The Russian military has begun to use loitering munitions, commonly known as kamikaze drones, against Ukrainian forces.
On March 12, Ukrainian sources shared photos showing the remains of a Russian-made KUB-BLA loitering munition in the heart of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The munition reportedly struck a target in the Podil neighborhood.
This was the first documented use of a loitering munition since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine on February 24.
Our first apparent evidence of #Russia 🇷🇺 using loitering munitions in #Ukraine 🇺🇦
— Joseph Dempsey (@JosephHDempsey) March 12, 2022
The KUB-BLA was designed by the ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov Concern. The loitering munition has an endurance of 30 minutes and a speed of 80 to 130 kilometers per hour. The munition is armed with a three-kilogram warhead.
While the KUB-BLA was first presented to the public in 2019, it was successfully used to target militants in Syria as early as 2015.
The KUB-BLA is mainly designed to engage stationary ground targets. The ZALA Aero Group developed another loitering munition with the ability to track and engage moving targets, the Lancet. The munition, which was also employed in Syria, has an endurance of up to 40 minutes, a speed of 80 to 110 kilometers per hour and can be armed with different types of warheads.
Loitering munitions like the KUB-BLA and the Lancet will enable the Russian military to detect and engage targets located behind the line of sight with high precision on a short notice. The small radar and infrared signature of these munitions will make it hard for Ukrainian forces to stop them.
Where are all the mighty bayraktars now?? Ukraine can’t even defend themselves from small drones now. 😂😂
Merdogan’s GayRapture drone is taking out fags and assimilated deplorables at Gay Pride venues the world over.
German Holocaust:
Part 1:ündel+%2399+-+The+German+Holocaust+Part+1.mp4
Parts 2—34:ündel+%23100+-+The+German+Holocaust+Part+2.mp4
“February 27, 2022, as Symbol of the takeover/liberation, the Russian Armed Forces in Melitopol lowered the National flag of Ukraine from its place in the Centre of the city.
Alongside it, they also hanged the Victory Banner, the banner of the Soviet Red Army’s 150th Rifle Division that was raised on top of the National Socialist Germany’s Reichstag in Berlin, which marked the end of the World War 2 and started the process of the then-called “denazification” of Germany .
This is what “denazification” entails, along with mass death and destruction. However, the “nationalists” in the West are either being paid to spew Kremlin propaganda or are so deluded and duped that they think the people flying the hammer and sickle are actually the good guys.
Because the grass is always greener, somehow Western Whites would prefer to have their countries covered in red. They want to live under a government that cannot be criticized, where questioning the Holocaust is illegal, where freedom of speech is a distant memory, and where a dystopian social credit system determines what they can do and where they can go.
Now of course my opposition to the hammer and sickle does not mean that I support the ZOG in Ukraine. However, I must admit that I am much more likely to support people flying our own historic, pagan symbols as they are defending their homelands from invasion by the same country that mass murdered over 16.5 million Ukrainians in three Holodomors.
People have been sharing this photo around to try to prove how NATO is actually supporting those evil “Nazis”, as if that would be a bad thing.
Just so people are fully aware, NATO is not actually on our side. Former NATO general Wesley Clark, who is jewish, made it very clear that NATO will not tolerate ethnically pure states.”
You will have a point only when Russia goes further than Ukraine.
But until then they are the good guys and the bad guys are those you forced Russia into Ukraine.
Nato has proven itself to be a threat to Russia. That is a fact. Russia said, it will not accept Nato coming into Ukraine. Still Ukraine insisted on a path to have them in. It is so simple
Stay mad bitch and join your fellow neo-nazis and die.
“British ex-Army soldier/merc goes to war in Ukraine, gets hit with rockets/helicopter fire, runs scared into the woods, gets picked up by Ukraine Territorial Defense who torture him thinking he’s a Russian spy, gets released, immediately goes back home to the UK.”
“When I was killing poor people with my fancy guns it was very cool, but when the Russians fired at me with their fancy guns it was not as cool.”
P.S thanks to the guys here that share this, I had a good laugh.
I am not angry whatsoever, you commie hypocrite.
