Iran Says Its Response To Assassination Of Soleimani Will Be ‘Against Military Sites’

Iran Says Its Response To Assassination Of Soleimani Will Be 'Against Military Sites'


Iran’s response to the US assasination of Qassem Soleimani will be “against military sites”, Maj. Gen. Hossein Dehghan, a military adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said in an interview with CNN.

“Let me tell you one thing: Our leadership has officially announced that we have never been seeking war and we will not be seeking war,” Dehghan said in the interview with CNN.

“It was America that has started the war. Therefore, they should accept appropriate reactions to their actions. The only thing that can end this period of war is for the Americans to receive a blow that is equal to the blow they have inflicted. Afterward they should not seek a new cycle.”

Maj. Gen. Dehghan’s comments likely became a response to threats from President Donald Trump Saturday that the U.S. military choose 52 Iranian sites, including cultural locations, to attack if Iran retaliated against the US for the assassination of Soleimani.

“Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!,” Trump wrote in Twitter.

Maj. Gen. Dehghan called Trump’s threats “ridiculous and absurd.”


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Gabriel Hollows

Stop talking shit and glass Israel already.


If you missed it, dodo, Islamist Iran can’t glass Israel but Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles sure as hell can glass Iran. And WILL glass Iran if the Murdering Mullahs are as stupid as you and attempt anything so stupid against Israel. Just the way it is.


nah if iran melts so do the disgusting ones


lol, I’d love to see them try.

Prince Teutonic

Who would have thought we’ll see “fireworks” so soon after New Year’s Eve…


And such really nice ones!


We have learned today from Iraq Prime Minister AdilAbdl Mahdi how Donald Trump uses diplomacy: US asked Iraq to mediate with Iran.

Iraq PM asks Qassem Soleimani to come and talk to him and give him the answer of his mediation, Trump & co assassinate an envoy at the airport.

Mehmet Aslanak

Trump actually didn’t know the rebel generals in Pentagon planned to assassinate Iranian general along Iraqi military officers. He had to pretend like he has ordered it after attack happened. Afterall no general wants a peace. That’s why Pluto said government must be on hand of civilians, not on hand of military officers.

Daily Beatings

Doesn’t manner. Trump is the Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces, therefore he is directly responsible for the actions taken by his subordinates.


Yep, and this will likely help him get re-elected, DAMN!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

he is probably like tony montana at the end of scarface “how the fuck i do that manny? how the fuck i do that” hahahahahha

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Please share the significance of this image?


“Just as they came here vertically they shall go back home horizontally in coffins.”


Yep, he is referring to the Iranians, especially in Syria where Israel has been sending lots of them back in body bags with impunity for a long time.


Not a single IRGC’s soldier was killed in the latest airstrike, otherwise it would’ve been announced, just propaganda… i wouldn’t say much if i were you, your comments might not age well.


That’s just the line your leadership likes to tell you, so you keep on re-electing same old corrupt Likud cronies. The IAF fire stand-off missiles from Lebanon, so what do they actually hit – certainly nothing that will strategically change the course of the conflict in Syria – probably a lot of decoys sites that look good on US sat-intel images.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Thank you, fair enough!

Free man

He asks for Time Out. His player was hurt.


Nahhhhhhhh…Trump is not that smart. But this all shows neither was Soleimani.


Iran will probably play it smart and let this war of words continue for a while.
Increasing the pressure to get the US coalition out of Iraq and Syria.
That would be a victory. :)

42 HSabbagh

The funny thing is untill this week. most people in the west. never heard of the Iranian General Qassim Solemani. And now according to the spoon fed truth supposedly is worse than Hitler. Just shows how powerful media is. And people can be easily manipulated

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Yet I keep reading how the MSM built him up into a hero of sorts the past 10 years?


Nassralah said that this was planned. he himself said to Soleimani few days ago, that there is alot of media attention on you, you might be targeted, he replied to him laughing ” I wish “.

Ricky Miller

Targeting cultural sites is a war crime. If any Iranian civilians or civilian locations are struck, even as collateral damage, it opens up American decision makers and officers to war crime charges. It’s going to be hard to prove it was collateral when the American President is issuing such homicidal threats. I mean why not just go ahead and issue threats of genocide?

