UPDATE: The statement of the United States State Department on the topic also includes the claim that Russia is also being added into “the list of countries subject to a policy of denial for exports of defense articles and defense services, with certain exceptions for exports to Russia in support of government space cooperation. Exports in support of commercial space cooperation, however, will be restricted following a six-month transition period.”
Super deadly chemical weapon/poison ‘Novichok’ that the Kremlin likes to use all around the world (if we believe in MSM fairy tales) seems to be not very effective.
So, now, the United States and the European Union are introducing a new round of sanctions against Russia over the supposed poisoning of well-known agent of Western forces in Russia – Alexey Navalny. Fortunately, as in all other cases, Navalny appeared to be healthy enough to survive the attack with the super duper chemical weapon.
Now, the overhyped ‘fighter against corruption and the bloody Putin regime’ is in jail over the corruption and fraud case as part of which he and his brother stole about $500,000 from two Russian firms, one of which was affiliated with French cosmetics Yves Rocher, between 2008 and 2012, and of laundered part of the amount. Until recently, Navalny had a suspended sentence over this case, but regular violations of the terms of his suspended service, the Russian court ruled to change the suspended sentence with the real one.
Therefore, the democracy is in danger and Western puppeteers behind the Navalny team are on the offensive in a fierce attempt to meddle in the Russian sovereign affairs and influence the court.
On March 2, the United States and the European Union imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia targeting seven senior members of the Russian government and nine commercial entities inside Russia that are involved in biological and chemical research.
The US also claimed that its special services concluded with “high confidence” that Russian officials were behind the alleged poisoning of Navalny in August as well as blamed the Kremlin for the alleged usage ‘chemical weapons’ (that apparently barely work if we follow the mainstream variant of the story).
MORE: The U.S. intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that the FSB used Novichok to poison Navalny on August 20, 2020, per senior administration official.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) March 2, 2021
On top of this, the US announced that Washington will respond in the coming weeks to “a number of destabilizing actions” by Russia, including the supposed Solar Winds hack and bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
Both these stories are a part of the Russian hysteria narrative, which was already used against the Trump administration in the MSM and neo-liberal smear campaign against then the President of the United States. While Solar Winds hack is at least exist (while the ‘Russian trace’ is still not confirmed by any evidence), the ‘Afghanistan bounties story’ was already debunked as a rough example of fake news. However, the truth has never been the priority of the globalist establishment.
-The terrorist Ziocorporate globalists: “Putin is Hitler gassing innocent people with Zyklon B”.
-Putin: “Here’s some Gazprom and Rosneft shares for you, proof of our complete opposition to globalism”.
They will accept only 51% and the under soil assets.
Gazprom and Rosneft are owned by Russians, in Russia.
Paid shill, stop your lies (yet again).
Go home, shill.
So now we see that the beneficial owner of circa 100 global registered Novichoc patents from the late 1990’s are the US government, military etc.
Khazars have a very long habit of blaming others for the sins that khazars commit themselves.
Its a form of ‘spoilt child syndrome’, that as every parent knows, is toxic for any relationship..
But what about Sergei Lavrov’s passport found under Navalny’s hospital bed in Germany along with a note smeared with Novichuk reading “BB-Смерть Шпионам.-CЛ” plus cigar ash of Sergei’s favorite brand on the floor with the word Rache in Germanic Gothic letters inscribed in blood on the wall at approximately Lavrov’s height and an errant surgeon’s uniform, also in Lavrov’s size and with hairs matching his color, presumably used as a disguise, found in the hospital elevator floor adjacent to Navaln’s own room along a cufflink also inscribe with the letters “CЛ” and the bottle with traces of Novichuk, also found to contain Lavrov’s finger prints according to an unnamed anonymous source that was unavailable for further comment, found in the Kiel canal shortly after the incident??
Maybee they are lovers:)
You just dont get irony, do you?
It is supposed to be a hallmark of danish humour – but you fail miserably!
Your name is Norbert Strade ?
Most certainly not! Who the f*ck it this strade person anyway???
Brilliant, BMWA1 :)
I chuckled for hours after I read your message.
Are you a member of ‘ 77 Brigade ‘?
You have fully exposed the ‘ Nasty Ruskies ‘ plot.
