The agresive behaviour of YPG-linked rioters in northeastern Syria have forced the Russian Military Police to start using barbed wire to protect their vehicles from people trying to attack them.
The agresive behaviour of YPG-linked rioters in northeastern Syria have forced the Russian Military Police to start using barbed wire to protect their vehicles from people trying to attack them.
Might be use full if if you want to escort Turkish vehicles into Kurd Kobani area.
But I think that problem ended a month ago. Now the patrols are being a lot smarter.
Their mission was not to stir up confrontation, but to keep the “peace”.
YPG radicals (=Kurdish Kommunist Party, PKK), uses little kids to throw stones at vehicles.
Peaceful Kurds should stop their kids used as a communist political agenda.
Barzani supported Kurdish National Council (ENKS) should take control of the Rojava.
YPG radicals (=Kurdish Kommunist Party, PKK), uses little kids to throw stones at vehicles.
Peaceful Kurds should stop their kids used as a communist political agenda.
Barzani supported Kurdish National Council (ENKS) should take control of the Rojava.
YPG/PKK radicals use little kids to throw stones at vehicles.
Peaceful Kurds would prevent their kids used as a communist agenda.
Would stop after Kurdish National Council (ENKS) take control of the Rojava.