Russian President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Valeri Gerasimov made a surprise visit to Syria, holding talks with President Bashar al-Assad and the country’s top defense officials, at the Russian military command center.
Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Putin “rode through the streets of Damascus” on his way to the command center, where he headed after landing at the city’s airport.
Syrian and Russian presidents listened to reports by military officials on the conditions on the ground in Syria.
Putin told Assad that “the signs of peaceful life are visible to the naked eye on the streets of Damascus,” Peskov said. The Rusian leader added that “a huge distance has been passed on the way to restoring Syria’s statehood and territorial integrity.”
The previous Putin’s visit to Syria took place in 2017 when he inspected Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base in Syria and also met with President al-Assad.
It should be noted that the visit of the top Russian delegation to Syria came amid the large-scale escalation of the Iranian-US conflict and ahead of Putin’s planned visit to Turkey, where he will meet President Recept Erdogan.
Great news!
how about a no-fly zone over Syria ?
– enforced by Syria/Russia
No fly zone except for Israel.
No, especially for Israel.
Don’t you know that Putin authorize 54 israeli’s strike in Syria in 2019. Not a single use of the S300 was allowed. You are dreaming if you hope for a no-fly zone over Syria.
Oh, I know. It’s not realistic in the current scenario. But I differ with you on the authorized part. Putin has tolerated Israeli strikes on Syria most of the time, which is different than authorizing. Russia’s position is that Israel is an independent state not subject to Russia’s orders, short of war. Russia has limited Israel’s strikes, making strikes against Syrian government forces and buildings off limits in intensity or strength strong enough to affect the balance of the war. In fact, Russian aircraft have escorted Israeli strike planes back to Israeli airspace several times when Israeli attacks have become too troublesome and gluttonous, in Russia’s estimation.
and now Iraq as well ?
– fortunately Israel has those invisible jets . . . .
There is no-fly zone over Russian military bases already.
And limited no-fly zone over Assad controlled part of the country.
I wonder if he will visit Iran too?
well he’s going to Turkey, what if Putin et all visited Lebanon ?
I think a visit to Tehran, at least in the near future, might help to alleviate some of the craziness that Trump and his idiot advisors precipitated.
That would be great. Together with some S500 systems as well
just wish he’d cancel his visit to tel aviv where some truly horrid thieves and murderers reside – can’t trust them except in that they lie, steal and murder as if there is no tomorrow. and in fact there ought to be no tomorrow for the squatters. their part of history should end now.
Mr Putin, I think, wants to use Israel to get Ukraine back into the Russian orbit. Within reason, he will humour them for now.
Huh ! Unlikely ! Pres.Putin is on a hiding to nothing if he thinks that ! Israel uses Russia and not vice-versa, you only need to follow history to know that.
There is two and a half to three million Russians in Israel. They are not Kahzarians and Russia will still have some influence on them when the go to vote in elections. They also all speak Russian.
“They are not Kahzarians”. Ray, how on earth can you be so sure ??????? Over 80% of the so-called Jews ARE Ashkenazim and they are certainly extreme supporters of Zionism and almost entirely ALL of Khazarian origin. Look at their history and you will discover that the Sephardim (Oriental jews )have all but disappeared. These were the jews who lived with the Arabs side-by-side in the middle ages, and travelled with Salah-huddin during his battles to capture Jerusalem. Contacts have elucidated to me that the Sephardic jews are discriminated against whilst it was they who spear-headed the Peace movements in Israel. A number of Sephardic Rabbi’s have also been murdered there in very suspicious circumstances. There is another influx of jews from Europe, taking place at the moment, mainly from France, who are escaping the violence from the massive wave of Muslim “Refugees”, who are in fact being aided and abetted by, in a large part, by the ISRAELI department of foreign affairs……………… go figure.
I think loads of them have come from Russia!
But Russians only know how to steal from themselves
hey bob why don’t you feck off and do the deed that any honourable gentleman from the far east would do – commit seppuko.
Because I’m not honourable?
we know, no honour among thieves as they say
it’s basically to let it be known that they’re standing by Syria now no matter what. I think Washington hoped Iran would pull back from there now after the assassination. It seems Putin and the top brass are sending a message that they’re still there no matter what
Nah, Putin is here to tell Assad, listen Iran is going to be a desert glass soon, so i’m your new and only boss better pay attention, oh and I don’t want you to pull any stunts on Israel, just be a good boy and i’ll keep the US off your back.
except that’d never happen. Syria was never in any position to take Israel on. Assad didn’t last this long by being stupid. Iran isn’t going anywhere. if attacked, it would level Tel Aviv
Assad got his ass served when Russians saved Syria last minute from rag tag Daesh monkeys with AKs, no Hezbollah no Iran managed to do what Russians did in matter of days. I think you are forgetting that, just goes to show when super powers intervene.
