Patrol ship Vasily Bykov, 06.02.2022 by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Source: https://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12407495@egNews
On March 16, Russian patrol boat Vasily Bykov was seen entering its base in Sevastopol despite all recent Ukrainian claims.
Ukrainian sources claimed on March 7 that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had attacked Vasily Bykov with a multiple rocket launcher system off the coast of Odessa, heavily damaging the patrol boat or even sinking it.
Ukrainian Navy officers later stated that the “boat was destroyed”. Ukrainian media even published videos which reportedly showed Vasily Bykov burning in the Black Sea.
However, the recent footage of Vasily Bykov near Sevastopol confirm that all of these unofficial and official claims were untrue. The patrol boat is not only still sailing on its power, but also has no visible damage whatsoever.
Per reports the patrol ship of the far sea zone “Vasily Bykov” of the Russn Navy returned to the port of Sevastopol.
Earlier in Kyiv, It was reported that ship was sunk as a result of a missile attack pic.twitter.com/21LC3M16M3
— OsintTv (@OsintTv) March 16, 2022
Vasily Bykov was the first project 22160 patrol boat of the Russian Navy. It was laid down on 26 February 2014 on the Zelenodolsk Shipyard at Zelenodolsk in Tatarstan and launched on 28 August 2017. The patrol boat was commissioned on 20 December 2018 in the Novorossiysk Naval Base at Novorossiysk, becoming part of the Black Sea Fleet.
Two other project 22160 patrol boats are currently in active service with the Russian Navy, Dmitriy Rogachev and Zelenodolsk Shipyard.
Project 22160 patrol boats are armed with a 76.2 mm AK-176MA automatic dual-purpose gun and two 14.5 mm MTPU machine guns. The boats are also equipped with a landing pad for naval helicopters.
Vasily Bykov has been apparently a part of the naval force supporting the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which started on February 24.
FakeStream Media is for Brainwashed Sheeple, after taking their 4th Booster.
If they are still alive, at that point.
Interesting thing the Times of Israel and many other Western media unquestionably repeated Ukro-lies, without any serious evidence, just a video of two Ukros yelling at night they hit something (Titanic probably). What happened with ‘facts checking’ and ‘fighting against fake news’ in Western MSM?
Western Media are the Fake News
No doubt there ,but truth be told the Russian government and military are very slow and inept in this informational/propaganda war.
As we can see here this cheap lie was published on March 7 yet Russians needed almost 10 days to debunked it! And now no one even remembers it any more, there are new, fresh lies. Ukros and their western mentors exploiting propaganda since day1, filming every destroyed vehicle, massively using civilian phones, massively using drones for filming (supplied by NATO countries), using fakes, paining fake Z, using video games, using every dirty trick, and lying, lying… Russians rarely film and publish anything. Even that little they do, Western media just ignore it.
I said many times before: Russian leadership doesn’t really understand new technologies , especially internet. They are acting like it’s still mid 90s. The ridiculous (and official) US narrative that Russian government influenced american elections is beyond ludicrous. Russian government can’t influence their own elections and internet , unfortunately. And that is very dangerous. That scum Navalny is using the same tactics as Maidanists. They have the same masters/teachers.
I agree with you. Russia is too cautious in handling information.
“Russian leadership totally doesn’t understand new technologies , especially internet”
Yeah, yeah. If Russia had understood this, it would have won the information war.
Well, but there is no “perfect country”. I will hope for improvement.
Russia absolutely could not win the information war. It has nowhere near the forces to bring to bear that the US media/entertainment complex provides. It’s a fact. The US is the only country with multiple carrier battle fleets, to point out another advantage of having been the global unipolar hegemon for a couple of decades. No point trying to win that theatre at this point.
Lol, the media controls the narrative, period.
power comes from the barrel of a gun.
But they did manage to sunk one ship 👍
yep. their own.
Really their own !
After CONvid HOAX PLANdemic- anyone who believes anything the Western FakeStream Media propagates- needs Electroshock Therapy, at least.
And that pedophile Biden got more votes than anyone in history. So believable.
>Ukros yelling at night they hit something (Titanic probably)
Japanese television also reported it.
A man shouts in the dark. It is a comedy.
among all the media lies, one thing that has been proven true throughout history is, POWER COMES FROM THE BARREL OF A GUN.
