Turning Point Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War


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Turning Point Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

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On October 5, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan supported by Turkey continued their large-scale offensive to capture the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region from Armenian forces.

Over the past days, Armenian forces have lost several important positions, including  the towns of Talish, Jabrayil and Mataghis. Currently, Azerbaijani forces are working to consolidate their gains and conduct artillery and air strikes on positions of the Armenians preparing for a further offensive.

Meanwhile, forces of the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (the Republic of Artsakh) announced that they had carried out ‘powerful’ retaliation strikes on territory of Azerbaijan. Armenian sources insists that after yesterday’s strikes, several hundred thousand residents of different cities of Azerbaijan have been fleeing in panic to Baku.

The Armenian military calimed that Azerbaijan paid for the recent gains a heavy price. According to it, Armenian forces inflicted to the ‘enemy’ 3154 casualties and destroyed 368 armoured vehicles, 4 rocket launchers, 124 UAVs, 17 military planes and 14 helicopters.

The Armenian side emphasizes that Azerbaijani forces have been extensively bombing civilian targets, including the largest Karabakh city, Stepanakert.

Azerbaijani troops are in Talish:

A map ‘accidentally’ leaked by Armenian sources show that Azerbaijan made almost no gains (a pretty optimistic view):

Turning Point Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

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The ongoing Azerbaijani advance is not only supported by Turkey and involves Turkish military specialists, special forces and, according  to Aremnia, military equipment (like F-16s), but also became another case of the employment of Turkish-backed Syrian militants. According to Armenia, at least 4,000 militants were deployed from the Turkish-occupied northwestern part of Syria to Azerbaijan to support the attack on Karabakh. The concerns about the deployment of radicals were also expressed by France.

On October 5, Russia’s state-run news agency RIA reported citing own sources that at least 93 Turkish-backed militants had been killed since the start of the war on September 27. The report added that 450 more militants were deployed to the combat zone last weekend. This was reportedly the third batch of Syrian miltiants deployed. The total number of them in the combat zone was not provided.

Videos showing the presence of Turkish-backed Syrian militants in the combat zone:

Azerbaijan also claims that Armenain forces shell civilian targets in Azerbaijan:

The Armenian side also declares that it is indeed in the state of the military conflict with both Azerbaijan and Turkey. On October 5, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made a statement addressing his friends in Washington (that ‘accidentally’ remain silent). The Pashinyan official website reports the following:

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan gave an interview to The New York Times, in which he referred to the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh. Below is the NYT article about the interview.

“As Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan talked over the phone on Thursday with President Trump’s national security adviser, he raised a delicate issue: Why is nothing being done to stop a longtime United States ally, Turkey, from using American-made F-16 jets against ethnic Armenians? Mr. Pashinyan’s call to the national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, followed an eruption of heavy fighting in and around Nagorno-Karabakh.

Mr. Pashinyan said in a telephone interview that the conflict has taken on a far more dangerous dimension because of Turkey’s direct military intervention in support of Azerbaijan.

The conflict has set off alarms about the risks of a wider war and put the United States, with its large and politically influential Armenian Diaspora, in the uncomfortable position of watching Turkey, a vital NATO ally, deploying F-16 jets in support of Armenia’s enemies.

“The United States,” Mr. Pashinyan said, “needs to explain whether it gave those F-16s to bomb peaceful villages and peaceful populations.” He said that Mr. O’Brien had “heard and acknowledged” his concerns.

Mr. Pashinyan declined to say whether Armenia might be ready to surrender any territory to Azerbaijan as part of a possible peace settlement, insisting that this was not up to him but a matter for the leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh.

For Armenia, Mr. Pashinyan said, the current fighting, which began Sept. 27 after months of rising tensions, poses an “existential threat” because of the role of Turkey, whose precursor, the Ottoman Empire, killed an estimated 1.5 million Armenians at the end of World War I. The U.S. Congress and many countries have declared the killings “genocide,” a wording that Turkey strenuously rejects.”

Armenian forces are in action:

In own turn, Azerbaijan demonstrates that it is adamant in its aim to solve the ‘Nagorno-Karabakh question’ by military means. This approach was once again officially declared by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on October 4 and is fully supported by Azerbaijan’s main ally, Turkey.

Azerbaijani media also claimed that Ilham Aliyev demanded French President Emmanuel Macron to apologize for his words about the arrival of Syrian militants in Azerbaijan and their participation in the conflict. The phone call between the leaders took place on October 4 and they discussed the situation in Karabakh.

Azerbaijan also reported on October 5 that Armenia had started striking targets in Azerbaijan from own territory. If this is confirmed, this would mean that the Armenian-Azerbaijani war will have all chances to expand from the territory of the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region to the entire Armenian-Azerbaijani contact line. The Azerbaijani defense ministry satement:

On October 5 in the morning, the technical means of the radar systems of the Air Defense Forces of Azerbaijan recorded the launch of rockets fired at Azerbaijan from the starting positions in the Jermuk, Gafan and Berd regions of Armenia.

For several days, the enemy, pinned down along the entire frontline, has been systematically launching missile strikes from the territory of Armenia against the densely populated regions of Azerbaijan and civilian infrastructure on the territory of Azerbaijan.

At the same time, the ministry of defense of Armenia denies the fact of shelling the territory of Azerbaijan from Armenia and declares that it was fired from our occupied lands.

Such irresponsible and criminal actions of Armenia purposefully force Azerbaijan to retaliate.

We present a video confirming the launch of rockets from the territory of Armenia.


After the first  week of war, it is evident even for supporters of Armenia that the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc has been taking an upper hand in the battle against Armenian forces. The decisive role belongs to the air dominance and the numerical superiority of the Azerbaijani side.