Alt-Media’s Garbage Talking Points on Ukraine War:'s-Garbage-Talking-Points-on-Ukraine-War:8
Stalin’s War of Extermination:
Part 1:'s-war-of-extermination-part-1:e
Part 2:'s-War-of-Extermination-part-2:8
Your not angry but you’re really a junk retard monkey assembling partially truths with lies, truncated informations and off course the well known one direction propaganda. Get lost you idiot, I leaved in communism and all I can tell is that now, under the globalist satanist occult disaster it’s 1 MILLION time WORST.
I just made him even madder. Claim down.
“you commie hypocrite.” – if I’m a “commie” you are a Wahhabis-Zion pig? That’s what NATO is around the world.
Autistic troll, you are always angry because you’re an insane, lonely nazi worshiping loser and sociopathic reject with nothing but Adolf’s picture in your basement and a sick collection of necrophilic videos and pictures.
you are too compassionate
I hear you’re a German cunt, but I prefer cocks. We all prefer cocks in Israel ❤️
you are a pathetic shallow hillbilly nazi in Arkansas trailer park—see LGBT counselor to address your insecurity and traumas
I guess you are too dumb to understand there is more than two sides. Those two sides are two different sides of the same coin. You do not understand there’s a third position that at the moment has little power, both left and right; east and west, work hand in hand to subvert and undermine that third position which is the only valid solution to ZOG and the JWO in all of their manifestations.
“Just so people are fully aware, NATO is not actually on our side. Former NATO general Wesley Clark, who is jewish, made it very clear that NATO will not tolerate ethnically pure states.
This is perhaps why they want to get their hands on Ukraine, as it is one of the last remaining states that is not an absolute multicultural mess. Ukrainians are stuck between a rock and a hard place, as they have the “globohomo democracies” to their West and invading Russians, Asians, and Arabs coming from the East. They do not have a real choice here, with no real allies who actually want to help them.
People point to jewish comedian Zelensky and how terrible he is as a way to bolster support for the Russian invasion. However, anyone who tries to get you to pick either Zelensky or Putin is offering you a false dichotomy, forcing you to choose between two kosher sides of the same shekel.”
The Ukrainian voted to be part of the West (EU and NATO). You need to remember that, which fuked them.
For the last 8 years, Ukrainians have been killing their own people, just because they were close to Russia as well.
There is no third position thanks to the other two sides, it is not on the agenda, to begin with. It is too late.
senile hillbilly—stupid and racist—a true inferior
haha, great stuff. btw there are almost no Georgians in co-called “Georgian legion”, most of them are albanians and other scum gathered by NATO
Death to communism. Burn them alive with their jew flags.
insecure nazi from arkansa trailer park
“Soviet imperialism” is an oxymoron and you are just a moron…
Yeah I saw the flags. Doesn’t mean anything. Nobody is trying to recreate the Soviet Union. What’s wrong with Soviet flags flying on Soviet tanks? Isn’t Russia Soviet?
Hopefully, Russia will reintroduce the great Soviet uniting banner of red hammer and sickle after the liberation of its Ukrainian heartland. God bless President Putin.
A screenshot from a video available at the link below about the Israeli genocide against Palestiinians in 1948:
German holocaust
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Delirious and crazy degenerate spamming random psychotic garbage from his basement collection ^
The holocaust was against Slavic people. Russians, Serbs and Polish.
30,000,000 souls lost compared to what, a few hundred thousand slimy jews?
In Fritzies demented mind that all never happened, because Hitler was so loving, soo loving towards the slavs he called untermenschen in his own book. He just wanted to free them of the commies.
Fritzie will tell you Stalin killed 999 goriilion ppl or whatever, and then dumped the corpses on the german death camps to blame the germans.
Fritzie will also tell you that the german death camps were in fact supa fun amusement parks with lots of brothels and anime conventions.
Fritzie has deepthroated Schicklgrubers tiny cock so far up the head that it penetrated the last of his braincells.
despite that even German historians, dispute your nazi lies—LOL
To save precious Russian lives, the Red Army needs to go ballistic on the Ukrainian puppet Nazi regime and test all their loitering munitions and missiles round the clock. Every C3I must be targeted.
New techs slowly finding their way into this conflict. Ryabkov now says foreign supply convoys of weapons into Ukraine will be struck. What were they waiting for before?
