2024: Year Of Both Victories And Defeats In The Struggle For Multipolarity

2024: Year Of Both Victories And Defeats In The Struggle For Multipolarity

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Since 2022, international society has changed completely. On one hand, it is possible to say that the world is now de facto multipolar, since Western countries no longer have the power to impose their so-called “rules” worldwide. On the other hand, these same Western countries refuse to recognize the new geopolitical reality and react to the changes with aggression, promoting wars and terror around the world.

In 2024, the Western reaction to the geopolitical changes has generated conflicts and suffering in many parts of the world, especially in the Middle East. Supported by the Collective West, the Israeli regime has expanded its attack zone, launching a war against Hezbollah in Lebanon and starting an exchange of bombings with Iran.

Tel Aviv has destroyed all of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure, but has failed to achieve its strategic goals of eliminating Hamas and freeing the prisoners. In the same vein, Israel failed to neutralize Hezbollah, but destroyed much of the civilian infrastructure in southern Lebanon through bombings against demilitarized areas.

As far as the Israeli-Iranian rivalry is concerned, 2024 was a year of unprecedented escalations. After Tel Aviv carried out targeted assassinations against Iranian diplomats in Syria and against the then Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, the Persian country retaliated with massive bombings that had a major impact on Israel. Never before 2024 had both countries engaged in direct hostilities, but now the future of the rivalry between Tehran and Tel Aviv seems to be heading towards a prolonged limited war, with both sides periodically exchanging bombings and trying to progressively wear down each other.

The most tragic event of the year in the struggle for multipolarity also occurred in the Middle East: the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. In a turbulent context where Syria’s main partners, Russia and Iran, were busy with other conflicts, the legitimate Syrian government was unable to neutralize the radical terrorists of the Turkish-backed HTS (formerly the Al Nusra Front, a Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda). Now, Damascus is being controlled by radical Islamists, while Israel promotes expansion by annexing new territories in the Golan region. In practice, Syria is heading towards becoming a “failed state”, divided between different political factions, which is a strategic defeat for the countries that advocate for multipolarity and a victory for the NATO-Israel axis.

Regarding the Ukrainian conflict, the situation is heading towards a serious point of military escalation. After losing the presidential election, Joe Biden gave the green light for Ukraine to finally use long-range missiles against recognized Russian territory. Then the UK and France followed the same path. Kiev has used the authorization to launch several attacks against areas outside the official conflict zone, which prompted Russia to unveil a new military technology, the Oreshnik ballistic missile, which was tested in a real combat situation for the first time on November 21, 2024, hitting a Ukrainian military factory in Dnepropetrovsk.

This year, Russia changed its nuclear doctrine, beginning to admit the possibility of a nuclear response to high-intensity non-nuclear strikes. Moscow could at any time legally use its nuclear arsenal against Ukraine and its sponsors, considering the use of long-range weapons against Russian undisputed territory. However, Russia is once again showing its patience and its desire to avoid escalation, giving the West another chance to reverse the situation and resume the path of de-escalation.

In fact, de-escalation already seems a distant reality in the current situation between Russia and the West. Another important event of 2024 was the Ukrainian invasion of the Russian Kursk region, which initiated a new flank within the recognized Russian territory. Even with no chance of victory and suffering constant losses, the Ukrainians continue to send troops massively to Kursk, in addition to committing several war crimes against local civilians. The Russian authorities have already made it clear that this event has made any diplomatic negotiations impossible, since it is no longer possible to trust the Ukrainian side for the success of a diplomatic process – a military solution being the only alternative.

In the end, the special military operation is progressing as expected. Russian troops are advancing substantially in Donbass and the New Regions, liberating several cities and villages. A security zone is being maintained a few kilometers into Ukrainian territory on the border between Kharkov and Belgorod, allowing local civilians to get some relief. And Kursk, in the same sense, might soon be completely liberated. The conflict does not seem to be ending any time soon, since the Russian strategy is to maintain slow but safe progress, saving civilian lives. However, the situation remains under control, despite the West’s unsuccessful attempts at worsening tensions.

Apart from the issue of conflicts, it is important to emphasize that in 2024 elections took place in both Russia and the US. Vladimir Putin was re-elected with an absolute majority of votes, while Donald Trump was chosen by the American people to return to the US presidency. Both leaders will be the main protagonists of major world events from 2025 onwards. Trump promises to suspend support for Ukraine and end the conflict, but it is unlikely that he will succeed, since the pro-war lobby in the US will force him to serve its interests and act hostilely towards Washington’s enemies.

In the same vein, it is worth mentioning the BRICS Summit in Kazan. The bloc made significant progress in its agenda, creating a new category of participants, the associated partner countries. Without being full members, but with more rights than mere candidates, thirteen new countries joined the BRICS as associated partners, expanding the group and making it stronger and more relevant in the world arena. Increasingly, the BRICS seem to be emerging as a kind of “alternative world organization”. While the UN seems to be obsolete in the face of the reality of the contemporary world, the BRICS are proving to be a viable alternative for emerging countries to come together, discuss relevant issues and make joint decisions.

