Polish Suicide Drone Spotted In Libya’s Battlefield (Photos)

A Polish-made Warmate loitering munition was spotted in Libya, where a heated battle between the internationally-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) and the Libyan National Army (LNA) is taking place.

Libyan sources shared on April 14 photos showing the wreckage of the munition near the town of Abugrein in the country’s northern region.

Some sources claimed that the munition was shot down by the LNA. However, it was most likely shot down by the GNA. The LNA’s main backers, the UAE, is reportedly one of the few operators of the Polish system.

Polish Suicide Drone Spotted In Libya's Battlefield (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. WB Electronics Warmate, IDET/PYROS/ISET 2019, Brünn, by Wikimedia user (Reise Reise)

In 2018, Arab sources reported that UAE’s Tawazun was working with WB Electronics of Poland to install Warmate 2 system on the domestic Nimr armored personnel carrier (APC).

The Warmate loitering munition has a range of 40 km and an endurance of up to 50 minutes. The munition can be equipped with several different payloads. The wreckage found in Libya was armed with a high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead.Polish Suicide Drone Spotted In Libya's Battlefield (Photos)

The UAE has been supporting the LNA’s attack on the Libyan capital, Tripoli, for several months now. Nevertheless, it remains unclear if UAE forces were behind the use of the Warmate system, or if it was handed over to the LNA. Turkey delivered similar advanced systems to GNA forces in the recent months.


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Assad must stay

A polish drone hahahaha never thought that even existed

Zionism = EVIL

Like a Pollacks dumb brain.