Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue attack aimed at threatening the civilian population and destruction of civilian infrastructure in the DPR and LPR.

On June 11, the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic reported that Ukrainian armed formations fired over 180 shells from MLRS “Grad”, 155-, 122-mm caliber artillery, as well as 120 and 82-mm mortars on the territory of the DPR. Districts of 8 settlements were shelled. Four civilians were injured, 16 residential buildings and 3 civilian infrastructure facilities were damaged.


In the Luhansk People’s Republic, Ukrainian armed formations have been shelling the settlements of Pervomaisk and Rubezhnoye. Tank shells and mines were used during the attacks. As a result, the building of the local administration in Pervomayskoe, as well as the Zarya house of culture and leisure, an art school, a shopping complex and an apartment building were damaged.

During the day, about a dozen of civilians were wounded.

Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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Unable To Advance, Ukrainian Forces Kill Civilians In Donbass (Photos)

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On June 10, the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic reported that Ukrainian armed formations fired over 360 shells from MLRS “Grad”, “Hurricane”, 155-, 152- and 122-mm caliber artillery, as well as 120-mm mortars on the territory of the DPR.

On June 10, 5 civilians were killed and 21 others were wounded as a result of shelling of settlements of the DPR.

As a result of the attacks in Gorlovka, four civilians were killed, about three more people were injured. 12 people were injured in Makeyevka.

In Donetsk, several districts came under fire at once, one of the strikes hit the area near the administration building of the DPR. It is reported that the Ukrainian side used the French self-propelled artillery unit (ACS) CAESAR 155 mm caliber, which is supplied to Ukraine by NATO.

As a result of the attack, a woman was killed and several other people were injured. Serious damage has been done to the civilian infrastructure.

The representative office of the Luhansk People’s Republic (PRC) in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire Regime (JCCC) reported that the city of Pervomaisk was shelled by the AFU during the day. 120 mm mortars were used in the attack.


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And the west complains of Russian “aggression ” -look at the photos Azovs aiming for civilian targets –6 schools shelled in so many days timed when the pupils have just entered classes -10 children killed .
Child killers don’t deserve to live.


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st25 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he Hav or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless.
For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Eva

I will have a guess that you are not teaching English online, LOL!


Eva f u c k o f f


Slaughtering civilians is all what those criminal barbars can do. I hope all of the commanders, giving the orders to murder civilians will face their punishment


Indeed. Criminal barbars. That’s what z-a Russians are. And the criminal putin should face his punishment too!

Stephan Williams

Flock Off Fool.


The Russians have been clear in their designs from day one, and have fought honorably the whole time. If Zelensky had any honor, he’d surrender.

Gunther Wilderman

Isn’t this all just a mass cash giveaway enriching the boys at the top as always?


Yes this isn’t front line soldiers just deciding to shell civilians. It’s policy.


AFU Nazis attack citizens because they are filled with racist hate and they are too stupid, too cowardly, to fight soldiers.

Winston Churchill (1944): ”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely, that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work in tearing the guts out of the [Nazi] army.”

It won’t take 4 years this time. No one will listen to White Western whining when they are executed.

Muhammad your Prophet

At this point the Putin cockroaches might try to pick up all the innocent civilians they’ve murdered across the phony ISIS republic and create a giant landfill to put them. The whole world already knows what Vladimir Putin has done.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Stephan Williams

You’re pathetic. Grasping a straws. Misdirections and on and on… I’d feel sorry for you if you weren’t such an evil POS.

Muhammad your Prophet

The atrocities that your Russian cockroach friends have committed in Ukraine are being compared across the world to the atrocities committed by the Nazi Germans. Adolf Hitlee would be proud of you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Peter Jennings

Oh, cheers!
Troll, meet rino.
The truth tends to smart a bit, doesn’t it?


LGBT sodomy therapy has failed you—-electroshock may improve your senility


For the whole world do not fuck, no one gave you your vote and the right !! Speak for yourself, comment and give documentary evidence, not Ukrainian fakes !!

Muhammad your Prophet

Documentary evidence doesn’t mean shit to you. That’s precisely why you’re asking for it. You don’t give a fuck about documentary evidence, but it’s a great excuse to be a ficking moron. The fucking moron who asks for evidence for the crimes he got caught committing.

