20 More ISIS Fighters Were Killed In New Round Of Clashes Around Hajin

20 More ISIS Fighters Were Killed In New Round Of Clashes Around Hajin

source: sdf-press.com

On November 17, heavy clashes broke out between the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and ISIS around the strategic town of Hajin in the middle Euphrates River Valley. The clashes were likely caused by another attack of the terrorist group.

The SDF media center said that US-backed fighters killed 20 ISIS elements during the clashes. A suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) and a vehicle of the terrorist group were also destroyed.

US-led coalition warplanes backed SDF fighters and carried out more than sixteen airstrikes on the Euphrates valley. The SDF media center claimed that the coalition airstrikes targeted ammo depots, positions and supply routes of ISIS.

“The warplanes managed to destroy two weapons and ammunition depots and blocked a key road that was being used to supply and support the terrorists,” the SDF media center said in its daily press release.

Contrary to the SDF’s claims, Syrian pro-government and opposition sources said that the coalition airstrikes had killed more than 40 civilians. The hHalf of the victims reportedly was children.

The US-led coalition had stepped up its aerial operations in the Euphrates Valley in order to support the SDF, which is still unable to advance in the region due to the fierce resistance from ISIS fighters.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

Unable to advance because of a lack of boots on the ground, the article should have said.


Have the master decided to sacrifice one of his dogs ?

Bill Wilson

The US is reducing their number of employees thru attrition.

northerntruthseeker .

More theatrics here …. US run SDF “attacking” US run ISIS…. This is more of an American fictional movie script rather than the real thing!