US Stole Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System Captured From Libyan National Army: Report

US Stole Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System Captured From Libyan National Army: Report

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A Russian-made Pantsir-S1 air-defense system captured in Libya was flown to a US air base in German in a covert mission, The Times reported on January 28.

The system in question was supplied by the UAE to the Libyan National Army (LNA). Forces loyal to the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) captured the system on May 18 of 2020 inside al-Watiya Air Base in western Libya.

According to the Times, the air-defense system ended up in the hands of Mohamad Bahrun, a pro-GNA warlord also known as “al-Far.” Bahrun’s close ties with arms smugglers and radicals raised concerns over the system’s fate.

Bahrun was reportedly pressured by the GNA’s interior minister Fathi Bashagha into handing over the Panstir-S1 system, which was taken to a base occupied by Turkish forces. From there, the system was taken to Zuwara Airport, west of Tripoli.

US Stole Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System Captured From Libyan National Army: Report

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Last June, the US shipped the air-defense system from Zuwara Airport to Ramstein Air Base in southwestern Germany in a covert operation. The system was shipped on a C-17 Globalmaster military cargo plane.

“The operation was ordered amid concerns that the Pantsir S-1 missile battery, which can easily bring down civilian aircraft, could fall into the hands of militias or arms smugglers in the war-torn north African country,” The Times’ report reads.

According to the report, the US believes that a Panstir-S1 system operated by the LNA shot down one of its MQ-9 Reaper drones over Libya a while ago.

While The Times claimed that the system was “intact,” photos from al-Watiya Air Base indicate that the system was seriously damaged.

US Stole Pantsir-S1 Air-Defense System Captured From Libyan National Army: Report

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An anonymous ‘Russian official’ told the British newspaper that Moscow is aware that the system was taken by the US. The official said the operation has limited intelligence value as the US could have studied the same system when it was in the UAE, a close ally of Washington.

Panstri-S1s sold to the UAE were all a special export variant of the weapon system. This explains the lack of Russian concerns over the US covert operation in Libya.


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It’s an old tradition, the Ziojew terrorist allies of Putin also stole a Mig-21 from Iraq in the 1960s, they then passed it on to the US.

Look at the bright side, more “business and partnership” trust-building can take place now.


Get off the gender change tabs,askenazi/cia twunt!


Fuckoff, but only if you can stop cheerleading like a stupid kunt for Ziocorporate partner Putin to think clearly for second.


Nope,no one ever forced me (period) truth is you are fuked off + broken!
yefekn cocksukn piece o sht,id break tou two god my witness,never failed!
Get Thee Behind Me Satan Jesus is Lord:


Nothing to do, you shill for Zioscum period. Don’t really care if you’re an idiotic tool shilling for free or a paid troll. Shove your CIA up yours, you, like the Zionists, can’t fool anyone with your fake religion.


The difference i raised two daughters,whom both drop ye flat,over twenty years no hospital visits even needed= fact!
Kept the folks healthy and alive over 2/3rd century = fact!

What have you got other than preaching satanic pro cia worship in your lies.insomuch why your tenure towards redemptrion has been overcomed because you are owned by the devil regardless one or the other,the good book don’t lie lazy uneducated twunt!
How many profiles do you backhandleballs have to slime your way into yet another low blow time and time again,Besides why would I need to have huge monies like them,yet never changed anything,make me weaker?
Don’t insult divine authorty fool,never mess what ye fkn well don’t know!


Not my cia,how dare insult higher intellects who uphended their reign!

Or maybe just maybe their luxury like the other soros/ass fizzers whos identical agendas full spectrum dominance?Only in your rectums,fascists!
Insolvent nature proves can’t resolve anything only makes then the problem,atleast I exist for puropse with the resound proof to back my balls unlike you simple clever dks without true sak!Harden the fk up + toughen!


No booze, no party drugs, no parties at all… :) If I was medic I was prescribing this recipe to you

Kenny Jones ™

There are a million Russian jews in israel, maybe that’s why Russia prevents Iran from striking back in Syria, because other than that I see no reason


Hmm interesting point. Worth analysing

cechas vodobenikov

I believe more than 2 million


Yes, and those Russian Jews are writing the majority of the software produced in Israel, not to mention their instrumental involvement in other Israeli science and engineering capability.

So for those waiting breathlessly for Putin to apply a heavy hand to those “pesky” Jews, remember that Israel is a bastion of intellectual might that only a fool would seek to alienate and Russians are no fools.