Turning Point Of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

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After the first week of war, it is evident even for supporters of Armenia that the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc has been taking an upper hand in the battle against Armenian forces. The decisive role belongs to the air dominance and the numerical superiority of the Azerbaijani side. The only current advantage of Armenian forces is the low quality of Azerbaijani infantry and Turkish-backed Syrian militants involved in the ground advance as well as the low planning and management skills of the ground phase of the Azerbaijani operation. Azerbaijani infantry and motorized units marching towards fortified positions of Armenians become an easy target for counter-attacks, artillery and missile strikes. This reminds the approach employed by Turkey in Syria and Libya, when Ankara was sending waves of cannon fodder (consisting of members of various militant groups) to capture positions of the ‘enemy’, while Turkish special forces, artillery and air power were doing the main job.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces of Armenia do not employ all the variety of means and measures that they have to fight back the advancing Azerbaijani military. Despite the loud propaganda about the Armenian key role in resisting to the ‘terror alliance’ of Turkey and Azerbaijan, the Pashinyan government has no political will to recognize the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and go for a full-scale war to defend Armenian population there. Thus, the participation of the official Armenian military in supporting forces of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (it remains a de-facto independent state with own military forces) are limited as of now. This raises reasonable questions regarding the real goals of the Pashinyan government. Experts say that in fact the only what it aims is to achieve goals of his government’s foreign patrons in the Washington establishment thus losing Karabakh, using this as a pretext to break the remaining ties with Russia and push the country towards the integration with NATO.


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Random Dude

Azerbaijan lost more tanks that it had, wow

Khazar Supremacy

Thats just armenian claims and they cant provide any video or photo for their claims. We hunting armos down with Israeli-Turkish drones so badly armenian officers chain their soldiers to their trucks so they cannot run away.

James Adams

They have 2,000 armoured vehicles, so there not lying !!!



Very disappointed by all the acts from Armenians. They are supposed to be a civilized people. But they behaved just like those Mongol barbarians centuries ago when they swept Armenia. Mongols probably commited the Armenian genocide V0.01 many years ago.

Codenamed 'Gordon'

No, they are not.


lets face facts based on scientific data …. yes they are mongols like but i think turaken propaganda dont want to admit this coz they like to lie you to boost your weak ego.

James Adams

How many Armenian soldiers are fighting in Artsakh?

Armenia needs to liberate Nakhichevan !!!

Khazar Supremacy

Lol cry and rage goy, Nahcivan under Turkish protection, If any rocket fell to Nahcivan we gonna steam roll armos till Yerevan and that will be 1915 v2.0 cleansing.


dude , you talking about genocide like its video game . I told you before , better relax and play playstation 4. In video games even Turkie banana republik aka tourist destination can become empire :D In Syria 50 or more Turks dessapeared in few secounds after Russian action and there was no reaction from habibi erdogani. Erdogani just fallow orders from USA and sometimes from Isreal , Erdogani is just very obedient dog. Thats reality my dear.

Khazar Supremacy

Ppl said do u think its a game in 1915 but look what happend. Also u should concern about ur own ppl about to be replaced LOL.


replaced by who ? by mongoloids ? stop with TRT tv propaganda and Soros theory. You sounds like people who keep talking about USA collapsing or Russia collapsing for last 30 years. its just wishthinking

Captain Freedom

C’mon this guy is an even more obvious troll than iron zion just look at his profile pic and username

The Objective

Are you referring to the killing of over 2000 Syrian soldiers as payback for the three dozen Turkish deaths?


Yeah 200.000 syrians. Come on!

Or maybe the 700 S300 batteries destroyed in Libya. Or 4 million Haftar soldiers killed.

The Objective

You got it. Not that high though. Just 2000 soldiers in Syria and a dozen or so AA systems by Russia’s state-of-the-art manufacturers.


please stop repeat TRT propaganda , 50 turkish soldier was like slap in the Erdogani face and so he decided to show in media different story . 1000 , another time 3000 then i remember 10000 hahahahaha be smart , stop listen this pro erdogani propaganda , it will destroy your brain. btw 2000 people is like 50% of Syrian army so please …. ;)


LOL. wanna hear my reality ? In general an immigrant or a former minion pops up behind made up red neck profiles like yours. I never fails. Looking at yr comment it seems to me that ( republik / desapeared / erdogani / habibi / fallow ) we also have someone who recently immigrated. So tell us about your reality which urged you to open a new profile and come here to yelp ..


I am native EU ctizen my friend. You have to separate two things , controled Immigration that is ok and illegal migrants. illegal migrants are no longer able to cross borders like few years ago. To be honest its my first account and you re wrong , aim not redneck , i am form one of the biggest city in EU tbh …btw redneck works very hard so no need to show your complex when it comes to your orgin ;) , Most of EU citizens shares my opinion but sometimes they tryying to be nice and politically correct front of mmigrants and they want to make you feel nice . but you can’t change reality


The reality is , all the trash I met around the world who named theirselves as white males or seemed to be proud of their skin color were undereducated worthless people. And some of them were living bigger cities than yours. Reading a few comment of yours , unfortunately you dont seem to be an exception.

Here is another reality for you. I dont give a f*ck where you are from ,what is your origin , what you are trying to sell and how hard you try to prove what you actually are. Because whatever you are actually will not change the fact that you are a triggered minion posting 3rd grade political analyses about the things you have no idea about .

Comprende ?


Well , not every white male is smart but it doesnt change fact that almost every Turkish citizen want to work and study in Europe . How i know it ? i used to live in Turkey for one year , employeee exchange program and guees what ? on daily basis Turkish 20-30 years old people wanted me to help them to get to EU …. everyday. It reminds me time in Uganda when on daily basis i was getting marriage offers coz i am tall white dude. Let me tell you something , there is two thing that hold Turks back. First is religion and propaganda from regime media and secound is that you lack of hard work mentality.