I heard that the BBC is preparing a documentary about this outrage against ‘UK and EU democratic values’.
Putin personally flew a Russian helicopter, that was cunningly disguised as an US Apache helicopter apparently, in order to secretly ex-filtrate Lavrov from an undisclosed NATO airfield in Berlin.
Being a very ‘Woke’ person, I am outraged that the US military continue to misappropriate the ancient Apache Indian names and culture.
Surely the US Apache should be re-named , or re-maimed, the ‘ ISIS ‘, in deference to its allies? :)
You must be gravedigger talking with the dead ones:)
as you wish
First the Skripals survive Novichok…then Navalny… Lucky Bastards…
NOVICHOK IS 99.9999% DEADLY…something must have seriously gone wrong with the Chemical Composition of it….
Thats a funny version.
Agreed. Unfortunately, that is the version the West wants you to believe.
Verdünnungsmittel also called thinner.
As in all things, ‘The devil is in the detail’, and NATO ‘intelligence’ is not up to the job of faking evidence.
They probably don’t even have a clue what Novichok is…bunch of illiterate dumbass c*cksuckers….
Cut the crap and just bring it on!
Can not wait to see Russian troops in Kiev and listen the helpless bitching from Washington that will follow immediately after that…
Russia Shrugged.
Pedo Joe will fight to the death whoever dares to condemn and incarcerate Nazi swindlers, for Joe Zombie it is a personal matter as he identifies with both the swindler and the would-be genocide of Muslims.
There is no genoside of muslims. Muslims are more then ever and eat and manybehave as grasshoppers even here in Denmark.
The problem is they not even devellop food production as well as behave themself or use contraseption.
Cut the crap and just bring it on!
Can not wait to see Russian paratroopers in Kiev and listen the helpless bitching from Washington that will follow immediately after that…
You have no idea how dangerous Russia has become !
The bear is out of the cave to rip your tiny imperialist balls off ! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fcfb35701b5d5466fd6ab14149c28d08172c3f3f159c4210acbe4c67facfadaa.gif
Yes indeed,Russia needs to start teaching those bastards some manners,good news is i think Biden and his Bandera girlfriends might do something even more stupid in Donbas,then Russia can launch a blitzkrieg,they should also do the same in Idlib,that nonsense has gone on for far too long,its a rats nest of Al Qaeda,once thats dealt with it just leaves those bastards and the kurds in North East Syria.
In Georgia Americans were running away so fast, that they didn’t have time to pick all their belongings and military equipment.
Since they forgot their little adventure there, they are at it again.
This time they are ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.
Whoever attacks Russians and wherever they attack them , will most definitely have their answer.
And they will remember that answer forever, just like Georgia did, just like Germans did.
US is planning to start the Ukraine war to drain Russia’s strength…
Instead of lasting forever, that war will last not more than 2 weak’s and Ukraine will capitulate (despite all Western help)….
Novorossiya will be FREE to go back to her Mother Russia again.
And Russia will come out of that war even more strong and dangerous…
Yes and they should liberate half of Ukraine while they are at it,and leave the western part to fester.
“Novorossiya” is “half of Ukraine” – the russo-phone part of the Ukraine
As I wrote above, there is no realisme in that. Many countries can make same kinds of demands and even there.
The Krimera Tatars had their own relative big state there for many centuries and before that they were Osmans or highly affiliated to Turks.
The same goes for who is who in Caucasus. Most of it has been taken less then 200 years ago in a Russians systematic expansion.
The solutions should be some changed attitudes for all living there making space fx as we try in EU but in a thinner version.
Well, someone has to point it out – this time I do it.
It’s you who have no realism. Novarussia WILL take place, sooner or later.
Why changed attitude?? The ‘attitude’ in EU is spineless and detrimental to truely european values. Why settle for being an obedient vassal of Uncle $muhl?
If you really cared, if you really want a coherent and independent Europa – then ditch the United $nakes! Grow some balls!!
A real united europa – free from influence and garbage from across the pond.
EU is more people than U$, the GDP is more than U$, there is more freedom in EU than the U$, the people of EU is brighter and smarter than U$, the €U has more value than U$ dollar. EU free from the $nakes, has the potential to be important in the world – as EUROPA! Why hide behind the $nakes??
