Russian Offensive Reconnaissance In Donbass Region


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Russian Offensive Reconnaissance In Donbass Region

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Russian Offensive Reconnaissance In Donbass Region
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Russian Offensive Reconnaissance In Donbass Region

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to ,

In the war in Ukraine, the political and informational battlefields are very far from what is happening on the ground. Informational confrontation between the warring sides has the crucial role as, among other things, Russians and Ukrainians are considered “fraternal peoples”.

At the same time, political statements that gain great importance in the absence of a negotiation process have little to do with what is really happening on the battlefield. Despite numerous claims about the beginning of the 2nd phase of military operations in Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense has not made any statements about it.

Obviously, the major battle for Donbass is inevitable in the near future. However, the military developments confirm that as for today there is no massive offensive by Russian troops.

The most recently, Russian forces have increased strikes on the Ukrainian military facilities. Heavy artillery battles continue.  At the moment, it is likely a stage of Russian offensive reconnaissance in the Donbass region.

Russia has launched small offensive operations on the eve of a larger-scale offensive.

Near Izyum, Russian troops are attempting to break through the Ukrainian defense towards Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, as well as in the direction of Barvenkovo. Battles were reported in the area of Novaya Dmitrievka in the direction of Barvenkovo and Dolgenkoe located on the road to Slavyansk.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine attempt to counterattack in the region, but no success has been reported so far.

On April 19, the main gain of LPR forces was the taking control over the village of Kremennaya and an advance toward the town of Lyman from the north-east. However, the mops up operations continue in the area and the rears are yet to be secured.

To the north-east of Izyum, the front lines were pushed towards Peski-Radkovskie.

Fighting continues in the south of Rubezhnoye and in the suburbs of Severodonetsk. No progress by any side was reported in Popasnaya.

On the Donetsk front lines, no advances have been reported so far.

In the south of the Donbass region, in the area of Velikaya Novoselka, Russian troops have reportedly blocked the village from the west and entered the village of Vremyovka located on the outskirts of the town. However, the claims are yet to be confirmed, and fighting continues in the area.

The city of Mariupol remains the main hotspot of the Ukraine war. Amid the recent Russian successes in the city, the major assault at the Azovstal plant is interrupted by the ceasefire regime proclaimed by the Russian side.

On April 19, Azov fighters did not use their chance to leave the facilities or at least to let civilians go out of the basements.

The pause in hostilities only allowed evacuating 140 civilians from the buildings located near the plant. There are more civilians left in the area.

As a result, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced another ceasefire on April 20, postponing the major assault on the Azovstal plant.

There are still doubts if there are thousands of civilians held hostage in the basements of the Azovstal. The Russian military are making their best efforts to reduce the risk of civilian casualties, which have political aims as well. Unfortunately, it seems that the Azov militants and the Kiev regime have different goals.

Kiev may only profit in case if the whole Azovstal is destroyed together with the remaining Nationalist and probably civilians inside. Then, the Kiev regime could follow its propaganda campaign based on the lies about the inhumane tactics of the Russian invaders.

At the same time, such Russian concessions are always perceived as weakness by the Kiev regime and inflict damage to the Russian troops on the battlefields.

While diplomatic efforts are stalling, a kind of diplomacy is moving onto the battlefield and can play a decisive role on the ground.

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One good thing to come out of all the slaughter : The russian army has found a way to deal with Javelins and NLAW’s. These weapons will be a lot less effective in future conflicts

Hayate kirino

What way?


An old T-72 continued fighting in Mariupol after three hits from NLAW / Javelins ATGMs……This was WIDELY published.

NATO is laughing at you



After almost 60 days still no result. From mighty Russian army . You have to start 🤔🤔🤔

Lesco Brandon

Very true. While a side on on rear javelin strike is effective, a front on one is not. There are numerous videos and anecdotal data on Russian tanks taking several javelins yet continuing to function.


Helicopters fly low, use infantry to guard the tanks, aircraft must fly high, fast, and far, use more stand-off weapons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
Tommy Jensen

Go Russia, but expect the amount of hysterical meetings, declarations, sanctions, fiat money, nipping cafe-o-leite will double up.


Reverse engineering, to see how they work. Once you know how it works you can engineer ways to render them in effective. plus Russia can also give some to China and Iran to reverse engineer to start making copies for their armed forces.

John Tosh

The Russians took a few of those captured weapons to their military research labs to study them. In less than 9 months Russia will have an upgraded version of the Javelins and NLAWs. Maybe one mounted on a multi launcher. Stalins Violin version of a Javelin will do just fine

During the NATO attack on Iraq , Russia studied the weapons and the methods. Today Russia has better weapons than NATO. Don’t worry I’m the very near future upgraded weapons will smack NATO.