LOL , In fact I have never seen someone who emphasizes his skin color in his user name , speaks about his height and happens to be intelligent and educated. I am also prone to BS sweetie. I doubt you have ever worked in Turkey or been to Uganda as well.

More over this is a political thread , if you are trying to overcome yr personal insecutities by speaking about yr skin color , alleged height and the marriage proposals you received , you shud visit some other chat rooms , not here.

Last but not least , you have no idea about what is going on here. You have no idea about our working mentality at all . May be you shud read some sources other than western MSM for the gullible you are being fed with. The world is changing – As the single power ( USA ) weakens and retreats back home , whether we / you like it as , some countries are reverting back to what they actually are , but this time there are no European major military powers to change anything, no young European mass to die in their wars.

Now cut the crap and tell me sweetie , from where are you joining this nice conversation of ours..

Concrete Mike

youre a prostitute.

Comprend-tu mon ostie d’épais a marde??


Dear Mike , I am not yr mother.

Concrete Mike

what do you have.against rednecks, motherfuckin al nusrah apologist.

You support isis, we will.never EVER take you seriously. Your just a prostitute like the others!


They happen to be racist in general . But dont worry . You are not a redneck . You are just an old clown who thinks that everyone you dislike is either ISIS or an Al Nusrah apologist. Thats what happens when have 65 IQ and try to clasify people .

Dont remember throwing a bone at you or yout likes , so why dont you f/off and cry elsewhere ?


eat another foreskin yid

Khazar Supremacy

With help of our social media control ur females turns into purple haired feminazi whores that kills their babies in hospitals and coal burners and u have to simp around onlyfans for e-girls ? I think u are eating our foreskin.


it will be funny crushing your heads. you think you are so powerful :)

Concrete Mike

Ahhh look asshat al.nusrah is threatening us.

Hey i remember yall were talking like that in 2016just before we kicked your ass in Aleppo.

Remember that one dickweed?

Your little terrorists doing israels and america’s dirty work, you just a prostitute!

We will get you one of these days. Remember, ALL THE WEST HATES YOU!

Khazar Supremacy

whats up to me with those jihadi desert monkeys keep dreaming landless, countryless parasite ?

Concrete Mike

A khazar calling someone a parasite…that rich.

Im wondering who is landless you or me?
You know what a mortgage is ?

Khazar Supremacy

We have a land cuz we capture it by force and then cleansed it. Look at you, runed away from ur motherland and being a slave of foreign ppl for getting some money. Landless, culturless, without a country or society. Truely pathetic.


You fool. Turks are there waiting for you. Then you bring disaster upon you and your people.


Turks are poorly trained skinny fat soldiers , look at total fail in syria vs exhausted SAA with sport boots and lack of ammo .


Then you try hitting Turks from your West border. You can only hide in your rat holes.


rat hole ? i live in Western europe country , you live in banana republic aka tourist destination so who will hide in rat hole ? :D my dear . example with Syria just shows that how Turkish army is usless even with equipment that my country sells you. just face facts my bro


Turkey steam-rolled against PKK in Syria with minimal casulties.


PKK ? guys with ak 47 and lack of money for new boots ? come on , Ugandan army could finish them.


Lack of money for new boots? :D


They have millions of dolars being generated solely through drugs traficking in Europe. They are funded by Israel, France, Russia, Iran and U.S.A, all to a different degree and method.

Believe me when i say this; money is definitely not a problem for PKK.

Concrete Mike

What am i supposed to call the jabhat al nusrah infested hole you just crawled out of?

Go back to star wars nerd!!


Turkey control a huge swathe of Northern Syria with minimum military effort expedned. You May not like Turkey but they are playing a clever game.

Look how much the West has wasted, proabably trillions $’s, in Iraq, Syria, Libya with the result to loose influence and hand over influence to rivals.


turkies are… chickens!

They cant fight.
Thats why erdogay is using arab jihadies in Syria Iraq and Libya and now Armenia.
He pays them 1500 euros cause his own free soldiers are useless.


No! Erdogan is using jihadies
– so he has plausible deniability that Turkey is not actively involved,
– no domestic political issue with dead Turkey soldiers coming home, and
– probably cheaper especially if the Jihadies doe so do not ned paying.

Considering the poor state of the Turkey economy and currency Erdogan playing good game; respect.


Armenia formal forces are not in the fight, they are too scared to join without explicit Russia support, as if Armena formally joins to defend Ng-Kh, that gives Turkey justification to join war against Armenia and /or support Azerbaijan even more. That is why Armenia higher class weapons like Iskander and SU-30 have not been in action, Armenia State is not fighting.

So this war is [Ng-Kh forces + some volunteers] vs [Azerbaijan Full forces] . So Ng-Kh is defending well and bravely but considering overwehlming Azeri superiority, will loose completely and there is going to be another 150000 refugees mainly to Armenia.


Aljazeera says, with reported in Armenia, that Armenia is not formally in the fight for NG-KH, so there are a few volunteers and meagre arms supplies.

Makes sense as no major troop movements form Armenia to NG-KH and Armenia has not used the military equipment where it has and advantage; mainly medium range stand off weapons like Iskander.

Armenia is not going to risk its own survival for NG-KB. Ng-Kh is on its own.


Armenia has the political wills to directly intervene. Because if can’t afford a two front war with both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Armenia has lost before this war even started.

No foreign powers will intervene since the N-K occupation is internationally illegal and unpopular.


What Armenians did in N-K is just what Israelis did back 70 years ago. How can 150,000 N-K Armenians expelled more than 1 MM Azeris from their homes? And they never allowed them to return home even with a peace treaty?? This is just barbarian.