The dollar is fast going down the drain – the multi-polar world is developing, with centers in Bejing, Moskva, and elsewhere – and maybe, just maybe, in Brussels. The time of Tel Aviv og Wa$hiton is over!!!
Get of the high horse, and try to think for yourself – the tv or random propaganda you follow in your ‘free and democratic’ Danmark is full of lies!!!
And, by the way, I myself is born and raised in København!!! I am as much dane as you – but, I have retained my Viking ability to think for myself!
Yes, I praise the Russians (and the Chinese) for standing up for themselves and challenge the fake and phoney ‘wisdom’ of the god Mammom!
Not a single one in the whole EU as well as Nato will believe in Your version for, whats going on.
Even small children with candy in both hands told by Grandparents wont.
..And actually 80% of danes can see the whole world by Internet and often in english or at least with english text.
We even help brining You information from Mars by the 4 tools here: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06f893f79681c7e59b5ebb0abb9728020ba588bc62c55050a077570ca6aa2edb.jpg
“often in english or at least with english text” – that what I’m saying, but you dont listen. There is more – much more – outside of your little hollywood cozy fantazy!
…all true…. except one tiny detail…
US is country and EU is not.
TheU$ is NOT a country – it an abomination!
“Tatars”, “Osmans”, Mongols etc. are all invaders from Asia you NATO propaganda infested DORK !!
They never were autochthon population of Europe !!!
FUCK your maps and interpretations of history!!
All black sea coast of today’s ucraine you mean …
Evreu bancheri inundați Europa cu musulmanii și America cu al treilea gunoi mondial.
and while they’re at it, do something about poland – like neuter it like a few times before. I’m sure Germany would like to take half of poland and russia/belarus the other half having the midget stupidities like estonia, latvia and lithuania trembling while cowering so russia won’t see them.
Western and Middle Europe have not been as You assume. Ypu cerytainly is in the old days about the Germans as well.
If anything Germans want Königsberg and East Preussia back.
We are in EU as well as Nato and mainly are doing fine develloping well compared to others.
Our worst problems are all the former Neocolonialistic crashlandings by the Bolsjevics, where some never has had any sober parlamentarisme.
Here we even are attacked for helping them from a quagmire not made by us. You even blame us as if we want to attack this and that – and here You and ast least one more propose attacks themself.
So thats where the problems are by making contrasts, so communist fanatics and nazis grow instead of growth of the moderate and sensible ones.
We even are told, we support Nazis. If so we we long time ago had helped Adolf into a more succesfull version of Barbarossa.
If You are in that level of changes, You also should give that part as well as the parts of Belarus back to Poland and maybee a small corner to Slovacia as well.
I allow me to see it like this – very complicated https://www.polgeonow.com/2014/03/ukraine-divisions-election-language.html https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fa0a976d48a7f5ea449af87e1d542d7257acc30d0af76af1bf5b9c0df20d87dc.png
Highly biased. I agree in some adjustments should be made. USSR many places has spoiled the old ones, so here it should be give.
But people there are not asked. They should. That should make more permanent stbility all know what the locals prefare.
That goes for the 2 Russian Oblasts in Ukraine.
I expect photoshopping as well.
That takes guts which the leaders of your country don’t have. Dangerous? 🤣🤣🤣 like a yogi bear?
Your comment reflects a level of historical knowlege characteristic of your ilk. Perhaps you’d like to ask the two finest armies of its time: the French Imperial Army and the Wehrmacht.
You are quite naive. Countries made like that is not made from day to day by hands to mouth and and perfect brownies comming out from their behinds.
They have to find themself in ups and down and can be helped or manipulated in sober or unsober ways.
Helped can be as EU has done. The new memebers as a minimum should have Humans Rights in their constitution as well as we in one hand demand that for memebershio but also improve their economy very much and often from almost nothing.
The new ones can send all working people to all other contries, if there is need for them. So instead of being unimployed home, they take low and well paid jobs, where they are and maybee live there or even emmigrate.
But the pluss pluss is, they send a lot of money home and by less unimployed the rest is paid much better getting better conditions as well.
And we do see people from fx Belarus and Ukraine work and replace low paid poles. Thats how it is, when the market for Labour actually works.
.It has more better then bad solutions in it. We fx get in drivers with big trucks in. Its as if they know nothing about how things are when You drive a truch here. Too often they are not equipped for winter.