Maintaining the moral high ground.
They warned them over and over again.
They weren’t listening…
Russia speaks openly and directly unlike the forked-tongue cucks and cowards in the US and its vassal states.
Yes. I hope all the 10.000+ volunteers from western Europe get shot to pieces. Traitors.
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡
Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺
Да здравствует Россия. ✌
A dronestrike a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
Das wird ja auch Mal Zeit… 2 Wochen Zeit verschenkt.
For that depraved puppet president ‘Ze’, LGBTQ drug homo addict, Ucraine will loose everything. Taked from TheSaker.
Vineyard of the saker
Jews being Jews…what’s new?
Degenerate even by Hollywood standards. Made me slightly physically ill watching that abomination.
Houthis been using Iranian variants of these with longer flytime and heavy munitions on the Saudis with great effect.
it is awfully quiet in NATO front. looks like the reality sets in and each one is trying to cover its ass.
Nah they are going to pull off a Takfiri. Meaning, accusing Russia of a Chem attack ala false flag. And then we have ww3.
Final days of the crumbling americant empire…
Loitering munitions are definitely not just suicide drones. The defining factor is “loitering” so unlike the drones the houthis use that are just suicide drones loitering munitions can loiter in an area and use anti radiation or some other targeting method to strike the target. Piloting suicide drone to a target doesn’t make it a loitering munition. The ability to hang around and autonomously or manually strike a target at a later point would make it a loitering munition..
And that’s how confident Russia seemingly is. Ukraine was one of Europe’s biggest armies even without the infinite injection of funds/weapons and mercs by NATO. With all the added help, fighting Ukraine is like fighting Germany and France all at once, whilst also keeping civ casualties to a minimum. And only now is Russia beginning to roll out some of their newer tech.
Idk why paid shills are trying to maintain the “ukraine is winning” narrative. A 4 year old child can see how utterly absurd that notion is. The shills are an actual waste of funds, not effective at all.
The nazi scum are desperate, they need something to cling on to.
I sense the the roof is about to cave in for the Ukrainian military. Question is, will Western media accurately report Ukrainian casualties (which will probably be colossal) during this new phase of the war?
Western media is pulling really, really hard for Ukraine to win.
Their losses are already colossal.
Always blame the other side with your own crimes…
CIA protocol 101…
Russian losses are around 2-3% in manpower and 5% tops in gear
Ukrop manpower losses are 10-20% and rapidly growing as Russia gains momentum and increases firepower.
Material loss for the ukrobot armed forces is over 90%.
The Western elites are shaking and shivering, they see their entire construct being destroyed before their eyes so they need to protract the lie as long as they can, a few days more, hours, minutes….nonetheless, their fate is sealed.
The crappy Houthi drones are only bring used for sabotage and assassinations. That’s Putin the human cockroach crossing his fingers hoping he can take out a few top ranks. Especially now that the Chechen murder squads became buddhist monks and fled to China.
Now the West is forced to use Red Cross transports to smuggle in weapons for the Ukie cannon fodder.
What I do not understand is: why does Ukraine not bring the war to Russia? IED’s and bombs, manpads on military compounds, attacks on politicians, airports, industrial sites producing needed equipments, ports with navy ships, u boats, etc … killings of high ranks military.
Are you really that anxious to see the gloves come off? So far Russia has been fighting with one arm tied behind its back.
Are you that f*cking stupid or what?????
when you r stupid understanding is impossible
Unlike the two previous world wars, everyone loses this last one…look at the bright side, lefties will no longer speak of global warming in the nuclear winter.
Im sorry for the noob question but with “only” a 3kg warhead what sort of weapon is this? Anti personell/machine gun/tow ? Surely can’t take out IFVs or MBTs ?
Personell/MG/Tow/unarmored or light armored vehicles. You don’t want to be with-in 30m of it going off, think pipe bomb, or a couple of grenades exploding right where you tell them too.
Mfg video:
thx bro
The crappy Houthi drones, Scooby? The Putin cockroaches are being destroyed that badly?
Bro 🍆🍆🍆
“Russian official says ships carrying weapons to Ukraine will be considered ‘legitimate military targets'”
Let’s gooooooooo, hit them hard hit them good.