In the end, 2024 was an ambiguous year, with victories and defeats for the multipolar powers in their struggle for a reconfiguration of world geopolitics. Conflicts will continue and there will be many battles in this great global war against Western hegemony. The more reactive the West becomes, the more blood is spilled, but it already seems impossible to prevent the final outcome of this struggle – a multipolar world’s victory.


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2025 is the turning point for globalization. the globalist want to retain power to bring in the new world order and will do everything they can to disrupt and destroy cities and nations in the process of building their world order.


baned from twitter due the fakenews, multpolar lol

Conan M

russia on the unsc since 9/11/2001 knowing what it knew “then” about the 5 dancing i$raeli(s) and the 2 among them that were dual national(s) of both i$rael and russia -but did nothing because the prc and india were in on it!… the briics are the biggest joke with no leaders to move them out of the western lie that is the un/unsc, imf, world bank and opec. putin hasn’t done and won’t do “shit”…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

hold your parents and your children tighter in this deciding year. enjoy what is left of it folks!

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Luigi Macaroni

also russia still moves within the anglo saxon framework of world governmental bodies and institutions as if it can affect change this way .. china is also vested and interested in maintaining the global financial system as is .. for it what propelled their economy to the largest in the world. it’s all a farce

Luigi Macaroni

russia and china are not some heroic nations looking to overturninjustice or economic inequality. they are very much part of the same caste system. if they wanted to be heroic and set a new path forward, they should have enforced international law in syria, regardless of the dangers of a direct confrontation against israel and the us. they showed their cards here. russia is no friend of the global south

Luigi Macaroni

the us and nato are already at war with russia practically, even sending american mercenaries and active nato troops. yet, they were too scared to enforce international law in syria where it mattered. so no, there’s is no multipolarity. there is only the juedo-masonic hegemony which russia is part of.

Luigi Macaroni

and if none of this make sense to you. it is because it is not meant to make sense. just like in the previous world wars. it is all theater to get people to march to their deaths. at the end of the day, the oligarchs of the uk, us, israel, russia, and g7 — are all part of the same elitist conspiracy against humanity and the poor.

Luigi Macaroni

look at trumpo in the us. he just assembled the richest administration in history full of billionaires and multimillionaires. they live in a socialite bubble of decadence and look down on everyone as if their economic circumstances are a testament of their superiority, and your inferiority…

Dr. Silberman

feathers of angel’s wings get you killed

Conan M

cheers… here’s to multipolarity in the “one world order”!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

the wages of sin is death. and all liars go to hell . the bible the truth sets you free you know who the truth is. .whosoever believeth in me shall have everlasting life .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

again yes and no .they know how rhe system works from the inside he doesn’t have time to teach those from outside the inner circle the ropes .


the private and public world’s are bipolrity .here’s a clue remembering they hate the truth it’s for biden .
trumps first wife ivanna died from ,her autopsy states ,from blunt force trauma to her torso. she allegedly fell down her curved heavily carpeted stairs. she was found near the bottom .
i don’t believe that
here ” the president’s brothers death didn’t make front page news… you tube. fill in the blanks .


class war human sacrifice fundamentally for mammon .bottom line .


like this too ” .congo vs apple the 1 trillion lawsuit that could change…” you tube .


wrong .nothings what it seems yoo obviously have never really thought about the law and its operations you’ve never read the history of how confessions have been no trained by torture over centuries for example and so you’re ignorant of how totally anti christian and anti judeo it’s always been to be honest apart from the public face in media the whole western system of canon crown admiralty naritine law ,which is the law as we know it ,is more like a satanic nightmare of sadists imo


here’s an example of msm s complicity in legal co operation .
united health’s shocking scam .” one of the biggest frauds in … you tube
typical. imo .
eg after approx 500 years of the most evil torture for confessions in witch hunting ,in 1990s a small tiny story hidden in the newspaper reported from the them pope, sorry there were no witches. buried away where no one would see it except those who knew their hiding spots .


ask yourself who has founded the vatican? jesus never ordered christians to found a vatican or to hunt down women as witches. joos infiltrated old rome empire, and brought it down into degeneration by open border policy, racemixing and all the sh*t joos today also use against germany + all of europe.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

joos took over the rome empire, destroyed it from within, and then used christianity against it – usurped it and created fake christianity. this so-called judeo-christianity was then forcefully spread throughout the whole world. it was vatican, inquisition, jesuit order, cylibate all this satanic sicknesses. it is jooish !!! wake up ! jesus has nothing to do with that.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

joos took over all the banking systems of all nations worldwide, apart from iran. they installed their pro-jooish puppets as presidents in all nations, an they are bleeding the countries dry. the destroyed the people culture and conscousness, education systems and forced upon them racemixing and pornography.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Conan M

“russia is no friend of the global south”… k. so why does russia remain in those western institution(s) that are trying their best to destory it?… putin is the anti-hero is he not?… hangin around for the frozen bank account(s) to “thaw”-one day before it’s too late???

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

you missed the boat the minute putin entered ukraine our then prime minister rushed into msm gleefully announcing that putin ,the members if the duma and 100s of oligarchs are war criminals .announced the verdict immediately. do you understand his advice and its source ?