Once the “united” states collapses entirely and is no longer capable of shoring up or protecting Israel, then Jews – by what is consistent with their own demonstrable and historic nature – will simply seek another host or protector. And that host will be a welcoming Russia. That, my friends, is Putin’s long game.

And this is a transition point we should all be watching.


Don’t know about Putin’s “long game” since things are quite clear right here and now, but the other things you point out are why the so-called nationalist fools shilling for Putin look like complete idiots everytime they put on their cheerleading uniform for someone who’s at best a pseudo-nationalist partner of Ziocorporate globalism.

What’s more, as things are Russia can’t even be more nationalistic than China, which used its “most privileged nation” status to build up its own capacities thru the tech, investment and brain drain transfers of the Cold War era. Unlike Russian Jewligarchs, Chinese ones are still subject to politcal power while in Russia you’d have to be an outright tool and agent of foreign brands of Ziocorporatism, Khodorkovsky-style, for the state to do anything against your business.

Unlike Silicon Wadi and China, which is 100% the result of Western tech transfers and trade/investment privileges, Iranian military tech development is more remarkable given the conditions in which it’s taken place, and, if given time, they’d catch up with Russia and the West in terms of quality.

Ivan Grozny

So, the $nakes has their hands on this system – “which easily can bring down a civilian aircraft.” Is there a false flag operation in preparation? Or will the silly yanks try to improve their systems, to somehow be “protected” from the pantsir? In the later case, feat not – it’s obviously an export version, with lesser sophistication than the “real” systems!


old model also

Al Gathafi Did Nothing Wrong™

these Pantir and S400 systems were also offered to the US in the past, but $nakes refused.

Russia should review its so called double allies, if it wants to keep its weapons a secret


There will be more soviet weapons out of turkey,even modernised with ukraine which may put another den’t to cias business,maybe not europes.

Kenny Jones ™

Russia must absolutely not give the S-500 to anyone, only for Russians

El libanes

You are right they even sold it to UAE.


The US is now focused on neutralizing Russia as Tony Bilinken is a cold warrior and thinks that Russia is the weakest link in the three antagonist triumvirate of China, Iran and Russia. The US deep state has Russian natural resources as their end game and have an advantage as Russian society, government and military are heavily compromised. There is a large Jew 5th column in Russia and growing color coded opposition. Pentagon is analyzing all Russian weapons systems with the intent of crippling them and discrediting them. Russian military is quite inept in security and has left sophisticated weapons systems open and even cold them to potential adversaries like Turkey.

John Brown

The USSA can’t make such weapon systems anymore nor can they neutralize them, .

Remember diversity and corrupt profits come first in the USSA, the don’t even know what merit is anymore,

Yes Russia needs to kick out all the NGOs most foreign consulates so the FSB can concentrate on the 5th column.

Russia also needs to start selling the good weapons systems especially air defense and radar to Iran, Cuba, Venezuela etc.which will happen after Nord Stream 2 is completed make a 100% tax on all transactions that use the USSA dollar in Russia to de dollarse the Russian economy and to collapse the Zio dollar.


An improved Pantsir-S2
combined gun-missile system will join active military service before the end of this year, a top Russian military commander said Friday.

Band Itkoitko

Let the little rascals learn something on how to make a real air defense system, although I sincerly doubt they are capable of learning anything good and constructive these days.

Me&Myself None

This year, you mean in some very distant uncertain future? Every year Russia has a couple of weapon systems that should have joined their army, to this date none of them has joined. If you believed them, the S-500, armata thank should have already been in service years ago.


Russia has delays just as US (see F-35 delays, or Ford class air-carrier delay, “LCS” delays, Zumwalt class destroyer delays ….all huge delays !!! )

Armata in production this year (100),
SU-57 in production (76)1st batch 12,
S-500 in production this year
Parntsir S2 in production long time ago
I can find you as many proves as you want if you promise to leave this forum and never return again.

Me&Myself None

So you only want members who kiss each other butt here? So any member who does not share your points of views are not welcome here? Does this forum belong to you or the agency (FSB) you are working for?
What is it with you Russians about using US issues to justify the reason for your own issues?
Do not expect me to be another butt kisser here, that’s not my type, I always speak my mind. And here you guys are always complaining about how YouTube is always trying to shut you off, yet you are doing the same thing with members who do not share your sobering point of views or be a propagandist for your dictator.

