Leaked Video Reveals Secret Elements Of Syrian Democratic Forces’ Combat Training

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces are employing their best training practices at one of the military camps in northeastern Syria.

تدريب قوات سوريا الديمقراطية

بالفيديو تردي قدرات عناصر تابعين لقوات سوريا الديمقراطية بأحد معسكراتها كشف مقطع فيديو تردي جاهزية قدرات قوات خاصة تابعة لقوات سوريا الديمقراطية. وفي مقطع مصور نشر على "صفحة الرقة أهلنا" أظهر تردي قدرات عناصر القوات الخاصة التابعة لسوريا الديمقراطية، في أحد معسكراتها في مدينة الرقة، وظهر عناصر الأخيرة دون درجة كفاءة كباقي قدرات القوات العسكرية.وقبل ثلاث أشهر أعلن "ب ي د" تخريج 700 عسكري من قواتها في معسكرات في مدينة الرقة والطبقة وبلدة الشدادي في الحسكة، بعد خضوعهم للتدريب تحت إشراف عسكريين من الجيش الأمريكي.المركز الصحفي السوري

Posted by ‎وكالة أنباء الحدث‎ on Monday, December 16, 2019


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Mehmet Aslanak

Well… Not-no-secret agreement between Turkey & USA from 2015 says that no heavy weapons will be given to the SDF, since they include Kurdish Kommunist Party guerilla (PKK/YPG) inside, which is banned in the US & EU. So guerilla would not found a communist statelet at a NATO ally’s border.


What a farce. US training I suppose.

Valerianus Maximus

I believe the US version of this training calls for dousing the soldiers in gasoline and then requiring them to run into the saw horse, thus setting themselves on fire.


That’s because the US soldiers are really tough and intelligent :)

Robert Mullin

Who the heck taught that moron 26 seconds in how to jump? That was embarrassing to watch! XD

Valerianus Maximus

Ahh! The old leap over the flaming saw horse training! This is exactly the sort of skill the SDF needs to learn when operating in close proximity to Uncle Shmuel’s very special forces.

Valerianus Maximus

The next block of instruction will cover the proper procedure for recovering a fumbled hand grenade!


A life of never playing sport!
Jews are just as bad too! Trust me!
Have u ever seen a Jew at school do well in sports? hahaha


That was fucking funny