Anw now those Armenians behave just like some low life terrorists. They are desparate and shelled Azeri residential cities.

This will only harden Azeri resolves to fight to the end. There will be very high pressure from Azeris to support its own government and continue to fight the Armenian terroritst.


russia is coming to wipe you filthy yids out


Russia enjoys the shows. You will get killed…


Armenia is crushing the azerorturkisis jihadies and their israeli equipment.
Dont believe a word of the fake news coming from the azeri and turk regimes, they both control all their media and everyone who opposes them is eiter dead or getting tortured in prison.
All the azeris can do is bomb houses schools and hospitals.

Soon both Erdogay and hiw pal in azerbananistan will fall cause of the internal uprising.


The defense in N-K is crumbling. Better pack your bags before Lachin pass is blocked.


Your fake stories is the only thing crumbling you stupid mongoloid!

And you better have your rugs and kebaps packed when the Russian bear wakes up!


You better get your body bags ready. Go back to Armenia with your bags.

The Objective

I’ve marked you for these exaggerated comments. should N-K fall to Azerbaijan, you are target practice on this forum.


Yeah good, I v marked you to wit ha dot on my right b0llock!

Concrete Mike

its you the jabhat al nusrah suporter that is target.practice here.

Your echo chamber does not work here!


Sub saharan ape , you have the right to live in a fantasy world , but you seriously do not expect us to take yr butthurt wishes as realities , do you ?


The turkisis cockroach is talking about apes!

Oh the irony!


Butthurt subsaharan ape seems to be offended. LOL.
Why dont you go and help yr Armenian brothers instead of daydreaming here and spamming the thread with bs which even you dont believe, ape ?

May be you shud go and serve table 4 and make a living , dont you think ?


I d rather be served by your mom, she loves Greek spicy sausage you know!
She is been eating my Greek spicy sausage for years…my son.
I dont know what went wrong and you become a turkisis jihadi though, I blame your mom for not paying attention and neglecting you. Now you fell on Erdogay’s hands and all I can say is may you get a bullet in the head and f*ck off to your Big Black African virgin c0cks as soon as possible and as quickly as possible, I still dont want to see you hurt son.


LOL primitive , sexually deprived sub saharan ape.


No not all, no thanks to your greek sausage hungry mom my son!


Yes dear. How does it feels to be an 50+ year old greek still trying to win political discussion with childish curses which would fit a 14 year old boy ?


Even though I m not 50+ it still feels great, humiliating you turkisis baboons.
How do you feel being a terrorist lover and a citizen of the country with the most genocides in history ?


Yes sub saharan ape , you are an unemployed and uneducated dotard , trying to exist on net with curses and childish photoshops. The only people you humiliate is your own kin with your stupid and uninformed comments hoping that that everyone around has the low IQ you posses and will believe what you are trying to sell.

And when you are barking at me , never forget that you are speaking to someone who wrote 400 years of yr history. Always keep this in mind when you are serving pink assed Europeans on some beaches.


You are a mongoloid tribe who from the deserts of China-Mongolia-Kazakstan moved to eastern Europe 1300 years ago.
You are a horde, there is nothing remotely civilised about you.
You genocide, you make kebaps, you sell rugs and you rape European tourists that could not afford a better tourist destination than turkgay.

You got museums that are full of Greek artifacts statues etc.
You are occupying still land that belongs to Greece.
In fact not a single drop of sand in Asia Minor belongs to you.
Its a Greek, Syrian, Kurdistani and Armenian land.

You got no future.
As we speak the civil war in turkgay is brewing:

Reports of increased private equipment among Turkish Salafist groups have sparked concerns about social peace in a polarized Turkey.
Reports of an increase in the private arms market among Salafist radical Islamist groups have shed light on the dangers of the rise of Salafism and the personal equipment of its members in Turkey.

Concerns about the armaments of these groups began when Muslim telegraph operator Ahmet Mahmut Unlu – also known as Ahmet Hodja – made headlines in early September when he warned Turkish authorities to increase armaments among Salafist unions. “There are about 2,000 clubs. “They are taking up arms,” ​​Unlu said in a televised interview on September 9, warning the groups to “prepare for civil war.” Unlu said he could name more than 200 of those clubs.

Akcan said about 26 million have access to firearms in Turkey, with only 4 million of them legal.

So I would suggest you go check your DNA in case you got Greek blood and you dont know it, since the ottomans used to steal Greek male babies and give them militiary training for the sultan’s personal guard (shows how useless your own people are) and those Greek soldiers became the elite of the ottoman empire and guess what ! They f*cked your mothers and made Greek babies !

So go check your self and maybe if you can prove in court you are Greek we ll spare you when we ll come to liberate Asia Minor.


Here the triggered Greek dotard strikes back with his shallow and cheap propaganda for the gullible.

Let one of the greatest Greek historians of our era , Mr Dmistis Kitsikis reply you. His words , not mine.

I remember our conversations with Karamanlis ( former greek PM ) . He was telling ,’’ Dmitris , we Greeks do not have the ability to run a state properly. We never had a state since millenia . The so called state established after 1821 is not a state . It is a colony created by Westeners. We are the colony of the West. We have been a part of the empire , but it only in our hearts now. Then, who can establish proper states ? Turks can ‘’ . He told me that ( Karamanlis ) Turks established great states through out the history. He told me that Turks created Ottoman Empire , Turco Mongol Empire in India and many others. Even they are the ones who constructed Beijing, not Chinese ? They know how to organize. While we only speak about empires and can not do anything , they create states. Turks are not imperialists, because imperialism is a western notion. We had Hellenizm with in Ottoman Empire , we destructed it ourselves with clumsy politcs of Venizelos and et al. We lost the wars which Venizelos and others declared against Turks. Greeks tried to follow an expansionist policy in Anatolia and they lost everything.’’

