The MSM are mostly just interested in reporting the ‘Human cost’ i.e. emotional blackmail to encourage the NATO viewpoint of the war. Few of them have any clue about strategy and tactics.
The Kurds seem to be making very good progress recently, despite Turkey’s attempts to provoke a response to their unwarranted artillery attacks. ErDOGan must be fuming.
9 years ago
Kafr Naya isnt in SAA hands? By this map it seems it is on kurdish ones
How can you be this accurate?This maps are great you are better than all of the MSM.
The MSM are mostly just interested in reporting the ‘Human cost’ i.e. emotional blackmail to encourage the NATO viewpoint of the war. Few of them have any clue about strategy and tactics.
The Kurds seem to be making very good progress recently, despite Turkey’s attempts to provoke a response to their unwarranted artillery attacks. ErDOGan must be fuming.
Kafr Naya isnt in SAA hands? By this map it seems it is on kurdish ones
The SAA handed the city over to the Kurds.