John Wallace

America does NOT recognise the jurisdiction of the International War Crimes Tribunal and will NOT allow any American to face any charges in that court. They will hold their own court on any American so charged. So cultural sites will be “accidentally ” bomb as usual.




Looks good on paper but then there is reality.


Israeli troll.

Raptar Driver

Great but don’t talk about it, just do it!


They are great talkers. They have been spewing this line for decades. For example, Israel has been blowing them away in Syria with impunity for a long time and they and theirs always say we will strike back NEXT time. They are paper tigers. But if they actual do what they threaten, they will be burnt paper tigers. They are in deep doo doo of their own Islamist making. I truly feel sorry for the Iranian people who are most likely to suffer the most because of these Murdering Mullahs.


you can tell you are a scumbag paid troll as you use scripted terms like murdering mullah , small brained immoral loser


YUP! That disgusting thing is an obvious Israeli trollboy.

Raptar Driver

Both sides are full of shit and cowards in their own way.


Now that Iraq has voted to expel US forces, Iran could use this as an opportunity to launch a massive attack on US bases/personnel in Iraq. Iran could merely claim that it is liberating Iraq (which it would be).

Tony B.

The real Trump (Drumpf):

Insider: Trump Family Cult is Planning WW3

January 5, 2020

Michael Berg, 32, a member of Chabad for four years, believes that this cult’s demented vision of world hegemony is behind the rush to war with Iran.
With Trump and Chabad-members Jered & Ivanka Kushner in the White House, Chabad is in
position to bring about the prophesied cataclysm that will usher in their Messianic rule.

The West has been hijacked by a fanatical satanic cult whose tentacles include Freemasons, who are also Cabalists. Certainly, satanic possession best explains the irrational behavior of the West. We are in real danger. A crazed religious cult wants to sink the ship and set humanity back 100 years.

from Dec 19. 2017

By Michael Berg


I was born in Israel in 1985. My parents are European Jews (My parents’ ancestors had a history in Germany since the middle ages.. )

Physically, my family and I don’t look like “typical” Jews – I look like an ethnic German i.e. white skin, blue eyes, blond hair. Physically, I look like any normal White person of Northern-European (“Aryan”) origin would look like.

Why is it important? It’s important since Jewish racism against gentiles isn’t so much about biological racism (hatred of gentiles because they are physically different from Jews). There are Jews in all shapes and colors. Jewish racism is about a spiritual racism – a belief that Jews have a higher soul than non-Jews and that non-Jews have satanic souls. This means that all religious Jews regardless of their colors and country of origin look at non-Jews as “inferior” simply because they came to believe that non-Jews have satanic souls.

In this article, I want to tell you about my experience and my understanding of the Jewish religion in general and a racist cult “Chabad” in particular.


It all began at the age of 20. At the time I was a religious Jew but I wasn’t quite part of Chabad. Then in 2005, while visiting NYC, I met a Chabad emissary who had introduced me to the movement. He asked me if I could visit “770” in Brooklyn NY. I did. I took part in their rituals and meetings and over the next 4 years I became a fanatic follower of Chabad.

We used to have meetings in which we had discussed the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the future world as envisioned by Chabad and the Jewish religion – a world where the Jews are the supreme masters of the Earth where every individual Jew has as many as 2,800 gentile slaves, a world, where the only purpose of non-Jews is to SERVE Jews. On the other hand, the Jews are considered as the “Seat Of God”.


I’ll describe Chabad the way I see it given my past membership in it. Chabad is a racist organization – a Jewish supremacist missionary cult whose main goal is Jewish total superiority over the “Goyim” and their enslavement.

Its central commandment is fulfilling the commandment “Breaking Through”i.e. making the
world safe for Zionist world domination.

Chabad train their young to be emissaries when they grow up. Being “emissary” in Chabad
terms means spreading their racist ideology to Jews all over the world – especially those who are not practicing Judaism. They give ideological and moral support for the Zionist Globalist Agenda.

They see the enslavement of the “Goyim” through the international Jewish banks and the international politics as serving their Messianic prophecies – a future world where the Jewish NWO controls all the nations of the world.