These are the facts told bravely by some educated greek people while ignorant dotards like you try to sell bed time stories here.

Todays Greece is nothing but a simple joke , a Mickey Mouse, a servant state established by your European masters to be a bumber between East and West .
This is what we both know and why you are barking on net all the time desperately , beg for help from your European masters and try to convince others with some salafist BS you copy paste frome extremist sites.

You are a bunch of beggars trying to make a living with theft , gimmies , pleases and subversions from your European masters. You could not do anything since last 1500 years other than trying to extort money with using the credit of the long gone ancient ones who has nothing to do with you anymore.

The days you came from Addis Ababa are long gone , greek dotard. You are erased fm Anatolia just like the previous ones , and you wont be coming back. Meantime keep fooling yourself and some others about some stolen greek babies without knowing that devshirme system was only a minor part of Ottoman army , and speaking about greeks f*cking some mothers without knowing that these soldiers were banned from marrying and having children. You were all slaved , quit tyring to furhish your slavery with some ‘’epic’ stories you are writing out of yr old ass.

Why dont you accept that you are a bunch of losers , beach bums who produce nothing but try to make a living by serving tables and stealing from German pension funds ? That will be a nice step to start for you.

Meantime , watch and enjoy professor Kitsikis telling what I mentioned above. LOL



Dotard , I am quoting you a real video in which yr ex PM Karamanlis and Greek professor Kitsikis confessing what you actually are , but you are reverting with some cheap propaganda videos and childish GIFs.

Do you think everyone has low IQ like you do and believe your cheap propaganda , do you believe you can hide what you actually are with above BS and yr capital letters ?


Throughout the history of the human kind Hellas has been the light and the bitrth place of civilisation while turkey has been …the smell of dog shit on a hot summer sidewalk on a hot summer afternoon !

There is nothing you cockroaches are good for, apart from genocide, rug and kebap selling and raping tourists.
You are a disgrace for humanity.
And showing me one person who said something stupid at one point and you happened to have it on video for your Erdogay propaganda cant change that.
We destroyed the fagottoman empire and we will destroy the regime whats left of it till theres no more dirty mongols left west of the Caspian sea.

We will take back what’s ours and so will the Kurds the Armenians and the Syrians that you v been using to blackmail your friend Merkel by the way.
We are praying for war against you, you have no idea ! Konstantinopolis will be Greek again and so will Smyrna and all the Greek cities all the way to the Georgian border.
25mil Kurds are ready to revolt against you, they already got weapons.
And 50% of the turks are against Erdogan and they d love to get rid of him too.
Soon …


LOL Here is the triggered greek dotard with his stories from youtube and some golden dawn sites once again.

Why you can not say a single word about the conversation of Professor Kitsikis and yr former PM Karamanlis ? Why are you always always trying to suffocate the realities with spam and yr childish wishes ?

They confess that yr country is a pseduo Mickey Mouse colony , why you cant say anything about it ? They say that you can not run a handkerchief country such as Greece , how you will run such critical and strategic lands like Anatolia ? The population of Istanbul is bigger than Greece and Armenia combined , how you will get it , will you beg at city gates ?

Dotard , keep dreaming . You were once the slaves of Romans , then Ottomans , and now the Germans. Parasiting is your national trait. While you produce nothing but hot air only , keep serving German tables at some beaches and wait for a bone to be thrown in .

Get lost know , you cry too much.


Υou are in Panick cause even the Kurds are kicking your asses!
When Greece decides its time, you ll be running to your home cave in Mongolia non stop you silly jihadi cockroach!



Aww. Poor greek dotard begins to spam with his photo shopped BS again . How sad.

Not everyone f*cking you on net is jihadi , sub saharan greek ape. No one buys yr low IQ propaganda anymore , parasite..

The terrorist ones are being hunted in Iraq dear you can not even dare to help them . Loyal ones are with us since last 1000 years , so dont have big hopes. BTW , do you remember how you delivered their leader APO to our lap in Kenya in front of your Naitobi embassy ? And now you are relying your future on them .. Thats how low and ignoble you all are.


We rely on our own superior moral and 1000s of years of fighting against bigger (in numbers) enemies and we are still here, and nothing else.

You on the other hand …this is you…


and this is your leader the Taliban



Sure. That must be the reason why yr 120.000 men (!) amy ran away like rats back to greece in Greco-Turkish war leaving all their commanders behind.

If you need to be taken seriously , first get rid of yr mini skirt , spandex stockings and pon pon shoes.

Greek army , LOL what a f*ckng joke.


50 miles from Ankara you stupid mongoloid tw@t !

Did you walk back there or did you run ?


If it wasnt for the soviets helping you with loans, gold and weapons you d still be running !


Sub saharan dotard , let me summarize greek history in a nutshell.

”We were defeated , but ( fill this place with various excuses) ”

You got all the help and guns from Brits , came with an army of 120.000 people, and in the end you swam like sewer rats back to mama greece. You left all yr commanders behind including yr commander Trikopsis. The bastard was crying like a bitch when he was captured by Turkish forces.

You can only fight when you have your western masters behind you , just like today from whom you are begging for help.

You are not soldeirs , you are a bunch of clowns with pon pon shoes.


Sorry to bring the news to you, but thats not what the world thinks of Greece, what you just said.
Its the opposite in fact, as I already have proven to you.
Greece is a synonym to honour, bravery and civilisation. Everybody knows that.

Turkey on the other hand is a synonym to genocide, raping women, Junta and military regimes, and downright a medieval fanatic muslim state in the 21st century.

