Expert: ‘Shooting down of Russian jet in Syria means bringing NATO into the issue’

The shooting down of the Russian jet in Syria means slowing down the peace process in Syria and bringing just more tension in the case.

Expert: ‘Shooting down of Russian jet in Syria means bringing NATO into the issue’

Hall Gardner, the Chair of Department of International and Comparative Politics at the American University of Paris, commented on the shooting down of the Russian jet in Syria for radio Sputnik. He said that the downing of the Russian jet will be an adversary to handling the situation in Syria, despite an apparent rapprochement between Russia and France regarding the political solution this situation. But what happened according to him will lead to the inevitable bringing of NATO forces in Syria, which is only going to make the solution coming even more difficult.
‘The shooting down of the Russian jet in Syria means bringing NATO into the issue, and this creates an even bigger confrontation’’ Gardner said.

He commented on the situation as saying that this is going to make the communication between NATO and Russia even harder following the Crimea issue and the Eastern Ukraine crisis.

According to him, the difficult cooperation between the two sides could be handled in three to five years, until the tension between the two sides lessens.

“Suspicions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are a real problem,” Gardner added. “If you can get those two talking, it might turn around sooner. The shooting down of the Russian jet is one more jam in the works that is going to make it more difficult and slow the process down.”

The expert noted that, meanwhile, Russia and France are moving closer to each other.

“Look at the gap Hollande has jumped: from being totally anti-Assad, he is now moving towards the position when he wants to bring a coalition together, which would be primarily aimed against ISIL. It is a phenomenal turn-around for French policy.”

“Americans themselves are beginning to back off their previous anti-Assad position. The problem is to get the three in some sort of coalition and really focus on the crisis.”

Gardener also told Sputnik that the problem is not just the Syrian crisis, or the Crimean crisis, or any occurred issue. The real aim according to him is to establish a strong relationship between the two sides.



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