Under their leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, (1902-1994) left, the movement
established a network of nearly 4,000 institutions that provide religious, social and ideological support to Jews in over 1,000 cities, spanning 100 countries including all US states.


According to Chabad, Jews themselves are “God”. Usury is permitted and encouraged against non-Jews (This is the motive of the NWO bankers). Chabad’s movement book “The Tania” is all about the Jews being God on Earth and non-Jews as being no more than animals – inferior without souls. If they do have souls their souls are demonic and satanic and originate in the “Klipot A’thmeot” i.e. the unholy spheres or the “Sitrha Achra”.

Gentiles are animals without souls in their eyes. The “Jewish Soul” is God incarnate. Every Jew is a “God” in flesh.

The entire universe including the trillions of galaxies, stars, and planets were created solely for the Jews and by the Jewish God YHVH who is actually a manifestation of the Jewish people itself. One fingernail of a Jew is worth more than the entire non-Jewish world populations (That includes Europeans, Muslims, Asians, and Africans) according to Chabad…


Chabad is nothing more than a manifestation of the Jewish racism that fuels the NWO agenda. Israel’s founder and former prime minister David Ben Gurion’s envisioned the Jews as being at the center of the One World Government (Illuminati Satanic NWO) dream. This will be the fulfillment of the promises of the Bible where the Jews will be the controllers and rulers of all the nations of the world in the time to come.

The Jerusalem Supreme Court with the Illuminati pyramid and the mark of “All-Seeing-Eye” was built to support this agenda as envisioned by Ben Gurion :

“In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah…”

Guess who funded and built the “Supreme Court”? The controllers of the world banks i.e. the Rothschilds of course! The Jewish Racist and supremacist agenda is blatantly in your face… It is simply a matter of 2+2=4.

Cabala and Satanism are a means to weaken their host nations so they can more easily
control these nations by degrading them. This is how they maintain their money monopoly – by breaking down race, nation, family (heterosexuality) and belief in a higher spiritual purpose to life (i.e. God – Not religion! ). Hence we become more materialistic and less spiritual (look at modern “art” for example) and are then more easily controlled and enslaved by them as people with no meaning in life don’t fight back. This is
the Eye Of Sauron. The All-Seeing-Eye. “One Ring To Rule Them


I left Chabad since I had an experience which made me feel at the core of my being that
this hatred of Chabad and Judaism (or Islam and ISIS for that matter) is not coming from God but from man’s ego and fears.

I left Chabad due to a spiritual awakening I had which I will expose the readers to in my upcoming article……..

In the meantime, I hope that White Europeans and those who are against White genocide
understand that the reason why the White race is being attacked today is that of the one ultimate racist ideology on the planet: Judaism.


Related- “No More Threats” -Trump Warns Iran “52 Targets Will Be Hit Very Fast & Hard”

Trump’s “52” refers to Judaic/Talmudic/Kabbalah : 52 = Moshiach’s arrival & Isaiah 52 “Zion” ruler & Ezra re-built Jerusalem Walls in 52 days

————–Cabalists Planning to Cull the Goyim Again?

————-The Occult Dogma of Creative Destruction

Dean Henderson – The Rothschild’s March to WW3

———–Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Current Runup to Nuclear War 15 Years Ago

—————- Trump under Mossad Blackmail Control

—————– William Engdahl Interview- War with Russia Coming?

———–The Devil and the Jews

—————— Masonic Mass Murder on the Somme 101 Years Ago

—————– WW1- First Christian Holocaust

———-The Jewish Cult Behind the NWO/Illuminati

—————-Yossi Gurvitz – When Israel is Mighty

—————- The Rabbi Saved by Hitler’s Soldiers

Also by Michael Berg- Jewish Conspiracy Responsible for Anti Semitism

First Comment from James Perloff-

SUPERB article,
Henry. People need to hear these truths from a Jewish ex-Chabad member like Berg. If it came from a gentile, it would be dismissed as an “anti-Semitic canard


So now US is openly threatening to destroy sites important to a country’s culture. I have a feeling this is a war crime, possibly relating to the definition of genocide.

Xoli Xoli

Putin is so quick to condemn when something happened to USA or Israel. No if his a Iranian ally why is he quite.