9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 DAYS LEFT to allocate SouthFront’s budget for March

Since February 1, SouthFront has collected 1,673 USD. This is about 33% of the minimal budget needed to continue the project.

The number of content, which the project is able to produce, depends on your donations.

Without your help, SouthFront will not be able to continue its work in March.




9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March


Account: southfront@list.ru

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

Tinypass (Piano)

This systems accepts all types of cards, PayPal, Amazon Payments, bitcoin (FAQ is under the main text, in P.S.)

You can subscribe for a monthly donation of $15 (or any another amount) OR make one time donation by clicking buttons below

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March


Donate via SouthFront’s Patreon account (click here)



Sincerely yours,

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

If you have technical problems with making donation, please, write to info@southfront.org to get detailed help.

P.S. How to donate via Tinypass (Piano):

1) One time donation

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

2) Monthly subscription

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March 9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

9 Days Left To Allocate SF’s Budget For March

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