You are by far worse than North Korea, Iran, Somalia or anyone else for that matter. The scumiest of the scum.

In fact you are not concidered to be humans, cockroaches more like is what you are, another species of cokroach, a premitive one.
The world will be so much better when the last one of you is 3 feet under the ground.


Nobody gives a fuck to greece.
Nowadays everyone knows that you are a bunch of thieving lazy bastards living with gimmies , aids , pleases and handouts. Everyone knows that you are a bunch of parasites living with the credit of the long gone ancient ones who has nothing to do with you.

Thats the reason you are trying to push your propaganda here all the day , bhut you know what , nobody buys anymore. You are a burden for everyone , sub saharan clown.


inbred klansman , go back to stormfag with that talk.


I could take you seriously if you could say a single word to all the others posting here racial slurs like ‘ cockroach , mongoloid ‘ , but of course being a hypocrite disguised as a social democrat, you wont do that.

So what were you saying , sweetie ?


I’m not going to stand by as my people are dehumanised by some racist little klansman who equates a lack of menanin to superiority (retard) . Also , “other people are evil shits so I can too (sweetie?¿) ” This is child logic. The other groups called slurs may defend themselves as they see fit


I just asked you a simple question but you are reverting with further trivia. The question is simple and still pending. I am questioning yr credibility , honesty and integrity here. First Lets see what you actually are , so that we can further discuss yr world view. So , why dont you cut ther crap and try to reply me ?

If you were a tad clever , you could understand that I was reacting to a racial slur , in a manner which I found fit.

Let me sum it up once again for you , sweetie. You are just a shallow hypocrite wearing a social democrat mask. I am simply bored of your kind.


Using racial slurs used to demean Africans. Yet you claim you aren’t racist then play victim. So you stupid or dishonest….. Hmmm I go with both. Anyway, keep us out of your euro-tribal quarrel , klansman.


LOL , No . In this part of the world we dont demean Africans with that word. In this part of the world we dont wear caps and we dont burn crosses as well. The guy I was posting is not black either. We also have our own black minority here in Agean coasts since centuries , also a new and thriving African minority in Istanbul . Quit judging the world with your geographical facts, the world is not only USA.


Casual antiblack racism’s inevitable end is a Klan type mentality regardless of what corner of the world, the slur you used is exactly what I’d expect from a klansman, so I use it as metaphor, I don’t care if you turk.
And you actually use the “I have a black friend” excuse as if that gives you the right to use historically antiblack slurs…. Gosh what a goofball you are ?


I dont remember telling that I have a black friend , I simply accused you of being a shallow hypocrite trying to express yrself with cheap cliches and judging the world with the geography you are stuck in , and thats exactly you are .

The question is still there which you can not reply as you try to keep your head above the water with above BS. Let me put it in a manner you can comperehend easily , sweetie. I dont care about yr color of skin , I dont give a rats ass to your sensitivities , and I dont give a f*ck to your twisted perceptions.

Now will you reply to my question or keep being a loss of time ?

Edit : Ah , I forgot to add , I also dont give a damn to your half assed metaphors out of Georgia peach plantations as well – Go cry elsewhere.

The Objective

Pretty ambitious hope for you. May this end in bad-luck for Armenia and all its supporters.

John Brown

The leaders of Armenia are selling out their own people to their masters George Soros. They are leading Armenia to total destruction. When they kick out the Russian baseTurkey will conquer Armenia the next day.


Almost all military equipment in Azeri hands is of the Russian origin.

John Brown

Armenia is now full retreat everywhere. I thought they would
hold out at least 6 to 8 weeks. I was wrong.

Its totally Armenias leaders who are at fault for everything

Armenia’s leaders were and are too dumb to realize back then
and now that in the future Azer would become the stronger of the 2 unlike in
the 1990s.

They have now also betrayed Russia.
Maybe the stupid Armenian Goyim should not have kicked out
those Russian military advisors.
Maybe they should have gotten those air defense upgrades TOR
and others from Russia to shoot down drones instead of cutting ties to Russia as per George Soros orders.

Now Armenia leaders need to withdraw from the CSTO and kick
out the Russian base ASAP as their satanic lord George Soros orders, so Turkey can conquer all of Armenia the next day.

I wonder if Armenians will wake up in time before their Zio
Shabbos Goy leaders destroy them all.

The Azerbaijan leader is also a moron for sucking Zio d_ck.
I don’t think Iran and Turkey appreciate it, but seems to have smartened up lately. He was going to destroy Azerbaijan and hand victory to Armenian by attacking Iran for Israel.

Turkey is weak and on the verge to total economic and military
collapse. They too must side with Russia Iran and China or Israel and its racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship will destroy Turkey according to the Yinon plan.

Whichever, country has the least stupid leaders will win though both are trying to win the most stupid leader contest.

I think Armenia is winning the most stupid leadership contest right now

If Armenia’s leaders had any brains, they would give back the occupied areas of Azerbaijan that are not theirs and not Nagorno-Karabakh.
They could have made this deal and can still do it now allowing Azers who were cleansed in Nagorno-Karabakh. to come back and get their property have an agreement for the rights of Armenians and Azers, have the area of Nagorno Karabakh jointly governed agree to make it a demilitarized zone etc.

Then it would be settled and everyone could save face.
The economic blockade of Armenia would be over.
They are too dumb to do it so Azer will get everything back
and all the Armenians will be expelled as they did to the Azers in about 2
You would think they would learn from what is happening with other morons who sucked up to the empire like Alexander Lukashenko, right now and past examples of Saddam Hussein, Libya etc etc.

I bet Mosaad assassinates that idiot Alexander Lukashenko very soon.
Zio Satanists Soros are laughing at stupid the Armenian


russia is sending heavy weapons


To Iran?? I thought Russia is going to provide S-400, to? Not to Armenia, but to Iran.