Countries take Russian lenience for weakness.
That is terrible mistake.
Russia can not be more dangerous than in the situations like these.
…when one comes to the bears cave to f*ck with the bear and to kick the bear out of his cave….
Ukrainians are convinced that US and NATO have their back…
That is another terrible mistake.
Yes, thats well defined. There also is the KIev doctrine.
Which part of the Western sanctions you feel they are the most ‘dangerous’ for Russia that makes you think that now is the right moment for Russia do become ‘dangerous’?
it is not about sanctions,
it is about proxy war they intend to re-start and escalate to force hand to Russia to intervene….to give excuse to NATO to get involved
I didn’t find such thing in the article.
It wasnt invented yesterday, and he wasnt orn yesterday as well. Too me its common knwledge for years.
I was wrong. Ypu dont see its both sides behaving bad.
I found it. Seek the truth and you will find it.
But if you are not looking for the truth, then………………….
Maybe you had seek the truth in another article. They are many of them.
It is obvious that US doesn’t send military aid without strings attached.
Giving those weapons away has its obvious purpose.
On top of that your friends have plan (inspired by Croats who used military means to drive away Serb population out of Croatia) and Ukraine will try to do exactly the same with ethnic Russians in Donbass.
Ukraine doesn’t want peaceful solution since they are convinced that they are stronger militarily (and have Western support on top of all)
So making offensive and kicking out all ethnic Russians would be perfect solution for them and the only reason for re-starting the war.
Since any other option is not admissible for Ukraine apparently.
The arms send by NATO to Ukraine are more symbolic, kurds received 100 times more. Main goal for Ukraine now is to break morale of the pro-Russia population and the status qvo is in their favour right now. A hot war is too imprevisible. NATO plan to create a buffer zone and a mini cold war between Russia and EU worked like a charm.
Yeah Its quite incredible. Ukraine is number 199 country who jump on the “US will protect me” train and first realize their mistake when its too late………………LOL.
The real “bring it on” moment is going to be when the fabric of US society disintegrates and our evil leadership have to contend with millions of pissed off American militia. We hope President Putin is amenable to supporting an armed insurrection on our own ground.
In the case of the “armed insurrection”, I think that all out civil war can start in the US.
…as for Putin’s “help” (it will be similar situation to SSSR collapse)….Honestly I don’t think anybody wants to f*ck around with the country full of nukes and chaotic situation in the country…
Good point. But remember that the US promoted aspects of the Chechen and Georgian conflicts, and probably funded every attempt to further break up Russia into pieces through the 90s and early 2000s; so the US did not give Russia the same respect.
It is not even question of “respect” but banal pragmatism and common sense.
Country in turmoil with so many weapons represents potential danger for literally everybody.
It is much better to stay away…
If the civil war starts it will automatically not be the same country it was….
In that case what would be the purpose of the “revenge”?
Thank God Russians are not trigger happy and don’t use every occasion to start military intervention or war like US now does…
why bro?
Sorry, what is your question Furkan?
🤣🤣 Grizzly or a regular russian bear??
They are the same bears . . . Russia has polar bears as well as grizzly bears . . .
they written Syria economy is bad and will get worse what do you think about it?
what could I possibly think, since I have no clue on the subject…
the places I usually visit, never write anything on Syrian economy…
all economies including the most developed are going bad or worse (except China and few other Asian countries) so no surprise there
i understand bro
The US has been chosen by the globalist elite to be their brutal force in setting their political and military agenda around the globe … so please stop believing that the US is a state as we think it should be … but the globalist elite also has some back-ups, if something goes wrong with the control of the US government (see the case of the Donald Trump administration) … China is a special creation of the globalist elite … yet the role of puppet states like The US and China are paving the way for a so-called single world government (eg the UN) through which the globalist elite would have total power and control over humanity.
China is not the USA.
China is a great country and the Chinese is right to defend themselves.
What has China’s history got to do with the current communist regime ?!
A lot of people are under the false impression that China is a communist country . . . it is a monarchy with an elective emperor like the old Mongolian khanate. Mandarins and potentates select their emperor, the current dynasty may, or may not be hereditary (they are all ethnic Chinese).