Ukraine thank you for testing Russian weapons in a live fire situation.


There is nothing secret about Javelins. They have their known advantages and disadvantages. They are fire and forget, and they are top-down attack, which make them very dangerous. And there are no proper countermeasures, except the improvised cage above the turret,which is a bad solution since it increases the height of the tank a lot. Javelin uses IR and video sensors to cross check the target, to confirm it is real and the one it was marked. The disadvantage is that the IR sensor has an overheating problem, so it needs to be cooled before the missile can be fired. You can not just take the Javelin, and and fire. You have to wait for about 30 or so seconds for the sensor to cool down, so it does not overheat mid air. Or it actually shuts down if not being fired for 30 seconds, because the sensor overheats. I forgot exactly which. But you can read all about it here:

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan
John Tosh

I am sure Russia can find better sensors instead of infra red.

Jean Paul France

I hope that the Russian army is not as big a believer in Santa Claus as you are or they will be defeated.


But why produce copies of inferior weapons? Not necessary

Pamfil Military Academy

The best deal against is a pro RECON and a good spotter for artillery.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have defeated yet?

John Tosh

Look at that dumb face! How much did she get paid to do this? Hopefully she pays out all that money for the court fees. Her parents must be proud of what garbage they produced.

jeff montanye

she could be a believer in the democratic party. so it was patriotic twerking. it’s what she knows.

jeff montanye

she has no idea of the depth of the deep shit she is in. here in the states she would walk and get a book deal. soros prosecutors and woke media would see to that.

in ruskyland, not so much.

mike l hutchings

The soldiers that served in Syria are the core of the new Russian armed forces


“Defensive Reconnaissance”

= Attacking all areas along the front, testing for weak spots.


Russia doing well against the #SystemPigs

New commander, sensible goals and plan.


When did the Russians abandon Kiev? March 25th.

It is almost a MONTH since then and they still haven’t been able to regroup to the Donbas and launch a major offensive?


And the Ukro-NAzis that you support neither but worst !! They were incapable of any offensive or even no raid or whatever against a 40 mile long line of parked military vehicles / armor…… So don’t pretend you are just asking imbecile. You are a Full Retard Nazi who just fights by computer


You are wrong in each of your observations.

jeff montanye

so when was the offensive of the asov battalion? not counting the civilians with russian rations and white armbands killed in bucha.

Last edited 2 years ago by jeff montanye

Analyist a what a who ? more like Analist for ukro-nazi penis lmao. At least try writing something a little bit comprehensive.


Damn, denial is a tough thing to deal with. Russia retreated from Kiev as part of negotiations, which is widely published. Don’t twist the words so it suits your narrative. So far Ukraine has not been able to regain a single inch of territory in the Donbass region and you know it


“Damn, denial is a tough thing to deal with. Russia retreated from Kiev as part of negotiations, which is widely published.”

Why did they have to retreat to begin with? What did they gain by retreating? Because it is pretty clear what they have LOST: power and prestige at the negotiating table.

so if that was really their goal, then they have achieved the polar opposite of what they wanted…


More waste of time.

The more and more Russia stalls this conflict, the WEAKER and WEAKER it will look in the eyes of the World, and the more and more weapons and equipment will pour in from the West.

Whose fault is it, that the Russian army is seen as weak and impotent? The West’s? LOL.

No, it is Putin who screwed this up.


Weapons are useless when there is nobody to operate them


When you see civilians coming out of basement thankful and crying, you understand it is worth the patience

Von Tzu

the basement dwellers in Azovstal are laughing really hard right now, it is the best Hard bass party ever


Then why are the reasons of azov-nazi soldiers are begging for world leader to save them hahahahaha ?

Actually wait, no one gives a fucking shit to those dogs.


Still trying to cope ?

Edgar Zetar

You are a Libertarian Western Liberal Democratic young boy for sure… who cares how you look? Hollywood Movie? Instagram?… you can look like shit the important thing is to destroy the enemy and win the war without many loses. Also be prepared for another war. Russia is doing fine, west tried Russia to conquer all ukraine and bleeding Russia Economy, instead Russia now it plays bleeding ukraine and the west… who is getting who young teenager friend?


Stalling? They have almost entirely taken control of the area’s they said they were going to liberate. After the fall of Mariupol there’s only a little bit of the Donbass left to liberate, which was Russia’s goal from the start. And if you genuinely think Ukraine is “winning”, why are they begging for money and weapons like cheap crack-whores on a street corner

drew cuurah

“Cheap crack whores’ are vastly better then the Zelensky beggars.