You fools are disappointed?


armenia will decimate you jew and the world will soon follow baby killer


the yids will have to eat turk foreskins to survive soon


Even SF is not hiding the gains any longer. Only fools will know Armenian lies. Shame on them.

johnny rotten

Ja, Ja, Ja, we would be in Moscow before two months, where did I hear this? how long do they think it will take to conquer the NK? at this rate the winter will fuck them all, other than conquests.


Azerbaijan should never trust what those Armenian dogs say. All they want is to stop the fighting, so they can recover its dead soldiers….


I read the article on the 2005 negotiation. Azerbaijan almost agreed to the N-K referendum. But it asked for the withdrawal from other occupied Azeri territory. And Azerbaijan asked for the return of all N-K Azeris to their land and home in N-K. That was refused by Armenia. Armenia asked for N-K independence before withdrawal from other Azeri territory. And Armenia refused return of refugees to N-K outright.

That was a missed golden opportunity for N-K and Armenia. Stupid Armenians. They are so greedy.

Now they get really nothing. Azerbaijan is in no position to give N-K a referendum from the N-K population alone. They sure can have a referendum from the population of entire Azerbaijan.

The Objective

They don’t seem to be the ones making these decisions. Russia is stopping them to keep Turkey cut off from the rest of Azerbaijan and the Caspian.


Read more. Azerbaijan almost agreed to trade N-K for the Meghri corridor along Iran border. That would be a really bad deal for Azerbaijan.

In 1999 the
presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia appeared to reach
an agreement on a territory swap. In exchange for
acquiescing to the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh’s
sovereignty to Armenia, Azerbaijan would gain Armenia’s
strategic Meghri region and thus a land link with the
isolated entity of Nakhichevan and Turkey. This met
stiff resistance in Azerbaijan as well as Armenia. A
modified version was then presented during the Paris and
Key West talks. Azerbaijan was offered “sovereign
corridors” linking it with Nakhichevan through Meghri
in exchange for Nagorno-Karabakh. President Heydar
Aliyev considered this, though it is unclear whether he
accepted. Upon return to Azerbaijan he denied having
approved transferring sovereignty over Nagorno-
Karabakh. As recently as 2002 the unification option
was on the table; Azerbaijan has been categorically
opposed since Ilham Aliyev came to power the next year.



The Armenian side considers that delaying resolution of
the conflict works to its advantage because it believes
statehood will eventually become a fait accompli.
Nagorno-Karabakh de facto authorities argue they are
fast meeting all the preconditions of statehood.104 New
mono-ethnic institutions exist, and privatisation of land
and business has been carried out, institutionalising the
dispossession of Azerbaijanis’ rights. Looking at the
Kosovo experience, Armenia considers that “international
tendencies are moving towards reinforcing the right
to self-determination. The longer Nagorno-Karabakh
maintains its de-facto independence, the harder it will be
to reverse the wheel of history”.

Azerbaijan also believes time is on its side as it
consolidates its economic potential and amasses oil
revenues. The ongoing increases in defence expenditures
are largely based on money from the new Baku-Tbilisi-
Ceyhan pipeline. Azerbaijan continues to work with
Georgia in regional development projects — oil and
gas pipelines, a possible new railway — that deepen
Armenia’s isolation. Baku believes it will become
increasingly strong in the region and Western investors
and states reliant upon it. As Ilham Aliyev stated in 2004,
“we are not in a rush. We have the truth on our side; we
have time on our side; we have international justice on
our side”.


Haha, he is in hospital and eve he can’t save you Armenian asses from burning.


Turkey in under Trump /USA . Everything Turkey doing in Syria or Libya is under USA control. Let’s face facts. Usa is just use Turkey to do their games to isolate Russia. If there will be red line crossed then guees who will get hit from Russia ? Of course Turkey . This is how you make deals with Usa . Usa take all profits :D look at Nato allies in Iraq or Afghanistan . Who get most profitable contracts after withdraw troops ? ofc Usa ;) sooner or later Turkey will pay price for Erdogan being dog under Usa feet.


Some kind of joke?


reality that TRT tv propaganda dont want you to know about


That was written by West international group.


More. Armenian forces just refused any military withdraw before its “status” is resolved. They refused. They can’t agree now. It is too late. Due to this, N-K is internationally recognized as illegal occupation. No countries will come to the aid of N-K. They refused to withdraw and refused the return of refugees.

Nagorno-Karabakh forces backed by Armenia could begin
withdrawing from occupied territories adjacent to
the entity. In exchange, Armenia could secure from
Azerbaijan a commitment not to use force and international
security guarantees for the population of Nagorno-
Karabakh. Determination of the ultimate status of
Nagorno-Karabakh could be decided at a vague later date,
possibly via a mechanism specified in a peace agreement.

This would give Nagorno-Karabakh an internationally
recognised interim status maintaining many of the current
practices and institutions, which would no longer be
considered “illegal” as infringing on Azerbaijan’s
sovereignty. Residents would be allowed to elect
representatives in internationally supervised elections.
Institution building would continue. The Defence Army
would be transformed into a national guard. Trade and the
collection of custom duties would be opened up. Donors
could implement programs and internationally recognised
travel documents could be issued.


This is not even news. This is the negotiation background.


Yesterday, Artsakh forces destroyed Ganja Airport, which was also used as a military airport.

The airport was used by Turkish F-16s to hit Armenian targets. In fact, according to information, Turkish aircraft have suffered serious damage.

This is a huge blow to Ankara, which must take the Armenian arsenal seriously. At the same time, new videos are coming to light, with Azeris literally being blown up by Artsakh forces.