Western Media is Ashkenazi Jew-Media. The Ashkenazi Joo is genetically programmed to lie.
Wish we could have RT news-crew film and confirm. There seems to be a Tennis-match of news back and forward.
Ukrainian Nazis and their Western MSM propaganda machine lie about many, many things.
But pretty soon the axe will fall.
Over 10,000 Ukrainian Nazi troops will be forced to surrender in Mariupol. That will be the moment. That will be the moment the goose stepping stops in the Nazi state of Ukraine.
What sites are there to view videos from the war in Ukraine?
Bitch did you really link Reddit? Fat yanquis with fat British apes that are good for nothing.
Also, Picalo you can’t really get your hands on Russian troops’ view of the war in Ukraine buddy, unlike neo-nazis Ukraine “army” they have to follow orders and can’t just upload videos to YT or TikTok like neo-nazis.
Telegram. Intel Slava Z.
Hey Yamil Perez you lying no lifer troll. Do you have anything more to lie about on this matter?
I only have to say two things.
Slava Ukraini
Surely your heil will be KAPUT soon.
Scooby dooby doo!!! Lol
I could sink it with my danish sardines in vinegar powered high tech dildo
Just want to inform you all Iam decided to adopt new name and personality but Iam will to keep talk crap as always so don’t worry.
My new nick is “any americans not even”. Yes it is verry retarded.
But I love americans verry much. Especially Mickey Mouse and Uncle Joe, he reminds me of my uncle Magnus. He also liked to touch little kidss.
Jens, you seemed to have learned proper grammar and spelling since we last me. What happened, brain transplant ?
Oy gevalt…
empire of lies—pathetic
We cant aim for shit.
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
What can I say.
We are compulsive liars.
No matter what lies and faked propaganda the syphilitic nazi NATO backed terrorists will do, pound them mother Russia hard and very hard, day and night ! No one single bullet or shell to rest in warehouses and depots, all to kill those banderist biological trash till the last man.
Viva Russia against globalist NWO !
The only ships Ukis managed to sink are the ones in their own port, before retreating lol.
This was de-bunked by The Saker a couple of days ago. The US-Western MSM claims are very silly.
The alleged US MSM footage of a “hidden missile battery’ on Snake Island is random footage of an MRLS launch of dozens of unguided artillery rockets!
CIA propaganda is getting really bad. But they assume nobody in west knows what an MRLS launch looks like. As opposed to an anti-shipping missile.
Note: MRLS are ground suppression rocket artillery, and NOT guided anti-shipping missiles!
But this crap “report” appeared in ALL western MSM last week
Usual suspects – CNN – MSBNC – Evening Standard – BBC etc. All of them. MSM are NEO-CON bitches.
They endlessly repeated and recycled story about “Russian tank driving over a civilian car in Kiev”. It wasn’t Russian, it wasn’t even a tank (Ukrainian Strela-10). Yet they kept repeating the same lie even when it was debunked by ukrainian authorities after 3 days of lies.
It is insane – the level of hysterical MSM BS.
And yet no “journalists” call it out!
MSM is US corporate entity in lockstep with US Neo-Cons.
Just like the “Ghost of Kiev” idiotic nonsense. But people believed it, like lemmings.
I’ve been seeing massive Western MSM propaganda campaigns unleashed against lots of foreign states for many decades. I’ve come to expect it of Western MSM. But the Russophobic propaganda offensive in Western MSM is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before in my life.
The people watching that trash will believe anything, so they don’t even bother to try.
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
Ukrainian Nazis lie about many, many things. That’s for sure.
“amerikants have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin
the nazis in former ukraine have nothing remaining except lies!
Fake news have been the main weapon of the western colonizers from the middle ages up to now. Remember western colonizers were living in tiny western Europe , now they own North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and middle American too. Fake news works, that is how they deceive the Sheeple.
super Viva Vladimir Putin,muera n los agentes del nuevo orden mundial luceferino
in wokestan the nazi snowflakes are in safe spaces—arkansas trailer parks w Hans grunting, Sawyer etc receiving discounted lgbt trauma therapy from CIA transgender therapists—their narcissistic wounds causes their painted nails to run and their high heels to rupture