The Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic continue to captured Western-made weapon from Ukrainian forces.
On April 17, several photos showing loads of Western-made weapons which were captured by Russian forces in the area of Izium in the Donbass region surfaced online.
The weapons were reportedly captured from the Ukrainian 79th Air Assault Brigade and a special forces unit who launched a counter-attack near Izium early on in the day. The counter-attack was a complete failure. Many Ukrainian fighters were reportedly killed or captured.
The captured weapons included:
- Six US-made M72 LAW anti-tank weapons;
- Four Swedish-made AT4 recoilless anti-tank weapons;
- Two German-made Panzerfaust 3 recoilless anti-tank weapons;
- A Swedish-made Carl Gustaf 8.4cm recoilless rifle along with several rounds;
- Four British and Swedish-made NLAW anti-tank missiles;
- Three US-made FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense systems.
Western states have supplied Kiev with loads of weapons since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
Very recently, General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress that the West has delivered 60,000 antitank weapons and 25,000 anti-aircraft weapons to Kiev. Despite this, Ukrainian forces continue to receive defeats in the battlefield.
The West, namely the US and the UK, hope that their unlimited military support will allow Kiev to foil the Russian special military operation. However, Western military support has only prolonged the war and hindered peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.
Well-done Russians.Sweet and quick revenge.Nice exchange for Cruiser Moskva 😀.
The Moskva was a nothing burger, the 40 r old unmodernised Cold War era guided cruiser was ready for decommissioning anyway and a brand new 21st Century large guided missile frigate will replace it soon enough. A warship that can disable or sink a USN CVG from 1,000km away.
In 1989 a similarly aged battleship, the USN BB-61 disabled itself (USS Iowa) with a turret explosion too.
The moskva is great,mystic legendary warrior when topic is ABOUT protecting Russian bases in Syria but of course when its struck by enemy forces in black-sea it transforms to rubbish.Introduction to russian literature aka inferior complex.
America is back!
None of the feces that you spewed out of your crazy gay mouth makes any sense you braindead moron. You bitch don’t know anything about Russian literature but you know everything about inferiority complex, just of one your many mental diseases.
It was a floating radar station, a Slava-class cruiser that was the least capable of the three warships that were still in service after 40 yrs in service with the Russian navy and unlike it’s sister ships had not been modernized or really maintained very well. It’s highly questionable why the old girl hadn’t already been decommissioned? The main loss would have been sailors, but it would appear that that potential loss is at the minimum.
What Ukrainian Missile? Could the 40 Year Old Russian Cruiser Moskva Have Sunk By Itself?
Thats right. The proud important elefant now is a very old mice. He not even mention the crew.
Russian marine speznasz sunk USS Sullivans last night in a special retaliation operations for the sinking of the Moskva.
Hmm, a WWII ship
Yes, museum-memorial. Moskva was from 1978.
Interesting name… Jake Sullivan is a prominent political advisor (NSA) to mind addled POTUS Biden.
They probatly has bad stomack.
Not sure what you are laughing about? Hundreds of Nato ‘volunteers’ have already gone up in smoke and/or maimed for life just to prove how the Euro-Atlantic Alliance has miscalculated and how far Russia would and will go, after the U.S./Eu sanctions failed in the collective West colour revolution attempts directed against Moscow.
It was the flagship of the Black Sea Russian fleet and even named MOSKVA.
Where are the crew. Are the parents already home for making 600 new ones.
How much is that in money. Russia seemes rather incompetent in buiding new ships as well.
Keep at it Private Jens! The javelins and stingers alone that we have handed over to DPR/LPR forces more than make up for the cost of Moskva but a new arms package of Wunderwaffe from Germany has arrived. We got a couple hundred of these things, hooah! Give ‘em hell out there! Slava Ukraini! Sieg Heil!
damn, that’s actually a very good car, shame it has to be in hand of some nazis
It was due for decommission within 5 years. So it was not the end of the world, just seems to have been the end of the ship.
Nobody is exchanging any cruisers…..however Zelenski proposed an exchange of an Ukrainian Politician for a Brit Mercenary Twit (imbecile) and everybody is still laughing…. The Ukro-Nazi Navy requested you stop being a Moron as it Sleeps with the Fishes….
Your wet dream stup¡d teuton son of whore
Teuton, can you please make sweet love to my asshole?
They look the same like the last time, it’s a mobile expo in every Russian city?
They also look the same as my dildo collection. But I prefer bigger models.
To repair your broken pride no size is enough for you.Rest in piss.
Your dildo collection is legacy from your m .er.Lucky bastard.
It must be from yours then. Ferguson and you are the same troll.
Someting is wrong,you must be famous shit-eater.
“Yamil Perez is back”? where he was, in coma?
in Zelensky’s shitter
I know what you mean, I also have a huge ass. That’s why I’m always full of shit.
*kvetching intensifies*
The momentum is with Russia, now that they have abandoned the silly Plan A.
Overwhelming force saves lives – on both sides!
It really was but that’s what happens when you adopt a STUPID and FOOLISH ideology like Pan-Slavism
Insufficient force will cost lives, more lives.
Losses can be offset with gains from using more force.
The US OVERDO the force and create massive amounts of deaths.
Ukraine: We are winning the war.
Ukraine: We can fight for 10 years.
Also Ukraine: Send weapons, weapons, and more weapons only.
If Ukraine wants peace – they must kill the Zion g0ygay clown that is dancing every time a Ukrainian die in Kyiv like the dancing Zion after 9/11.
Kick NATO out and make a deal with Russia.