Fog of War

Just ignore him. He’s just a guy from one of the ” stans” who has anger management issues and desperately wishes he was a White, Slavic, Russian.

Icarus Tanović

He’s little chetnik prick. Ignore the punk.


@Fog of Sh*t
same goes for you pal,… when you do your usual spitting on Russia, stick to the proven FACTS.


FSB?!?! I am just another pro Russian dork on internet.
If I am “FSB” than you must be CIA :)
I didn’t ask you to “kiss” anything!
I only tell you : If you are so sure in TRUTH of what you say. Of your persistent slandering on everything Russian (like you are doing it now) than GO FOR IT !
It is only challenge, nothing else.

It is not about “my points of views ” it is about the FACTS and TRUTH that you do not follow when it comes to Russia.
You don’t have to like Russians. SpeFSB?!?! I am just another pro Russian dork on internet.
If I am “FSB” than you must be CIA :)
I didn’t ask you to “kiss” anything!
I only tell you : If you are so sure in your persistent in slandering of everything Russian (like you are doing it now) than GO FOR IT !
It is only challenge.
It is not about “my points of views ” it is about the FACTS and TRUTH that you do not follow when it comes to Russia.
You don’t have to like Russians just stick to the FACTS.
Speak against Russia, but stick to the proven FACTS ( not to Western MSM propaganda bullsh*t)
That is all !
Again “speak your mind”, no problem but stick to the facts please!
Let others speak for themselves also.
I am tired of anti-Russian propaganda that never stops (on this forum included) that is all.
So as long as we all stick to the FACTS we will be able to communicate.
That is all. You do “speak your mind”, no problem but stick to the DOCUMENTED truth please!
Let others speak for themselves also.
I am tired of anti-Russian propaganda that never stops (on this forum included) that is all.

Lone Ranger

They are in service…

Fog of War

The Turks gave it to their ” partners “. What a comedy show, Putin must be proud. Next up the Zio Americans ” accidently ” get all the radar signatures from the s-400 .


Can’t ascend to the strategy,what’s the point of trying something that’s all ready failed?

Fog of War

Like I said in another comment . I wish I knew what you’re trying to let us know.


Were winning over the deep state,massive afp purge,gates,soros,nazi nwo.

Fog of War

There you go again. No one can know what you mean by ” afp ” . Try harder.


feds yep,not usa pussys,got the canadian fkr too!


Jimi James is too smart for us, mortals of this forum. We can’t understand what he says. But in 1000 years, aliens will come and proclaim him prophet.


Goodwill gifts in the spirit of “business and partnership” with the terrorist Ziocorporate globalism.


Trump has failed as will the zio corporate mobs,did it occur this may be fake news?


Corporate zio teorrists aka raytheon,lockheed martin,dupont,monsato,pfitzer,gates

must I go on on,you ought to know these facts fkn drr (ignorus)
Comparing the truth bearers to the fascists,only makes your gender overcomplexed!

Servet Köseoğlu

What?There is nothing special with Pantsir S1.Do you seriously think that Russian intelligence is not aware of Air-defence development in the world?it would be silly idea if they handled Tor to UAE.
Sure Russians reckon that before the deal it would be given to ”some other hands” in case of loss,thats why they didnt sell Tors to Uae which is real deal.

Fog of War

” There is nothing special with Pantsir S1. ”
The Zios don’t seem to share your opinion, so I think I’ll go with their intent on this. They wouldn’t bother if they didn’t need the Pansir for something, basic logic.



Fog of War

A comment with no purpose.


Atleast it’s easier,ask trump.

Servet Köseoğlu

it can be used for various reasons like using it in exercise or working on its sub-component-materials following your logic in 2008 Georgia-russia war Russians captured Turkish made cobra land vehicle from georgia army and after 12 years same vehicle with little repair given to Russian wagner in central africa.Does it mean Russians cant produce cool land vehicles.ı assure you every country in the defense-sector is aware of each other especially un member countries.

Fog of War

” after 12 years ”
Although, I’m pretty sure the Russians studied the hell out of it for 12 years and it probably had some influence on the vehicles Russia produces today.
Additionally, the US took the system for a purpose greater then to keep it for twelve years only to give it to Blackwater later . I fail to see your point.

