collapsing.

Red Admiral

Wake-up! What do you think they have been doing in Donetsk and Luhansk for the past 8 years???


Defending their countries against terrorists like putin


Kiev has been emboldened by US UK continuous arms supply back up by sophisticated logistics, using long range rockets targeting populous City centers, indiscrminate shelling of purely civilian residential housing complex and service structures, bombing of commercial industries killing workers, AFU are desperate to fire all the Western supplied munitions regardless of what or who will be the receiving end which constitute terrorism, next target would be the bridge connecting Crimea to the mainland.. The regime in Kiev has evolved into a plain terrorist organisation and has to be treated as such that has to be eradicated from the equation immediately.


Well said!


Killing civilian is Russian businesses .so stop blaming anybody else

Retired Troll

Russia needs to take out every puppet government building in Kiev, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Do you think this is a win? What nonsense!! Do you think the owner has no one to replace him?
It is necessary to defeat its owner, and not stupidly bomb the infrastructure !! You think in an American way, Russians don’t act like that :)


Russia must destroy all administrative buildings of terror regime in Kiev simultaneously.


Do you think this is a win? What nonsense!! Do you think the owner has no one to replace him?
It is necessary to defeat its owner, and not stupidly bomb the infrastructure !! You think in an American way, Russians don’t act like that :)

N Harari

Russia will respond. Thoughtfully and in due time. Smart people always discover the Best method. No dead heroes or martyrs. Just effective retaliation.

Jens Holm

So far Russia only talk..hahaha


there is a lot of dead military leaders that would disagree with you, fancy getting your top staff to meet at the same place and time,
The Russian Armed Forces attacked the command post of the Ukrainian troops in the Dnipropetrovsk region, where a working meeting of the command staff of the operational-strategic group of troops “Alexandria”was held.
As a result of the strike, more than 50 generals and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed, including the General Staff, the command of the Kakhovka group of troops, the airborne assault troops and formations operating in the Mykolaiv and Zaporizhia directions.


I hope they took some NATO pigs with them.


i don’t think their allowed have meeting without them : )

Florian Geyer

I agree, Cromwell.
I would think it’s a certainty that some NATO ‘observers’ were sent to hell as well.

Slava Rossiya


Yes. Through their missiles striking NATO and AFU. And they do talk loud.

Florian Geyer

Very well said.

Slava Rossiya



General Giap

Assholes want total war, they will likely regret it.

Hans raus

bla bla bla bla ukraine with NATO inteligence help destroyed moskva warship and what ? just empty russia threats and nothing more…… There is 20 years gap between nato and shithole russia and you cant do anything hahahahahahahaha deal with it

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

Hitler and his allies (NATO of 1940’s) had same thoughts back then. Look how it ended.

Kraut Losers

Russia really needs to get ruthless and at least take out all the key infrastructure in Kiev like railway station and airports so that the little Jew Zelensky can not strut with his foreign masters for MSM TV propaganda.

Hans raus

They are not able to do this since 24.02, ask yourself why :D I guees you overdosed kremlin propaganda.

Real Truth

LOL Hans Raus… get your Hans off it… stop pulling yourself constantly.

Germany is now the land of the young muslim man…. muslim men pleasuring the german women whilst the white, pastey german males play with each other.

Just so you know Hans, we westerners made sure that germany was inundated with young, fighting age muslim men… about 1 million of them. You can thank the USA for that.

And in the last 4 years those young muslim men have helped give birth to over 500,000 little german babies.

How is Gerministan going Hnas????

Why you pathetic gutless german feminine men so cowardly to protect german women hey??? German women getting raped all across the country and footage of weed german males doing nothing LOL

Hans raus

Say hello to HIMARS and NATO superiority ….hooah

Kraut Losers

Germans did really a bang up job in Russia 1943-45 running all the way to Berlin. Seig Heil LOL

Hans raus

WE are 4th biggest economy in the world. Russians standard of living is lower than ex soviet republic. Mindblowing, not so ? Now you know why ukraine want to be in western sphere of infuence ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus
Kraut Liar

Germany is nothing and occupied by US, quit your bullshit. The US occupiers rape you eunuchs every day.