Meanwhile Iran is crying like a baby now about the US. and Syria is just russia’s puppet at the moment.
you know, that you are a moron? Didn’t your mom tell all the time?
Did you take your pill today billy? if you can’t keep up you should go to bed, but before you do so visit your uncle bob in the farm he was asking about you… like he usually does every evening before going to bed.
I hope Trump doesn’t have a strike drone circling over Damascus…
no worries. the russians have their EW-planes cruising around in EVERY destination where Putin is going to. i saw it live 2 years ago in Europe….
The Russians also spoof all GPS and GLONASS.
Ricky, why would the Russians spoof GLONASS, when its a system that they created and control ?????? This is a question, and not a critisism…………….. Pray tell if you know.
He doesn’t know nothing thats why he made such a stupid remark
What military mind could possibly think about using an enemies own signal against them?! Oh no, GPS is jammed. But GLONASS is pulsing out just fine. What if we…no, we couldn’t, could we? At the level of military technology they intercept the satellite frequency with ease. They don’t need a commercial code like on our sporting devices to use someone’s satellite signal. Dumbass.
Because in the areas around Vladimir Putin they spoof all satellite navigation signals. My own GARMIN I use on my bike switches back and forth between the two, often. U.S. military forces can make use of GLONASS and Russian forces can use GPS signals for navigation. Wherever Putin travels all of the signals are misdirected and show that you are dozens of kilometers from where you actually are. The effect was demonstrated on Finnish TV during President Putin’s visit there a few years ago. Also, again in the North of Norway during NATO military exercises.
S400 and Su-35 are there to cover their commander in chief. And yes, this was a bold move by Putin considering current circumstances.
He’s not lacking in courage :)
Neither was Solemaini.
If the boot was on the other foot, Trump and the majority of US politicians would have fled to canada by now :)
…leaving a tell-tale brown trail behind them.
That’s what they said about that dearly departed Islamist Iranian general.
War with the Russian Federation just for the attempt. Where is President Putin spending the night? If he’s staying at the Russian Embassy in Damascus overnight than we can all count on Israel to stay in her own lane for a night. Give all Syrian Air Defense personnel the night off.
…………On the contrary, THIS is THE night when they should be at their most alert…………………Never let your guard drop, even for a second. BTW, I’m speaking from experience.
And if that Islamist Iranian General could speak, I’m sure he would say the same thing. Anyway, yet another case of arrogance comes before a fall.
” Anyway, yet another case of arrogance comes before a fall.”
Please explain this comment. Soleimani travelled as an representative envoy of Iran, protected by his diplomatic status to a meeting where he was to have met representatives of the US and Saudi Arabia amongst others, ……. but instead he was brutally murdered. What was his crime ? That he was instrumental in the defeat and destruction of the CIA’s/ Mossads private terrorist incarnation ISIS ? That he was instrumental in aiding the Houthis in destroying the Saudi forces which waged a genocidal war against the Yemen ?
Soleimani’s ‘crime’ was expecting the Trumpster to actually follow established norms and International law. Idiots like the moron you are conversing with do not recognize bravery, as it is alien to them. Arrogance is sitting on your ass miles from danger, then enticing a diplomat into a peace mission, only to ambush and kill them, violating necessary rules. I’d like to see the look on one of Trump’s vermin after he orders them to go visit Iraq.
I don’t agree with another commentator; He called you a piece of shit. I think you are worth much much less.
They may as well take every night off, because one things apparent, they can’t defend Syrian airspace
Its not that cut and dry Bob, as you well know ! If the Russians start taking out American aircraft, what do you think will be the response ?
Its Israel who can penetrate Syrian airspace and destroy stuff,nothing to do with America
…………….And who RUNS America ???????????
………..oh i don’t know,give us a clue!
Hang on I’ll call a friend, let me see where’s David Ickes number?
Ha ha………….. check mate ! But I think we understand the outcome what ever way you look at it ?
The outcome will be more of the same!