However, don’t be fooled into thinking we get anything factual from them or from our own historians and media. Their communist party as we call it, is just a façade for you fawning rubes in the Western media.
China is capitalist.
Ok…me, I’m coming from Mars…
Sad for you
See above the answer to your comment: China is capitalist
Yes, like every socialist/communist state is. It is called state capitalism where the majority of the capital is owned and controled by the state … so, at the end, what is your point??… All communist/socialist states are capitalist at their core on the same way the so called capitalist states are ! … the only differences are:
A) the owners of the capital
B) the market regulators
No, it is not.
China is capitalist.
I have the strage filling that I am talking to myself … anyways, at least I ‘ ve tried!
I have, too.
A lot of people are under the false impression that China is a communist country . . . it is a monarchy with an elective emperor like the old Mongolian khanate. Mandarins and potentates select their emperor, the current dynasty may, or may not be hereditary (they are all ethnic Chinese).
However, don’t be fooled into thinking we get anything factual from them or from our own historians and media. Their communist party as we call it, is just a façade for the fawning rubes in the Western media.
No, it’s not.
China is a monarchy with an elective emperor like the old Mongolian khanate. Mandarins and potentates select their emperor, the current dynasty may, or may not be hereditary (they are all ethnic Chinese). Their communist party as we call it, is just a façade for the fawning rubes in the Western media.
China is China, and that’s great, and they’re right, and end of history.
Fuck the globohomo Japan.
China rules.
As per today’s PC standards this statement is highly “inappropiate”, “full of hate”, “antisemitic”, “fascist”, “holocaust denial” , blah-blah, etc …
antiscumitic: an·ti-Scu·mit·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective; generally, a person who does not like chosen parasites, feeling or showing hostility toward international bankers, holy chosen nation robbers, or discrimination against pederasts, pornographers, or other hook-nosed rat like creatures from East of the Sinai Peninsula.
Yeah, I was about to say the same thing about jews …that the are the “chosen nation” to rob, kill and enslave other people … who say that they are so special that they should act as gods on earth having special rights on shitting over the heads of other people?! Fuck the bastards!!
Thats as incomplete as it can be.
If you think Russia is so fragile, the chechen conflict could break it up, anything is possible.
I dont think he writes that. He just remenber what happend.
The real fear for Putin & Co is that the whole Russia might break into pieces. But they dont do anything about it.
I know what he said and you know that I know.
Holy Russia will NEVER disintegrate
I guess that didn’t hurt, unlike the torture both parties indulged in.
yummieee… moarrrr
And at that time Russia is only east of Ural and Navalnev its president in Krasnodar:)
Heay, wake up – you are having bad dreams once again. Did you forgot to take the pills?? Remember, mom said you have to take them, twice a day!
Yes, why not. Alaska should return to fatherland.
Vikings in Demark hope UK will collapase and we can buy it and let it join EU again:)
England is a financial hub, without Scots, Welsh and Irish, England is above Switzerland, in money per capita.
They are selling it to China.
Aren’t we all sell our countries to China?
Putin, at best, will stay neutral but will most likely support the fraud regime of Biden. Remember that Russia doesn’t particularly care about our domestic issues. They prize stability first and a US civil war is a very destabilizing global event.
Again no realisme. Pathetic and funny too.
The dog who barks lowder doesn’t bite.
Keep and talk calmly while wearing a long stick.
Teddy R Blyat!
If using Ukraine in proxy war , US doesn’t care about Russian “long stick” because it will not hit them but Ukraine..
In negotiations who screams first loses.
The only thing staying between Russia and Ukraine right now are the sanctions.
If you meet a bear, just pretend you are a weird animal and talk. Talk American, talk, talk and talk.
Then the bear will be afraid, notice you dont wanna be an equal partner, wont give Assad the S-300, and will go away because the bear thought it could be friend with an American, but realized we dont give a fok!
If you want to ‘cut the crap’, I see no point in that. Go for the head and nuke Washington and London.
But really, these so-called “sanctions” are pathetic. It’s weaker than CNN type of propaganda and economically just promote domestic growth in Russia.
On one hand it is true everything you say, on the other you neglect details…
1.)Proxy war in Ukraine is not worthy of starting WW3 (neither for US, nor for Russia)
2.)The US plan is to use Ukraine to force Russian hand (to get involved) and drain Russian strength in that proxy war (by NATO endlessly supporting Ukraine)
3.) Sanctions are above all symbolic! Their purpose is to show (illusion of) dominance and unity of the NATO bloc against Russia.