Carl Von Putin

If a winning army somehow look weak, the fault does not fall on said army, but deluded beholders.

Lesco Brandon

This is a war between Russia and NATO. While I agree Russia could have done a lot of things better the West has taken full notice of Russian precision weapons which are simply unstoppable. That’s one good thing going for Russia


halfwit nazi—blind…Russia already won


If anyone looks at the amount of missiles and strikes the Russians are doing, it is clear that the massive amounts of weapons from the West is slowing things down.
Where are they coming from, where are they made, how big are the stockpiles?
The problem is the limitless supply of worthless $ that the US prints.


no, the main problem is still that many roads, railways, bridges and airports in the western ukraine are still not bombed to dust.

Lesco Brandon

This for me is the most baffling part about the Russian tactics. I would have turned everything and anything remotely to do with the Ukrainian military into dust on day one.


Russia should use mind. It’s very easy nowadays to find what is inside underground. Even Russian technicians can locate the locations of Azov battalians and of civilians.

Timmy Temperance

Funny news from Blighty today. The news was carrying the story of the bloke from Notts who having been in the UK military for many years retired to Ukraine and then joined the Ukraine armed forces. The local MP and news were outraged that he was being interviewed by Russian forces having surrendered. They are claiming it is illegal. It f*cking isn’t. Can you imagine if the UK caught a Russian merc fighting for the enemy having spent many years in the Russian armed forces. Of course they are going to question him. UK politicians, media and about 90% of people here are rubbish.


You can may, feel, look, mighty and strong…
But never betray your brothers, friends and supports…


Deputy Head of the UFSVNG for the Chechen Republic Daniil Martynov, announced the good news about the liquidation in the city of Popasny of yet another Ukronazi “titled” by NATO instructors.


What’s odd about this report is that it mentions that Russians and Ukrainians are ” fraternal peoples”. I ask if this is the case WHO are the people FIGHTING RUSSIA ??? Why are there ANY BATTLES AT ALL ??? What kind of kind of “Nationalism”is it when AMERICANS can chose your leaders but the people at a drop of the hat ATTACK EACH OTHER if they speak Russian ???

Arzt Injektion

Ukraine is not a country. It was a never a country. What it was a hodgepodge of ethnic groups thrown into a landmass. It’s very name means “Borderlands” a plaything for various empires throughout the ages.


Indeed which is why I’ve said that this is a TRIBAL CONFLICT. Which is also why PARTITION and a Confederation of Novo-Russia will be the end result


So Russia liberates the Donbas by destroying it. How many friends does it think want to be protected by Russia?


how many want you nazi hillbillies after u murder 30 million steal oil in ME? answer nazi Johnny from usa trailer park


From the front:

Not bad is obtained in the Donetsk direction. I state that so far no second stage (at least here) has begun. In any case, according to the cards. Ours are grinding the enemy defenses well now in the Donetsk direction. Competently.

Plus, the Air Force began to work well, they do not fall. I’ll tell you a secret, officers with good Afghan and Chechen experience fly. They do not feel the slightest remorse about “wetting crests.” There are no carpet bombings, but they work competently.

The only thing is that Kharkov is very annoying. There are failures in the Kharkov direction.

From the side of Izyum, we are pressing… The enemy is trying to act competently, pulling forces well from the Rubizhne-Lysichansk direction in order to roll into the Slavyansko-Kramatorsk agglomeration in “short dashes” (to avoid the blows of the VKS). The enemy strengthens the flanks, competently retreats.

Now we are grinding the first frontier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, where they have been digging for 8 years. We have already knocked them out where they broke into the ground specifically. If we roll them out from the 2nd line (the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration), then, despite the fact that they will pull up units there (they carried out the third wave of mobilization), this will not save them: the defensive line itself will no longer be of such quality.

Enemy losses are already ranging from 25-30 thousand people. For Ukraine, this is a lot. But they will run if they lose another 20-25 thousand people. That’s the whole calculation, then they will break down, and no supplies will save Kyiv in this case. There will be no fools in Europe to fight for them if Russia systematically wipes off the face of the earth that which resists and shoots.

David Tanner

Mariopul has turned into nothing more than a hostage situation at the plant.

Tommy Jensen

USA also has Reconnaissance but in a high-precision professional way.


each day ucrappyland becomes crappier—after denied membership in African Union they now request membership amerikan society of lgbt prostitutes