The Objective

“In fact, according to information, Turkish aircraft have suffered serious damage.”
What a poor way of presenting a view point. “According to information?”.
that’s absurd. Which information are you referring to and from whom?

Pave Way IV

Why is everyone ignoring the obvious US and Israeli scheming here for the ultimate ‘de-Iran’izing of Armenia?

Summarized best by this one paragraph description from M. K. Bhadrakumar:

“Armenia is a land-locked country and it depends on Iran to provide a vital transportation route to the outside world. On its part, Tehran kept up a warm relationship with Armenia (although its rival Azerbaijan is a Muslim country), even supplying it with natural gas.”

Now look at the map below. First, N-K. Then, turn all of Armenia against Iran. Get it? That pipeline needs to be protected from Iran. That means the U.S./Israel need to own Armenia. Azerbaijan is just being used by the US/Israel/Turkey as the chump to cut Armenia off from Iran. Guess where Armenia will need to turn to for oil and gas?



The thing is, even if we exclude NK from Armenia, Armenia still have a border with Iran.


I do not think Armenia is very concerned by that. Armenia even agreed to swap Meghri corridor for N-K. That will lock Armenia away from Iran. Armenia can do that.


They are morons. How do they think Armenia will react if she loses NK? They really think that (1) Pashinyan will stay in power, (2) they will distance themselves from Iran? On the contrary, they will strenghten the cooperation with Iran. Because they will be able to buy high-tech weapons ( Iran is doing very well on the drone front ) and because Israel ( Iran’s archenemy ) is helping Azerbaijan.


Does Iran have enough trouble itself?


Trouble? A couple of zio induced revolts? Heck, Turkey was in total turmoil 4 years ago. Your sultan won the elections by killing the brother of the main opposition leader ( do you remember? he was pulled by a police car around the streets of Istanbul ).

Erdogan has been forced to make a brutal purge, during which thousands of people have been arrested or killed.

And do you think that Iran is unstable?


Those Armenians are so stubborn and greedy. They could have negotiated a much better term. Azerbaijan even agreed to some form of referendum. But Armenians refused to withdrawal first. It plans to hold onto those rich soil along the South. Also they want to hold the Sotk Pass. What greedy bastards.

John Brown

Stupid greedy bastards.


Instead of having a better and more efficient country , increasing their life standards they opted to invade a land which even did not belong to them 27 years ago. Since last 3 decades they are under the embargo of TR and AZ, being isolated from all projects in Caucasus , getting their youngsters killed for their meaningless politics and being alleniated . And now they are also loosing the lands which they suffered for.

It is practically impossible for them to keep these lands in the long run . AZ gets richer financially and demographically while Armenia becomes poorer and less populated every year. If not now Armenia is destined to lose these lands sooner or later. Armenians I know seemed to be clever guys , I think all the foolish ones gathered in Armenia exclusively.


This is why more and more Armenians choose to emigrate. Some even come to N-K. Stupid people who want to die in N-K…..


The N-K proper is mountain area and poor. The Azeri land in Jabrayil district along Iran border is rich farm land. Also, Kalbajar is the 2nd pass between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Over 30 years, the Armenians in N-K consider all the land they control, including the Azeri land outside N-K as theirs. They are like Israelis who will never give back Azeri land they currently occupy. So they want to permanently take away 23% of Azeri territory. This is not acceptable to any global power. The Armenians are just so stubborn and stupid….

Saso Mange

They had almost 30 years to prevent this. Now their political inability is showing. You can not take territory by force and Armenia should have known that it’s too small to work outside of international law.


Armenia paints itself as another Israel. But the world already had enough of it. You just can’t let 150,000 Armenians expel 1 MM Azeris and keep their land and homes.

US won’t create another Israel in Caucasus.

That is clear modern day ethnic cleasing.

Rhodium 10

Azerbajan have lost almost all drones and now need supply from Turkey and Israel….while Armenia are receiving supply ( Tanks, Ammo, ) from Russia and Iran!…therefore Azerbajan will have to send Infantery there to conquer NK…and Armenia are waiting them with ATGM and Sniper rifles…


Are you following what is happening now or you just assume Russia supplying Armenia because they are “allies”?
Russia is not sending supply, not currently for sure.


Russia like to insert its influence. It knows so well that fools are running both Armenia and N-K. They will have nowhere to turn, but to Russia. Russia is the savor of Armenia.


Yes, Armenian want to hold onto Kalbajar and control Sotk pass to Armenia. Now you get nothing.


Armenian President: There is a possibility to reach a peaceful solution in Karabakh

What a loser…


Armenian President: There is no military solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis

Did Armenians take N-K and the 5 Azeris provinces by force. So now they say no force? What idiot.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Stoltenberg looked rather uncomfortable in his conference with his Turkish FM colleague.

James Adams

Send missiles to destroy their oil infrastructure like the Houthis did to the Saudis !!!


Then both Georgia and Turkey will jump right on Armenia…..


Not Georgia. It would mean giving an excuse for the russians to steamroll everything from Vladikavkaz to Yerevan.

The ex president of Georgia has gone on the offensive, trying to distance her country from what is happening. They are even vehemently denying having a role in the arms trade to Azerbaijan.

No one wants to be caught helping AZ ethnic cleansing NK. Not even Israel!!

Jihadi Colin

Georgia can’t even jump on South Ossetia. Best of luck taking on Armenia (in Armenia).

Arman Melkonyan

If true, awful.

It doesn’t make sense not to recognize Artsakh anymore.

Pashinyan might be a traitor as suggested in the article.

That American Intelligence Base in Armenia must be closed now.

The Americans basically told the Armenians to go to hell.

Erdogan = Trump
USA = Turkey = Azerbaijan = Israel