What counts on the West are the appearances (Hollywood) not the facts.
That’s my point. Ether go nuclear and get it over with or laugh at it.
There wont be a WW3, that’s ridiculous but a show of strength will be enough for parasites in Washington to pee their panties. It don’t even have to be anything major. Shot down few satellites or surface a Borei sub with open launch bays in a New York harbor.
This is not a poker game. One doesn’t call bluff and “shoot down few satellites”.
It is an act of war.
That puts at unnecessary risque existence of Russia also.
If activated “MAD”…it will be the end of us all Russia included.
Nobody is saying that US might be only posturing aggressively and bluffing.
But they are not only NATO country with the nukes and situation might simply get out of the control into the chain reaction if some incident happens.
When it comes push to shove, Russia will be 100% there, because Russia doesn’t bluff !
But that is exactly main reason why they don’t start wars.. because… they finish the wars !
Oh please. US nuclear triad rests on subs from 1983 and Russians have hypersonic missiles. There is no mutual anything.
I’m telling you again, there wont be a war even if Kremlin bomb the crap out of all US bases in Mideast.
…and I’m repeating you again that Russia will not be the one to start any conflict.
But Russia will 100% sure answer on any aggression on Russians anywhere be it in Syria , Ukraine, or Russia.
One just have to sit and wait that west starts the conflict… But this time Russia is ready and waiting…
US is running out of time before economic troubles start to shake US empire…
There is not shadow of doubt that they will soon do something aggressive.
Yeah and it’s pointless to talk about it. Kremlin simply will laugh at these clowns and continue to build Eurasia.
If Russia fight Ukraine, the Russian military will be set back two decades by the time Ukraine is defeated.
Your mushrooms supplier must be top notch.
“amerikan intelligence” a contradiction in terms
“amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch
“Americans are a bewildered herd”. Walter Lippmann
“stupidity is a precious natural resource in amerika”. Philip Slater
“amerika is a culture of stupidity”. Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
“stupidity is a virtue in amerika”. Charles Pierce
“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans: they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell
“the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman
“amerikans live in a thicket of illusions: they demand illusions about themselves” Daniel Boorstin
“amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. George Santayana
for recent scholarship
Susan Jacoby: “the age of amerikan unreason”
Mark Bauerlein: “the dumbest generation”
Americans collectively are fools, for you can indeed sell anything to an American.
hit wherever you can – the disunited states of insufferable idiots have a good thing going in the middle east, lots of weapons and no threat to apple-cheeked farmboys from the flyover states so it can go on forever, the perpetual war, bleeding tax payers in the disunited states and also draining russia on essential cash. this leads up to the real purpose, to regime change russia and kremlin, dispose of putin and his band of russian nationalists and insert fifth columns like navalny, ready to transfer ownership of russia’s treasures at the drop of the hand – bad bad bad. but the insufferable fools just haven’t got another idea in their heads and thus the ideas are the same as last week,or last century. they just can’t help themselves (but russia should be aware that there is a fifth column in russia prepared to do the bidding of the disunited states of insufferable fools and that is the jews remaining in russia, not yet sent onwards).
Russia does not give a hoot about US and EU sanctions. Russia will cut its relation with the EU, and squeeze US in the ME.
I doubt it.
They are fed up with Brussels, they will deal with individual European countries. It is Brussels who is coming up with these sanctions.
Brussels is one minister from each country.
Your memorycard is out. Putin himself proudly has announced they now has regained enough parts of their food production, so import is not vital.
But what Putins says is always lie – isnt it :)
You don’t have to listen to Putin, check out the wheat exports, Russia is no 1 exporting half of its wheat production.
With the advent of climate change vast areas in Siberia will warm up a few degrees making it suitable for agriculture.
Russia will become the bread basket of the world and the guarantor of peace.
Its way past time Russia started pushing back against those idiots,and i mean hard,they can’t be reasoned with,all they will understand is pain.
Thats not enough. Russia dont have that capasity at all.
USA and we are in Ukraine even it cost pain. They have to learn to decide themself even iot might take generations. Here Russia act too much as spoiling influencer.