Hit the planes that have fuking neo-nazis pigs as well.
Anyhow, it seems people in the West have thought for a sec now…yeah can you believe it.
They are not fighting against a poor country that doesn’t have a military and they can’t just hide behind civilians and ask for air support 24/7 to kill more civilians…
NATO vs Russia – Russian are winning and Russia haven’t even used all they have and ofc, one thing that I dislike about the Russian army was they played nice.
I said this too many times but, Ukrainians have water, power, and a safe way out. NATO satanic pigs destroy all those sites within 1-2 weeks and make some BS reason for it.
I was reading Twitter and people lost power in some part of Ukraine and they were going mad…? like wtf.
You can tell if the Russian didn’t play nice, Ukraine was so fuked, yeah imagine they didn’t have water, power, safety or they couldn’t even use their phone to call each other…these mother fukers doesn’t know how ugly NATO pigs are…
OH YEAH, Ukraine REFUGEES also having a good time unlike other poor people that NATO fuked.
2.5+ million is okay but 3k Iraqi-Kurds no fuking kill them.
What were morons here were saying again? That somehow all those Ukrainian refugees were pregnant women or kids? Do you want to STFU maybe clowns now? HUH?
Most of them are young men – also no they are smart to leave, this war is not going to change if they die.
Oh, they are white and have same culture and whatnot, mother fuks I tell you what, you all start saying different shit once they still for too long as well.
Let’s see if Russia occupies Ukraine for 20 years and you still say the same shit bitches.
Yeah, you fuking low-lifes know that Russia isn’t your beloved satanic Zion fuks to occupies a country for 20 years just to run away in the middle of the night or stay in unwelcome countries such as Iraq and Syria to support their beloved Wahhabis and Zion.
Es kommen noch so einige Überraschungen für die ukrainische Armee und ihre ausländischen Söldnervasallen! Und endlich den Zustrom von ausländischen Waffen stoppen!
Another barbaric empire whome oppress by force. Down russia and usa leaderships, the worl don’t you. Is russia npt big enough? Doesn’t the usa have enough milatary bases? Free the people greetinga from the peacefull Caribbean. No russions no americans go with your destruction. The people of the wprld are not your slaves!!! Go Home!!!
nazi neologisms
Sounds more like a lot of Caribbean rum went down as the shrimp sizzled away on his washing machine tub barby. “Free the people greetinga from the peacefull Caribbean.” LOL
Try Google Translate in your nigger language into English.
kiev and mariopal entirely surrounded—-my expectation is that the rats will flee to Maryland soon and what remains of ukropistan will petition to become a USA nazi colony….the new cia nazi counseling service apparently requires their clients to post comments at SF to address their woks trauma triggered by Russian success
Kiev isn’t even half surrounded lmao. Is this what you do now? Just make shit up when things don’t go your way? This has to be a mental illness of some sort! Your similarities to western cultural marxists never cease to amaze me honestly. If you were born in France you’d probably be a tranny by now rofl.
Eat bullets russian invaiders …. slava Ukraini ✌🏻🇺🇦🇭🇷
This war is truly sad and tragic The Ukrainians are good people. They are proud of their rich history, their culture and their heritage. The Orthodox Church still plays an essential role in preserving their conservative Eastern values. There’s nothing wrong with that. While the Azov Battalion goes too far in their hatred and their thuggish behavior, I do sympathize with their desire to put their own country first while foreign interests seek to impose their will.
I think the global Jewish establishment, the global leftist establishment, the NWO crowd, the Davos crowd, and those who seek to demonize white people and destroy Christianity once and for all are relishing this war. They are witnessing two groups of people, who they see as their enemy, standing in the way of their total world domination, falling into a trap set by them and slaughtering each other. The only winner in this war are the abovementioned.
The true Ukrainians – not the globalist leftist scum, like the Zionist Jew Zelensky and his Zionist foreign minister, should realize that they, along with the Russians, are the last bastions of defense against total subjugation by, and submission to, the leftist, anti-white, anti-Christian globalist plague. The irony is that their resistance is what is needed to preserve Western civilization, because the Americans and Europeans have already succumbed.
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