Florian Geyer

The Ukies continue the 8 + years of shelling civilians in Donbass with US and UK assistance.

The disgusting Western media ignores all of this planned murder.

Eddie Truncaro

Ukies are evil half-Polacks. I am not the least bit surprised to learn they’re now killing civilians.

These despicable half-Polacks and their Western neocon backers have killed lots of Russian soldiers. Now Russia has turned the tables. The half-Polack Nazi army will soon be totally destroyed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Truncaro

They have been raping, torturing and murdering Pro-Russian Citizens for well over a decade. It is about time something was done and I applaud Russia for stepping up to eradicate those atrocities.


So since they can’t win like men killing men, they kill women and children among the opposition as they lose.
This is how you lose not just the war, but all credibility. Shame on Ukraine. They deserve to become a rump state.


They are quickly proving they are a sinkhole nation of morals.


ukros are terrorists


So many trials need to be held. If the ringleaders can’t be captured because they fled to Miami or London or Tel Aviv at least try them in absentia and put a fat bounty on them.


Anyone participating in these atrocities and fleeing need to be extradited and brought back to face trial for war crimes.


They will be protected in the West. I’m also thinking of Western leaders. At least try them even if not able to bring in person.


Again the Western jew owned and controlled media will cover this up. The photos and video of civilians killed and injured by Western supplied weapons will be hidden from view or simply ignored by the likes of the BBC in London or CNN in New York. The truth is inconvenient for them. Only the narrative they choose to promote will do. It is important to record every detail of every atrocities committed by the nato backed regime and note every country and government supplying them with weapons of war. At some point those who promote this genocide and have done since 2014 can be held to account for their crimes. The photos above are heart ranching .Those responsible must know what they are doing and the results of their actions. The victims in the photos could be your mother or my mother your wife or my wife your sister or my sister your daughter or my daughter. ……….


killing civilians is an advance for ukrops—same for nazis like Sawyer and Jens


So once again – where are the FUCKING Western “human rights organizations” and the Western MSM about these blatant war crimes? WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, YOU LYING BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES?


My question is: doesn’t Russia have the capability to see where these artillery is located and bomb it ? I am sure that Russia can do it better, please. Satellites, radars, drons, spy soldiers, please.


Soviet artillery is highly mobile. This is a big problem. You cannot know every second of the day where each piece of artillery is located. You can shoot back, but it will be too late.

And the problem is exacerbated by the fact that the fuckers in the west are sending long range artillery. This means that Russia must push the nazis to Kiev in order to let the Donbass stay safe.

But at that point, the nazis would start shelling other areas, even out of Donbass. If you push them to Zytomyr, they will start shelling even Kiev.

These monsters have no empathy for the ukrainian people. They are just mercs working for uncle scam.

To good part is that, as soon as the russians push them out of Donbass, they will be forced to shell the ukrainian populated lands, showing the brainwashed hohols what Zelensky and his regime really are. What a lot of people don’t understand is that the russians can tolerate 10 years of shelling of the central and western territories of Ukraine. It would just show the ukrops they made the wrong choice by aligning themselves to the empire of pedophilia.


Those are war crimes and the Ukranian military and civilian leadership should be held accountable after Russia wins this war. No peace treaty should be signed until they surrender themselves to DPR and / or LPR authorities.

flush goes the nation

Cowards, just as the US Fraud, Fake Biden Regime is.


Flatten every oligarch/gubermint owned building in western rump Ukropland and they will tell their naZi aZoV contract killer thugs to stop slaughtering innocent civilians.

Peter Jennings

Way to win hearts and minds? This action is fully in line with the racist Kiev junta policies, as dictated by nato and the US.

Ruski hater

Fuck putin


Again, how, maybe ask Faker and Mofo of alObama about this. The RF have state of the art firepower, and can take out everything, everywhere inside Ukr. but by some obscure reason they cant do anything with this bombing. But its crystal clear now, they need it for propaganda, why screw up something that “helps” the cause, right Russia, good to have something to blame, while people die.