Servet Köseoğlu

My point is Pantsir S1’s technically superior,secret weapon direction.There is nothing superior or any advanced part in Pantsir that Usa can not capable of doing it.
Well ı perceived your initial statement as if usa captured it because pantsir has advanced tech.Captured Pantsir can be used for various reasons but obviously there is nothing to spy on it for yankees except maybe in sub-component part which Russians maybe find it a way to make cheaper(dont want to write in technical details) but it can not be classifying ”spying” just analyzing.Ps:Note that Libya war ended months ago and Usa bringing Pantsir now.

Fog of War

” Well ı perceived your initial statement as if usa captured it because pantsir has advanced tech. ”
Understood. My point was that Turkey obviously allowed this, which doesn’t bode well for its relationship with Russia, and that the US needs it for something in the near future. Additionally, if you were the UAE and wanted to purchase Russian hardware in the future , you wouldn’t it give it outright to the US. However, if it was ” captured ” in battle …….. then you have all the plausible deniability that you need.

Servet Köseoğlu

Well,Turkish-Russian relations through-out the history was always complex. Both countries applying compartment diplomacy atm,problems happening in compartments but they are caring the train moving on.
Sorry but we are allowing Russian ssk-class kilo submarines to pass through bosphorus to med which is a breach of Montreux convention.Sometimes you have to close your eyes..xD


Maybe close it for return :)

cechas vodobenikov

doesn’t montreux convention only apply to non Black Sea nations?

Fog of War

You are correct. Servet forgot that one small bit.

Servet Köseoğlu

According to Montreux Convention, Black Sea littoral states have the right to use the Turkish Straits if the submarines have been constructed, purchased or sent for repair outside Black Sea with the stipulation that they inform Turkey in advance. In the case of submarines, they should not be submerged and should sail in daytime and in solitary.
ı didnt elaborate but there is no dry-dock for submarines repairs in Syria tartus..xD


OK, but you can not have proof that there is no possibility of any maintenance and repair there …can you?
Not all “repairs” need “dry-dock”.
Of course, it is playing with the rules.
Like NATO (or Turkey) is doing something else and always sticks to the rules

Servet Köseoğlu

There is nothing wrong playing with the rules(if these rules doesnt cause to radical things)..Russia allowed Turkey to enter Syria which is illegal.We are in a era where up is down black is white.


actually those who want to play strictly by the rules are fuck*d!
Like USSR-Russia with US-NATO “promise” not to move to the East “an inch”, and now they sit on Russian border complaining about “aggressive Russia”

Servet Köseoğlu

Exactly Usa is playingg dirty discrediting other nations not caring rules and bending laws wherever it goes without considering its consequences.


Plus this is the export version and an old one, but they got their hands on a decent air defense system that might up their game, but doubt they could find anything of critical importance in that


Well the US militays complete lach of close rabge air defense systems says other wise.

cechas vodobenikov

but IED’s were killing many US troops in Iraq until they copied S African design


The Panstir is quite the capeble system it anahhilaited alot of Turkish and US drones in lybia and that was this model a old 1st gen single face radar export model. Also the TOR was offered to UAE you do realise the TOR also has export models too right?
All none Russian military owned Russian weapons are export models.

Servet Köseoğlu

ı know export models,yeah ı had to emphasize it was export version(Russians are too emotional with weaponsxD but ı thought people are knowing it already)…no Tor still is real deal and carrying some-parts in which some countries are after.


You do realise that the TOR is operated by more nations then the panstir right? Incudeing greece…..

Servet Köseoğlu

Correct…Who was Uae’s and Haftars opponent İn Libyan war?Turkey..Turkey needs some ”analyzing” sub-components and sensors of Tor not Pantsir mainly.


well you can argue the exact same thing about the Panstir my point is export models never contain any really high end stuff for obvious reasons both the Pantstir and TOR systems.

Servet Köseoğlu

Imo even export model of Tor(new updated ones) offers.ı read an article of a Turkish expert of this.Turkey is developing its new defense system hisar a,a+ and Russians are aware of in which point,stage Turks are lacking and Tor even with minimized features offers.


aaaannnd what exactly is that? The TOR is just a nother supplement close rance air defense systems like the Panstir ment to protect army movements and other longer range systems.
It has less range then the Panstir and i wont listent to tukrish military “experts”on anything since they seem to think the TB-2 is some sort of super weapon that can not be destroyed (while ignoreing all of the losses sustained in Lybia and Syria) look my point is the TOR and Pantsir are both very very good closer range air defence systems but both export models are nowheir nearly as good as their actual none export model ones. Not to mention the Panstir particularly the newest version the SM has littearly almost 3 times the range both systems are good ofc and have their streinghths and weaknesses like any other weapon.

