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Tinypass (Piano)
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At $1 for a 4 foot by 6 foot blanket, 95% works for me.
5g emf warrior.
I bought 15 @ $.95 each. That should be enough for a sleep canopy.
Cancer rates are up substantially over time. Which correlates to man made pollutants, including emf. Electromagnetic radiation is a carcinogen. You can debate the types and ionization level risk levels. But there’s no question that we’re living in emf pollution that didn’t exist 150 years ago.
“more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries warn about the danger of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The scientists urge the EU to follow Resolution 1815 of the Council of Europe, asking for an independent task force to reassess the health effects.”
– Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G –
“Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwave
Peak Hold captures fast pulses, for measuring fast digital signals
3-axis AC magnetic field, 1-axis AC electric field, 1-axis RF (reads all existing 5G, etc.)
Fast indicator bar quickly shows hot spots, and adjustable backlight”
This is purportedly an off planet human female named Alena at the Meier residence in Switzerland. I’ve been there and run contact ops in the area.
This is the inn that I stayed at a block down the street and the entrance to the Meier residence.
They are frozen with Walt Disney.
There’s an oriental tailor down the street. I may have a mylar aluminum suit made up for contact ops.
“A variety of companies manufacture boPET and other polyester films under different brand names. In the UK and US, the best-known trade names are Mylar, Melinex, and Hostaphan. …
Aluminized proximity suits”
– BoPET –
“Aluminized proximity suits”
“Metallized boPET film, 32 layers of ~14 µm thickness each”
I just entered a long test trade in USD/Silver in one of my live offshore brokerage accounts. If there’s an economic collapse, this type of trade may provide an insurance policy.
If gold goes to $25,000 over the next 5 years. With a similar trade in gold. Every $100.00 trade will go to approximately $25,000. 10 trades would be $250 thousand, 100 would be $2.5 million.
What’s your plan if the economy collapses?
Ahaha, most people didn’t get your posts:)))
Or they don’t want to think about dealing the negative downside of the in process paradigm shift that the article is addressing.
They’re shooting these kids up with 75 mandatory vaccine shots. And this is the result. Do you think that these are a bioweapon? I do. How many were you injected with?
Silver went up $1.00/ounce since I put this test trade on yesterday at $28.00/ounce. The instrument is a usd/silver mini contract being traded in an offshore forex account.
1 standard contract, size 1.00, is 5,000 ounces, a micro contract, size 0.10 is 500 ounces, a mini contract, size 0.01, is 50 ounces. For every $1.00 that silver moves, the contract moves $50.00. If silver goes to $500.00 an ounce over the next 5 years, 1 mini contract bought today will be worth $25,000.00.
I bought the contract with $94.75 in the account. If the price of silver drops to $26.00/ounce the contract will close out for a loss unless I put more money in the account to cover the draw down.
If I allocated $1,000.00 in account balance for each usd/silver mini contract. And bought the contract at today’s price of $29.00/ounce. That would cover a $20.00 draw down for each contract to $9.00/ounce before the contract would automatically close out, or I would have to deposit more money to cover the margin call.
If I bought 1 mini usd/silver contract at today’s price of $29.00/ounce. And allocated $1,450.00 in account balance per mini contract. There would never be a margin call.
Every SF reader should get their friends and family to read and distribute SF info and link.
No, they should not.
Common knowledge things like what SF tell about should be spread out better and more by all players.
SF are united with many. There is no sogn of how to make peace.
Thats should be spread out. The distance from the rest of the world often is very visible.
How can this be spread out here by tailors?? We hardly has anyone.
I read SF very much because most things are quite sober. I want more sober information about things and no more spreading of fakes, disinformation and others kinds of guarded disinformation.
It the same for my TV. Many channels seemes to makes the news ad facts harder and harder to find.
So only quality spreading seemes fine. Making more and higher ranked people involved should improve the solutions.
More people at SF too and very much commentators here NEVER make any solutions for peace. They all act as everybody can win.
But facts are they all loose apart from the evil ones hardly ever mentioning fx 10 million Syrians are not even in their home.
There also is no debate about refugees for the world. More then half of the refugees are muslim emigrating or escaping from the own Goverment and ancient contraproductive systems, which has shown well, they dont work. Only 1 of 7 are muslims in the world. How comes ???
So change to the better should be debated and not ignored by SF and very much the rest and not only for ME.
And facts: Muslims emmigrate from muslims countries. How can I here again and again see “Now USA will collapse, now France will collapse”. But sompared to Lira, Lira, Rials and others they are doing fine and only seemes to decline. And they CAN decline and are far from the ones, whoch so many see as perfect countries.
Very much of that could be debated at SF. The good thing about SF is it reletive independent and notkept in line by religion, etnicity and despotes include old faters rules keeping women even more stuåid and backstappers, then themself.
Be realistic: you can’t defeat Youtube on Youtube, or Facebook on Facebook. They don’t even pretend any more – the whole purpose of these imbecilic brainwashing platforms/machinery is : supporting degenerate ideology of the evil empire, promoting their sick (anti)culture, poison the world with garbage and lies…
They don’t need truth, they won’t tolerate any different opinion. Or any opinion at all: only obedient slaves, clones and zombies are allowed to exist. The western liberty, if it ever existed, has fallen. They don’t even try to hide their brutal tyrannical censorship any more…. and it will be only worse…
So stop trying to play their game, you can’t defeat them. Instead, Russia should ban all US-based garbage, Fecesbook, Instagram, Jewtube, Twitshitter… all of them. As soon as possible. And prepare for war. You cannot peacefully coexist with them. No one can. Appeasing, delaying… only make them more aggressive.
How about wresting control of these companies from the Jew world order, cleaning them up, and letting them do some good?
When they ban something they can watermark it and no matter how many times who ever uploads it, it will get deleted automatically.. A better approach would be to post it everywhere and anywhere possible.. Havent been on those US sites for many years and I was telling others not to use it either but hey.. no one listens until it is too late..