Conan M

…”do you understand his advice and its source ?”… no i do not!… because you can’t remain in western backed institutions creating terrorists acts against your own peoples that get worse with time, staying silent when you know it is necessary to protect not only your own, but those member(s) who must know “truth” which is ironically both the charter and laws of the institutions your nation signed up to in order to protect themselves, ie 9/11…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

especially and the russian j**$ who were involved in 9/11 that needed to be eliminated from the highest to the lowest levels after it was allowed to happen -especially when you are sending them to their death(s) defending “your” wealth and power as a billionaire oligarch which putin became when he took the job!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

see here. and old german lady, who was arrested and put in jail for telling the truth, told things very clear. the globalizers are those who ignited worldwar2 and who bomb foreign countries in order to create chaos & floods of migrant, and are the ones who truely have documented extermination plans. https://cuturl.cc/xzj

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Conan M

thanks. listening to the first 10 minutes it reminds me of ralph keeling’s “gruesome harvest”… most “1 visa carrying” american(s) haven’t understood the profound implications of 9/11 and the declaration of a war on terror would inevitably become through attrition to eliminate them over time…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

…in addition to the introduction covid-19 being the start of the “reset” as no turning back… is the equally disturbing chapter in our probate courts of “law” that steal the wealth from the elderly and incapacitated or weak which is nothing less than elder cleansing “genocide” -for profit with it’s silent purpose and objective to accommodate the influx of illegal, green card and h1-b visa “taxpayers” that in earnest are and will continue replacing them as the “new americans”!…

Last edited 2 months ago by Conan M

yes it is all controlled by joos and putin is part of them. joos hat free speech, and even in old rome it was the same with the joos. marcus tullius cicero wrote about it, saying that inside court rooms but also elsewhere, one had to lower ones voice and think twice before speaking out, because the joos had infiltrated everything and might get you prosecuted for not speaking the way they want.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro

doesnt that sound familiar most of us? go to todays germany, or to uk, netherlands, france, belgium, italy, sweden, poland or russia – it’s the same nearly everywhere now apart from the middle east & the usa. what is why the joos have redirected all their stolen money to communist china, because they want usa& europe to cease existing and create world communist-globalist nwo/jwo. brics is just first step in that direction.

Last edited 2 months ago by Figaro
Shlomo's little weenie

jews had the romans intimidated ???


president xi is a member of wef the pope gives them written instructions before every meeting .

Shlomo's little weenie

and your toilet training was botched. jewbot alert ⚠️ . bowel movement comments incoming.

Shlomo's little weenie

not for a lot of syrians, lebanese and palestians it isn’t.

Shlomo's little weenie

putin is shit ! period


garbage there’s only one moral authority for rule of law .

Luigi Macaroni

the crypto-satanist talmudists or the crypto-satanist catholics? or both. both can be defined as masonic today, and not actually jewish or christian.


“the dragon ” ,see the city of london’s symbol statue at the entrance, “empowers the beast ” revelation of john , the beast of the anti christ ..
” they in there hate jesus and christian’s ” pope benedict told us
signs and symbols rule the real world. words are woven like spells to deceive. imo .a tapestry of travesty of the truth imo .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

first the jesuits run the masons i’ve been informed .second the jesuits are continuation of egyptology basically .phariah enslaved the jews jesus is jewish deduction.
the vatican has a horde .of priceless egyptian antiquities hidden away down in the labyrinth of miles of catacombs underground.


like stared above: neighter did the pharaoh enslave the jews nor was jesus a jew. both jooish lies told over a 6 mio times to confuse naive know-nothings. you should understand already by the name of late pharaoh tut moses, that this guy was a joo. so what did happen. it was the same as always.

Last edited 2 months ago by Braddy

joos infiltrated egypt, took over all the institutions, placed a jooish traitor on top as president aka pharaoh and then robbed the nation, eradicated the people by race-mixing finally told a stupid lie about it that the, the joos where the victims which where hunted down by the evil egyptian people and their terrorist dictator pharaoh.

Last edited 2 months ago by Braddy

neighter did the pharaoh enslave the jews nor was jesus a jew. both jooish lies told over a 6 mio times to confuse naive know-nothings. you should understand already by the name of late pharaoh tut moses, that this guy was a joo. so what did happen. it was the same as always.

Last edited 2 months ago by Braddy

joos infiltrated egypt, took over the institutions, placed a jooish traiotr on top as president aka pharaoh and then robbed the nation, eradicated the people by race-mixing finally told a stupid lie about it that the, the joos where the victims which where hunted down by the evil egyptian people and their terrorist dictator pharaoh.

Last edited 2 months ago by Braddy
Red Pancho Villa

buen análisis


and lost of argentina !


multipolarity… how did that work out for the palestinians? i think we all know the singular obstacle to global freedom and sovereign state cooperation… counterfieting central banks and the frauds running them… israeli endlessly after their own fabricated crisis perpetrated to justify genocide… all central bank owned nations…totally cool with that… i guess we will have to go our own way…