Servet Köseoğlu

You got me all wrong…Some sensors(proximity sensors etc) but wait a minute….No serious Turkish expert assumes tb2 is super drone,weapon and ı think ı am going to stop here… ı dont like your tone now and ı dont allow you to start russian supremacy..what a pity..generalizing people…


what? proximity sensors work the same way on evry single air defense and air burs munition on the planet again what exactly is so spetchial about TOR? I mean yes its a good system but i dont really see what so good about it?
Also ofc i will generalize most Turkish expects have poofent to be very uneducated in the matters of military technology and war fighting in general the whole military tech community looks down upon them for a reason its not a generalization when its a fact that almost all turkish military “expets” i personally have seen and form what i have heard form other ppl as well supports my observation but i am not that supprised turks are quite nationalistic to the level of beeing border line insaine.

Servet Köseoğlu

Okey lets close the discussion…you dont know how to search from trustful-good sources about Turkey but thats not my concern and a clue for you not all proximity sensors are the same.


its one thing for some random dude on a forum to go full retard and think that Russian weapons are super weapons while its a nother for a actual turkish expert to think that.


Plz at least educate yourself on how systems work before talking about them.


I’m sure Russia would sell them a new fully functional one since they were made for export.


They offered france and germany too


Export version or not, maybe Indian or Chinese students in the US can finally make something resembling an air defence system by studting it that can actually hit something or at least detect it? :D

Kenny Jones ™

Nothing of value was lost


Even that be the case,there are many other incentives to diminish the zio/kurds feminism.

johnny rotten

In the old USSR one day they discovered a traitor passing information to the Americans, they produced documents on the “invisible plane” and gave them to the traitor who handed them over to the Americans, who are still paying for that rip-off, as Virgil said: Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes, watch out for the gift, stupid yankee, the great “success” of the F-117 should be a reminder, not to mention the Fake-22 and Fake-35 bins.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

cia are proven liars,cccp hired usa engineers to help in logical spheres legit,not akin to copy,but thats just my opinion,generally i’m ok with basic instinct,like cccp yak-f35 concepts,

What makes perfect sense is to target fascist/cia logistics,to deplete their genocide!

Me&Myself None

Turkey probably already had US military/weapon manufacturers over to Turkey to study the S-400 that Turkey bought.

Lone Ranger

You dont really think that those S-400s are the same specs as Russia is using?
Aside from that Russia would know about it if that happened.


and why would they brought Americans to give up secrets of THEIR OWN defenses if they bought S-400 to defend themselves FROM Americans and from NATO you simpleton?!?
Erdogan still remembers military coup organized by CIA !!
Did you think that they bought S-400 against Russia or against Greeks only?!!
Then you don’t understand thing!!!


I hope you are aware that export models exist evry Russian and US made weapons that is exported is not as good as the same model the US or Russia use.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans can only reverse engineer their fake elections…when they learn how to produce a Star Trek voting machine in their plywood dominion then they will they can spread this to one of their colonies


Putin will be something like this:
Why would they do that? Why to barter with terrorists to obtain our Pantsir? We will sell them as many as they need :))


Most excellent comment :)
enough said….

Lone Ranger

They already studied Greek S-300s…
I wouldnt worry much, we talk about the same guys that buy Russia rocket engines like the RD-180 and RD-181, they tried to copy them, Russia even gave them the blueprints and the metallurgy but still they couldnt copy it in 15 years.
So much to that…


what information about what weapon system of america would russia like to have?


any information to russia concerning american military tech can be open to it


in my view lockheed martin in its entirety should be hacked and encrypted


in my view general dynamics in its entirety should be hacked and encrypted


i guess russia doesnt want to get the heat for such things but for iran the keys to such things have value and maybe russia should also start to do it and you see america will shut its mouth about it even happening like it did in 2010-2012 around when iran took down american banking industry they never mentioned one single word about it and their biggest banks still collapsed

Icarus Tanović

This one was wasted. A missile exploded right next to that silo.


Just like how Russia steals equipments captured in Syria. Nothing out of the ordinary

Furkan Sahin

Russia is 100 X better than Isis and Fsa


They’re both shit