The current East-West discord almost begs Russian not advertise its policies and sanctions against Western interests. Impose the latter without engaging in a public tit-for-tat. You’ll have support from fellow Russians.
Ukraine and Georgia appear of minimal strategic utility, unless the Motherland is importing significant foodstuffs and energy from either nation. Otherwise, important sanctions against either and their individual entities should be considered.
I’m largely unsympathetic to Alexei Navalny’s case. He chose a feral dog breed to associate. In three years or less, the Russians may have a “diplomatic” ceremony where he and his family are returned to his American handlers, stripped of their Russian passports, and denied visas to ever return.
How will the Americans take out an entire family? The promises of quick cash and a new home flushed down the sewer. He could entertain appearing on Russian television to explain his treasonous ways, but that would implicate his protest friends and US handlers.
They could be prosecuted, jailed, and the latter would be deported or tried on espionage charges.
Thats the propagandalf splutnik version. More like Laika and hot news from there.
Typical one is here:Ukraine and Georgia appear of minimal strategic utility, unless the Motherland is importing significant foodstuffs and energy from either nation. Otherwise, important sanctions against either and their individual entities should be considered.
But Thomas Malthus helping like that is the collapse level made by USSR detonating in 1991.
They need to raise their living standards by new and better productions of all kinds for themself and others.
The Biden administration would like to see a Russian govt (sovereign conservative) more like itself… Transnational Marxist.
That’s for sure. And even if Russia would adopt the rainbow flag, Washington will point out the colors are not correctly vivid.
Your focus is wrong.
The rainbow flag is one of many symbols for including more people in trust in a country as well as for the world.
It makes more sense You mentioned Human Rights, which cover much more and many more people.
Its about election very much.
You dont get that too. Like any can run for President or Parlament unless they are highly menthal ill or hard convicted criminals.
Its about removing Majors which actually are cleaning corruption away in Krasnodar supported by 70% oif the voters.
Its also Russia has low control of things going on in center BUT also low control in the Regions. By thats non real control. So they have to decide into details who is who in jobs and responsabilities.
By that You can get in the very needed tax for whats needed as well as the lower the corruption from a very high level.
The problæem is NONE.
Its exact the same for the big gab between enoght scientists and too many non or almost none educated. Those cant solve Russia. Russia has to learn to produce much better as well as it has no logistics for so many things.
The problems in USA are vital too. My own very short version is they got Biden, but Sanders are the needed ones. People like Bidens can repair some and calm thingsdown, but they do need reforms for several things.
Good products are not always enogh just because they are cheep. We see it for schools and education. We see it for climatechanges. We see their hospital sector cost double as much as fx the Danosh one – even so it for great parts of their citicens are much much lower.
Even the good parts of the Bidens are strictly forbidden in Russia.
Russia will remain the same or decline if they dont implement vitals. Putins dont. Their prespective is to hide for most people outiside the big town, how bad things are compared to cpuntries having the same potential or worse.
There are no good parts to either O’Jo Biden, his administration or a Democrat America.
Russia, stop talking. The only language these criminals understand is that of bombs
Let the bodies hit the floor…
Solutions like often dont solve everything even if coffinmakers becomes oligarcs.
Thats why you should not use bombs. If intelligent people cant trick dumb people, you are not intelligent. Judo and the Trump trick little boy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/585c9be16b90f81794aafd5995a10d291a3b8e0068306e33ac25199ab77e8d4a.jpg
That sanctions are useless..that people dont have interest to visit USA and obviusly they dont have bank accounts in USA…while USA continue buying Russia Urals heavy petrol, Rocket engines, Titanium, Paladium, radioactive isotopes for nuclear medicine..etc…
They play a role in blocking the NS II project.
They cannot block ND2 because Russia has the resources to build it while Germany dont care about UE and USA…they need Russian gas!
That’s a simplistic view. NS II is more than an empty pipe. It needs plenty of underwater electric installations for pumping, optimizing temperature, presure and other minor things – those were build by 16 EU companies – that all pulled out from the project this year.
Can Russian companies build that underwater machines? Probably yes.
Are Russian companies assured by insurance companies accepted by the EU comision? Probably not.