Hans raus

russian COPE and conspiracy theory :D

Real Truth

Germany 4 th largest nation in the world… full of pathetic Nazi german males… meanwhile, Germany is also one of the rape capitals of Europe.

So rich yet so pathetic and gutless. Muslim men control most of the cities in germany… same in Sweden, Belgium, France, Nederlands, UK…

hey Hans- soon every second NATO nation will be Muslim LOL

Muslim men are breeding you white scum out of existence in your own nations… and all you talk a bout is weapons??? LOL

GERMANY IS A SHITHOLE… and getting worse every day.

And Europe is going to fall apart in the looming depression coming up.

NATO countries are already arguing with each other LOL

Soon Russia-China-India will control the majority of global trade and supplies… and white euro scum will slowly wither away and die…. being out populated in your own nation LOL


What superiority? NATO wages war from the standpoint of the weak one. They are well aware that in direct confrontation it would be end for them.

Vlad the Imposter

Another fucking gamer that thinks he’s napoleon re-incarnated. Unless they are sending hundreds of them with trained crews, the airpower to protect them and some sort of magic way of keeping them supplied with ammo they are just a gnat on a buffalos ass.


NATO what? Pleaase. Every time you say some sh*t like that I got one word for you – TALIBAN

Peter Jennings

The UN NWO is taxing people to the hilt. They are wasting billions of taxpayer money on trying to prevent pollution and CO2 emissions, yet they are happy to sit by and watch the Kiev junta take pot shots at oil rigs.
What does this tell us when the rogue gov’ts of the world don’t really care? Global warming is a scam.

War releases more pollution than cars can ever do. The time has never been more ripe for revolution. A real revolution, not the US/nato fake type revolution of Maidan. The murder of Ukrainian’s that day was premeditated by the USadmin and its nato poodles, who planned the whole thing.


US is luciferian by its inception. And some time after, talmudists occupied it. Perfect recipe for a eternal rogue state. Talmudists invented phrase Enemy of the state. But they are Enemies of the human kind. In other words, they are not humans at all.


Russia must immediately take the gloves off and heavily bomb the masters that are sending into Ucraina weapons always more powerful than will kill russians. Now it’s a NATO war against Russia, therefore Russia must begin kill, annihilate NATO scumbags now, because tomorrow could be late


Investigating what? What don’t you know? Time to show the Ukies they can’t play. It’s the soft gloves that give these guys hope

Ma Laoshi

Well if this was indeed “quite unexpected” then people in Moscow better get their collective heads out of the dark place pronto. They themselves say nonstop that Russia is fighting a fascist regime, that is backed to the hilt by NATO. How can they not grasp the implications of those words?


Most stories that I read about the attack fail to mention that air defense zone on snake island was saturated by incoming fire at the time of the strikes on the offshore platforms, although most do mention retaliatory strikes delivered against military sites in Odessa region.
Suggests a certain sophistication in the attack which is generally lacking in other areas of the frontlines (or at least not sucessfully executed).


Ukraine lacks all morals. And sadly they are too stupid to realize that people throughout the world know how they are behaving by indiscriminately targeting of civilians. This doesn’t help their cause and alienates them further from the good nations out there.


Now, one more item for Russia to add to their list of “things to do” for the current war with Ukraine : Their access to Black sea should be totally cut off with a reasonably large strip of land behind.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

The Russian special operation will continue in all its heavyness, without any delay, and will reach its predetermened goals and no one is gonna stop it. The longer the Ukrainian side continues to execute cowardly attacks on civilians, as demonstrated with the attacks on the drilling riggs and with the continues shelling os civilian areas in Donetsk, the more likely it will be that the predetermened goals will be applicable to a far more larger area.


very bad since russia cant even drill for oil or gas without europeans and the usa


Russia continue to steal Ukraine natural gas around Chrimea and at the same time those stations act as observation post for Russian military
-> valid targets