Much vaunted Russian air defence complex is shown up as useless
No , I can’t agree, on one hand they are in a learning curve, and the types of aerial attacks have changed , but in general they have held the Israelis in check. There is a political aspect to this as well. Israel has lost 2 F16’s and 1 F35, which they do not admit too, but is generally known now in intel circles. Hence they now mount their attacks and choose weapons that evade the Radar screen that Russia and Syria use. It may work for a short while, until the other side learns how to defeat it. If the air defence complex was as useless as you imply, the IDF would be sitting in Aleppo now………….and that, they ain’t.
Big-mouthed, indebted, bankrupted, losers Americans.
Nobody has lost so many wars as US.
They’re a small country, under siege fighting off a superpower’s zombie proxy army and that same superpower’s butt buddy regional sidekick, also well armed by said superpower. They’ve managed with old technology, software upgrades from Russia and strenuous effort to shoot down over half of Israel’s attacking missiles. The S-300’s gifted to them by Russia are far from state of the art but have been dangerous enough that Israel doesn’t violate Syrian airspace anymore, choosing instead to launch attacks from over Lebanon or the Sea of Galilee, and flying at low altitudes. It’s far from perfect but a better defense than you give them credit for and represents a worthy effort at fighting back from a people who are clear underdogs in this fight but somehow…winning their country back.
Why spending the night?
The moment it was published that he is in Syria he was already in Russia.
He flew home? He is scheduled to be in Turkey tomorrow for the official opening of the now sanctioned (LOL) TurkStream.
So he flew to Turkey.
The point is , Syria is not the place where he would stay long
What else could he do in Syria after meeting, talking to Assad?
Keep the place quiet and safe for a night? Almost like a superhero. I just liked the idea of the symbolism for a night. No U.S. or Israeli homicidal games while he’s in town. Plus, seems like a lot of Black Sea Flight time, what with events in Istanbul tomorrow.
I personally prefer Putin as ordinary human trying his best to help his country Russia in fulfilling what was promised to Assad and Syria.
I see they left Lavrov home to pull the trigger if Donutty tRump did something else totally stupid…
Dmitry Medvedev. He’d bring the hell. It is a little unnerving though that Vladimir Putin, Sergei Shogui and Valery Gerasimov are all on this trip together. I’m sure that the Prime Minister, Deputy Defense Ministers and Gerasimov’s direct reports all have their scenario papers and codes.
Is that Peskov holding the mic?
He either got demoted or he is simply a man of many talents.
Cheers and Happy Christmas!
They need to develop a plan so Russia and Syria stay out of the fray when it hits the fan.
Are you for real ?
Jake321 is a pile of shit and that is real.
Decomposing and soon to join the ether, so not real for very long anyway!
Jake is an AI, no other explanation is possible.
Seems one good thing that came from Soleimanis death is now that Putin talks and visits Assad again.
Now lets see what comes from his visit to the Turkish invader.
Putin came to Syria to tell : now that Soleimani is dead, I alone decide for the future of Syria taking into account of course my friends Erdogan and Netanyahu.
As the Russians know that Israel and the US are keeping Syria’s sky under constant surveillance, all S400s on land and sea and planes for electronic warfare are thought to have been alerted for the occasion. For the mad Trump, the temptation to eliminate Putin and turn off life on the planet must have been strong.
Syrian Armed Forces, Russia & the other Syria allies are starting to liberate Deir Ezzor region of Syria; they are doing an excellent job liberating & protecting Syria’s real estate of 185,180 sq km (45,758,974.5 acres) expeditiously.
I send more prayers for your continued success.
It seemes Assad enjoy having so many ruins.
Syria’s opportunity to attack US and other foreign occupying forces in Syria.
Good news, and it suggests Putin isn’t concerned about the orange buffoon escalating his war with Iran.
In honor of the memory of General Soleimani that this is the reality today.
“Putin told Assad that “the signs of peaceful life are visible to the naked eye on the streets of Damascus,” Peskov said. The Russian leader added that “a huge distance has been passed on the way to restoring Syria’s statehood and territorial integrity.””
Syria Christians compared General Soleimani’s actions to that of Jesus. (Source: SyrianGirl/PartisanGirl Twitter feed)
I believe it was also to ensure that there would be no escalation of the Iran/US conflict. President Putin brought everybody with him. No way is anyone going to be sending missiles toward Syria or have armageddon start. This was purposeful and told to all the appropriate nations.