On August 17th, the Il-112V military transport aircraft crashed in the Moscow region in Russia. It was the only flight model of this aircraft.
Before the crash, the crew managed to report a fire in the right engine when the aircraft was landing. According to preliminary reports, it was the cause of the accident.
According to the press service of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC, part of the Rostec state Corporation), the prototype of the newest light military transport aircraft Il-112B crashed near the Kubinka airfield during a training flight.
The crew was composed of three prominent Russian pilots:
– Nikolai Kuimov, who had the highest honorary title of the Hero of the Russian Federation;
– 1st class research pilot Dmitry Komarov;
– 1st class research flight engineer Nikolay Khludeev.
All the crew members were killed as a result of the accident.
They managed to take the aircraft away from residential buildings before it crashed 1,5 km away from the airfield. Thus, the accident resulted in no casualties and no damage on the ground.
The aircraft was the only flight model of the Il-112V. It arrived from Voronezh to Zhukovsky airfield near Moscow on August 13, 2021. It should take part in the international military-technical forum “Army-2021”.
Il-112V is a twin-engine light military transport aircraft being developed by JSC Ilyushin Aviation Complex, a part of JSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), for the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. It is aimed to replace the Soviet An-24 and An-26.
Let them rest in peace!
American and German planes crash too. Just read the news if you are literate enough.
You are the most puerile type of troll trash. Congrats.
As for your temporary and gratuitous trolling account handle. Err, you seem to be forgetting the entire final act of the story. So, what did Stalin do in return to Germany? He kept a piece of Hitler’s skull in a cardboard box.
Stalin probably pissed on it every night.
RIP Heroes.
Russia shouldn’t let ukrops to work on sensitive projects.
Every time something bad happened in the past an Ukroptrash was responsible, from Chernobyl, to the stealing of sn Mig-25 the list goes on.
This looks like a sabotage.
Big words coming from someone who has a Russian dad…
Sad thing you are in denial…
More like you still don’t know who your real daddy is you sonovabiatch.
U.S. lost 40 jets and helos on the past 3 years, most of them non combat.
Germany lost 3 Eurofighers and two helos one of them was a brand new NH90.
U.S. and germanistan should stop copying Russian tech and buy the original.
Maybe they wouldn’t crash as often if they did so…
Indeed Ukropisstan should stop exporting blond pussy to the U.S…
Russia fucked Germany like the pussies they are.
Hope the ukropnazi trash responsible for this will be shot on the Red Square at high noon.
Actually Putin did it to your Mom…
Stop crying about it.
Everyone knows ukropnazis are fags and whores…
Support the idea.
Get your hand off it wankier!
Incidents involving V-22s…
You troll Russia and I will troll you to oblivion…
Deposit your salty ukropnazi tears below…
Revenge is coming…
The loss of an aircraft can happen. The loss of the pilots is very grim. Requiescant in pace.
“You got a hole in your left wing!”
This is diversion, fifth column. Actually filth column.
RUSSIA FUCKED HITLER DRUNK AS,yor poor,petty ,pathedic,lgbtqrxt feminazi little whore of a boy!
Alot of Russian planes falling recently.
Fraction compared to U.S. planes.
That’s brutal. RIP.
Name aircraft Kuimov
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