EU comision?…we have seen Germany supporting ND2 despite EU parlament have rejected to build ND2….we have seen Hungary and Slovakia allowing Sputnik vaccine even though EU Health Agency havent authorized it yet!
16 EU companies just pulled out. Most were German companies. German politicians can speak in support of it but the Banks can really hurt these companies. The financial system is more complex than they show us on TV.
Thats highly incorrect. You probatly not even know about it, bacesue You are, where its not allowed or You try to propgandadize hard facts away. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8fce8d3c486f0f4db5c211a8f5d25abab5f27765c3f4125297048c62b124e90f.jpg
Thats the mild EU sanctions: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/policies/sanctions/ukraine-crisis/
Lay down the LSD Jens.
It’s bad for you…
I told about the EU sanctions
EU jokes*
I told about the EU sanctions…
Considering they sanction based on fiction, call of duty must be real life in american eyes.
This has to be the least effective neurotoxin of all time
Russians believe themself when they deny things and they by that dont exist.
They even try to take patent about it as non starvation in the world program.
Soon, Greenland, Alaska and Canada will be liberated.
The Inuits in Greenland has been asked about it several times and the majority says no. They have local autonomy and we support that by 3 billion dollars a year.
I dont know about Alaska and Canada.
The Inuits has decided, they are an autonome of Denmark. We by that give them 300 mio dollars a years and some defence.
Alcohol makes inuites suicidal, like the little Russians :)
The US should know all about Novochok, considering the Soviet chemist, who came up with it, lives in exile in the US and published the formula in a book, sold on Amazon. How much did the US spend on a base in Porton Down, over in the UK? Russia, who got rid of their chemical weapons and the US, who could not afford to, but, has no problem financing chemical-bio weapon labs, encircling Russia and all around the world, including several in Ukraine. Funny that.
First the Skripals survive Novichok…then Navalny…
NOVICHOK IS 99.9999% DEADLY…something must have seriously gone wrong in the Chemical Composition of it….
Always blame the other side with your own crimes.
CIA protocol 101…
Last moves of the Crumbling pedonazi empire…
Sad to see the axis of evil sunk to a bottom level never seen in human history.
Kremlin spreading Novichok chemical poison everywhere even in their own backyard. These people are not humans as you an me in the free and civilised world. This is monsters!
That’s the USA/Israel.
Russia is the hope for this wolrd.
How tiresome… the Russki’s will play along, frantically waving the Omsk lab reports, “No, you see, you got the facts wrong!” And Biden will just laugh in their face “Who controls the media that matter?” So Russia is (made to be) playing defense, while the US pays no price to speak of. You want to play in the Western system, this seems to be the membership fee.
You want something to change, you have to change that calculus. The Chinese took hostages for Meng Wangzhou, the Russians didn’t for Yulia Skripal. But then only the former is “somebody”, and at the hour of truth the Chinese didn’t dare take American hostages, just cheap Canadians. And of course neither woman is back home so far. So I’m not sure what wisdom is.
50% of the USA congress are Jewish.
and if not jewish they’re married to a jew or jewess! which would take it to 100 pct or thereabouts!
Is serious?
Wow, that’s why the USA has gone so mad.
Its all just Big Lies after Big Lies…………….I am referring to the “lies” that the Malaysian aircraft was shot down by Russians. I am referring to the “lies” that the Crimea referendum was illegal and was carried out under threat of guns. I am referring to the lies that Russia used Novichok to murder an ex spy and his daughter on British Soil.
I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein producing yellow cake uranium from N i g e r, I am referring to the “lies” about Saddam Hussein’s milk factories being anthrax facilities ready to bomb the West. I am referring to the “lies” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and posed an immediate threat to the USA and its “allies”.
I am referring to the lies that Nicolas Maduro isnt the elected leader of Venezuella and Yuan Guido who never stood for election is. I am referring to the lies that the ‘mujahedin’ were holy warriors and Osama Bin Laden needed US weapons and training to bring democracy to Afganistan.
I am referring to the “lies” that Muammar al-Qathafi was bombing his own people. I am referring to the “lies” that the Syrian Government was using chemical weapons. I am referring to the “lies” that Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers were rolling over the borders in their thousands. I am referring to the lies that Russia attacked Georgia in South Osetia.
Its just goes on and on…… Big Lies after Big Lies.