Also, I’m not joking that Zion g0ygay said, “Ukraine can fight Russia ‘for 10 years’ – Zelensky”
Even Russia said that Zion used the war in Ukraine to hide their war crimes against Palestinians.
The next russian reinforcement will arrive with fishing hear for safe supply.
Might as well, as you see Ukraine is begging for weapons, and NATO giving them their about to be expired and shit weapons overall…
I love how they said it is “free” – it’s fuking not.
Hopefully, Russia will be gifted many weapons by the West. The US government gifted the Taliban billions of dollars worth of weapons and now they may do the same to the Russians.
those weapons are crap, Ukraine destroys Russians tanks with SOviet era weapons they still have
Ukraine has not enough themselves.
Keep recycling them to the Syrian pro-Assad partisans for use against American occupiers.
Did those Carl G’s come from the Banderpite principality of Canada? Canada was also apparently sending 1000 M-72s to be donated to the forces of the DPR.
You caught Bidens limp dick with your lips
Did you regain Donbas and get rid of the separatists? How about Crimea? How many Ukrainian citizens fled the country as refugees in the last two months? How many dead Ukrainian servicemen in the last two months? How much IMF debt added to the Ukraine bill? So many questions!
If you say so.
check out yourself.
Now for some instant Karma. Pack that up and supply it to the Houthi and Palestinian fighters.
Nah, it goes to DPR and LPR.
To senselessly prolong the war in hope of bankrupting Russia and cause the Russian Federation to implode, is the goal of the U.S.: a repeat of the failed USSR war in Afghanistan. Hence all the anti aircraft and antitank portable weapons and the anti ship missiles to break up Russia’s blockade of the ports in Mariupol and Odessa. The U.S. doesn’t want peace because a neutral Ukraine would destroy the U.S. plans to install bases and missiles in Ukraine so Russia would have to submit to U.S. hegemony and control of its resources. In essence a U.S. colonial war.
They didn’t overthrow the government in 2014 because they wanted the Ukraine to be a source of world peace.
Things changed when Putin could not just take back, what was stolen by the Bolsjvics and before the the Zars.
You really dont get much. That goes for Iran as well.
If they are peacefull others are too.
Russia has fone almost anything for sober trade and devellopment from the regained countries.
None here in western Europe want any kind of Russians as members of EU as well as Nato. We already has enough leftovers from the non keep USSR regime.
I take it again. Russia makes wall to keep people in.
Well said and 100% correct.
The US/UK warmongering has always been about stealing the vast Russian resources from the Russian people.
Nah, not big deal. Ukraine will get another 3000 javelins from NATO in next week. Happy time for russian tanks….not ^^
Hopefully the DPR has enough space to warehouse them all after the failed Ukrainian CIA project collapses completely in the next few weeks.
Lots of cash in the US to provide DPR with Stingers.
“Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World’s Richest Country | ENDEVR Documentary”
What is NATO? glory to NATO, glory to ukrainian army
Glory hole to NATO, glory hole to ukrainian army
NATO are bunch of faggots they can suck my hairy balls. and you also.
Ukranian forces just captured a massive pile of helmets left there by Russian deserters. Nobody in Russia wants to fight for the Putin cockroaches. They have to force the locals to cooperate.
When you flood an area with weapons, they are sure to turn up where they were not intended. Indeed no one knows where all these weapons will turn up in the end. They could be against US forces in Syria or indeed any NATO member in a conflict be it military or domestic. This is the normal law of unintended consequences. Of course as they will be western weapons, not only will it be a form of justice, but also pretty untraceable in terms of logistic supply.
More great news. These weapons will be used, the ammunition, however, will be returned to the Ukrops ASAP at the speed of bullets!
Well paye them back with some nukes !
Russia is given the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic all the captured weapons so when this war is over both republics will be some of the most powerful countries in the world. They will eclipse most NATO nations!
Russia : We happen to have some American made MISSILES
Palestinians : ……………….YES PLEASE !!!
Hi guys.
i’m from brazil, while russian and ukrainian men self-destruct, latin and african immigrants have sex with russians hahahhaa
you are very idiots.
Russian prostitutes are successful in Europe.
Putin has already killed 20,000 Russians in 50 days, that’s genius.
Putin is destroying the sister country of Russia, allied country, Ukraine is the birthplace (origin) of the Russian people, allies of the USSR.
Putin’s daughters Sergey Lavrov, Dmitri Medvedev, Igor konashenkov and Ramzan Kadyrov live in luxury, billions stolen from Russian idiots.
you commemorate the death of POOR, SIMPLE AND MISERABLE Russians and Ukrainians.
The real enemies of the Russians are the elite, you die for the goals of the rich.
You are stupid, racist and cowards.
Damn, another spermal leftover from an escaped Nazi, looks like they grew in larger numbers than all the negros and muzzies together
I like how Nato supplies its enemies.
Send all those weapons back to the countries that provided them, except place them in the hands of those that will target the 1% elites & politicians that profit from all these endless wars. Let’s watch those Javelins fired into their gated homes, luxury yachts and taking down their private jets!
if true its a nice catch.
“Western military support has only prolonged the war and hindered peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.”
there is no invasion, just a terrorist clean up operation, like in irak, libya, afganistan, mali, granada, panama, etc, etc…
The russian apply your masters’ tactics, it’s funny to be on the receiving end for once, don’t ya think hillbilly?
They should return those weapons to NATO, used
Can’t wait when israel sends weapons and they get captured so Hezbollah and Iran can reverse engineer them and make them better to fight Israel