Four terrorist field commanders were killed in attacks of the Syrian Armed Forces in Homs and Hama provinces.

Syrian aircraft strikes killed two commanders of the Fatah al-Sham (previously known as the al-Nusra Front) terrorist group: Abu Ayesha, originally from Egypt, and Abu Faruq Homsi, in the eastern province of Homs. The commanders lost their lives during the attack on terrorist positions in al-Rastan and al-Za’afaraneh in northern Homs.
In addition, commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Ahmad Nahlawi aka Abu al-Zahar, and a field commander of Ajnad al-GHoghaz, Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, were also killed in attacks of the Syrian Army in Hama province.
Terrorists were pushed back from the towns of Zowar al-Jadideh and Zowar al-Masaeq in northwestern Hama by Syrian troops. At the same time, Syrian aircraft targeted and hit terrorist centers in Taybat al-Imam, Kafr Zita and Maardes.
On September 8, control of the village of Kharaba al-Hajama in the southwestern parts of Taybat al-Imam, as well as of al-Mazraa heights, adjacent to Maardes town in northern Hama, was regained by the Syrian Army. Reportedly, tens of terrorists were killed and their weapons and ammunition were destroyed.
According to unconfirmed reports, Batish region near Khattab town, as well as al-Abadah heights and al-Iskandariya village in the countryside of Marradas town were also liberated by Syrian troops.
Also on September 8, the Syrian Army launched a new offensive in the surrounding areas of the village of Howeisis and the Palmyra (Tadmur) silos in the eastern part of Homs province. As result, Islamic State (IS) terrorists suffered heavy losses. The attack killed and wounded scores of terrorists, including non-Syrian and foreign fighters, in al-Bardeh and the Syriatel hilltop, as well as destroyed their military vehicles.